MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-~ First live content

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The first live broadcast, many people did not find the deity of the house pig, sort out the live content, book friends who have not seen can look. There was a second live broadcast on September 10.

Talk about people

1. Who is Si Qin’s father?

The old man of Siqin is Qin Mu. But this I can't write directly, because my wife is also my reader, she has been watching it. In fact, there is a chapter in the book that has been written. He painted the painting and saw the painting that Qin Mu gave to him. At that time, the nephew said that the painting was incomplete. Why is it not complete? It is because the people on the painting are branded. That is to say, at the time, two people, Qin Mu and Yu, they replayed the situation when they met for the first time, branding each other’s figures on the painting. Siqin was not created, it was born, Qin Siqin, there is no way to say it, and I can't write it in detail.

2. Who is the five sons and the six sons? Is it too little to describe later?

The five sons are gone, the six sons are Zhan Silence, the Zhan Silence is a woman, and there is no trace of a man. In fact, there is no trace of death and silence. The reason why they are not written in "The God of the Gods" is because they have no relevant trunk plots. The characters that are not related to the main line are basically mentioned. The high correlation is Taishang, Wuji, Lingxiao, Zixiao, Chaos, Laowu and Laoliu. One is calculated, it is calculated by Chaos, and the other is too listening to the teacher.

3. Is Da Zun and Yun Tian Zun still there?

The great deity is dead, and Yun Tianzun is dead. Yun Tianzun is indeed dead, and there is no way to save it. Yun Tianzun finally and the second son of the Promise of the avatars to the end, and finally smashed the Tian Tianzun, so that the Tiantian Zundao’s heart was devastated, leaving an immortal shadow, and therefore his The soul can't touch the chaos and can't reach the chaotic long river, so Qin Mu has no way to save him. The great deity did not reincarnate. He should have fallen to the Quito. At that time, his sin would be eaten by his uncle.

4, Ling Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, Shanghuang Jianshen Bai Yuer and Qin Mu

I think that people like them, if they are with the male lord, get married and have children, but they are not in line with their identity and do not conform to their personality. Therefore, this state of detachment is also very good.

5. Who is the skinny weirdo?

The skinny geek is the one who killed the scorpion. When the prehistoric strongman came, the scorpion died to protect Qin Mu. The prehistoric powerhouse who came to him was a thin and weird man. He had only one big eye, in this position of the eyebrow.

(Is there a dead child?)

The scorpion is not dead. This is very clear. The reason why the scorpion did not die is because she has found this skinny grotesque, and then Qin Mu teaches him how to cultivate his own eyebrows. This leads to a consequence. Everything that the savvy geeks are proficient in is Qin Mu taught, Qin Mu can do his hands and feet in his exercises, and then this will not save the blind.

6. Is it too good or bad?

Taiyi is definitely a good person for the 17th century. He may not be a good person to other cosmic disciplines. The relationship between Taiyi and Kaitian is very embarrassing. The predecessor of Taiyi is the Lord of Heaven. And they are their leaders. Taiyi does not want to kill the crowd. However, the open-minded people have done a lot of evil in history. They are crazy scientists. They are especially crazy. They are not bound by ethics. They don’t care about all human beings. They are studying some strange things and embarked on them. Extreme roads, they are interactive before they return to the Quaternary. In the seventeenth century, Taiyi is indeed a good person.

7. How do you feel that the Miyako Palace and Qin Lingyi are the tools?

I rarely write to him, but if I let him write it as the protagonist, there will be too much ink in the past universe. After the proportion is too much, the book is seriously out of tune. It is not the past universe, not how the masters of the Miluo Palace struggle, how to survive, nor how Qin Lingyi saves the world, but Yan Kang’s self-help.

8. Why is Blue Yutian more close?

Why can Blue Yutian be so close to the road? Because everyone is born with unequalness, some people are high-spirited, and some people have low talents. I was a very good person when I attended the event. I went to the Chinese University of Science and Technology at the age of eleven or two. When I was 17 years old, I graduated. In my twenties, I was a professor. Now I am going to make movies, and I have won many awards in my forties. Who do you say this person is a reincarnation? It is because he is very powerful. There are such people in the world. Some people are better and more intelligent than ordinary people like us. We must accept such a reality. Others' innate conditions are good, then what can you do? You can, like Qin Mu, believe that you are a "hegemony". No one can match you. After you have this confidence, you will catch up, catch up with them, and surpass them. If you think you can't do it at first, That must not be the case. Going back to the gods, blue 御田, 虚生花 is smarter than others.

9. Is the Taiyi of the First Era the Lord of the Palace?

The owner of the Miro Palace is the first creature of the First Age. Everyone thinks about who will be the first creature of the First Age. It must be too easy, because Taiyi was born. The second space of the universe is too easy, after which the universe is too easy, congenital five too, most of them have been won, because their origins are really good, the first is too easy to be The owner of the Luo Palace, the second is the Taishang, how can people who lived in the Second and Third Ages could not stand the five fools? There are no high or low points in the congenital five, but their birth is divided according to the order in which the universe was born.

10. Who is Qin Mu's favorite person?

This is not very good to say, Qin Mu's favorite person, 阆涴, 阆涴神王, she is Qin Mu's favorite person, but likes and love is not the same, the most memorable is the white child, but the feelings The longest is his first love, the seven princesses, and they are the deepest and the longest. The three feelings are different. The childhood sweetheart is a show of spirits, but it is a white heart. Child, I want to get it, but because of my heart, I can't get it.

Slag man, um, Qin Mu is a scum man!

11, blue Yutian, virtual flowers, they finally have a son?

In the end, they are all at the son level. In the last chapter, they both went to find the son of the son too, too easy, they are the same level as Taishang and Taiyi, and the endless, the Promise is the same level. . The Taishang and Taiyi brothers had to balance. After Qin Mukeng, they had some complaints. In order to maintain the balance of the 17th century, they occasionally helped Yankang, occasionally helping the Promise, and occasionally helping the endless. If there is no strength, Taishang and Taiyi will not help them.

Chat story

1. Is the future seen by the owner of the Miro Palace really a future?

The owner of the Miro Palace actually saw the future, and the future has not changed, but he did not see a farther future. He only saw 800 billion years, but he did not expect that after 800 billion years, the material was not Existence, time does not exist, time is still in this place, so he can't see Qin Muhui coming.

The last heart of the Miro Palace did not recover. He was still dead. He did not see hope and died in despair.

2. Is there any way for Qin Mu to solve the final cold silence? How is it solved?

Qin Mu has a solution. After he returned to the present, he represents a solution, but there is no solution for the house pig, because the final cold is that I refer to the scientific conjecture - big tear and hot silence. There are many speculations about the fate of the universe. Some say that the contraction is that after the universe expands to the limit, gravity will cause them to huddle and huddle towards the center of the universe, and then shrink to the singularity and then explode. However, the recent hysteres that have been circulated are higher in heat and big tears. Large tears will cause the material to be completely crushed and broken to the minimum (Planck length). The heat is almost the same, and the substances are separated from each other. A very thin and thin void, completely free of matter, so everything does not exist.

I just wrote it according to this conjecture, but I checked these hypotheses and guesses. They didn't say what the heat would be like after the big silence or the big tear. Now the scientists don't know, I don't know, but Qin Mu I know how the ultimate coldness of the gods should be passed, but I can't write this stupid. Some readers may have thought of it. I stole a lazy (happy smile).

3. Is the finale of the pastoral an open end?

At the end, Qin Mu thought of the final solution. He returned to that point in time. At the time of the final silence, he saw that Yankang people were still alive. Most of Yankang people gathered in the ultimate Dalutian of the enlightened, Qin. Going back to see the big Luo Tian is still bright.

Therefore, this is not an open ending, but a fixed ending. People are still alive, and he finds a solution. Then he is how to deal with the ultimate cold. On the qq browser, a vote of 3,000 people participated, 88% of the book friends felt very satisfied, and another 12% of the book friends ordered the water, not satisfied. However, many book friends in the book review area expressed dissatisfaction with the ending of the animal husbandry. The house pig finally made a three-cross revision, and wrote the blank space that was not written.

4, the material is gone, why is Luo Luotian still

You can look at the last chapter and write a part. Da Luotian is the inner universe is not the outer universe. In the outer universe, he is constantly extending outwards. Da Luotian is a system in his own way, which can suspend the final. Cold silence,

5. Is there any treasure left by Yun Tian Zun in Daozu?

Isn't that the emperor's seal? Another one is also related to the Tai Emperor, the altar of the Taidi, and another is the way to the Qin industry - the way to enter the land of Taixu.

At the time, Yun Tianzun and Yun Tianzun and Yue Tianzun, the three of them entered the land of Taixu, helping the creator inside to eradicate the emperor. Yun Tianzun sacrificed the lives of millions of creators, trapped the emperor, and then Ling Tianzun Broken down the field of Supreme God's ignorance, Yun Tianzun's other thing is to look at another space in the land of Taixu, the other side of the world. Yun Tianzun left the obtained Taidi Yin and Taidi altar to Qin Mu, how to enter the other side of the space to the Qin industry, then why is this method also a treasure? Yun Tianzun is leaving a trail to the Terran. He believes that when the Terran defeat may be extinct, the back road is in the other side of the land of Taixu. Later, this method was handed over to Kaihuang Qinye by Daozu, and later opened. The Emperor used his own worry-free sword to create a worry-free hometown there.

Although there is no clear written in the book, it can be drawn from these speculations. The Red Emperor used his own life to leave a back road for the Chi Ming era. When he was in the Emperor's time, it was the worst. Because the Moon Tianzun was hit hard, Ling Tianzun was hit into difficult material, and they did not have time to stay.

6. When the law of bleeding is not developed, how does the Mire Palace come to the next universe?

There are two ways, one is based on the past, just like Taishang, the master of the Mi Luo Palace, the role of Mi Luo Palace and Yu Jing City is to fight against the robbery and the creation of robbery, have you noticed that there are books in it? In such a passage, Qin Mu and his son Ling Xiao stood in the creation of the robbery. How many "one" they saw, among them, Qin Mu is one, the world tree is one, the return to the market is one, and the Mizuo Palace is a Many enlightened people used the Mi Luo Palace and Yujing City to survive the robbery and the murder, but after the Miro Palace owner moved the Mi Luo Palace back to the First Age, only Yujing City and the Seven were left in the Jade Capital City. Twelve temples, there is no way to become that one.

7. Is the "God of the Gods" a world of heaven and earth?

No, "The Goddess of the Gods" is not a place of heaven and earth, but some of the holy places are: the ancestral home is a continent, divided into two sides; the Yuan world is the continent created by the mother of the Yuan Dynasty; Yes, the heavens and the world are the world created by the Creator, but other places are not. The rest is the planet. Maybe we are in the world of "The God of the Gods", among the stars that live above the heavens and the world, there is a The sun, next to it is a small earth that surrounds the sun.

9. Who broke the bridge?

The Shenqiao is broken by the gods in the heavens. The Shenqiao is hereditary. The seven gods are all inherited. The Heavenly Palace is also a kind of god. It is the eighth god. Just cut off one of your bridges. Your descendants are broken.

Say the finale

1. Is there any consideration in the next book?

The next book has not been considered yet. You see that my hair is white. The following book has to wait for me to think about it two months later. I want to take a break in the recent period. After all, I have written it continuously. Two years and three months, take a break and consider the new book. The new book has to collect some information. Then carefully consider the beginning and prepare the information. I guess there will be a new book at the end of the year, of course, at the end of 2019.

