MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-~ Festival (3)

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  New Book Trial Chapters (3)


at this time.

  At the entrance of Panshan Village.

  Several villagers were standing in front of the beast's corpse, holding hoes in their hands, looking at the dozen or so people opposite with resentment and unwillingness on their faces.

  The dozen or so people did not look like the villagers of Panshan Village. The leader was a burly man with a machete in his hand. He looked fierce and yelled at the villagers of Panshan Village:

   "If you guys don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being ruthless."

  The villagers of Panshan Village suddenly said angrily: "You, Beishui Village, don't go too far. The tiger, cow and beast were obviously brought down by our village. Why do you say it belongs to you?"

The big man Pang Bao sneered: "Why do you ask me? Well, let me tell you, this tiger, cow, and beast came from the mountain behind our village. It was originally under the management of our village, but now you beat it to death. It would be great to seek compensation from you, do you still want to possess it?"

   "Fart, there are tigers, cows and beasts all over the mountain. How can you say they came from the mountain behind your village? You are clearly trying to grab it."

   "Hehe, what's the matter with robbing you hard? I will rob you today, if you don't accept it, you can fight with me!" Pang Bao sneered, and swung the machete in his hand suddenly, and there was a sound of piercing the air.

  The villagers of Panshan Village immediately turned pale, and involuntarily took a few steps back.

  This Pang Bao is the son of the village head of Beishui Village next door. He is born with supernatural powers, and he has learned a few moves in the town's martial arts gym. His skills are very good.

  At this time, several villagers of Panshan Village faced him, feeling somewhat apprehensive.

   "Hey, you know you're scared, right? Obediently hand over that animal, so as not to suffer in the flesh later." Pang Bao smiled sarcastically.

  However, several villagers in Panshan Village still refused to give in and stood firmly in front of the beast's corpse.

  One of them gritted his teeth and said: "In a few days, it will be the day of paying the tribute. If we fail to meet the requirements this time, the immortal elders will definitely punish us and we must not give in."

   "That's right, it's dead anyway, so it's better to fight with Pang Bao and the others."

   "Yes! Da Zhuang, let's hold on first, and quickly find other people to help."

   "Okay." One of them nodded immediately, turned and ran to the village.

  Pang Bao and others ignored it, sneered, and let Da Zhuang run to call for help.

   "Hehe, calling for help is useless."

   "There are less than 20 strong men in your Panshan Village. They are no match for our brother Bao. Why ask for trouble?"

   "These ignorant idiots!"

  The villagers of Beishui Village joked one after another.

  Pang Bao also sneered again and again, waved the big knife in his hand, carried it on his shoulder, and said:

   "Dare to call for help? It seems that you won't be allowed to see my Pang Bao's wind saber technique. You don't know how powerful I am."

  After speaking, Pang Bao suddenly rushed towards the villagers in the mountain village.

  The machete on his body weighed at least a hundred kilograms, but it didn't affect his speed at all.

   Within a few breaths, he rushed directly in front of the villagers, and slapped them with the machete on his shoulder.

  The complexions of the villagers changed, and they hurriedly raised their hoes to block in front of them.

   But Pang Bao was born with supernatural power, and with a single strike, he immediately snapped off the villagers' hoes with a "bang", and sent several of them flying out at the same time.


  Several villagers seemed to be hit by a ferocious beast. When they fell to the ground, their faces turned pale and they coughed up blood.

  It was just a knife, and several strong villagers were seriously injured on the spot.

  The villagers of Beishui Village applauded immediately.

   "Okay, brother Bao's knife is beautiful!"

   "It's shocking and weeping ghosts and gods!"

   "Haha, these people in Panshan Village don't know what to do. Our brother Bao's supernatural power is completely like a **** blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha."

   "That's right, it's shameless to give face, how can you afford to provoke us brother Bao?"

  Listening to the flattery of the villagers in Beishui Village, Pang Bao was full of complacency and enjoyed it very much.

   "Fuck your mother, you dare to come to Panshan Village to make trouble for any kind of rubbish, are you looking for death?"

   Right at this moment, an angry curse sounded, interrupting the bragging of the villagers in Beishui Village.

  Pang Bao's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes swept towards the entrance of the village.

  I saw a young man wearing rough linen clothes, a white scarf on his head, and a face like a crown jade, walking towards them.

  The person who came was Xu Que!

   On the way here, he had already seen the scene where Pang Bao slapped several villagers of Panshan Village flying with a knife, and he was immediately filled with anger.

Oh shit! How dare you bully such simple villagers, and even in front of me, Xu Que.

   "Little boy, were you scolding me just now?"

  After seeing Xu Que's appearance and thin figure clearly, Pang Bao's gloomy face suddenly showed a ferocious smile.

  Xu Que sneered: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I mean everyone standing here is rubbish."

   Immediately, the scene fell silent.

  The injured villagers of Panshan Village were stunned, staring at Xu Que in a daze, feeling emotional in their hearts.

  This little guy has such a sharp mouth! Cursing people is so innovative.

   Immediately afterwards, the group of people from Beishui Village broke out, pointing at Xu Que and cursing angrily.


   "Damn it, where did you come from, you are looking for death, right?"

