MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1239

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"If you count the time now, according to the old gentleman's style, there should be a certain response..."

Before Tosaka Tokiomi could finish speaking, a rustling sound came from the metal object that looked like a loudspeaker next to his seat.

Before long, an old voice sounded:

"Shi Chen-jun, you should be still beside the communication props now, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Rizheng, is there any news about Sakura?"

"Well, there is already news, but a little unexpected situation has been found..."

Hearing Kotomine Rizheng saying this, Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned and asked:

"Please speak."

Hearing this, Kotomine Rizheng, who is located on the ground floor of the Sanctuary Church, opposite the communication device, said in a subtle tone:

"Take away Shi Chenjun's daughter, Sakura's magician, who is now in the church..."

Kotomine Rizheng raised his head slightly and looked at the top of his head.

And right now.

Inside the church chapel.

Su Jin sat on the bench where the believers were sitting, with the sleepy-eyed 'Kama' in his arms.

On the opposite side of him, a woman with silver hair and golden eyes, a pretty and glamorous face, like an ice beauty, is saying to Su Jin in a serious tone:

"The gods and Buddhas of the alien planet, although I don't know the reason why you came here with the heroic spirit, but I'm sorry, during the Holy Grail War, the church was absolutely neutral, so as a judge, I have the right to supervise all your actions."

Hearing his daughter say such words in an extremely serious tone, Kotomine Kirei suddenly felt that something was amiss.

Chapter 1832 Karen Aldecia

Does the Holy Grail War refer to the Fourth Holy Grail War that Father and Teacher are preparing?

What happened to the alien gods and Buddhas? The magician opposite is actually a **** and Buddha from an alien planet? The little girl in his arms, although her age and hair color have changed, but according to the magical power, she should be Teacher Shi Chen's second daughter, right?

Also, why does my daughter Karen claim to be the Overseer of the Holy Grail War and list the Church as absolutely neutral?

We who help Teacher Shi Chen can still be considered neutral?

In a short sentence, many thoughts flashed through Kotomine Kirei's head.

Even among them, there is an unruly idea.

For example, Kotomine Kirei is now thinking about the 'snake slough of the oldest snake' that is still underground in the church, and has a very bad idea for Tohsaka Tokiomi.

He wanted to see how Tosaka Tokiomi and the magician in front of him would react after telling "Four Eight Seven" about the snake shedding to the magician in front of him? ’

Thinking of this possibility, Kotomine Kirei couldn't help shuddering.

'What's wrong with me? ’

The priest was at a loss.

And when Kotomine Kirei was in chaos, Su Jin indeed looked curiously at the silver-haired, golden-eyed nun in front of him with a cold face.

Karen Ordesia Kotomine?

It's still the girl's version, and the priest next to him is Kotomine Kirei? Oh? There is no smell of depravity, just a little confused... Is it a young age when the meaning of life is still found?

By the way, what's going on in this moon world? The timeline is so confusing...

While thinking like this, Su Jin raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling Karen not to be too nervous:

"Sister, who is the heroic spirit that relies on you?"

Hearing this, Karen's face sank, and she said in a bad tone: "There is no comment on this matter."

However, at this moment, a female voice that did not match her tone came out of her mouth:

"Allow me to salute you only in my present image, Your Majesty."

"Greetings to you from your humble disciple Marda."

"Marda, you..." Hearing the female voice, Karen was stunned for a while, apparently not expecting that the saintess who possessed herself would do such a lone behavior.

At this time, hearing the other party's self-declaration, Su Jin was also slightly surprised, then nodded and said:

"I'm not the savior you know, I'm just an agent who cooperates with him."

And Kama, who heard the conversation between the two, said with a little interest:

"Oh? Is this name, the Crusader Saint Marda who subdued Tarasque, the son of Leviathan?"

"After the gods and Buddhas, is it the saintess who appeared? The restraint is really hard work..."

Listening to Kama's emotion, Marda didn't say a word, but in the eyes of those who could perceive it, the saint was actually kneeling in front of Su Jin, bowing her head and praying, as if she was repenting.

At that time, Su Jin, who knew that the saint on the opposite side didn't listen to him at all, just shook his head, then looked at Karen and said:

"So, you are one of the three referees of this Holy Grail War?"

"Yes." Karen said with an unnatural look.

Through Marda, she has already learned who the **** and Buddha in front of her are.

The greatest faith of the Church of the Holy Church, the Son and Incarnation of the Lord, the Son of the Cross...

Was there a church in the world beyond Hakoniwa?

But why, just because the other party exists, will make her body have such a strange reaction?

Just when Karen was shocked by this fact, Su Jin glanced at her deeply and said:

"It stands to reason that the referee should remain neutral, but your tone just now was smart and hostile... isn't it..."

"Are verbal malice and physical proximity? That's right, you have such a special physique."

Hearing Su Jin's words, Karen's face froze, but she didn't say anything more.

Masochistic Spiritual Media.

A special physique that automatically produces painful reactions when demons approach.

