MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4167 a treasure that is close at hand

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"act recklessly!"

Because of the fragmentation of the jade, Tian Hao was originally angry, this guy came to the beard at this time, can only say that his luck is too speechless. ¢£

Tian Hao’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

A sash of gowns, a light blue flame flew out.

It’s fleeting!

The tall, out-of-bounds might want to hide, but it’s too late.

As a last resort, he could only open a mouth to present a treasure.

It is a shield, with three colors of aura flashing on the surface, and various visions emerge.

It is very good at first glance.

However, it is useless. The light blue flame is like a life. A rotation makes it easy to bypass the shield and then falls on the surface of the alien body.


The screams came into the ears, and the guards of the late monks were not useful. The next scene was to make the monks stand upright...

When the fire flashed, the unfortunate monk's body was ignited, and the whole person was turned into a huge flame, and the screaming screams came from the mouth of the alien.

Then he rushed out with the flame, and continued to mourn in the air. After a while, the sound stopped abruptly, and the whole person had completely disappeared. Even Yuan Ying had no way to escape.

If you are cold!

The strong people in the room were so stunned that they all thought they had spent their eyes.

"I didn't read it wrong. Just now is the Aoki ancestor from the white light world?"

"Yes, that guy." Another person swallowed a sip and muttered to himself.

"Aoki guy, not the first strongest person in the white light world, how to be killed so easily."

"You ask me, how can I know?"

After the daze, all sorts of arguments came into the ears, it seems that the guy who was unlucky to be killed. It is not a nameless person, but rather powerful.

For a time, these different powers have low morale.

But this is the end of the matter, even if it is regrettable, it is useless. This truth is clear to them. Of course, no one dares to live or die, to take the initiative to provoke the terrible Tian Hao.

The atmosphere seems to be solidified, and Tian Hao has no time to make more delays here, and he will be a big man. Flying towards a faraway place.

Seeing him go, the monks present were relieved.

As long as you are not stupid, anyone can guess that Tian Hao is not an ordinary fairy!

As long as you don't face the guy, others don't have to deal with it.

You can search for "Bai Liancheng Xianyu Rain" in Weixin, or "Hchy1982" to add Weixin's Weixin.

Thinking in my heart, confidence began to recover again, but there is no shortage of strong people in the real fairy. Daozu adults have something to take first. But naturally there will be other strong people coming out to preside over the overall situation.

The two sides are facing each other again!

The expressions of the eyes were full of suffocation, and soon the flash of light flashed, and each took out the treasure.

One side is the top strongman from the three thousand worlds, the other side. It is directly a figure of the fairy world.

And the number is large, so to speak, the top figures of this dimension are all here.

The war is on the verge!


The situation here is not mentioned.

At the same time, Lin Xuan and others have already resolved the danger.

The demonized giant whale king is not easy to provoke. Unfortunately, it was entangled in Lin Xuan’s law. The so-called inadvertently lost all the time, this is a good opportunity to win. Lin Xuan and his friends have not missed it.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, directly mobilize the power of the source, attack him.

On the surface, it may be unremarkable, but the power is by no means a nonsense, but the giant whale king did not have time to defend, and the whole person was directly refining.

But it was not completely degraded, the red light flashed, and a brilliance flew outside.

"I still want to run!"

Yutong Fairy's face was extremely cold, and the jade hand was lifted up, and the five fingers were slightly curved, and they went to Guanghua.

As her movements, the power of the law emerged, the whole void, like a small lake stirred by the storm, the red light was drawn by an invisible force and fell back into her hand.

There is an inch of high-intensity Yuan Ying, which is used as a rope made of spiritual power. It is as if it is struggling with the scorpion. It is still struggling, but it is useless.

There is a slight disgust in the eyes of Yutong Fairy. What is necessary for this?

There is no use, the soul of the other party is sealed by another kind of secret technique. With the strong knowledge of Yutong fairy, it is impossible to get any useful clues from his memory.


There was a sigh of anger in the eyes of Yutong Fairy. Of course, there was no reason to let him go. The jade palm lifted up a layer of fire, and instantly turned this guy into ashes.

The giant whale Wang Daqiu was reported.

However, everyone has not slackened anything. Nine days of interest are already close, but God knows there will be other traps?

The people present were the cultivators who had experienced many battles. This wisdom is still there. So they released the knowledge and searched back and forth, but found nothing wrong.

So they are no longer timid, after all, delaying for a long time, knowing what variables will be there, so Lin Xuan coughs: "Big brother, two fairies, if you don't mind, the younger brother can go to pick up the treasure."

"go Go!"

Nine Dragons really had an indifferent look. Li Yutong and Jiuwei Tianhu did not object to anything, so Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a smile and he refused.


Rumble, the loud noise kept coming into the ears, killing the sounds one after another, Tian Hao took a step, the remaining true fairy and the power of the three thousand worlds were a mess.

There are countless tricks and tricks.

On the one hand, the strength is strong, but the other side is more numerous. On the surface, it should be evenly matched. But over time, the true fairy has gradually gained the upper hand. After all, the overall strength, they are still better.

Seeing that the situation is not very good, those alien powers have been retreating. After all, they are temporarily allied together. If they can win, of course, they are good, but now they hope that they will be tight, and no one will be willing to fall.

Morale fell to the bottom of the valley, but it was a collapse, and it would have to be a thousand miles. However, at this time, the change was prominent.


There was no sign of the slightest, and the unusually unusual spatial fluctuations emerged. The original sky was still clear, and it suddenly went dark.

The heavens and the earth gathered around and roared. The two sides of the battle, whether it was the true fairy or the power of the outside world, felt a little wrong. They stopped the movements in their hands and looked around.

What has changed?

The answer was quickly revealed.

As the sound of the rumble came into the ear, the void collapsed and fell, and it kept piled up. In the end, there was a huge vortex appearing in sight.

With a diameter of several tens of miles, it gives off a terrible breath from the inside. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!