   "Brother Leopard, this kid deserves a beating, let us teach him a lesson."

   Everyone cursed, rolled up their sleeves and was about to come up to fight Xu Que.

   "Grand...son, don't be impulsive."

  At this time, a petite figure hurriedly came from the entrance of the village and shouted worriedly.

  Xu Que turned his head and saw that it was Xiaorou who came.

  When everyone in Beishui Village saw Xiao Rou, they were stunned.

   "What a juicy girl!"

   "Damn it, when did Panshan Village produce such a beautiful girl?"

   "It would be great if she married her back home."

  The villagers in Beishui Village talked a lot.

  Pang Bao’s eyes were even brighter, and he stared at Xiao Rou with a greedy look: "Hey, it turns out that there is such a watery woman hidden in Panshan Village. Let me go back to Beishui Village with Lord Bao today."

  Xiao Rou immediately turned pale with fright, and involuntarily hid behind Xu Que, tugged at his sleeve, and whispered, "Mr...Mr.

   "Don't be afraid!"

  Xu Que showed her a gentle smile, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her little head, and said softly: "These people are full of shit, watch me give them a long memory!"

  Xiaorou was stunned for a moment, her little heart was beating fast.

  When she came back to her senses, she found that Xu Que had turned into a back figure, getting further and further away.

"don't want…"

  Xiaorou immediately exclaimed.

  However, Xu Que had already punched Pang Bao who was standing in the front, with a sneer still on the corner of his mouth.

   I was worried about where to go to try the power of the Dragon Soaring Nine Changes trick, but you guys came to your door by yourself, what a surprise.


  Exercising the formula of the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring, Xu Que suddenly heard a roar in his body, and the water essence in his body was mobilized, as if a giant dragon was jumping up from the dantian.

   "Hmph! Ignorant boy, Lord Bao, let me get rid of you first!"

  Pang Bao snorted mockingly, picked up the machete, and slashed at Xu Que.

   But in the next moment, he was completely petrified.

  I saw a faint blue halo rushing from Xu Que's body, circling into the air, turning into a blue dragon, wrapping around Xu Que's body with its teeth and claws.

  A dragon's power that looked down upon the world instantly emanated, enveloping the audience.

   "Dragon Soaring Nine Changes, the first change!"

  Xu Que shouted in a deep voice, clenched his fist and slammed at the machete in Pang Bao's hand.


  Accompanied by a dragon roar, the fist hit the blade hard!

   Immediately following, there was only a trill of "Dang", and the sword broke on the spot.

  Pang Bao was blown away like a kite with a broken string. The blood spit out from his mouth drew a parabola in the air, and finally he fell to the ground hard. After twitching twice, he didn't move again.

  Everyone was stunned, and the audience was silent.


   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for killing Pang Bao, successfully pretending to be aggressive, and gaining ten points of acting aggressive."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for killing Pang Bao and gaining 400 experience points."

  The system prompt sounded in my mind.

  Xu Que was stunned.

  I wipe, I... killed someone?

  Xu Que was a little bit astonished, he just wanted to try the power of the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring, but he didn't expect that with just the first transformation, he killed Pang Bao, who was born with supernatural power, with one punch.

   "Dragon... This... This is a dragon!"

  Suddenly, a voice full of fear came tremblingly.

   Immediately afterwards, the group of people from Beishui Village knelt down on the ground in unison, their faces were full of panic, trembling all over, and kowtowed to Xu Que begging for mercy:

   "Ah! Immortal Chief, Immortal Chief, please spare me!"

   "It's because we have eyes but no eyes, please let the immortals spare us a life..."

kindness? What's the situation?

  Xu Que was taken aback.

   "Plop!" "Plop!"

   Before he could figure out the situation, there were several muffled sounds behind him.

  Xu Que turned his head to look, and was stunned.

  Several villagers of Panshan Village, regardless of their injuries, knelt down to him and begged for mercy, with panic on their faces.

  Looking at Xiao Rou again, she also stayed where she was, her eyes were full of fear.

how so?

  Xu Que couldn't accept it all of a sudden, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the people in Beishui Village bowing down to him.

  But when the simple villagers in Panshan Village bowed down to him, he couldn't bear it.

  Especially when seeing Xiaorou's eyes full of fear, Xu Que felt as if he was being pulled hard in his heart.

   "Folks, what are you doing, get up quickly! I only deal with these bad guys, and I won't hurt you?"

  He hurriedly dissipated his aura, and the dragon-shaped glow on his body suddenly disappeared, and shouted at the villagers of Panshan Village.

  But the faces of the villagers were still full of fear, and they knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word.

  Xu Que was in a hurry, looked at Xiao Ju and said: "Xiao Rou, what... what's going on, please wake up the folks! I have no malicious intentions."

  Xiaorou came back to her senses at this moment, looked at Xu Que in panic and said, " are a fairy..."

   "What a fairy! I'm just like you, I'm a human!"

  Xu Que was very surprised. Are immortal cultivators so scary? Why are they all in awe as if seeing a god.

   "Xiaorou, don't be afraid, I really won't hurt you, please tell me what's going on?"

   "Really?" Xiaorou said timidly.

