MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1217

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"If you want to be promoted in Buddhism, there is only one way, and that is to choose the opposite side of Buddha, and as the identity of Moruo, be promoted to two digits."

"And if I want to be promoted to Mara, I need to release Aziz Dakaha to release his exploits and try to be promoted to the Great Freedom Demon."

"This should be the point where you think we're at odds, right?"

Su Jin nodded, indicating that he understood, then looked at Rahula silently, waiting for his next words.

"Actually, if you are only promoted to Mora, you don't have to release Aziz Dakaha as radical as it is, there is still a slow way."

Hearing Rahula say this, Su Jin couldn't help but wonder:

"What method?"

"Disturb Buddhism, let it let the lower class go, and cause the lower class to fall into order and chaos, thus slowly accumulating spirituality."

Hearing Rahula say this, Su Jin's expression finally changed.

"Looks like you understand."

Rahula smiled, then pointed to himself and said:

"The reason why Buddha couldn't control Buddhism is largely my factor, because my own son is going to be promoted to double digits. He is out of human nature, so he will not stop and let Buddhism fall into chaos."

"Hehe, this kind of human nature that goes against his own ideas has put him in a contradiction. This is the reason why he is now nailed to the altar, at least the main reason."

"Originally, according to the plan, before Hakoten falls into the end, I will complete the spiritual status, that is to say, if \'.\"Water Resources,,;Source?:\"Group\';?6?5;6\ '6;\'!1!\":8\"!?8\'?.9!.6,.,Preparation\";Use \'中\' to turn; group.\":7\".\ '6\".6.,0.,,1?\'\'8;\",3?:2!?0, it's not that I don't have a safe way to become a two-digit number, but..."

"However, I kicked Buddhism out of the Heavenly Army, took away the management rights, and completely ended your road to stable promotion?"

Su Jin said what Rahula wanted to say in a very subtle tone.

It was at this moment that Su Jin really wanted to understand the point of hatred between him and Rahula.

The revenge of the road!

If Rahula is the Buddha, then Su Jin is the Mara who hindered his enlightenment!

"This is just one of them."

Rahula shook his head, indicating more than that:

"Actually, apart from this way, apart from the release of Aziz Dakaha, the way to advance to the lower realm of cholera, there is another way that can also make me a double-digit."

"Oh?" Su Jin heard the words, surprised at the fact that there were three ways for Rahala to advance to the second digit, and was also curious about the third way.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

"The so-called demon is the chaos of people's hearts and the opposite of order."

Speaking of which, Luo Huluo looked at Su Jin solemnly and said:

"That is to say, as long as I defeat the commander of the Heavenly Army representing the order, I can also have a certain probability of promotion and achieve double digits."

"Hehe, Di Shitian has never been aware of my existence, but his sense of smell has always been sensitive. After smelling something wrong, he immediately gave up the position of the commander of the Tianjun army to you, and successfully took over my army. This old fox has always been cunning. , I didn't even know my existence and thought of a way to hinder me, which is really hateful."

"Unfortunately, what Emperor Shitian didn't know was that before Su Jin forced Buddhism to withdraw from the Heavenly Army, I was stuck at the last step, until Puxian Bodhisattva committed suicide, and I succeeded in killing a great Bodhisattva. To the limit of three digits, unfortunately, this limit came too late, otherwise I would not have to face you."


Hearing this, Su Jin's pupils shrank slightly, and suddenly understood the reason why Puxian Bodhisattva aimed at Emperor Shitian and Tianjun:

"What is the relationship between Puxian Bodhisattva and you?"

"He is my mentor."

After hearing Rahula's explanation, Su Jin completely understood.

Why Puxian Bodhisattva and Di Shitian are old friends, but they keep targeting the Heavenly Army, and why is Puxian Bodhisattva committing suicide simply and neatly after being persecuted by him.

It turned out to be to pave the way for Rahula... Even suicide, it is estimated that there are factors in order to cover Rahula in front of me and provide a chance to take the lead...

The hatred of obstructing the way, the hatred of killing teachers, it is no wonder that Rahula would make such a 'provocation'.

'Is this the game I started? ...That's true, it's true that I pushed Rahula to the limit step by step unintentionally... In a sense, it's not actually a provocation, but an accusation. ’

Facing the victim in front of him, Su Jin was silent for a while, and said:

"So, you and I have to fight?"

Hearing this, Rahula's eyes narrowed, full of consciousness: "It is a decision of life and death!"

"…I understand."

Su Jin sighed and said regretfully:

"It's a pity, the noble highness of Buddhism will die at the hands of Aziz Dakaha today."

In the next second, a dark shadow will cover everything! Eight.

Chapter 1797 The Great Dutiful Son, Rahula

The dark shadows take away the color of the flowers and darken the depths of the sky.

In just an instant, the shadow took away the color of the Garden of Flowers and infected the 'color' on Rahula's body.

"The Shadow of the Dragon?"

Rahula recognized the origin of this power. It was the shadow of a powerful dragon seed left on the ground. It was also recognized as the power of the origin of the dragon vein, and it was a gift possessed by the pure blood dragon seed and its retinues.

As one of the strongest dragons mixed with pure-blooded dragons and gods and Buddhas, Aziz Dakaha is very good at controlling the shadow of dragons.

It's just that Azi Dakaha's manipulation method has always been single, a purely offensive shadow blade, but there is no such change as Su Jin that infects the fundamental concept of all things.

The two-digit habitual control of Vientiane? No, it's just close to "four five three", but there is a very strong power hidden on it, this is the so-called small universe...

Rahula's expression froze, and he didn't see any movement from him. On his junior, the position of the tail vertebrae lit up with a faint golden light.

