MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1206

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Among them, the information related to Kalji is archived in both inheritances.

'The tenth incarnation of Vishnu, the destined savior, born with an incomplete two-digit number, once he recovers ten solar sovereignty, he will be completely awakened and lead the little garden out of the light of salvation in the end times! ’

Thinking of the many gods and Buddhas of Kalji, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao suddenly felt his scalp numb:

"A great **** like you, when you come to such a place, can't just seek the answer to life, right?"

"Ah, you're right..."

Kalji nodded when he heard Asuka, and said calmly:

"Just like the coming of the **** of war will cause a fight, the coming of the **** of fire will cause a fire, and the coming of the **** of sea will cause a mountain to move and a tsunami."

"As the savior of the world, I came here, which means that the end is about to come to this city, and I will be the light to lead people out of the disaster."

"Are you sure there will be disasters here?" Nihui Izayoi stared at him with a look of disbelief.

In the main hall of Salamanda, they are guarded by the second generation of monsters from their family. Is this still a disaster?

You must know that after her and Asuka's perception has improved, they are almost futuristic, but they have no sense of danger at all, otherwise they would not be sitting here drinking coffee.

So, is this disaster true or false?

No, no, maybe another way of thinking, who in their family is the biggest disaster?

ah this...

On the other hand, Jiu Yuan Fei Niao also looked wrong. He always felt that something was happening, but he felt that it was not a big deal, but the appearance and symbol of Kalji were exactly what he said, which seemed very contradictory.

"It looks like a few of you should know something..." Kalji looked at everyone's faces and smiled slightly: "So, do you want to help?"

"Come with me, add a 'safety insurance' to this city, this outer door."

Hearing this, 0.8 Jiuyuan Asuka and Nihui Izayoi glanced at each other. After seeing the latter nod slightly, they looked at Kasugabe Yao again. After getting the other's nod in agreement, he immediately turned his head and said to Karji:

"Then let me see, what exactly is the disaster you're talking about!"

Hearing this, Kalji showed a happy smile and said, "I didn't read it wrong, you are all kind-hearted people."

And just when a few people began to prepare to add a safety insurance to the people in the capital of Huangyan.

The main hall of the Dragon Palace of Salamanda Headquarters.

Putting on the white robe in the style of the Salamanda desert, she looked like a local Su Jin, came to the palace in an incarnation that ordinary people could not detect, and said to the long-awaited figure in the palace:

"Suddenly visiting the door, is there something important?"

Su Jin stopped when he said this, took a deep look at the people in the hall, didn't mind the tattered monk's clothes on the other side at all, smiled and said the other side's name:

"Dragon Subduing Venerable.".

Chapter 1778 Subduing the Dragon


The Venerable Dragon Subduing, who was wearing some tattered monk robes, saw Mandela approaching, and slowly got up from the chair, clasped his hands together and said:

"The little monk subduing the dragon has seen the Mandela benefactor."

Seeing this, Su Jin nodded slightly, walked to the main seat on the side, and then motioned Venerable Dragon Subduing to sit down and said:

"do it."

The dragon girl serving in the Dragon Palace immediately brought vegetables and fruits, removed the original old plate, and then exited the palace wisely.

After all the idle people left, Su Jin turned his head and smiled at Venerable Dragon Subduing:

"His special request for advice this time, shouldn't it be for some trivial matter?"

Venerable Dragon Subduing looked at Mandela with a subtle expression.

Although the other party looked like Mandela, felt like Mandela, and breathed Mandela, but his demeanor was completely different from Mandela.

After all, after Venerable Dragon Subduing went to the realm, it was not that he had never seen Mandela. However, unlike the sad and worried look on his face in the past, the now full of high-spirited appearance reminded him of the Star Sea Dragon King back then. .

Venerable Dragon Subduing and Xinghai Dragon King are not too familiar, but they have met many times.

The Venerable Dragon Subduing was naturally impressed by the Dragon King who was in charge of the simulated star creation map and the sovereignty of the sun, who was able to maintain his sovereignty under the suppression of the Queen of Halloween and the White Night King, and even dared to leave the Taoist sect to establish his own door.

And now, the 'Mandela' in front of him gives Venerable Dragon Subduing a feeling similar to when he met the Star Sea Dragon King in its heyday.

There is 80% of the problems here.

Considering the situation of Salamanda, considering the recent 'the just-right stationing of the Heavenly Army Kunshamentian'.

Venerable Dragon Subduing silently swept away his previous thoughts and switched to another statement:

"It's been a while, but the Mandela donor is getting more and more extraordinary."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Su Jin heard the words and glanced at Venerable Dragon Subduing in surprise: "But I don't seem to have seen Venerable, do I?"