   "Of course it's true!" Xu Que nodded heavily.

  Seeing this, Xiao Rou regained some color and managed to calm down.

  Afterwards, she told Xu Que about the immortal.

  It turns out that in the east of Panshan Village and Beishui Village, there is a sect of cultivating immortals, which is Tianwuzong.

   Panshan Village and Beishui Village, including other villages within a hundred miles, have always been under the protection of Tianwuzong.

  But every other month, each village needs to pay tribute to Tianwuzong for grain. If a village kills a wild beast, it can use the demon core in the beast's body to replace the grain.

   But once there are no demon cores and food shortages, the village will be punished.

  The people of Tianwuzong will capture some strong men in the village and take them to the mountains. Since then, there has been no news of those strong men, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

  That's why the villagers are so afraid of the cultivators.

  After Xu Que listened to it, his heart burst into flames.

  Tianwu Zong is simply deceiving people too much. Relying on his success in cultivation, he actually oppresses mortals like this, causing the villagers to panic.

   "Didn't you resist?"

  Xu Que couldn't help asking.

   But after asking, he wanted to slap himself.

  Because this question is very idiotic, no matter how weak the people of Tianwuzong are, they are at least at the stage of Qi training, and they are equipped with magic formulas. How could these villagers be opponents.

   "We dare not..." Xiaorou didn't think Xu Que was an idiot, and shook her head and replied.

Xu Que was silent for a moment, leaned towards Xiaorou, and said in a low voice: "Xiaorou, I'll go home first, please explain to the folks that I'm different from those people from Tianwuzong, you tell them not to kneel, don't be afraid Me, I will not hurt people in our village."

   "Well, I believe in you!" Xiaorou nodded heavily, finally she wasn't so scared anymore.

   Xu Que couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. He raised his head and glanced at the people in Beishui Village, and said, "By the way, Xiao Rou, those people in Beishui Village let them continue to kneel and told them not to leave until the sun goes down."

  After giving the order, Xu Que walked towards the village.

   On the way, he met Da Zhuang and others, who arrived late with other villagers.

  When everyone saw him, they hurriedly asked: "Little brother, are you not injured? Where are Pang Bao's group?"

  Xu Que hurriedly stopped them and said, "Folks, there is no need to go. I have already taught Pang Bao and others a lesson, and now let them kneel at the entrance of the village to reflect."

   "Ah! Really?" Everyone was surprised.

   "Of course it's true, I can fight wild animals, let alone Pang Bao!" Xu Que laughed.

  The villagers were overjoyed and shouted, "You're doing well, little brother."

   "Oh! I'm so proud of you." Xu Que also narrowed his eyes with a smile, he just likes this kind of subtle pretense.


  Back to Xiaorou's home, Xu Que lay down directly on the small wooden bed, and heaved a long sigh.

  He knew that after Da Zhuang and the others knew his identity, there would probably be fear left. Even if there was no fear, they definitely wouldn't chat with him as relaxed and happy as before.

   "Oh, forget it, I can't stay here for the rest of my life anyway, and I should leave after I help them solve the tribute payment. The world is so big, I have to go and see it."

  Xu Que cheered up again and sat up from the bed.

   Rolling his eyeballs, he called out the system with his consciousness.

   Immediately, the personal information interface popped up:

   "Host: Xu Que

   Realm: 1st floor of foundation building period (slightly successful)

  Experience Points: 600/2000

  Pretentious value: 15 points

  Cultivation method: "Prime Ancient Five Elements Jue" Elementary Chapter

  Skill: Dragon Nine Changes (Progress 0.1%, mastered the first change)

  Occupation: None

  Status: Consort of the Huoyuan Kingdom in the Eastern Desolation Continent


   "Hey, the progress of the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring has become 0.1? Is it because I just used it once?"

  Xu Que let out a cry of surprise. It seems that the method can also be used to increase the progress, but this speed seems to be a bit slow.

  He was very dissatisfied with this speed. After pondering for a while, he opened the storage space directly, and glanced at the pile of magic weapons and formulas stolen from Tianwuzong's Treasure Pavilion.

   "Just try that recycling function first."

  Xu Que muttered to himself, and began to check the introductions of those spells.

"Lightness Art, hey, it seems that I can use it myself, I'll save it for now." The first method in my eyes is the basic method "Lightness Art" of Tianwuzong, Xu Que thought that he hadn't practiced body method yet Kind of formulas, suddenly interested.

  Then his eyes continued to scan, and various Tianwu patriarchal formulas came into his eyes.

   "Fire Cloud Fist, Li Yan Saber Technique, Dark Fire Sword Art... are useless!"

   After reading dozens of formulas in a row, Xu Que shook his head, really looking down on him.

   After all, it is in the Huo Yuan Kingdom, and almost all the monks have fire-attribute spiritual roots, and all of them practice fire-related formulas.

  But Xu Que felt that these formulas looked a bit too common, and they were not really precious skills of Tianwuzong, so he simply left only one light body technique, and the rest were all recovered by the system.

   "Ding, the recovery of "Fire Cloud Fist" was successful, and three points of the essence of the exercises were obtained."

