MTL - Tempered Immortal-v5 Chapter 4199 Tian Hao's stunt

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Take care of this!

Tian Hao is afraid that he will not fall into such a situation. ∑

Experts have to resort to the trick.

In many cases, the outcome is only in the first line.

This time, he obviously has no time to hide. In order to avoid the attack of Yuanyuan and Xiaodie, he has already touched him too much energy.

The end of the strong?

No, this is a bit too much. The correct one should be a nine-day mysterious woman. It just happened to capture the perfect opportunity for his old power to be exhausted and the new force not to be born.

Even the first strongest in the fairy world will be exposed.


Blood flowers splashed out.

Tian Hao was too late to hide, and there was no time to sacrifice the treasures of defense. The strength of the flesh could not stop the treasures of the nine-day mysterious woman.

Almost no suspense or nothing, it was unloaded.

As a result, it was shocked.

Lin Xuan and others are naturally overjoyed.

Although I feel a bit sinister, but such a good opportunity to let go, have released a variety of magic flames, in this case naturally have to turn each other into ashes can be a little more peace of mind.

For a time, the fire was soaring, as if the entire sky was lit.

The flames of various attributes, intertwined and flashing, the power of the law, constantly spread out towards the surrounding...

However, it has no effect. It is obvious that Tian Hao, who has been unloaded, has disappeared from the place.

The next moment, he has appeared in the far side of the sky.

The whole person reappeared in a dazzling golden light.

It was just that the sword was turned into a honeycomb by the sword. At this time, there was no scar on the body. The only difference is that the face seems pale and the breath is weakened.

After all, in that case, he is an inexplicable secret, and it is impossible to be unscathed.

Although Tian Hao has escaped a catastrophe, the expression on his face is obviously angry and angry. Or the anger is ruined.

"act recklessly!"

With a big drink, he lifted his hand and held the 10,000-volume book in the palm of his hand.

Guanghua flashed, and also changed a sword.

The style is simple, the surface has countless silver lines around the spray, and the heaven and earth vitality is all attracted to it.

Tian Hao is also a very common action.

Looking at the nine-day mysterious woman.

There is no sword, no moon, or even a force that spreads the law from the blade. However, the feeling is horrible.

It seems to be open to the earth!

A black line appeared in the void without any warning.

Then the whole space was split into two halves.

The nine-day mysterious girl exclaimed and was taken off by this powerful force. The whole person burst into a **** fog.


No, this woman is also a strong man in the real fairy, and she knows Tian Hao very well and has been defending him from revenge.

The extremes of the millennium show the life secret.

Finally escaped this killing.

The whole person reappeared in a hundred feet.

Only at this time, her breath is not only greatly weakened, but also the side of her shoulder is empty, and an arm has disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, I have escaped the first day and can't hide from fifteen. How about picking up my sword!"

Tian Hao’s face is full of cold colors, and he is not going to let the nine-day mysterious woman let go.

However, the voice did not fall, and the whistling sound was heard into the ear.

I saw the sword in the vertical and horizontal, Lingbao flying. However, Lin Xuan and others helped each other.

No... not only one of his shots.

Xiaolong real people, Li Yutong and others do not have to say that those who came from the three thousand worlds also shot together.

Originally they were entangled in the monsters that Tian Hao used to change the Wanjuan Tianshu, but Tian Hao was in distress. No one is driving, and the monsters are ruined by themselves.

In other words, they are at the moment. They all freed their hands.

The strength of these guys, although the difference can not afford, but the worst is also the late stage of the robbery, as the top of the world, even if the interface is not large, it must have experienced countless storms.

There is a lot of experience in fighting, and at this moment, I naturally know that I should do this.


Today is a godsend opportunity.

For a time, Guanghua was big, countless magic weapons, all kinds of secret techniques, and everything, all whistling toward Tian Hao.

Tian Hao is angry and intersects!

This time, it was his own exposure.

If it is not for hating nine days, mysterious woman hurt herself, how can I leave such a good opportunity for those ants?

But regretting it now makes no sense.

He took a breath and threw out the 10,000-volume book in his hand.

The dense rune loomed and turned into a light curtain, wrapping him in between.

The next moment, the sound of smashing into the ears, such as the rain hit the banana, those magic secrets, as scheduled.

For a time, the light curtain flashed, such as the stone kept into the small lake, a little bit of non-stop emerged.

No matter how the light curtain flickers, it always stands there, Lin Xuan and others will stop, and the rest of the interracial strong, all face reveals a faint color.

You must know that at this time they are attacking thousands of people at the same time, and the other party can only beat and not fight back.

So many people actually take him helpless, this guy, is not too strong and too outrageous.

What is his origin?

Is there such a strong real fairy in the upper bound?

The horror was horrified, but this time it was already difficult to ride the tiger, not to mention that there was no idiot in the scene. In this case, even if it is a match of mana, the final victory can be achieved.

They are still mad.

Tian Hao sighed, but the eyebrows flashed with anger: "Stupid ants, actually dare to provoke me to anger, in this case, let you see the starry sky storm."

The voice has not fallen!

He danced with his hands and spurred his fingertips.

Along with his movements, there was an incredible scene in front of him.

In the emptiness, there is a light arc first, and then the light arcs are connected into one piece, as if a galaxy is in sight.

And this is still not over, and after a while, the scenery around it has changed.

Starry sky, as if in the universe.

"what is this?"

Everyone looked at each other and had some suspicions in their expressions. In Lin Xuan’s heart, there was a bad premonition that emerged. I felt that I was familiar with the scene.

Could it be that……

The thoughts in my mind have not flashed, and Tian Hao’s drink has already been passed to the ear: “Stupid ants, have the opportunity to see the stunts of my starry sky storm, you are also dead, and there is no regret in this life.”

The voice has not fallen, and the myriad of stars suspended in the universe have suddenly broken off.

There are no signs at all. A crack in the surface of the planet emerges. The magma spurts, accompanied by the mantle and the hurricane. Obviously, the life of these planets has come to an end.

Lin Xuan began to retreat.

After all, it was not a long time ago, but only once, it was an inexplicable illusion, and this time, it was replaced by Tian Hao’s killing. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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