MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 3 Magical

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The pharmacist had his own thoughts and said: "Give him a drink of blood, drink a lot, drink with death! Every time the spirit can raise a little more of his physique, drink more, although it can not stimulate the spirit, but that Physical fitness must be better than any spirit!"

"A punch kills a dragon."

The village chief smiled and said: "It must be able to scare the **** outside the big market."

The two men smiled and the pharmacist walked out of the room and covered the door.

The next day, the villagers got a few iron-bone tigers, green snakes, thunderbirds and golden tortoises. These old ladies had a goal and were very motivated, but they got angry with the pharmacist: "Let him drink too much spirit at once." Blood will kill him!"

The dumb blacksmith who dragged two Thunderbirds grinned, smirked, and had no tongue in his mouth.

"Shepherd can hold it!" Si Po is full of confidence in Qin Mu.

The pharmacist glanced at them, stopped talking, took out the eggs and continued to smelt the blood, but it was still a problem. There were a lot of four bloods in this time. After Qin Mu drank, the body swelled like an inflatable, so that the old ladies were very nervous, for fear that he would explode.

The pharmacist took out a few hollow silver needles and inserted them on the back of Qin Mu and the cover of the Tianling. I saw the needle holes of these silver needles spurting out the red, blue and purple air.

After a while, the silver needle no longer spouted, the pharmacist took the needle off, and looked at the old lady: "Step by step, step by step, you want to feed him into a big fat man, only to kill him! Now he still Some of them are flustered, you are all busy, and the butcher and he practice the knife, and Ma and he practice boxing, scorpion, and you accompany him to practice his legs and help him digest."

"Shepherd, come to practice the knife!"

The butcher jumped up his hands and jumped up and landed on a single wooden pile. He had no lower body and his upper body stood on a single wooden pile, almost as high as Qin Mu.

The butcher holds two killing knives in both hands. Unlike the ordinary knives, the ordinary knives are not as long as the ruler, the round wooden handle, the blade is an arc, like the moon is cut off by three quarters.

But the butcher's knife in the butcher's hands and the ordinary killing knife look like, but it is bigger, the knife is three feet and two inches long, the knife back is thick, the blade is thin, the grinding is bright, and the two knives are put together like two arches. The door is big and scary.

The killing knife in the hands of Qin Mu is the same size, but only a knife, sinking very much, a knife twenty pounds. Juveniles can only afford a knife in the ordinary period, and since taking the four spirits, the blood is much bigger than before, and it is not heavy to pick up the pig knife with one hand.

"Grandpa, be careful!"

Qin Mudan held the knife and rushed to the butcher on the wooden stake. The butcher laughed, although only half of the body still looked like a hero.

Night battles in the city!

Qin Mu single-knife flew up and down, footsteps moved, cut from the butcher, the knife light is getting faster and faster, the wind whistling, and even into one.

"Slow, slow, you are too slow!"

The butcher yelled, the double-knife fluttered like a rain, and the slamming crit was like a rainstorm, and screamed: "Fast! Faster! Your knives can be faster! Night battles It’s fast, killing the knife is as fast as the wind and rain in the night, sprinkling all over the city! Give me some faster!”

The knife light is faster, just like the three silver dragons shuttle around the single wooden piles, the wind is getting louder and louder, and the knives are mixed in the wind. When they land, they only see a deep trace of the ground suddenly.

That is a knife mark.

"It's good, it's going to be so fast! The faster your knife is, the stronger the knife will be. But you are not fast enough, so fast enough to make your knife feel like a fire, burn, and burn!"

The butcher is as crazy as crazy, hands and sword dance, let Qin Mu dazzle, cried: "burn! Burn! Let your knife burn, let your gas burn, let your spirit burn! After burning, it is supernatural!"


His knife was cut, the knife and the air rubbed, and it actually burned. The two knives flew like two dragons, and the momentum became more and more amazing.

The fire dragon came straight to Qin Mu, Qin Mu was unstoppable, and suddenly two fire dragons skyrocketed, tearing the night over the old village, amazing.

Qin Mu stayed, and the butcher's knife was terrible.