   "Ding, the "Li Yan Dao Technique" was recovered successfully, and five points of the essence of the practice were obtained."

   "Ding, the "Dark Fire Sword Jue" was recovered successfully, and the essence of eight exercises was obtained."

   "Ding, recycle..."



   After a while, Xu Que sold dozens of formulas from the Treasure Pavilion of Tianwuzong, all of which were completely sold out, leaving a large square in the storage space.

   And this recovery also changed his personal information list.

   "Host: Xu Que

   Realm: 1st floor of foundation building period (slightly successful)

  Experience Points: 600/2000

  Pretentious value: 15 points

  Cultivation method: "Prime Ancient Five Elements Jue" Elementary Chapter

  Skill: Dragon Nine Changes (Progress 0.1%, mastered the first change)

   Essence: Kungfu (530 points)

  Occupation: None

  Status: Consort of the Huoyuan Kingdom in the Eastern Desolation Continent


   Added a "essential" data display.

  Those dozens of formulas have become the essence of 530-point exercises.

   But Xu Que didn't know whether this number was too much or too little.

  So after pondering for a while, he operated the system and applied the essence of ten points of the exercises to "Nine Transformations of the Dragon", and a system prompt sounded in his mind:

   "Ding, consume ten points of the essence of the skill, the upgrade of 'Dragon Teng Nine Changes' is successful, and the current progress is 10%."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully mastering the second transformation of 'Nine Transformations of the Dragon'."

  Damn it, it turns out that ten points of practice essence will increase the progress by ten points?

  And... directly mastered the second transformation of the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring, Nima, this is a huge profit.

  Xu Que was overjoyed.

   Immediately use ninety points of the essence of the exercises, and add all of them to the "Nine Transformations of the Dragon".

   "Ding, consume 90 points of the essence of the skill, 'Dragon Teng Nine Changes' has been successfully upgraded, and the current progress is 100%."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully cultivating the 'Nine Transformations of the Dragon' and mastering the nine transformations."


  Xu Que suddenly felt like a volcano erupted in his body, and his meridians swelled, as if something was rushing through it.

   Immediately after, he vaguely heard a dragon roar, which actually came from his own body.

  Xu Que's eyes widened, and he hurriedly focused on listening.

  But everything has returned to calm, there is no abnormality in the body, and there is no dragon roar in the body.


  Xu Que frowned suspiciously.

   "Boom boom!"

  At this time, someone knocked on the small wooden door, followed by a "squeak" and slowly pushed in.

   It was Xiaorou who came back.

   "Grand... Immortal Elder, I..." When Xiaorou saw Xu Que, she immediately became cautious, as if she didn't know how to address Xu Que.

  Xu Que smiled slightly: "Xiaorou, you don't have to be so cautious. In fact, I am the same as you, but with a little more cultivation. I should be older than you. Why don't you call me brother Xu Que from now on?"

  Xiao Rou pursed her lips, thought for a while, and then nodded with a flushed face: "Well, brother Xu Que, I... I just explained it to the folks, but..."

   But they still can't accept it?

   There is no need for Xiaorou to continue talking, Xu Que has already guessed what she will say next.

   But this is also expected, he is not surprised.

   "Oh, whatever!" He shrugged his shoulders, quite helplessly.

  Xiaorou walked up to him and said seriously: "I believe in you, you are a good person."

  Xu Que suddenly felt guilty.

   Nice guy? He never thought he was a nice guy!

   It's just that he can clearly distinguish which things should be done and which things should not be done.

   For example, bullying these kind and simple villagers, he will never do it.

   But bullying the bullies in Beishui Village, and even the scum of Tianwuzong, he was more than happy to do it.


   Two days later.

  Xu Que still lived in the village, Xiao Rou gave him the room, and she ran to live in a widow's house across the street.

  In the past few days, when the villagers saw him, although they didn't bow down to him like last time, they became extremely awed in their words and deeds.

  Bowed to him every time, and said, "Hello Immortal Elder, what can Immortal Elder tell you?".

   Xu Que felt uncomfortable all over, and in the end he simply didn't go out, and stayed in the room thinking about the system.

  However, on this day, Xiaorou suddenly ran back from the outside, and without taking a break, she said to Xu Que in panic:

   "Brother Xu Que, hurry up."

  Xu Que was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Rou said anxiously: "Brother Da Zhuang just came back from the town and said that many immortals are looking for you with your portrait. On the way, I saw people from Beishui Village go to inform you. The village chief asked me to tell you Leave now, or it will be too late."

   "Want me?"

  Damn it, it must be someone from Tianwuzong.

  Xu Que was immediately annoyed.

  After coming to this world, he also offended the group of Tianwuzong people.

   Moreover, they evacuated their Treasure Pavilion by themselves, and they would never let it go.

   "Brother Xu Que, hurry up and leave, those immortals can fly, they will come soon." Xiao Rou hurriedly urged, while preparing her luggage for Xu Que.

  Xu Que hurriedly pressed her little hand, shook his head and said, "Xiaorou, I can't leave. If I leave, what will those people do if they blame you?"

   "It's okay, the village chief said that the fairy elders will not care about us, and everyone has already hid in the cellar, you come with me first."

