MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 186 Endless owing

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Under the world tree, the endless old man sat still and his eyes were deep, as if he could penetrate all the history of the past and the present.

Sixteen chaotic long rivers surround this ancient tree. The roots of the world tree must run through sixteen chaotic long rivers. Each of the universe has countless strong people who use the roots of this ancient tree to save their lives.

They are born or dead, can they rob themselves, and they are all between the endless old people.

Born only seventeen years old, a universe is one year.

This is the endless old man.

Today is his seventeenth year. The vicissitudes of history are just a picture for him. The joys and sorrows of countless lives are just dusty and small lives.

He only cares about himself.

Since the injury to the market in the battle of 3.5 billion years ago, he has been sluggish. The injury hurt him even more than the easy-cut tree. Qin Mu did not choose to kill him, but gave him The opportunity to escape, but he is not grateful to Qin Mu.

The reason why Qin Mu did not dare to kill him was mainly because he killed him, which would lead to the arrival of the three sons and four sons.

In the next 3.5 billion years, the four sides attacked, and Qin Mu still helped him to resist the Miluo Palace from time to time, and even shot to help the son of the Promise.

However, Qin Mu has already restricted them to death.

Since Qin Mu destroyed the Yuanyuan and re-sealed the emptiness of the ancestral court, the son of the son lost the source of strength. If he wants to return to the peak state, he can only rely on his own step by step cultivation.

The endless old man also lost the source of power. His prehistoric powerhouse has no new enlightened people.

If you want to be enlightened, there is only one way, and that is the ancestral system.

He could not let his prehistoric strongman practice Yankang's ancestral moral system, because if the prehistoric strongman enlightened with the help of the ancestral Taoist system, he would not have a slight advantage.

Promise has never been able to return to its peak state, and he has experienced 3.5 billion years of growth and is also slow to enter.

He knows the purpose of Qin Mu, nothing more than delaying time, giving the so-called Yankang reform more opportunities, allowing Yankang to grow up.

He even calculated how many people left by Qin Mu every time, how many people came in from the outside world, and estimated the strength of Yankang.

Previously, the number of new enlightened people in Yankang was very scary, but later, this trend slowed down, especially in recent years, new enlightened people are getting less and less, and even in the last 20,000 years there are no new enlightened people. appear.

Yankang has only 3,000 enlightened people in total, and the number looks a lot, but it is still too small compared to the accumulation of 16 universes.

Since then, the endless elderly have realized that the Yankang reform has encountered great problems.

The problem should be that there are no external problems.

Yankang has no external troubles, and there is no sense of urgency. The people are too comfortable with the status quo, resulting in no aggressiveness and no fighting spirit.

As for the change, it is therefore difficult to sustain.

After the endless old man realized this, he figured out another possibility. Qin Mu wanted to start.

For 3.5 billion years, the purpose of Qin Mu’s delaying time is to strengthen Yankang’s reforms and give Yankang more time to change the law. Now that the reforms are difficult to sustain, there is no need for him to continue to delay.

Qin Mu will definitely do it!

"If chaos is done, it will definitely come to unite with me, and the joint son will be promising, and will start with Yujingcheng. Because the threat of Yujing City is the strongest!"

The endless old man's eyes flashed: "The weak and strong, it is the way of the art of war. After removing the jade capital, he has the strength to deal with me and the son of the Promise. At that time, he also needs my strength to give Yankang pressure Forcing the Yankang reform to continue. And he came to me to join him, just to be able to open the lion! I will return to the peak period, just around the corner!"

He just thought of it here, and suddenly there were enlightened people to report, saying: "The seven sons of the chaotic ferry of the world have come to the first chaotic long river!"

The boundless old man got up, haha ​​smiled: "The son chaos really does not come out as I expected! All his plans, in my grasp, can only be in my palm! Come, prepare to meet the son chaos, give him A down horse!"

At this time, suddenly the bells trembled, and the chaotic long river was almost boiling. A Hongzhong clock spanned sixteen chaotic long rivers, which were located on the Changhe River. Many of the prehistoric strongmen in the river were unstable and fell into a catastrophe. Among them!

Captain Du Shijin drove straight in and rushed from Hong Zhong to the world tree on the other side!

The heart of the old man was shocked, and some were at a loss. According to his calculations, Qin Mu should come to seek peace, not to fight.

However, when Qin Muyi shot, he broke sixteen chaotic long rivers and killed them!


The endless old man was shocked and angry, and screamed: "You come to seek peace, but first give me a bad horse?"


The crossing of the Golden Boat all the way to the world tree, hit the earth and the mountains and rivers crushed, the bells tremble back and forth, the earth under the world tree collapsed, countless prehistoric strong in the bells like duckweed, fallen leaves, difficult to stabilize the body shape.

The boundless old man rushed to spur the world tree and rescued one of the prehistoric powerhouses. At the same time, more world roots must be deeply rooted in the chaotic long river. Countless prehistoric powerhouses are like countless ants fleas along the roots. Climb up and climb to the other side!

Qin Mu stood at the bow of the ship, and the gold boat of the world was rushing to the endless old man. On the gold ship, the enlightened followers of Yankang flew out from the ship one by one and killed the stowaways.

Lan Yutian, the ancestors of the virtual flower, the emperor Qinye, the emperor to the moon, the second ancestor of the gate, the martial arts of Buddhism, the four ancestors of the knives, the king of creation, the Yanfeng emperor and the Yankang emperors, all face each other.

Wait until the World Gold Boat came to the world tree, in front of the endless old man, there was only one person on the boat.

When the ferry boat stopped, Qin Mu stepped down the golden boat and said: "No brothers, when you met me for the first time, I was owed to you, are you still there?"

The boundless old man jumped his head and looked at him. He saw hundreds of battlefields under the world tree. Yankang’s enlightened people were massacring the strong men under his command.

In these years, the fruit of the tree hanging in his world is only thoroughly studied by Qin Mu and others. All the channels of the **** channel have been broken by the other party, so it will become a massacre!

The old man's voice is hoarse: "You are not coming for peace?"

Qin Mu shook his head and said: "Do you still have a debt?"

The end of the old man's eyes beat, suddenly a huge root of the world tree must be drilled from the ground, the roots must be split, flying a piece of gold paper inside, gently floating in front of Qin Mu.

This gold paper can't survive the annihilation and creation, so the old man hides it in his "body" and protects the debt from being destroyed.

Qin Mu slightly glimpsed, he did not expect that there really is a owe, and the endless old man can still save to the present!

"Don't you have a debt, I owe you a feeling."

Qin Mu raised his hand and put up the owed, nodded, and said indifferently: "Then I will leave a line of life to the brothers, and will not completely wipe you out."

The boundless old man laughed, and the numerous branches of the world tree suddenly turned into countless arms. The virtual shadows of the various colors were hung on the world tree: "Chaos, your best choice, should be with me, fight against each other. Luo Gong! In the future, you will use my strength to put pressure on Yankang, forcing Yankang to work hard, instead of eradicating me! Yankang has become a place of no progress?"

"So, this is the lifeline of the brothers."

Qin Mu thought for a moment and smiled. "I understand. After I became the seven sons, I left you an owe, which reminded me not to completely eradicate you. I must leave you a life, only you can let Yankang came out of the worry-free township."

He figured it out and couldn't help laughing.

The endless old man is also laughing and laughing. "You are so confident that you will be better than me? Your best choice..."

Qin Mu stepped out, and the chaotic hall opened behind him. Sixteen chaotic long rivers straddle the sky, and the returning lotus and the world tree emerged and rooted in the long river!

The lotus platform has 13 treasures. The world tree hangs eight roads and seven flowers, and the light of the chaotic temple shines on the sixteen chaotic rivers.

At this time, in the past 16 counts of the universe, the endless old man looked up and saw the chaotic temple that was destroyed.

The glare of the light makes him unable to see the future!

At this time, he seems to become an independent individual, and he can no longer get in touch with his future self.

Under the world tree, the endless old people burst into the water, welcoming Qin Mu, the arms of the countless branches of the world tree attacked countless kinds of magical powers in an instant, that is the great supernatural power that everyone is amazed for, and each one achieves the Tao. The ultimate mystery of the law is breathtaking.


The countless supernatural powers drowned Qin Mu, but among the countless magical powers, the sixteen long rivers were interspersed, and those magical powers disappeared into the long river.

Qin Mu stood in front of the endless old man, and the palm of his hand was pushed forward. A big hand was getting bigger and bigger, and the power of the red rope knot was broken.

There are countless arms of the endless people welcoming, only listening to a loud bang, sixteen chaotic long rivers shaking, a red rope-like chain interspersed, staggering the numerous roots of the world tree in the long river.

The boundless old man was shocked and unable to retreat himself, and his body suddenly disappeared into the world tree.

The world tree is shaking, trying to pull out the roots and pull it up. Suddenly, the red rope chain binds his roots and makes him unable to move.

After Qin Mu’s body, in the chaos of the temple, a sword cast by a chaotic stone flew out.

Qin Mu holds the sword and swings his sword.

At the same time, where the power of the red knot is printed, the numerous roots of the world tree must be shattered into powder and turned into pure energy.

The sword light flashed, and the world tree crashed down!

Qin Mu raised his hand, the wind of the cold silence whistling, burning around the world tree, the endless old man screams, trying to break free, flying out of the sea of ​​fire, suddenly returning to the lotus platform, suppressing in the world tree, one hole in the lotus platform The wind of silence blew, making the fire more violent.

"So fast!"

In the ancestral home of Yujing City, the son of the son of the singer, Zixiao, looks at the world tree, and their faces are dignified: "The progress of the old seven is not small!"

Suddenly, Qin Mu flexed a finger, and the roots of a world tree had to fly out of the chaotic long river and rushed to the sky, disappearing.

"Too brothers, don't need to transform the energy of the blood sacrifice."

At the beginning of the day, I wanted to cast a spell. Suddenly, the voice of Qin Mu came and faintly said: "The blood of the blood sacrifice is taken away by the three sons."

Read The Duke's Passion