A strong sandalwood scent came.

The shadow that eroded Rahula seemed to have hit something incomparably solid, and was isolated on the surface of Rahula's body, unable to go any further inward.

Su Jin was not surprised that this move was countered, but he still looked at Rahula in surprise, and said with a rather surprised expression:

"You implanted Sakyamuni's relic into your body?"

What kind of act of kindness and filial piety is this? Even Su Jin was stunned by this.

"To fight double digits, this strategy is a must."

Rahula, who had regained control of his own Vientiane, said in a tone of good deeds.

Although relying on truth to control the root of all things and control the changes of all phenomena is only a difference between the truth of the universe and other existences, but this kind of thing is the gap between heaven and earth.

The two-digit number that controls all things can use this power to tamper with the world and redefine the rules, while the three-digit number below it can only distort the laws of the world by virtue of its authority. This is a fundamental gap. If there is no way to offset this gap, The two sides didn't even have the chance to fight at the same level.

In the face of this power, Su Jin resisted all power with the characteristics of the eighth sense of the small universe, while Rahula indirectly used a similar power to offset it by implanting Sakyamuni.

Although the two approaches are different, the effect is similar.

"Sure enough, my guess was correct."

Seeing Su Jin's methods, Luo Huluo finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Su Jin with a look of happiness:

"You really didn't reach the level of 'truth', you just simulated a similar power by relying on your own power."

"It's just that I didn't expect to simulate the control of Vientiane by two digits. Is this the characteristic of a small universe?"

Seeing Rahula analyzing his own strength, Su Jin didn't care:

"Aren't you going to die under the shadow of the dragon? Obviously this is the best outcome for you and for Buddhism."

"Sorry, I have no intention of actively seeking death."

While Rahula said this, his figure was fading little by little.

"Cause and effect?" Su Jin frowned, watching his disappearance in surprise: "Even the power of 'karma' can be seconded, because it is the relationship between the Buddha and the relic, or is it the one who has seconded the power?"

"It's a pity, it's the former." Rahula's voice quickly faded, and he also said with a smile: "I chose the fruit of successful escape, using the power of the relic to cross the process and realize it directly. Of course, for the relic to come Say, this kind of operation is already the upper limit..."

"However, that's enough."

Before dissipating completely, Rahula said in a slightly cunning tone:

"Unlike those who are sheltered by my father and forget the terrible double digits, I am very aware of the monsters of people like you."

"Not to mention fighting a monster like you who can even defeat monsters."

"So, from the beginning, I didn't plan to confront you head-on, but challenged you to the strongest opponent."

"Let me see, is the strongest human being the strongest in the final trial, or you, the strongest human being, is better..."

Seeing that Rahula disappeared from the Garden of Flowers unharmed, Su Jin just frowned, and then spit out a dirty breath:

"It's really annoying, this kind of information gap."

People who are good at playing with bad feelings will inevitably be played by intelligence. Although no one has said this, Su Jin really feels the power of this sentence.

The relic on Rahula's body, he pinned his hopes on the three-headed dragon that he thought could fight with him. These anomalies that deviate from Su Jin's cognition must be something that Su Jin did not know, and the intelligence that Rahula knew was supporting it. .

Otherwise, it is impossible for Rahula to have such self-confidence. He is not a fool because he is a quasi-single-digit parent and child. Why did he just argue with Su Jin about something he was not sure about?

So, what is the problem with the three-headed dragon?

And just when Su Jin frowned and thought deeply.

Underground of the original site of Salamanda, where the real seal is.

The monk with a young and ordinary face came here, stood in front of the sealed gate, looked at the sun and stars in the sky, and said softly:

"Sure enough, which one's little universe is essentially something that exceeds two digits. If you want to deal with him, I can't do it with my strength alone. 0.8"

He said, stretched out his hand, and saw a skull full of bright gold and glazed texture appearing in his hand.

Buddha relic, and the most important skull relic.

Relying on his connection with the skull relic, Rahula retrieved it and directly canceled the previously isolated world.

A breeze blows.

The black parchment passed through the supplies and fell on the hall of the seal.

It was the contract document symbolized by Pest's gift game 'The Piper of Hamel'.

"Because the revenge of the undead of the Black Death has distorted the sun, the 'preliminary cause' is enough, so the result of 'the sun's sovereign Chenlong is sealed' will naturally be achieved."

"It's time to come out, Az Dakaha!".

Chapter 1798 The evil dragon broke out of the seal

Along with Rahula's words, there was a boom, the sound was like a signal for the beginning, and the hall, which was the seal, trembled.

Pieces of dust were shaken away, and the stones that made up the hall began to twist and disintegrate with both slowness and extreme speed.


The central space was torn open with a large hole.

Two pairs of red jade-like eyes slowly opened from it.

Boom boom boom! The dome crumbled, and sunlight from the outside shone into the ground.

"How do you feel about the long-lost sunshine?"

Rahula looked at Aziz Dakaha with a smile, and looked at the vacant head in the middle of him in amazement:

"Oh? The head in the middle was hit? Who has the ability to do such damage to you?"

"This power... is Dingguang Buddha?" Aziz Dakahan's deep voice echoed in the space: "No, there is something deep, this demonic nature hidden under Buddha nature, so it is, let Did Dingguang Buddha attach himself to his body by relying on it and send his real body into this lower realm? This kind of boring trick, it turns out to be you, Rahula!"

"It's been gone for tens of thousands of years, Evil Dragon."

Rahula smiled and said:

"Aren't you going to come out and make a scene?"

"There's a lot of trouble, there's this plan...but..."

Before the words were finished, the huge, scaly claws gently pinched Rahula's head:

" got in my way."

Read The Duke's Passion