Of course, this alone cannot be called masochism. The reason why this physique is described in this way is that there is also the way of exorcism of masochistic spiritual media - through the harmonious link between people, to get rid of the possessed Human demons.

The way of exorcism, which can be called the Eighteen Bans, is Karen's biggest secret and the reason for her resistance to Su Jin from the very beginning.

After all, while Su Jin holds the spiritual identity of the Holy Son of Crusade, he also shares the spiritual identity of the origin of the devil with the original magic star, Alger.

Under this delicate relationship, Kalian is now able to stand in front of Su Jin stably, thanks to the fact that Su Jin's personality is too high, which overloads the other party's spiritual medium...

It is precisely because of this that despite the severe pain on her body, Karen is still able to ensure sufficient sobriety.

It's just that because of the pain, she is in a very bad mood now, and after Marda blew herself up, her mood is even worse.

"Do you need me to solve it for you? You shouldn't want to bear this kind of pain anymore, right?"

Hearing Su Jin's 'kindness' question, Kalian refused without thinking:

"I refuse, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't need you to help me solve it!"

Karen looked at Su Jin coldly, if not for her father, if not for her grandfather coming up from the basement, she really wanted to pry open what was in the head of this suspected saint?

In front of her family, she actually said to 'solve' the problem for her?

God and Buddha have no sense of shame, she still has it!

This person thought that she had been hiding her physique from her grandfather and father, why?

I'm just looking forward to the expression of 'When people can't bear it and choose to fall, when grandfather and father find out about it, it's too late! ’

You wicked son of a bitch! Are you trying to hurt me?

However, as the object of the first fall, this man who seems to be the Son of God seems to have a lot of money...

Aware of Karen's obvious mood swings, the Ma 0.8 Erda possessed by her was greatly shocked.

Co-authoring the hardships you have been holding back and enduring the endless pain is just for this?

What kind of weirdness am I attached to! !

Also, what were your thoughts just now? Do you want to blaspheme the Son? You are outrageous! ! Heresy, absolute heresy! must be cleared!

"Reject...?" Su Jin gave Kalian a strange look, wondering why the other party didn't want to change her physique.

Obviously, he should have guessed that he has the personality of the Holy Son, why did he refuse? Did he not realize that he could change his physique?

And just when Su Jin was puzzled.

There was a knock on the door.

What followed was a calm voice:

"I'm sorry, is Father Kotomine there?"

When Yan Fengli heard this voice, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 1833 Who are you talking about?

The street near the church, the fourth floor of a shop.

Tohsaka Rin looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was walking alone to the church, and bit his thumb a little irritably.

Seeing her behaving like this, Ishtar couldn't help mocking:

"Since you're so worried, then knock your father out, and let you meet the enemy instead of him?"

"Obviously what he said just now, 'I will take away his Command Spell and Heroic Spirit!', listen, what a tough tone!"

"But what about now?"

"A coward who can only be worried here? A master like you is really inferior!"

"Long-long, long-winded, long-winded!" Tohsaka Rin cursed through gritted teeth, and then said:

"Father has used the words 'it is the father's responsibility to save his daughter'. How can you tell me to stop him?"

"That's exactly what I wanted to ask."

Ishtar sneered, and then said in a cold tone:

16 "Rin, are you really sure that human is your father?"

Tohsaka Rin's pupils shrank, but for a while he didn't know how to respond.

"Although I don't know what's going on with the modern magician, the information given based on the restraint and a little memory shared when possessing you have told me how ruthless the modern magician is. ."

"So, Rin, now this 'father' who loves his daughter so much, even putting himself in danger, is really your father? Which one just adopted your sister because there can only be one family heir? Someone else's father?"

"...Rin, don't you think your father is too perfect now? It's like... the father you imagined?"

"Don't you think it's a coincidence that the living parents, the young sister, and the hostile Master who is endangering us at this moment?"

"So is there a possibility that the time line is not wrong, you are still living alone Tohsaka Rin, your parents and sister, are actually the 'preset props' created by the enemy to calculate your master?"

Hearing Ishtar's cruel words, Tohsaka Rin opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

In the face of such a situation, it was Ereshkigal who stopped the topic and said:

"Okay, Ishtar, calm down a little bit, there's no need to say this kind of meaningless thing now."

"And even if it's a trap, it's just a 'temptation' set by the restraint force, not the arm of the enemy. We all know when the Masters of Hakoniwa will come. They won't have such preparation time, and they may not even have the time to create it. Sufficient intelligence on this occasion."

"So, Rin's father may not be fake, it may be a parallel world, there may be another possibility."

"All in all, no matter what, we can't let Rin's father be in danger."

"After all, he did this to protect his two daughters."

Speaking of this, Alley paused and said:

"Of course, although I also admire his courage, his behavior is really not worth advocating."

"It is very stupid to meet the gods and Buddhas from Hakoba in such a narrow space, even in the 'neutral zone' of the Sanctuary Church."

Hearing the rhetoric of "even in the neutral zone", Tohsaka Rin immediately warned:

Read The Duke's Passion