Venerable Dragon Subduing can't say that I have observed you secretly a few times since I went to the realm, but now he is very suspicious of whether the Mandela in front of him is his 'old friend' in the Heavenly Army.

After all, a five-figure Mandela wouldn't give himself this kind of throbbing.

"That might be the little monk admitting his mistake." Venerable Dragon Subduing didn't dare to try any more. As long as the real body was dug down and something extraordinary was dug out, he would just sit on the wax.

Let Dingguang Buddha do this kind of mine detection.

Thinking of this, Venerable Dragon Subduing immediately changed the topic: "At this time, the little monk came here to discuss something important."

"Oh? Please speak."

Su Jin stretched out his hand and motioned Venerable Dragon Subduing to pick up the tea brought by the maid next to him. He also picked up the exquisite ceramic tea set beside him and took a sip of the tea.

Seeing this gesture, Venerable Dragon Subduing silently deleted several suspicious objects in his mind, and finally deleted them to the back. He didn't dare to guess any more, and he could only make his own thoughts out.

"The donor may already know that Salamanda is about to 'catastrophe' in the near future."

Hearing this, Su Jin raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that Venerable Dragon Subduing was so eloquent, directly talking about Azi Dakaha, so he said in a subtle tone:

"Excuse me, sir, to elaborate."

Hearing Su Jin's tone, Venerable Dragon Subduing wiped off his sweat and explained it not easily:

"There is an unparalleled demon who will be released by the demons and poison all living beings, and Salamanda is the core of this disaster. I just asked the donor, whether this is a big disaster."

"Forget it!" Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth, then stared at Venerable Dragon Subduing with a smile and said, "Then I don't know how Venerable can solve it?"

'If you want to act, I will act with you. ' Su Jin is communicating with Venerable Dragon Subduing with the mentality of a person who is having such fun.

Of course, in this case, we have to see if Venerable Dragon Subduing responds quickly and whether he will play.

He didn't care that Mandela's holster was seen by Venerable Dragon Subduing, because as long as the other party knew the points, he knew that this was not something that could be said.

On the other hand, Venerable Dragon Subduing could not hide anything from Su Jin.

As long as you guess who is under the holster of 'Mandela', Venerable Dragon Subduing will understand that this meeting is no longer about 'The Venerable Dragon Subduing understands the righteousness and helps Salamanda to survive the crisis'.

Rather, "The Venerable Dragon Subduing provided a detailed plan to His Majesty Su Jin regarding the Buddhist conspiracy. ’

After all, if Su Jin is not satisfied with the answer, and the cooperation is not good enough, then the Eighteen Arhats may be considered and called the Seventeen Arhats.

Feeling the pressure brought by Su Jin, Venerable Dragon Subduing did not dare to reach out to wipe the cold sweat on his face, but gritted his teeth and said:

"The little monk does have a way to crack it."

When he said this, he paused and said: "That monster coveted the supreme mog 'Bo Xun' of my Buddhism, and planned to release the three evil dragons you guarded, causing the earth to fall into the calamity of war, and the small garden into the flames of war. 'Meritory', resulting in 'Morabozun's evil deeds, becoming a devil's name.'"

Speaking of this, Venerable Dragon Subduing paused and said in awe: "This is what I was told not long ago after I asked the World Honored."

After he couldn't figure out what Dingguang Buddha wanted to do in 453 before, Venerable Dragon Subduing was rotten.

He directly asked the Buddha, hoping that the Buddha would tell the answer, and the wonderful thing was that the Buddha replied in seconds.

Therefore, Venerable Dragon Subduing realized that there are actually some people in Buddhism who have been delusional about becoming a Mara equivalent to Buddha.

Such disrespectful things, if not for what the Buddha himself said, Venerable Dragon Subduing would not have discovered it.

If the Buddha's personal biography becomes a demon, the blow to Buddhism will be unprecedented. If you are not careful, the monster of Buddhism may have the risk of collapsing.

And the impact of the collapse of Buddhism, I am afraid it will lead to a chain reaction itself, let the entire human history, let the small garden completely collapse and enter the end of the age.

Thinking of the savior Kargi made by Buddhism and Ouroboros, Venerable Dragon Subduing realized that even after the collapse of Hakoniwa, how to save the world was counted.

This terrifying fact makes Venerable Dragon Subduing have to try to save himself, but his whereabouts are being monitored by the enemy, and the risk of exposure is too great to run outside the North District, so the most convenient thing at present is the day of Salamandari. Army garrison.

He wanted to tell Kunsamantian about it, but he couldn't move too far and searched directly, so he found Mandela in a roundabout way, trying to deal with the middleman who was a relay.

It's just that he seems to be hitting a bit crookedly! .

Chapter 1779 Because of the 'sun'

"Someone wants to be Mara Posen?"