   After Xiaorou finished speaking, she grabbed Xu Que's hand and rushed out.

  Xu Que frowned slightly, and followed her to a small hut at the end of the village.

  The thatched hut was very dilapidated. As soon as Xu Que walked in, he immediately smelled a musty smell, like an old house that had been empty for many years.

  But Xiaorou walked towards a cabinet, and pushed the cabinet away with ease, and a passage leading to the underground appeared in front of her eyes.

  Xu Que was stunned, there was such a thing in a small village.

   "This is a cellar dug out by everyone to avoid being taken away by the elders, and it can lead to the foot of the back mountain. Brother Da Zhuang and the others are all inside now, follow me."

  Xiao Rou said while pulling Xu Que inside.

  Xu Que heard her that all the villagers were inside, so he didn't object, and followed her all the way.

  The cellar was dug very casually, but it was more solid and spacious. After the two walked for a while, a crowd appeared in front of them.

  More than a dozen villagers are hiding inside.

  Seeing Xu Que, everyone said "Hello, Elder Immortal" full of respect.


  Xu Que suddenly realized something was wrong, the number of people was wrong!

   "What about the others? Why didn't you come in more?"

   he asked hurriedly.

  Xiaorou explained: "The village head and other people are guarding outside. If the elders don't see anyone, they will definitely be suspicious. Brother Xu Que, hurry up, and don't come back in the future..."

   "No, I absolutely can't leave." Xu Que said immediately.

  He knew that if he left, these innocent villagers would definitely be angered.

  Xiaorou suddenly became anxious: "Listen to me, if you don't leave, they will kill you."

   "That's right! Immortal Chief. I went to the town and saw the arrest warrants that said, if you see you, you can be killed on the spot, as long as you take your body to Tianwuzong." Da Zhuang also hurriedly persuaded.

  The rest of the villagers also persuaded Xu Que to leave quickly.

  Xu Que was indifferent, he had a system, and he had also cultivated the dragon to the peak. If he activated the ninth transformation, he would be able to kill all the monks who were connected to the alchemy stage, so there was no need to be afraid.

  The only thing to worry about is that the old woman from Tianwuzong will come over in person, and then he can only use the last "Elementary Divine Movement Escape Talisman" to take everyone away.


  At this moment, a loud noise came from outside, followed by Xu Que, who felt a violent shaking under his feet, as if the forest outside had collapsed.

   Immediately after, a sound like a reprimand came from afar: "You are presumptuous, where is this person? Hurry up and hand him over."


  The faces of all the villagers in the cellar suddenly changed.

   "No, those fairies are here."

  Xiaorou also panicked, looked at Xu Que and said:

   "Brother Xu Que, hurry up! If you don't leave, it will be too late."

   "That's right! Xiaorou is right, you have to leave quickly, you can't delay any longer."

   "Prince Immortal, hurry up, we can handle it."

   "Yes! At worst, we will fight with them..."


  Everyone urged anxiously.

  Xu Que's heart trembled suddenly!

  These simple and honest villagers faced a great disaster. Instead of confessing themselves, they tried every means to cover themselves to escape.

  At such a time, if I am really greedy for life and afraid of death and run away, am I still human?


  At this time, there was another loud noise, and the entire cellar was shaking, as if it was about to collapse, and gravel kept falling.

   Then there was a sound from outside!

   "You group of ants are so bold."

   "A mere mortal, how dare you cover up the enemy we want to hunt down?"

   Immediately afterwards, the begging of the villagers outside came in from afar:

   "Excuse me! We really don't know where he is."

   "Yes, Immortal Elder, we haven't seen him since we woke up, he has already left."


   "Hmph, I can only blame you for being unlucky, kill me."

   "Prince Immortal, please forgive us..."



   "Ah! The village chief..."

  Suddenly, countless screams came in.


   Immortal cultivators, cultivate your sister!

  Even these simple mountain people have the heart to kill them!

  I'm fighting with you! Kill you to pay for your life!

  Xu Que clenched his fists tightly, trembling all over, completely angry.

  He turned around directly, and rushed up.

   "Brother Xu Que, you can't go..."

  Xiaorou and the other villagers didn't have time to react, and wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.

  Can't care so much anymore, Xiao Rou bit her lip and immediately chased after her.

   "Xiao Rou, what are you doing?"

   Da Zhuang and a group of villagers didn't have time to stop her. After yelling, they gritted their teeth and chased after her.

   And Xu Que rushed upwards with red eyes like a madman.


  The cupboard at the exit was directly smashed by him, Xu Que rushed out like a wild beast, and rushed to the entrance of the village.

   What caught his eyes was an extremely cruel picture.

  Many villagers fell into a pool of blood, and they still maintained a terrified expression before they died. Others fell to their knees one after another, begging for mercy.

  The dozen or so immortal cultivators in the air were flying with their swords in the air, with their hands behind their backs, high above them, looking down on all this indifferently.

  At this time, the sword glow formed by the condensed fire energy aura fell down, ignoring the villagers' begging for mercy, and fell directly towards them.

   "Stop it!"

  Xu Que roared angrily, rushed over quickly, and blocked the group of villagers in the nick of time.


