MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 182 Return to zero

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The influence of the war was very great, and the Yuanyuan was completely destroyed. Only the six-wheeled skywheel built by the chaotic stone stood on the chaotic sea in the sky. The endless old man and the promise son were each severely wounded. The son of the four sons failed to complete the work and destroyed the two.

In the battle of Zuting Yujing City, the three forces fought hard, and the death and injury were heavy.

When Qin Mu went to Zujing Yujing City, he was chasing the endless old man and the protagonist, and he had to give up the two to return to Yujing City.

They have the strength to kill the endless old man and the Promise, but in that case, the forces of Zuting Yujing City are bound to be uprooted by Qin Mu.

In order to preserve the ancestral home of Yujing, they had to give up this great opportunity.

Qin Mu led the strongest of Yankang to withdraw from Yujing City, and at the same time he took out the protection of the forces of the unruly old man to retreat, so that the strong people who were under the arm of the endless people were amazed.

"You are dead, it is cheaper than the three sons of the Mi Luo Palace."

After Kaihuang and Qin Mu and others broke together, they explained to those people: "Tai Shi can resolve the blood sacrifice, but only part of the power. When you die, the three sons will accumulate more energy and facilitate their coming. So you are still dead. Wait until the beginning of the blood sacrifice energy is gone, you can die."

The strong man of the endless old man had a bit of gratitude, and the last gratitude of the message disappeared.

"Old Seven!"

The son of Ling Xiao knows that he can't leave them, immediately ordered to stop chasing, and Qin Yu is far away, cold and cold: "The second sister is still released, you even ruined the return to the market, she will sooner or later One day, I returned to the peak state. At that time, it was the disaster of all living beings! This evil fruit must be counted on your head!"

Qin Mu recalled the cosmic flood clock and hung it in front of the chaos hall. He was opposite to him: "The third child, the arrival of the Miluo Palace, will destroy the heavens and the world, and let the 17th century universe directly fall into the collapse and destruction. The death of the soul. This evil fruit, who should be counted on the head? The teacher's order is to let you each return to the birth of your own universe, but you are against the teacher's life, how should this count?"

The son was stunned with a gun and snorted: "The teacher turned his back on his philosophy. As a disciple, he continued to move forward with the idea of ​​picking up the teacher. This is the real successor of his old man! The seven sons of Miro Palace, only me. And Zi Yan is the person who inherits the concept of his old man. Others, such as you, such as the Promise, such as Taishang, are betrayal!"

Qin Mu laughed and threw himself away.

The son of Ling Xiaomu sent him away, led the public back to the Miluo Palace, but did not see the son Zi Zi.

"The four sons have returned to the past."

The enlightened person who was in charge of the flesh by the four sons restored his control of the flesh at this time: "When he left, I felt strong sorrow and thoughts in his heart."

The son Ling Xiao silent, knowing that Zi Yan is because of the killing of the Moon Tian Zun to interrupt the Zizhen Zheng Dao, and evoke his thoughts on his deceased wife.

"Dang Daoyou, you have experienced the flesh and blood in the market, and it has been shattered. Later, it was pierced by the old seven-one sword, but it was not hurt. It is very weird."

The son of Ling Xiao returned the body to Yan Tianzun and said: "The old seven is very incomparable. It is hard to say whether he has hidden any mystery in that sword, but I probed it, but I did not feel any magical residue. But this can not be done. No, you are the enlightened person of my Mire Palace, I will not watch you hurt."

He called many of the lords and enlightened people of the Palace of the Miluo, and told him: "The roots of the priests are shallow, you can teach him the magical way of my Miyako Palace, whether it is an enlightened or a lord, or our son. Dafa magical powers can be left to learn from him. He has a mental injury in his eyebrows, and you have to study it carefully to see if he has been moved by the old seven. I need to go to see the fourth, so that his heart is not damaged."

Everyone called it.

