MTL - Tempered Immortal-Chapter 5 Washing marrow

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Chapter 5 Washing the marrow Dan ()

It has failed again!

For a long time, Lin Xuan has been silent, but the expression does not see the anger, but the hand is tightly held, the nails are deeply inserted into the meat, and the lips are bitten.

However, this situation did not last long. After a few minutes, Lin Xuan took a deep breath and sat down again without a word, and continued to work hard...


In the morning, the sun rises and the new day begins.

The Feiyun Hall is magnificent and the area is catching up with the stadium of the earth. It is the most important building in the Valley of the Clouds. On the first day of each month, the disciples of the agility will gather here to receive the training.

Although he practiced in the middle of the night, he only slept for less than three hours. Lin Xuan came to Feiyun Temple on time. In the spacious hall, there are more than 100 people in the shadows. They are all spiritual disciples, but each one The skill is deeper than Lin Xuan, and his arrival has caused a lot of discussion. From time to time, there are cold words that cut through the air and pass into the ears.

"I saw it, that kid is a mortal who has no spiritual roots and who is trying to cultivate immortals."

"Oh, it’s not very good. It’s a waste of medicine for such people to stay in the martial art."

"Who said that it is not, I heard that he is working very hard, but ordinary people without Linggen can compare with us for three years and only stay on the first floor of the smart period."

"I don't know how high and thick, he thinks that he can break the iron law of the realm of comprehension in the realm of cultivation. Everyone is comprehending the truth and is bound to have no achievements."


Scornful eyes, Lin Xuan does not look the same, it is a mad dog in the arrogance, silently came to the back of the team.

A quaint bell rang, and the disciples quickly stopped talking and stood in line. An old man walked into the hall with his boy. Every boy had a disc in his hand and covered with a red cloth. A burst of refreshing scent exudes.

"Ma Shishu!" The disciples were all saluted.

"Yeah." The old man looked up at his head proudly. His skill was not high. He was only the repair of the foundation in the early stage, but he was in charge of the pharmacy of the martial art.

In addition to the qualifications and its own efforts, medicinal herbs are also essential, and can even be said to be very important. If there are enough medicinal herbs to be taken during cultivation, there will be a lot of entry into the country. It can be said that it is a shortcut, but refining Dan The materials of the medicine are some precious exotic flowers and plants, so the martial art can only provide very few remedies for the disciples.

According to the rules, the disciples of the agility period can receive two washes of dandelion per month.

Washing the marrow, as the name suggests, can easily wash the marrow, dissolve the body's turbidity, and give birth to a little spiritual power, of course, according to the qualifications of each person, the amount of spiritual power that is born is also very different, this Dan only The disciples of the invigorating period are effective.

Kaixiangtang, worshipped the founder, the disciples lined up and received the medicinal herbs from the hands of the old ones. Everyone’s face showed the expression of cherish and joy.

Lin Xuan was soon turned. Ma elder looked at him with a scornful expression on his face. He took a jade bottle from the disc and poured two medicinal herbs from the inside and threw it in front of him.

"Xie Shishu." Lin Xuan's voice did not fall, the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped, looking at the two pills in his hand, this is ... waste Dan?

The cultivation of immortals, all-encompassing, exercises, tools, alchemy, paintings, and so on, each contains a great knowledge.

For example, alchemy, in addition to all kinds of precious materials, exotic flowers and grasses, also need three flavors of real fire to refine, while the heat, the dose of accessories, the opening time, Baoding materials, are related to the success rate of alchemy.

Even the experienced masters of alchemy often have a time when they are missing, and they will make a treasure that is useless.

Waste Dan, refers to the excessive content of impurities, such a medicinal medicine, eating not only has no benefit to repair, but will damage the body, usually only lost pain.

Although the small pies like Piaoyun Valley, the medicinal herbs distributed to the disciples are only the next products, but the products are also useful elixir after all, and this waste ......

The other party obviously deliberately made it difficult for himself. Lin Xuan’s heart flashed a sigh of sorrow, but the surface was silent. The surname of the horse was high and it was unwise to offend.

"You are not wrong with the teacher, how can you take these two wastes?"

"What can't you?" The contempt in the eyes of Elder Ma revealed that he was a neglected low-ranking disciple. He leaned his head and said proudly: "How, dissatisfied?"

"In any case, taking your qualifications, taking Ling Dan is also a waste. The waste Dan may be just right, so, I don't mean to talk about it, I will give you a few bottles."

Said to take two jade bottles from the plate, thrown into the hands of Lin Xuan.

"There are only two other disciples who wash the marrow. I will give you two bottles. How about it, the uncle is good enough for you!"

"Xie Shishu!"

Out of Ma’s expectation, Lin Xuan’s dissatisfaction disappeared completely. He took a tribute to the medicinal medicine and retired.

"How come?" Ma elders were full of horror, and they couldn’t speak.

Waste Dan, simply said, is rubbish, taking it is harmful to practice, not to mention two bottles, even if you take more money, it is worthless, Lin Xuan how...

It was a completely unexpected reaction. The original elder Ma thought that he would treat him unfairly. Lin Xuan would make a big noise, and then he could use the title to rule him and rule him out of his elders. He would drive Lin Xuan out of the division.

This is not the elder Ma and Lin Xuan have hatred, but this guy is born snobbish, look down on the mortal without the roots, I feel that letting Lin Xuan stay in the martial art is simply a shame, so he is deliberate and wants to drive him out.

The plan can't be said to be seamless, but it is still very careful. According to the rules of the door, the lower-ranking disciples can receive the marrow-washing Dan. He deliberately swears and replaces it with the waste Dan. This is an unfair treatment, let alone Lin Xuan, a teenage boy. Even if you are a rich old fox, you don't have to endure it. As long as he attacks, you can use it.

However, people are not as good as days. Although Lin Xuan has no spiritual roots, he is just an ordinary person, but his mind is not stupid, he is even smart, his character is tough, he can't bear the human beings, and he has always thought twice before acting, not impulsive. Ma elders gave the waste, he was really angry, but it was very good to hide this emotion.

From the embarrassed eyes of Ma’s elders, Lin Xuan also saw a banter and conspiracy. He immediately reached a conclusion. Although he did not know what the conspiracy was, he did not know why he wanted to target himself without innocence. It can be investigated later, and it is imperative not to fall into the trap.

So Lin Xuan not only did not get angry, but instead took the waste Dan as usual, successfully escaped a persecution, Ma’s plan failed, and Lin Xuan failed, but he was too angry to speak.

Read The Duke's Passion