  He was seriously injured by the sword light on the spot, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, which fell directly on the ground.

   "Brother Xu Que..."

   "Xu Xianchang..."

  The villagers were all stunned, including Xiao Rou and Da Zhuang who ran out after them, their eyes became moist all of a sudden.

  For a long time, they felt that they were mere ants in front of the immortals, who could crush them to death with one finger.

  But now, Xu Que, regardless of his life, directly rushed up to hold those immortal spells and saved their villagers.

   This deeply shocked the hearts of the villagers, and the emotion and sadness turned into tears.


   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for successfully pretending to be aggressive and gaining fifty points of acting aggressive."

  The system's prompt sounded.

  Xu Que ignored it, raised his head, and fixed his eyes on the group of immortal cultivators in the air.

  The cultivators squinted their eyes one after another, recognized Xu Que, and immediately sneered.

   "Hehe! It seems that this turtle is willing to come out?"

   "If you come out earlier, these mortals will not die."

   "Although I don't know your origin, but I heard that you were wanted by Tianwuzong after robbing Tianwuzong's treasure pavilion, so don't even think about leaving alive today."

   "Those things you stole, now belong to us."

   "Hehe, but we didn't expect that you would run out to die for these stupid mortals. I really don't know whether to say you are stupid or stupid or stupid and stupid? Haha..."

  The immortal cultivators whose hands were stained with the blood of the villagers all laughed loudly.

  They were high above them, looking at Xu Que with pitiful and mocking eyes, as if they regarded Xu Que as an ant under their feet, which could be crushed with a light step.

  However, at this moment, Xu Que supported his body, raised his head and swept towards these immortal cultivators fiercely.

   "Before, I liked to pretend."

  Suddenly, Xu Que said lightly, interrupting the laughter of the cultivators!

  Although the tone was flat, it exuded a kind of confidence, sonorous and powerful, with a loud voice!

  The cultivators in the air were all taken aback, looking at each other, unable to understand the meaning of Xu Que's words.

  The villagers also stared blankly at Xu Que, their hearts clenched tightly.

  Holding his hands on the ground, Xu Que slowly stood up. The injury just now has been restored by him with the repair function of the system.

  And a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, as if mocking himself, he continued: "It feels good to pretend, but I know it's not something glorious."

   "Today, I can obviously escape."

   "But I didn't! I chose to stand up."

"because I know…"

   "It's a bit forced, I have to pretend."

   "Some people, even if they pretend to be forced, they have to do their best to protect them!"

  “I don’t think I’m a good person, but I never hurt the innocent!”

   "And you people..."

Xu Que suddenly raised his head, his dark eyes glowed with coldness, and he roared angrily, "You guys, you're a **** cultivator, relying on a little **** cultivation and spells, wantonly bullying and killing these simple mountain Folks! Good! Today, none of you will leave alive!"


  In an instant, Xu Que burst into a faint blue glow, and the light beam shot up into the sky.


   A dragon's whistle roared out from his body, which shocked the surroundings immediately, and the world changed color.

  The faint blue glow turned into nine giant dragons in the air, circling and dancing, entangled and intertwined.

  All the cultivators present were moved.

"what happened?"

   "What kind of formula is this?"

   "There is such a big movement, could it be an ancient fairy art?"

   "It must be, only the ancient fairy art can have such a movement."

   "Tianwuzong's arrest warrant says that this person only has the tenth level of the Qi training period. I didn't expect to be promoted to the first level of the foundation building stage so quickly. There must be other treasures on him."

   "Kill him and take the fairy art."


   Immediately, the eyes of a dozen or so immortal cultivators lit up, full of greed, stepped on the flying swords, turned into streamers, and rushed towards Xu Que one after another.

  Ancient fairy art? The temptation is too great.

   "Looking for death!"

  Xu Que stood where he was and let out a roar.

   He clenched his fists and rushed directly to the first immortal cultivator.

   "Dragon Soaring Nine Changes, the first change!"


   Immediately, a light dragon rushed out from the Nine Dragons, poured towards the top of Xu Que's head, and wrapped around him.


  Xu Que punched the Immortal Cultivator's flying sword hard, and his body was shaken back two steps, but the Immortal Cultivator was unscathed.

   "Hehe, you are overestimating your capabilities. How dare you fight against me at the alchemy stage?" The immortal cultivator sneered, and continued to fight towards Xu Que with his sword.

   "Is the alchemy period? Good."

  Xu Que sneered, his eyes were cold, he activated the five spiritual roots, and completely unleashed the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring. He clenched his fist and charged at the immortal cultivator again.

   "Dragon Soaring Nine Transformations Second Transformation, open!"

   "The third change!"

   "The fourth change!"

   "Fifth change!"


   "Ninth change, open..."

  In an instant, all nine dragons poured into the top of Xu Que's head, no longer wrapped around his body, but completely condensed into a huge dragon shape, wrapping Xu Que in it.

  He rushed towards the cultivator, just like a giant dragon descending from the sky.

  A wave of supreme divine power that looked down on the world suddenly covered the audience.

"How can this be?"

  The immortal cultivator's face turned pale immediately, shocked by the sudden momentum, a strong fear welled up in his heart.