The village is over the sky, the darkness is coming, and the fire dragon and the knife and knife are swallowed up.

The darkness is like life. It seems that it is very angry for the butcher to cut the knife to the darkness. The incompressible black is pressed against the village, just like the village is swallowed up.

However, the stone image of the four corners of the village suddenly became brighter, and the darkness was forced back.

"The thief is God!"

The butcher double-handedly knives, kneeling on the single-pile pile, yelling at the sky, some madness: "I will break this black sooner or later, and I will kill it sooner or later! I was cut off by the waist, and the legs were lost, but not the head. Lao Tzu wants to kill..."

"The grandfather is crazy again. But the grandfather's knife is too fast, and the knife is made into a magical power. When can I practice as fast as he?"

Qin Mu admired the butcher who went crazy, put down the pig knife and went to find the one-armed horse.

"The butcher's knife, it is the magical power to cut out the flame, and my fist is to make a thunder to be a supernatural power!"

Ma Ye’s face was serious, his arm was clenched, and the bones burst into a burst of bang. He said: “Shepherd, when can you hold the lightning in your hand, your fist is a small achievement. Butcher’s The knife is very fast, and my fist is the limit of breaking through the sound, breaking through the shackles of the air, bursting out of unparalleled power! One hand can also practice boxing, one hand is also a thousand hands, one hand can also emit thunder Sound thunder!"


A sigh of thunder came, it was the fist of the horse, like a thunder.


A series of thunders came, Qin Mu's naked eyes could not capture the speed of the horse's punching, and the residual image of the fist actually made him see that the one-armed horse is no longer a one-armed arm, but has a thousand arms.

Ma’s fists are getting faster and faster, and the thousands of arms are actually holding thunder and lightning in their palms. Every hit is thunder, and the electric light is splashing!

"This is the Thousand-Handed Buddha in the Leiyin Eight! As long as your fist is faster than the sound, you can control the Thunder, and you can destroy the soul and body of the other person with one punch and one hand, so that he can never be overwhelmed, and never live forever!"

Ma Ye received a fist, Shen Sheng: "I am attacking me with the Leiyin eight that I teach you, playing thunder, holding lightning, controlling the Thunder!"

Qin Mu Ding set the gods. Today, Ma’s and Tu’s grandfathers taught him different skills than before. They used to teach him how to practice knives and boxing, and this time they all mentioned a word.


The word is a bit strange, he heard it for the first time.

Qin Mu Shi exhibited Lei Yin Ba style and attacked Ma Ye. Although Ma Ye was a one-armed arm, Qin Mu’s attack was blocked by his hands and effortless.

Unlike the butcher, although the butcher seems to be mad, but every time with Qin Mu is very measured and has never hurt him, but Ma Ye shot without mercy, as long as Qin Mu’s moves are flawed, it is a punch. Come over, although the fist is not heavy, but soon Qin Mu was beaten and bruised.

Until Qin Mu couldn't fight, Ma Ye let him rest.

"The legs are the wind, the earth, the root of power."

The scorpion is holding a cane, he has only one leg left, but he is the one who teaches Qinmu’s leg. In the past, Qin Mu believes that the most normal thing in the village is the grandfather of the scorpion. It is always a thick smile, giving people an extremely reliable feel.

However, since the Yanzi River’s thick smile and the death of the woman who climbed out of the cowhide, Qin Mu was somewhat less sure.

The smile of the blind man is the smile of the knife in the smile. No one knows whether his smile is true or not.

He smiled and said to Qin Mu: "Shepherd, butcher praises his knife, Ma Ye praises his fist, and the real magical power is the leg. Can not kill the other side, can not beat each other, what should I do? Of course, I have to run, life is only It is the most important thing! Life is not only poetry and far away, but also awkward! So living is a victory! As long as you run fast enough, you can fly on the wall, fly on the water, or even Flying in the sky! Run fast enough, everything is flat, fire and air, all flat! When you run to the sound and you can't catch you behind your ears, then you are the first magical way to build a leg. Shepherd, come, iron ingot."

Read The First Vampire