MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4163 Mysterious

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A loud noise, the whole world is shaking, the light is shining, and a black shadow is violent from the ruins. ≧

A five-color beam of light appeared in the sky, and the glimmer of light flashed, changing countless swords, red, orange, green, blue, purple, and dazzling, like the black shadow swept away.

Suddenly, there was a slap in the air. From the surface of the black shadow, countless claws appeared, and they collided with Jianguang.

For a time, the heavens and the earth were in chaos, and the fierce impact made people feel like this mysterious little space, which could collapse at any time.

But it’s just a feeling...

Nine days of interest are born here. Although there is no vast area for this space, if it is strong, it is the spiritual world that is too far away. If you want to destroy it, it is so easy.

For a long time, the line of sight was clear again, and the three-armed and six-armed monsters were once again caught in the eye.

However, it is awkward.

In fact, the six magic arms of the original form are only half of them.

Not only that, but his left shoulder is also bloody, the head of the evil spirit has been flattened, his eyes are white, completely lost his vitality.

The breath on his body has fallen by more than half.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a hint of joy, and the demon king was really famous. With their help, they should be able to overcome the strong enemy in front of them.

I will soon find a nine-day land.

Lin Xuan is not worried about the ownership of this treasure. After all, he is inextricably involved with them, and everything is negotiable.

At the crucial moment, it is a big deal to reveal the secrets of the blue sea of ​​stars. When it comes to dealing with Tian Hao, it will be like flying together into a fairy.

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan raised his head, but at the same time, he made his brows wrinkle together.

The situation of the monster is obviously not very good. There is nothing wrong with saying that you are seriously injured, but the expression on your face is still awkward, and there is no fear.

It’s not a bluff, it must be reliant.

What will it be?

Lin Xuan felt guilty in his heart, but what was specific, but could not be clearly understood. For a time, his face could not help but reveal a trace of hesitation.

However, at this moment, a giant python was introduced into the ear, and the giant whale king stepped forward toward the front.

Each step spans a distance of about ten feet. The golden arc is lingering, and it looks like the gods are coming.

Then he joined the two arms, the golden light burst, and the layers of boxing appeared out, turning into a golden whirlpool, as if to cover the other side.

It is said that the giant whale king is the first brave man in the spiritual world, and this is really not exaggerated.

However, the uneasiness in Lin Xuan’s heart has become more and more intense.

I don't know why, but of course he can't do nothing.

"The Taoist friend is careful."

Lin Xuan reminded the giant whale king while taking a breath. The sleeves roared, and a flaming red sword emerged, not the nine palaces, in this case. Lin Xuan naturally does not take the liberty to sacrifice his own life.

But this fire red sword is not a thing, although it is not the level of the innate spiritual treasure, but it is not inferior to the Xuantian things.

Lin Xuan held it and took a dance.

Suddenly a large piece of fiery red clouds emerged.

Yunxiazhong. There are also many grotesque monsters, including the most open, open mouth. Sprinkle countless fiery red crystal filaments, such as drizzle, overwhelming, and the demon is shrouded in a moment.

But it is already a step later. Compared to the attack of the giant whale king, he is slower than enough.

At this time, the whale king has already rushed to the front of the other side.

The golden fist shadow completely enveloped the other side.

A loud bang from the "bang" was heard in the ear, and the shield on the guy was torn off in an instant, and it was torn apart. Then his entire body was wrapped in a fist shadow, oh, a bit of a sour crash. Into the ear, actually was blown into a **** fog.

So easy, the giant whale king is also stunned.

Although the other party is seriously injured, it is not a threat to fight back. In the middle, what is the trick?

There is also a bad premonition in his heart that emerges, and it is a step later to retreat.

The monster was blown out, but his flesh and blood did not seem to splash around. Instead, if there was life, a rewind, wrapped the whale king inside...

what is this?

Take the lead!

No, there are some differences.

As a result, several spirits including Lin Xuan were shocked.


At the same time, the other side.

Tian Xiaojian’s situation is even more difficult.

He is not the same as before, and his strength is even better than that of the general immortal. However, in the face of Tian Hao, it is dwarfed, and there is nothing wrong with being controlled everywhere.

It is better to say that it is better to meet, and this is clearly reflected in Tian Hao.

I don’t know how much my strength is different from the other side. No matter the magic weapon or the mystery, it will not be effective, and it will soon be pushed to the point of almost desperate.


A loud bang came into the ear, and Tian Xiaojian’s powerful blow was easily resolved by the other party.

"What do you want?"

His face was faintly open.

"How?" Tian Hao’s face is a cloud of light and light: "This seat has said that it has never been awkward, but you are both my soul, it is impossible to let you go, you must merge with me."

"Don't think, blending with you is tantamount to trying to hide with the tiger. My memory of my gods will be swallowed up. What is the difference between the soul and the soul?" Tian Xiaojian's cold voice was heard in his ear.

I am able to walk here, and I have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles. How can I be willing to make wedding dresses for others?

I would rather die!

His face is full of decisive colors.

Tian Hao saw it clearly, but he sighed. The corner of his eyebrows showed a bit of sneer: "I don't want it, it can't be you."

The voice did not fall, and his sleeves glanced, and he once again offered a million-volume book.

The flash of light flashed, and this book became a beautiful galaxy.


Tian Hao screamed and screamed in the hands of several scorpions. The color of the cockroaches came into the ears. After the flash of the Milky Way, the volume suddenly shrank a lot, and the shape became different. It turned into a silver hand with a long length. , arrested toward Tian Xiaojian.

Its speed is even more like a streamer movie.

Tian Xiaojian's face changed greatly, and the instinct felt a great danger. From the surface of his body, there were countless light rays, and the middle of the body was combined, but a strangely shaped golden giant blade emerged.

Needless to say, nature is his treasure of life, and the real devil is broken.

With the hands of Tian Xiaojian, there were two black arcs in the palm of his hand, which were flashing and moving over the blade.

Not only that, Tian Xiaojian took a mouthful and spit out two breaths, not right. The first one was a seven-color black-and-white fire, and the last one was his life. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!