Su Jin's expression became very subtle, because without being mentioned by Venerable Dragon Subduing, Su Jin knew that this 'someone' must be his own person from Buddhism.

Then, he really did not expect that there are people in Buddhism who want to use the release of 'Calamity (Azi Dakaha)' to achieve a different kind of calamity, relying on the merits of Mara Boshan, and win for himself opportunity for advancement.

You must know that Mara Boxun, as the enemy of the Buddha, he transformed into a free demon, but he is the head of all demons in Buddhism, and the leader of all demons and monks, and his spirituality corresponds to the Buddha.

The so-called Buddha eliminates the devil and rises. The more people in the Buddhist sect who worship the Buddha's yang and yin, the more "devil sons and devil monks", and the greater the merits of the magic Luo Lingge at the source.

And now, how many people in Buddhism are in awe of the Buddha? This is a question that even Buddhism can't study.

Thinking of this, Su Jin looked at Venerable Dragon Subduing with a half-smile and said:

"So, among you Buddhists, someone wants to take advantage of Azi Dakaha to release Calamity and advance to double digits?"

Su Jin originally thought that he was boring enough, and came to Salamanda in person, just to give Buddha a decent exit, but he didn't expect that someone was more 'boring' than him and wanted to slap Buddha in the face.

In order to be promoted to Mora, Buddhist disciples released Aziz Dakaha, and regarded all the lives of Hakoniwa as the sustenance for their own promotion.

Judging from the cruelty alone, he is really qualified to be this Mora.

After all, Az Dakaha was released, representing the final trial restart of mankind.

And by that time, how many people will die and how much damage the lower class will suffer, that is an immeasurable number.

At that time, Su Jin will either play by himself or passively. After all, as the commander of the Heavenly Army, he has the obligation to contend with the final trial.

And if he was defeated like Emperor Shitian back then, and the two generations of chiefs were defeated one after another, then the order of the small garden would be about to collapse completely.

"Amitabha." Venerable Dragon Subduing recited the Buddha's name, and then said with a frowning face: "That's why, and because of this, the little monk had to find a benefactor."

"The little monk and the rest of the Arhats used their bodies to feed the demons, and used their thieves to exchange for a bit of life, and that life...'"."

Speaking of this, Venerable Dragon Subduing paused, couldn't help but looked at Su Jin and said:

"It happens to have an extraordinary connection with Arcadia."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Su Jin suddenly became interested when he heard that it was related to Arcadia.

Could it be that there is a senior in Arcadia who is closely related to this matter being controlled by Buddhism?

But that's not right. There are seniors who have been exiled and have not returned. There are indeed a few members of the past in the hands of Ouroboros, but they are all in the name of Hei Tian. Even if Buddhism wants to bite, it is not necessary. .

Hei Tian knew about Su Jin's achievement of the perpetual motion spirit, and naturally knew that Su Jin had a high probability of inheriting the elements of defeating Az Dakaha.

In this case, the fool released the three-headed dragon for Su Jin to kill.

Before Su Jin thought, 'Although he kicked Buddhism out of the Heavenly Army, he basically took away their current lower-level protective umbrella. ’

But hasn't he cleaned up the lower-level Buddhist forces?

Logically speaking, the conflict between the two parties cannot be damaged because of this interest, and it will be so troublesome that the evil dragon will be released.

But if someone in Buddhism wants to be promoted to double digits, it makes sense.

Judging from the current words of Venerable Dragon Subduing, it is highly probable that 'Buddhist Spirituality' and 'Magic rise and Buddha's disappearance in Buddhism' will become a catastrophe that will affect the future of Hakoten and lead to the end of Hakoten. The main cause', these three points.

Needless to say the first point, the second point is already a fact, the third point, the three-headed dragon was originally sealed by the canary, and the final trial of human beings was suspended. Urging, so the person who released this dragon is indeed leading Hakoniwa into a catastrophic future.

The conditions are basically allowed, plus the number of places in the God Killer War in the near future, and the three-digit promotion of Alger is exceptional. Hestia has completed the most unlikely Gaia promotion, mastering the sovereignty of the earth, and a caring person in Buddhism. After so many years of laying the groundwork, I finally couldn't help it, but it was somewhat reasonable.

"And even if you can't achieve Mora, after the three-headed dragon is released, the godslayer war that was originally stopped because of the confrontation between me and the originals must have no one involved. In that case, just fight and grab the godslayer. There seems to be a lot of possibility for the two-digit number of people in the war."

In the godslayer war, gods and Buddhas compressed their spiritual bodies and descended to the earth as gods of disobedience, but the three-headed dragon killing gods wouldn't care whether you were gods of disobedience or what kind of gods and Buddhas were, as long as they were gods, they could do it. lore.

Under such circumstances, coming to the earth requires extra courage for the gods, and it is inevitable that the number of participants will be greatly reduced.

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