MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1226

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"What?" Sitting Luohan who was about to escape was suddenly stopped.

"The devil is you! Watch it!!"

With one blow of the golden hoop stick, the golden body shattered, and the spiritual platform was torn apart. With one blow, the Arhat turned into a solitary soul, engulfed by the black light falling from the sky.

After doing this, Sun Wukong carried the golden hoop stick, glanced at the side and said, "What are you doing to sit still and sit quietly, Maitreya Buddha, don't you think I can't beat him?"


The round Buddha walked out of the corner, looked at the miserable situation on the steps, shook his head and said:

"I'm just preventing someone from escaping."

"Oh? You too!" Sun Wukong looked at Maitreya Buddha with a smile and winked, "Is it also an order from the great monk?"


Maitreya Buddha put his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name, and then said to Sun Wukong:

"Great Sage, after this battle, you can also leave Buddhism and return to freedom."

"Take it down, I join when Buddhism is strong, and I run away when Buddhism is down, so I'm still a person?"

Hearing this, Maitreya Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "That's true."

Sun Wukong smiled, then glanced at the novices who were tortured by the blood of twelve beasts:

"Speaking of which, those disciples..."

"Just repaying the debt." Maitreya Buddha sighed sadly: "How much I ate in the past, now I spit it out."

"The kind-hearted person asked us for a list, which can be regarded as eradicating these cancers for us."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong snorted (bgai): "What nonsense are you talking about, the one who killed was Dingguang Buddha, what does it have to do with Su Jin."

Maitreya immediately understood what Sun Wukong meant, rubbed his head with a smile and said, "Well, that's right! That's exactly what happened."

As long as they, the surviving Buddhist disciples, all say that they were killed by Dingguang Buddha, they were killed by Dingguang Buddha. ’

As for how Dingguang Buddha did it, whoever asks, whoever goes, will confront 'Dingguang Buddha' himself!

Anyway, they believed it themselves!



Under the lotus dais, watching the scene of the Buddha crying blood and the bodhisattva dying, Aziz Dakaha grabbed Rahula and forced him to look at the scene before him and said:

"Have you seen it, this is justice!"

"...You call this justice?" Rahula spoke to Aziz Dakaha for the first time.

"Isn't it?" Aziz Dakahan's ruby-colored eyes stared at Rahula and said, "Those who have the courage to stand in front of me are all justice!"

"And now, besides Su Jin, who else is standing in front of me?"

"They all know that as long as they kill me, they can break my demon game and let more people escape from Su Jin's pursuit, but who came to me?"

Hearing the words, Rahula fell silent.

From the start of the war to the present, no one has come to Az Dakaha.

Obviously they are in a three-digit battlefield, at the core of the fight, but none of them came to them.

"Understood? Did you see clearly?"

Aziz Dakaha grinned and said:

"They are afraid of death! So they would rather fight Su Jin for a turnaround than come to me and face the test of the final trial."

"What Buddha, what Bodhisattva, is nothing more than a group of cowards who want to eat cards, a group of garbage."

"They're not even as good as Di Shitian, at least, that **** still has the courage to stand in front of me!"

"Oh yes, I heard that you are their recognized leader. How does it feel to lead a group of garbage?"

"Almost forgot, you are still a leader, why haven't they come to save you as a leader?"

Hearing this, Rahula Shen was silent again.

He raised his empty eye sockets, stared at the many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, looked at Su Jin, who had an expressionless face and smashed a Buddha and Bodhisattva into slag, thinking of everything in the past.

He thought of the compliments of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and the expectant eyes of Buddhist disciples.

He thought of himself, of the Buddha behind him, who had no freedom at all.

He was silent, and when Aziz Dakaha did not expect it, he suddenly raised his hand and shattered his own skull.

At this moment, as if the same electric spark flashed in everyone's heart.

Whether they were doing it or not, at this moment, they all looked at the lotus throne on the main seat and the magnificent golden body of the Buddha.

Under the gaze of everyone, under the astonishment and horror of many Buddhas.


A crack appeared on the golden body.

Chapter 1811 Vajra pestle

Above the Mahavira Hall.

Su Jin casually threw the corpse of the Buddha of Infinite Life on the ground, and then looked at the golden body of the Buddha, which made a crackling sound.

He lowered his head, glanced at Rahula who had lost his vitality, frowned slightly, and turned his head to look at Aziz Dakaha.

Aziz Dakaha understood what Su Jin meant and shook his head, indicating that he didn't do it himself.

Seeing this, Su Jin was surprised instead, he glanced at Luo Huluo, didn't say anything, just raised his head to meet - that lowered gaze.


The golden Buddha statue began to shatter, with a rumbling sound, one hand pierced through the golden body, pierced it from the inside, and squeezed the edge to tear it hard.


The golden body collapsed suddenly.

A young man with a sturdy stature, stylish features, cinnabar between his eyebrows, and a face that can be remembered at a glance, but forgotten at a glance, walked out of it, born lotus step by step, came to Rahula, and lowered his eyebrows to look at him.

"Cough cough..."

Rahula's headless corpse was coughing, and a weak male voice sounded:

"...this is not the Buddhist door I is not..."

"...I was wrong, really wrong..."

"Alas." The monk sighed softly, waved his hand slightly, and a spiritual light entered his palm.

Rahula's corpse paused, completely breathless.

Seeing the death of the parent and child, the monk turned his head and looked at the Buddhist disciples who stopped moving.

Seeing this, the remaining Buddhas looked at each other, and then knelt down in unison:

"Please let the Buddha take action and subdue this devil!!"

"Please let the Buddha take action and subdue this devil!!"

Su Jin, known as the 'devil', talked boringly about the broken bones stuck on his little finger.

He had forgotten which Buddha this bone belonged to. He had killed too many people, and his anger had subsided a lot, and he had no intention to kill any more.

Of course, it doesn't seem like he needs to be killed.

At this time, in the face of many requests from the Buddha, the monk raised his hand, and at this moment Rahula's aura suddenly changed into an illusory vajra.

The monk squeezed the vajra, tried his strength, and then smashed the head of a Buddha.

"The force is lighter!"


The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who were kneeling on the ground suddenly raised their heads and said in amazement.


Another Bodhisattva died, and it was one of Buddha's personal inheritance, but he still died, when the Buddha threw out the vajra.

"Buddha, spare your life!!"

The Buddhas exploded with a bang and fled in all directions, but every step they took, they were one step away from the Buddha.

In this situation, when advancing and being approached, retreating is also near, and doing nothing is approaching, all the Buddhas were desperate.

"Do not----!!!"

Su Jin ignored the screams, turned his head and looked at Aziz Dakaha:

"We don't need us here, do you want to start? While the power of the Buddha is still with you."

"Ha ha!"

Aziz Dakaha stood up when he heard the words, and his three-meter-high body faced Su Jin, like a giant and a child, but even so, he was still excited:

"I thought you would watch it for a while, but didn't you expect you to be so impatient?"

"Enough to play, I plan to go home to comfort my wife."

Su Jin moved his neck and made a rattling sound. Then, he stared deeply at Aziz Dakaha and said:

"By the way, in your current situation, I can't keep it."

"Right on my mind!"

The banner of evil behind Az Dakaha fluttered in the breeze, and the dualism of good and evil was running fast:

"Come on, use everything you have and try to turn into a sharp blade through my chest!!"

The flame is diffuse and rising.

The brilliance of the Light Wheel of Tyrant is brewing and accumulating in the body of the evil dragon.

"Is it a winner or loser?"

Su Jin shook his head, stretched out his hand, and twelve beasts emerged behind him, surrounding him, forming the star map of the zodiac.

Su Jin held the starlight in his hand, and said to the three-headed evil dragon that ignited himself and emitted a dazzling brilliance:

"This move is called 'Zodiac Twelve Absolute Howl'!

- Please taste it!"



The gravel fell from the stone pillars and smashed onto the dilapidated ground.

Sun Wukong looked at the broken wall and broken pillar in front of him, and said in amazement:

"This is a broken place, who would have thought that two minutes ago, it was still Lingshan Daxiong Hall!"

"My own simulated star creation map 'Three Thousand Worlds' is broken like this, and you are still smiling so happily? You monkey, you have enough conscience."

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

The young girl holding the jade bottle said with a clever smile.

Sun Wukong shook his head and rejected the girl's words:

"That's what the mother said was wrong. I'm just a Buddhist guest. This place can't be regarded as a home. It should be regarded as a company. Well, this is a modern way of saying it. I borrowed it and used it, right?"

Hearing this, the young girl holding the jade bottle smiled and said:

"If that's the case, are you interested in jumping to work in my Wa Palace?"

"Part-time is fine, but full-time is fine. I don't want to be gossiped."

Sun Wukong shook his head, then glanced at the monk who was still squatting on the broken lotus pedestal, bathing in the sunset, stroking the vajra, and then sighed:

"I just didn't expect that Rahula would make such a choice in the end. I thought he was the kind of lunatic who didn't give up until he achieved his goal. In the end, the co-author was just a foolish little boy."

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