MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4154 Petrified statue

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He passed through the ear and the well water drowned Lin Xuan’s body. However, he did not feel anything wrong, but he was comfortable. ◎

Where is this well water, clearly is ... nine days Xianlu!

Lin Xuan was overjoyed.

Nine-day fairy dew is also a legendary sacred object. It takes only one drop to restore the mana of the monk.

Since this thing appears here, then the nine days of interest will not be far away.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and swallowed the nine-day fairy dew into his stomach.

Restore mana!

In addition to this, there are other benefits to this.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and Lin Xuan is also speeding up like a bottom hole.

After about twenty minutes of swimming, the eyes suddenly opened up, and there seemed to be no hole in the sky. No... it was a new small world, which caught the eye.

Although it is a mini world, it is strong and has a strong aura.

The birds and flowers are fragrant, and there is an extraordinary atmosphere everywhere.

Then... nine days of interest came into view.

That's right, nine days of interest.

Just above a mountain in front.

This mountain is high in height, strange stone, and tall and beautiful, such as a sword, straight into the sky.

Full of majestic atmosphere.

On the other hand, the nine days of the top of the mountain, there is no eye-opening.

The difference between the size of the fist and the size of the fist is like a piece of ordinary earth.

However, what is inconspicuous, Lin Xuan still recognizes him at a glance, this is definitely the treasure that he dreams of.

I swallowed a spit, and it is a lie to say that I don’t want to move.

However, Lin Xuan stood in the same place and did not take it immediately.

Because it is at the base of the mountain, there are piles of abandoned ore everywhere, but there are several statues in the eye.


It is clearly the outer power of the petrochemical.

Someone got the first step, first found it here, but the ending was terrible.

This is not an ordinary petrification. After being lifted, they can be resurrected, and they are 100% scattered.

Not far from the car, Lin Xuan naturally did not dare to care.

However, after looking around, I did not see any strong enemies.

Letting go of the gods is as good as nothing.

Lin Xuan is a bit speechless.

But of course it is impossible to squat.

My own trip is for the sake of nine days of interest. Now that the treasures are close at hand, even if you know that there is a crisis, how can you give up?

The soldiers will stop, and the water will cover the earth.

I can't be careful.

Lin Xuan has already made a decision. Step forward and walk forward.


However, it took a few steps.

The statues actually turned their heads.

Lin Xuan couldn’t help but feel that he felt that these petrified monks had already lost their minds, how...

Is it wrong?

No, impossible!

This thought has not been turned, the incredible scene has taken place, but seeing the flash of light, the stone muscles have faded, and these statues have returned to life.

Three men and two women, each of them exudes a strong atmosphere.

This is not surprising.

A monk who can come here. There will be no weak people, and looking at the world of three thousand, it is also a true top person.

They each sacrificed their own treasures.

There is a fairy sword, there is a long Ge. There are big knives, good axe, and some odd treasures, and so on...

The imposing like Lin Xuan rushed over.

However, that is just a representation. Their eyes are all scattered.

These guys are simply not aware. However, it is only being manipulated.

They came here and they are looking for nine days.

However, once it fell, it was turned into a smash.

Awesome spells!

If you fail yourself, the lessons of the previous car will not be far away and will become one of them.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's face is ugly.

Wherever he still cares about the Tibetan Mastiff, he fell into the past with his youth.

This time it was a strong man in front of him.

Seeing Lin Xuan fall.

He danced with a big hand, and the long knife suspended in front of him was cut like Lin Xuan.

But when the cold light flashed, the void in front of me turned into two halves.

However, there is no abundance, and this guy's use of mana has reached the point of perfection.

It is a pity that there is no use in it. Lin Xuan’s movements are also clean and unobstructed, but the rules of space are applied and moved away in a flash.

The whole process of the rabbit fell, the next moment, Lin Xuan has emerged in front of the strong man.

A glimpse of the sleeves, the nine palaces must swim out of the swordfish, but see the silver mans shots, dazzling flowers, hoes cover the face, shot toward the other side.

If the general robbery period is powerful, so suddenly, it is not a big shock, but the guy in front of me is just a glimpse, naturally, there will be no surprise.

But his reaction is not slow.

With both hands open, the aura flashed, and a huge shield appeared in front.

The sound of the jingle was introduced into the ear, such as the rain hitting the banana, the ray of the shield flashed, but it still blocked this terrible attack.

But this is not the point.

Because Lin Xuan was at the same time as he sacrificed the sword of the Nine Palaces, he disappeared from the original place. The next moment, the space fluctuated together, Lin Xuan appeared behind the strong man.

Sound east hits the West!

What Lin Xuan showed is the space shift!

Then I saw his sleeves and a glimpse of the whole movement, like a flowing stream of water, but a silver thread appeared in the void.

It’s fleeting!

Look like the other person's head.

It is clear that the clouds are light and windy, but the power contained in it is staggering.

Although the reaction of the strong man was rapid, the speed of offering the treasure was one step late and he was smashed his head.

Blood sheds, but Lin Xuan is too late to be proud, with the sound of breaking the air, but the other four squatting toward him.

Want to rely on more to win?

Lin Xuan can also help, and now there is no time for him to marry a hero.

A pair of sleeves.

The sacred cave sky map emerged and slowly unfolded, and several beautiful girls came into view.

Yueer, Yuanyuan, Xiaodie, and the nine-day mysterious woman are not only beautiful, but also one strength.

"These guys are handed over to you!"

"The husband is assured."

"Lin brother looks at it."

The voices of several women were introduced into the ears, and then they each made a great effort to meet the front.


The next moment, the sound of rumbling was introduced to the ears. Several women each identified their opponents and used their magical powers. The results did not need to be mentioned. Although the strength of the four crickets was not weak, compared with them, they were not enough to read. For too.

Soon they fell down one by one.

There is no danger.

The crisis facing Lin Xuan has been lifted. He raised his head and his eyes fell back on the top of the mountain.

Where is there any danger?

Lin Xuan Ming Ming feels that the mystery of the heart frequently emerges, but it is too unbelievable to see no guardian monsters.

As a matter of fact, he should not act rashly, but now there is time to slowly spend it here, Lin Xuan stepped like the mountain. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!