In the heart of the heavens, he was shocked and delighted. This time he can be regarded as a blessing in disguise and finally get the approval of the Miluo Palace.

"How powerful is the Taoist magical power of the Miluo Palace? It is also the way that the Taoist gods who came into contact with the Miluo Palace began to rise. The cultivation of strength will leave me far away! If I have the inheritance of the Mire Palace, The speed of cultivation will only be faster than him, and it will not be slower than him! This is the time to run, is it very good!"

He is confident that he is not weaker than others. What he lacks is only an opportunity. Now the opportunity finally comes to him!

The enlightened and the lord of the Yujing City inspected the sword wounds of the forehead of Yan Tianzun one by one, but even the son of Ling Xiao did not find any residual magical powers, and they naturally found nothing.

Everyone inspected the body of Yan Tianzun and found no hidden dangers.

Yan Tianzun smiled and said: "The princes can rest assured. Although I did not participate in the battle of the market, I was watching the whole process. At that time, the seven sons Qin Mu had exhausted all his abilities to disintegrate the market, and there was no power to come to the son. Ling Xiao started. His sword is nothing but a bluff."

"I hope so."

The crowd put down the matter and led him to enter the treasure house of the Mi'e Palace, let him watch it, saying: "The magical method of the Miro Palace can be learned by anyone. You can learn from the Taoist friends. If you don't understand, don't you, let's ask us."

Yan Tianzun was shocked and happy, even claiming to thank, said: "The classics of the masters of the Miluo Palace, can you learn?"

The head of Huadu Temple smiled and said: "You can also learn. Not only can the enlightened people of the Miluo Palace learn the teacher's Taoist magical powers, but everyone else can learn. The classics of the Miluo Palace are never secret."

He took a deep look at Yan Tianzun, which means profoundly: "However, if you can learn how much you can understand the mystery, you will be fully personally savvy. You are very savvy, but the foundation is not strong, I suggest you It is still to learn from the scholastics of the lords and enlightened people, first to firmly root the foundation. After you have a solid foundation, you will learn the scholastics of the sons, and finally you will be exposed to the teacher's school. This is easier to get started. Unless there is a talented savvy person with a son."

Yan Tianzun said with awe: "The stupid bird flies first, I am willing to pay more for snacks, first learn the teacher's school."

The other lords smirked and led him to the collection left by the owner of the Miluo Palace, leaving him here and leaving.

Yan Tianzun’s heart beats and screams: “My luck has finally arrived! Mutian Zun’s enlightenment of a Hongmeng rune can become a seven son, and I will be the master of the Miro Palace, and the achievements will be far above him!”

He opened the first book, which is a book made of the same **** gold as the World Gold Boat, which is marked with the words written by Hongmen Rune.

Yan Tianzun looked at his eyes wide, dizzy, and looked at it for a long time. He didn't understand a word.

To understand the texts on this classic, you first need to understand all the changes in the Hongwen rune, and then you can understand the mystery from the words!

In this book, the message contained in any one of the texts is only comparable to the message of a boulevard!

After a long time, Hao Tianzun put down this book, and went to look at other books, and everything is the same!

He is wise and incapable of understanding a word!

"The masters of the Miro Palace can't understand the classics, so they will retreat to the next school to see the few sons of the Milo Palace!"

He fixed his mind and came to the side of the book that was left by the Dagongzi. He opened a book and his face was black.

I saw that Dagongzi wrote his own Taoist magical powers too much, and it used to be exactly the same as the master of the Miluo Palace!

Yan Tianzun came to the second son's Promise, and his face was black. There was no text on the two books of the Promise, and there were only a bunch of incomprehensible symbols.

He came to the side of the classics left by the three sons, Ling Xiao, and opened a copy of the book, which was written by Ling Xiao on the Taoist supernatural master of the Miluo Palace.

However, even if it is a comment, it cannot be understood!

It is only possible to understand these notes if you have a deep understanding of the most basic Hongmen Runes.