  He wanted to run, but it was too late!

  Xu Que seemed to have turned into a giant dragon, and his fist was like a dragon's head, hitting him directly.


  Suddenly, the immortal cultivator didn't even have time to let out a scream, and was blasted to ashes on the spot, leaving nothing left.

   There was an instant silence on the field, the sound of a needle falling could be heard, it was eerily quiet.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for killing Liu Bei, a cultivator in the alchemy stage, and gaining 10,000 experience points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for successfully pretending to be aggressive and gaining ten points of acting aggressive."

  The system prompt sounds.

  Xu Que's eyes didn't stop, he swept away and stared at other cultivators rushing from all directions.

   But that group of people has been scared silly.

  The powerful alchemist at the alchemy stage...was killed by a single punch from the foundation establishment stage, and instantly annihilated?

  Grass, this guy... is it really just the first floor of the foundation building stage?

   Those **** of Tianwuzong also said that there is only the Qi training period, this **** is about to catch up with the Jindan period and complete it! How to fight?


   "Go back and report to the master, let the elders come and kill this person."

   Immediately, the remaining immortal cultivators tried their best to stop their flying swords frantically, and turned around to try to escape.

  Xu Que had a icy cold smile on his face: "I told you so! Today... none of you can leave."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for successfully exchanging "Three Thousand Thunders", consuming ten pretense points."

  Three thousand thunder moves, from the physical fighting skills of Dou Break the Sky, the earth-level magic formula, divided into three levels: Lei Shan, Lei Shun, and three thousand thunder moves!


  Xu Que didn't hesitate, and directly learned this formula, and used the essence of one hundred exercises.

   "Ding, consume 100 points of merit, 'Three Thousand Thunders' has been successfully upgraded, and the current progress is 100%."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the cultivation of 'Three Thousand Thunder Movements' and mastering the movement technique of Three Thousand Thunder Movements. Do you want to exchange for the advanced formula "Three Thousand Thunder Illusions"?"

  Three Thousand Lightning Illusions? Haha, no need, three thousand thunderbolts are enough to deal with this group of scum!

  Xu Que sneered, turned on the automatic repair function, and continuously restored the aura in the body, keeping the state at its peak.

  At the same time, a group of thunder erupted under his feet, the arcs intertwined, crackled, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.


  The next moment, he appeared in front of a cultivator who was fleeing with a sword, with a cold look on his face: "Where are you going?"

   "Ah... no..." The immortal cultivator's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

  However, Xu Que punched him with the Nine Transformations of the Dragon Soaring Nine Transformations, and instantly wiped him out.

   Immediately following, the thunder under his feet flickered again, like thunder.

  He killed the next immortal cultivator...


   "No, stop it..."

   "We are disciples of Luoyang Sect, affiliated to Tianwu Sect, how dare you... ah..."

  Suddenly, the sky above Panshan Village was filled with various screams.

   Kill kill kill kill kill kill...

  With red eyes, Xu Que had countless murderous thoughts in his heart, and he simply ignored the begging and threats of those immortal cultivators.

  He only knows that these immortal cultivators, **** it! He deserves to be hacked into pieces, not to be reincarnated!

   At the same time, Xu Que's mind kept ringing the system's notification tone.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for killing Li Huan, an immortal cultivator in the alchemy stage, and gained 10,000 experience points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for killing Wang Shan, a perfect immortal cultivator in the foundation establishment period, and gained 8,000 experience points."



  Xiaorou and all the villagers looked up blankly.

  They couldn't see Xu Que's figure, they only captured a thunderbolt flashing in the air, accompanied by the appearance of a huge blue light dragon, those cultivators turned into blood mist and disappeared without a trace.

   Not long after, more than a dozen immortal cultivators were all slaughtered.

  It was raining at the entrance of Panshan Village, and it was a rain of blood!

   That is the blood of the monks!

   There are even powerful monks in the alchemy stage!

  Xu Que used them to commemorate the villagers who were killed.


  The villagers standing below were completely stunned.

  They had never seen so many immortals before, and the ones just now were much more powerful than the demon cores collected in the village in the past.

  However, so many powerful immortals were almost wiped out by Xu Que within a few breaths, and none of them survived! this a dream?


  After a few breaths, Xu Que returned to the ground.

  Under the awed and grateful gaze of the villagers, he remained silent, still clenched his fists, and slowly approached the corpses of the villagers who had been killed.

   There was a moment of silence.

  Xu Que bowed deeply to them!


   "I'm late!"

   "Old village chief, rest in peace!"

   "I assure you, Panshan Village must be well guarded, and those scumbags will never let them bully them."

  Xu Que silently assured in his heart.


  The setting sun was like blood, and Panshan Village was bleeding like a river. The villagers who survived were also silent.

  They, like Xu Que, clenched their fists, bowed to the dead old village head and others, and then knelt down to Xu Que with a bang.

   "Everyone, don't kneel to me! I feel ashamed in my heart. It was I who harmed the old village chief and the others. But please rest assured, I will definitely protect Panshan Village."

  Looking at these simple mountain people, Xu Que felt something called "a sense of mission" for the first time.