2. Is there any plan outside Fanfan?

Probably in September, I will write an article about "The God of the Gods", specifically what to write, when you pay attention to my WeChat public number, you will make a vote to see what everyone wants me to write. Outside the case, write the one with the most votes.

3. Will there be a sequel to the gods?

There is no sequel to "The God of the Gods". There will only be a sequel. I solemnly say to you, "The God of the Gods" does not write a sequel. If I go to write a sequel to the goddess one day, it means that the book on the house pig Street, come back and get old, when you come to hit me.

The next book will not use the cosmic universe.

4, the female owner, Ling Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, did you finally survive?

They are all alive, the female lord can live in the great Luotian of the enlightened, and the same is true of the moon. The last quality of Ling Tianzun is not easy to use in the great silence, but in the big of those who are enlightened Luo Tianli, can be used, they can all survive.

other aspects

1. When will the physical book of the gods be seen?

The publication of "The God of the Gods" has now changed to a publishing company. The original one has a lot of places that I am not satisfied with, and it will be slower, more dragged, and a lot more to be published. I am most dissatisfied. They want me to change a lot, and those who are blind and scorpion must be changed to become blind and deaf. There is another one to be revised. When Qin Mu was a child in the old village, he was peeing at the gods. In the heart of the broken heart, I said that if you delete this for me, the basic tone of my book will be gone. . I hope the new publisher can be better.

2. Is the pig big happy with the comics?

Comics and anime are not personally determinable. Comics must be drawn by comic companies. I also read the comics. Many readers are not very satisfied with the comics. In fact, I think it should be said, okay, okay, at least it is based on the plot, according to the plot in the book. There is no such thing as a self-contained plot.

I am not satisfied with the nephew in the comics. I am different from what I imagined. I am very old-fashioned about the idea of ​​the blind man, but it is a normal person. He is a celestial prince. He has a kind of prince. Very special temperament, he is the kind of geek who is very lonely rather than looking strange. His ears are not the kind of exaggerated ears. His ears are iron ears, and they are the same as human ears. The same auricle, the same shape, but his ears are iron, can be taken down.

There is a jack in this, this is the iron ear that the dumb gave him bone conduction, so that he can hear the sound outside, he is no longer a blind man, when he does not want to talk to you, he puts The ears are pulled out and then there is no ear.

3. What network does Pig Big look at?

My network looks less, I watch more news, I have to watch two hours of news every day, then I brush it, there are some professional content on the b station, for the exploration of the universe, for The philosophical understanding of the universe, I will look at some, pay attention to some, and occasionally brush a brushing sound.

4, the first era of the creation of robbery is completely unnecessary to write, because it does not have much to do with the backbone. If you write, you will lick me.

5. Do you really want to know that Zhong Yue of "Humanitarian Supreme" is dead or alive? I don't think you will want to know the final ending of Zhong Yue, because it is a sad ending.

6, house pig? The house pig is a written one, for you to write "The God of the Gods", he knows the fart "The God of the Gods"!

7. The strength of Qin Mu was the first person since the 17th Cosmic Age.

8. There is never a hegemony in this world. The hegemony is a fake. It is the village chief who deceives people and does not distinguish between male and female.

9. Chaos Long River is not a river. It is the last chaotic space created by the destruction of the universe.

10. Qin Mu has only one wife.

11, the blade? Send a blade? Very good, I have already prepared to send a blade to make a fortune, you are best to buy a ten-ton eight-ton, and make a 40-meter-long big knife (subtext, every day, say send the blade, you are sending it!).

11. What is Montenegro? There is nothing to say, he is a writer, wrote "The God of the Gods" for us, right?

12, Jiangnan, Ye Xu, Zhong Yue, Qin Mu, the protagonist of the four books is difficult to compare, but my heart should be the strongest in Jiangnan.

At 8:00 pm on September 10, if you still have questions, you can come here again.

In the last few days, I will post some creative experiences at the starting point, and I would like to see where I am writing.

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