Yan Tianzun came to the side of the four sons of Zizhu, and Ziyan’s classics are also an annotation to the Taoist masters of the Miro Palace.

He went to the five sons without a sect, and the six sons were silent before the classics, and all these books are also true.

Before he came to the book of Qigongzi's chaos, he hesitated, and said: "The stone of the mountain can attack jade. Although Qin Mu is my dead rival, but the death of the head does not hinder me from understanding his magical magic!"

He opened the classics and saw that the runes on the gold book were like ghosts and they could not understand!

Yan Tianzun’s eyes were black and black. Suddenly, the rune change on the gold book became a text he could recognize, but it was a series of numbers, which were accurate to the number of ignorance.

And those numbers are constantly changing.

昊天尊合上秦牧's classics, I wondered: "The chaos of the son is really a chaos, it is difficult to understand... oh, weird!"

Although he closed the golden book, he still showed the series of beating numbers!

昊天尊揉 blinked his eyes, but the string of numbers is like a brand in his eyes, still there, and still changing!

"Is it true that Qin Muzhi will see the books he left here at this time, so ambushing the magic in the book? I can't!"

His heart is flustered. The series of constantly changing numbers seems to be timing. It should be the unit of time. The first is the year, the back is the month, the month to the year is ten binary, then the back is the day, and the day to the moon is three. Decimal.

The day is followed by the hour, ten binary, and the subsequent hexadecimal is finer, and has come to the decimal point.

The beating of characters does not seem to follow the rules. It is actually the result of different stages in each stage.

"These characters are decremented. What happens when everything goes to zero?"

The figure for the year is 93. That is to say, after ninety-three years, the figures in his eyes will all be attributed to zero.

For the time being, Tian Tianzun put down the matter and went to see the master of the temple. However, it was still difficult to understand. In the end, he had to come to the scholastics of the enlightened people to learn their understanding of the sacred runes of the masters of the Miluo Palace.

At this time, the son of Ling Xiao came to the Tenth Age and stood in front of the chaos of the Tenth Age and looked into the Chaos River.

In the long river of chaos, the son Zi Zi returned to the time when his wife died. The universe has already appeared to be in a state of great disintegration. When the robbery is about to erupt, he and his wife are closely embracing each other.

The son looked at this scene, he knows, Zi Yan has repeated this last warmth many times.

Every time he misses his deceased wife, he will always go back here, enter the annihilation, return to himself in the 10th century, hold his favorite wife, and then struggle, struggle hard, and want to save all this.

However, everything is in vain.

This time, the same is true.

The son of Ling Xiao did not continue to read it, but also dispelled his intention to console the purple, and left.

Some injuries are incurable to him.

"Purple, only defeat the old seven, come to the seventeenth, continue the teacher's philosophy, you will be able to save your wife!"

The son of Ling Xiao silently said: "Now, no one interferes with your heart, I hope that you can cheer up and fight for the future!"

"Yue Tianzun?" On the ferry of the world, Zhang Dong looked at the east, did not find the moon, and did not understand.

She has the best relationship with Yuetian Zun and the deepest source. The two often teamed up against the enemy. However, she did not see the moon in this war, and her heart was inevitably embarrassed.

Qin Muwen said: "Moon Tianzun went to the 14th century universe. In the future, I will go back to the past and meet her there."

He looked at him deeply, but did not continue to ask.

On the other side, the endless old man and the son of the promise get a chance to breathe and hide and heal. The endless old man is because of the relationship of the world tree. Anyone knows where he is, but there is no trace of it, no one knows.

Unconsciously, after ninety-three years, on this day, Zuting Yujingcheng attacked Yankang people, and Tiantian Zunxiu was soaring in strength, full of confidence, and alone against Kaihuang Qinye.

Kaihuang Qinye looked at him with a glance, and shook his head: "Hey, your death is here."

In the eyes of Hao Tianzun, the last number continually leaps and suddenly returns to zero.

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