   After everything settled down, he, Da Zhuang and others carried the dead villagers into the back mountain, buried them in the soil and erected tombstones.

  The next day, Xu Que went to the small wooden couch in Xiaorou's home alone, and called out the system interface.

  Since he has taken on the important task of guarding Panshan Village, he must take action as soon as possible.

   "Host: Xu Que

   Realm: 1st floor of foundation building period (slightly successful)

  Experience Points: 125000/2000

  Pretentious value: 185 points

  Cultivation method: "Prime Ancient Five Elements Jue" Elementary Chapter

  Skills: Dragon Nine Changes (Consummation); Three Thousand Thunders (Consummation)

   Essence: Kungfu (330 points)

  Occupation: None

  Status: Consort of the Huoyuan Kingdom in the Eastern Desolation Continent


  The data in the personal information has obviously changed.

To Xu Que's surprise, after killing the group of immortal cultivators, he gained more than 100,000 experience points, but because he hadn't redeemed the intermediate chapter of "Prime Ancient Five Elements Jue", he couldn't upgrade for the time being, and the experience was stored up.

   And the pretense value has reached 185 points, which is enough to exchange for the middle-level chapter, which makes Xu Que feel like he got rich overnight!

   But he was not in a hurry to exchange for the intermediate chapter of "Imperial Five Elements Jue", lying on the wooden bed, thinking about it.

  Although those cultivators were beheaded, the news of him being in Panshan Village will definitely be known to others.

  Because of the arrest warrant issued by Tianwuzong, many sects of cultivating immortals are chasing and killing him. Once the number of people coming increases, and there are even monks in the Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage, then he may not be able to care about the safety of all the villagers.

  So, the best choice is to make Panshan Village stronger first.

  How to be strong?

It is impossible to mobilize the villagers to practice collectively, not to mention the lack of time, even Xu Que still does not know what cultivation is all about. practice.

  However, this does not mean that there is no way!

  Xu Que smiled lightly, opened the system mall function, and focused his eyes on the "array" column.

  Before, he was not very interested in the column of formations, and he did not take the initiative to check it.

   But now the situation is urgent. In Panshan Village's situation, the best way is to set up a big killing array and kill whoever comes.

  The formations in the mall are divided into many levels, roughly as follows:

   "Basic formation, elementary formation, intermediate formation, high-level formation, spiritual formation, ancient fierce formation..."

  Behind the ancient fierce formation, there are also several unknown ranks, which Xu Que has no authority to view.

  So out of curiosity, Xu Que opened the highest level of ancient fierce array, and then he was shocked!

   "The formation of killing immortals, the formation of killing immortals and destroying gods, the formation of purgatory soul-eating, the formation of Chi You killing..."

  He couldn't help swallowing.

  These formations... are really **** worthy of the ancient evil formations!

  Look at that name, both Zhu Xian and Mi Shen, if you use it to pretend to be aggressive, it will destroy the rhythm of heaven and earth!

   Just the price...

   Shit, it's too expensive, a Jade Immortal Formation girl actually costs thousands of pretense, how many times will you have to pretend to be a fool to achieve it.

  But to deal with a sect like Tianwuzong, there is no need for such a high-end fierce formation.

   "Let's look at formations of other levels first."

  Xu Que shook his head and muttered, and directly checked the column of intermediate formations.

  But when he saw that the cheapest middle-level formation cost more than two hundred pretentious values, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he could only silently enter the options of the elementary formation.

   Fortunately, the price of the elementary formation is finally not so scary, the average price is around 80 points, which made Xu Que heave a long sigh of relief.

   After scanning it carefully, he took a fancy to two of the formations.

  【Taiyi Qiankun Formation】:

  Derived from the remnant formation of the ancient **** formation, it has the transformation of yin and yang, and overcomes rigidity with softness. It can make the entrants fascinated, retreat into a dilemma, and let the defenders have the advantage of attacking and defending in one! (Note: This formation is not valid for those who are strong in the infant transformation stage and above.)

  Price: 65 pretense points.

  【Eight Desolation and Four Elephant Formation】:

  Derived from the ancient guardian map of the four elephants and beasts, the layout is vast, and the phantoms of the four great beasts, Dongqinglong, Xibaihu, South Suzaku, and Beixuanwu, guard the surrounding area. (Note: This formation is not valid for those who are strong in the infant transformation stage and above.)

  Price: 80 pretense points.

  Both are extremely powerful formations, and the prices are different, which makes Xu Que hesitate.

  Like the Taiyi Qiankun Formation, it is more soft, which can give the village the advantage of both offense and defense. For example, when the immortal cultivators are in a state of fascination, everyone can stand outside the formation to plot against them and smash them hard with bricks and hoes.

  The Eight Desolation and Four Elephant Formation is obviously a little easier. Just lay out the formation, and there will be phantoms of the four great beasts in charge of defending the formation. Come to kill one by one, or a group to kill a group. It is very violent and cruel.

   After hesitating for a while, Xu Que decided to exchange for the "Eight Desolation and Four Elephant Formation".

  Because dealing with those cultivators requires violence and cruelty.



  【OK, let’s put it here. For details, please search for "The Strongest Pretending to Slap Your Face System"! 】

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion