MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1256

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"Although I'm a little afraid, let's retreat now."

"Ah?" Aoko Aozaki, who was squatting on the ground and defended with magic power against Yuju of Kuyuanji, suddenly raised her head and looked at Skaha: "Are you talking to me?"

Skaha glanced at her slightly sideways: "Of course, you don't really think I'll let you die here, do you?"

"Huh?" Cangzaki Qing (Li's) was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand what Skaha meant.

At this time, Skaha said calmly: "An opponent of this level, in terms of experience, is too harsh on you, um, after sending you back, I will test the level of the God of Creation, but where? Before, it was better to leave.”

However, at this moment, what Skaha expected was that Klimo actually appeared in front of her.

"Eh! Want to escape?"

Kulimore rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"Challenging me without authorization, and wanting to leave without authorization, this can't be done, um, the heroic spirits who escaped over there, neither can it, escaping like this is very boring!"

"So! All!"

Kulimo stretched out his hand, grabbed it lightly in mid-air, and took it to the next generation:

"Come here for me!"

next second!


"how come?!"

All kinds of surprised voices sounded one after another in the center where Tiamat was located! .

Chapter 1860 Joining forces

Broken urban center, next to the broken flyover.

Suddenly seeing such a scene, Yu Meiren's brain stopped for a moment, and she didn't recover until her Master made a sound.

"Eh? It's weird, wasn't he still at the station just now? Why did he appear here?"

The blond-haired True Ancestor Princess looked around with curious baby eyes, while Poppy said in an unhappy tone:

"Really, the Shinkansen was pulled here, are we ambushed?"

While speaking, Yu Meiren glanced at her 'Master' with slight admiration.

Should it be called the King of the Moon? She actually carried out the 'showing weakness' strategy in such a short period of time. The innocent expression on that day was really unreal, as if she was really such a girl.

'It's just that the person who can pull himself, no, attract so many contestants, is obviously not a generalist...'

Yu Meiren looked around, her eyes slid over Aozaki Aoko, Kuonji Yuju, Illya, Tohsaka Rin, and Ryoji, and their heroic faces, and finally noticed the tall Goddess of Creation.

Just a glance, Yu Meiren's face burst into cold sweat:

'Wait, a divinity of this scale. 500.. Just kidding... How did the Holy Grail War summon this existence. ’

'Die, die, die! ! ’

Ishtar's panicked shout caused Rin Tohsaka to have a headache:

'Why did the Holy Grail War bring the goddess Tiamat to herself! ! ’

'Isn't that weird? There must be a problem here! ! ’

‘It’s over, this time it’s really over, Rin! It's all your fault, you have nothing to be curious about, come here to peep! ! ’

Tohsaka Rin rubbed his temples with a headache, and shouted irritably:

"The Tohsaka family, as the master of Fuyuki City, naturally has the duty to protect the spiritual veins... Damn, stop arguing, I know I'm wrong, okay?"

"How did I know that the enemy summoned such an exaggerated god!!"

And just when Tohsaka Rin was irritated by his heroic spirit, the two rituals on the other side were also different from Tamamo before.

"It's a lie.. Why are all the girls summoned... Are there no men in this Holy Grail War? Migu~~Isn't this bullying the fox?"

Tamamo before looked at all the beauties present, and only felt that the whole person was not well.

It doesn't matter if the Master is a girl, why are all the contestants girls? Inhibition is the brain's fault, right?

At this time, the two rituals that were transferred from the forced space looked at Tiamat calmly and said:

"Xiaoyu, is there any chance of winning?"

It was a pity that Tamamo-zen, who had no boys, sighed at this time, raised the sleeves of the wide witch costume, and covered the corners of his mouth, saying:

"If it's just God Tiamat, Migu can still ensure the safety of Shi-sama~"

"However, if the Lord Longnu who forced us to transfer us here takes action, Migu can't guarantee it. After all, Migu has never seen this kind of exaggerated dragon energy even in the First Emperor."

Hearing these words, the Masters who were forcibly pulled over all turned their attention to Kurimo and the petite girl in front of Tiamat.

"Ah? It turns out that in this city, the only people I can pull over are you? I thought there would be a few more sets of familiar faces, but it turned out to be all strangers?"

Kulimo put his hands on his hips, looked around the crowd, and thought for a while in confusion:

"Forget it, since you are a participant in the Holy Grail War, let's say hello before the official game starts!"

"Little Tia!"


Tiamat, who was almost twice as tall as Kurimo, swelled one meter proportionally again, and a cherry pink light lit up in his pupils.

Grumpy Grumpy!

The black mud that was rolling like magma spread outward from the feet of Tiamat.

All the ground, building debris, metal creations and even vegetation that were touched by the black mud dived toward the black mud as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and soon disappeared into the billowing black mud.

"Don't go near those black mud!"

At the moment when the black mud was born, Skahar dexterously jumped up, turned around in the air (bgai), and landed on the ruins of the collapsed building next to him, and reminded:

"That is Tiamat's 'sea of ​​life', once it falls into the period, it will be over!"

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing, you evil spirit."

The revealing clothes intertwined with gold and white are attached to the body of 'Tohsaka Rin', showing the goddess Ishtar, the goddess of spiritual clothing, without tacit understanding:

"If it wasn't for your anger in the city, how could you have brought this goddess here!"

The shoes gave birth to wings, and Ilya, who was flying in the sky, immediately panicked when she heard this:

"Wait, Rin, this isn't the time to argue, right?"

'Tohsaka Rin' turned his head when he heard the words, frowned and said, "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

"Ah this..." Illya blinked her eyes, she was a little confused, yes, is it possible that she and this girl who looks like a master but also like a heroic spirit know each other? However, why is she not impressed?

"Haha, it's good to be young!"

Seeing the conversation between the two, Skaha chuckled lightly, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Tiamat, who was standing in the same place and kept releasing black mud:

"Okay, the two of you, if you don't mind, can you listen to my advice a little bit."


On the other side, dodging the black mud and holding the two rituals in front of Tamamo in the form of a princess hug, said to Poppy and Elquette who were hiding aside:

"The two true ancestors over there, do you intend to join forces?"

"Eh? Do you know that I am the true ancestor?" Elquite looked at the fox-eared girl in front of him in astonishment, and asked with a very natural expression.

"I can still distinguish the breath of natural elves, and..."

Yuzao turned his head and looked at Yu Meiren with a little surprise:

"I didn't expect you to appear in the form of a heroic spirit. It seems that you gave up your life after all? Your Excellency Yu Ji."

"This level of divinity also has the symbol of a fox..." Yu Meiren suddenly realized something, and said in a slightly stunned voice: "So it's you, Su Daji!"

It is also an immortal who lived in the ancient times of the Celestial Dynasty. Yu Meiren still has a little impression of this disaster fox who uses the spirit of the dynasty as the sustenance for cultivation.

After all, this is one of the very few, and there are special beings who have cultivated into gods.

"Forget the name taboo during the rebellious period for now, just call me Tamamo-mae!"

"So do you want to join forces? The God of Creation on the opposite side is obviously beyond the normal specifications and falls into the category of violations!"

Hearing Yuzaoqian's words, Yu Meiren glanced at Elquette who was on the side, and when she saw that the True Ancestor Princess was still looking at Kurimo and Tiamat curiously, she said:

"Well, looking at the situation, if we don't join forces with you, we're afraid we won't be able to escape!"

Hearing this, a thick stack of spells suddenly appeared on Tamamo Qian's hand:

"In this case, please give me time to form a position."

"Just order people when you come up, really..."

Yu Meiren scratched her long hair, then slowly squatted down and said solemnly:

"Then, let's go!!".

Chapter 1861 Star Arrows with all their might

——Curse the blood corpse to solve the sigh song!

At the moment of starting, Yu Meiren decisively liberated her Noble Phantasm.

But rather than calling it a Noble Phantasm, it's better to say that this is the self-limitation of poppies.

As a natural elf, a natural ancestor, Poppy's human form is the product of her self-limitation.

And such a product naturally has a so-called 'output upper limit'.

Therefore, when Yu Meiren used the magic power beyond the limit of human form to induce abnormal phenomena in the form of curse, it was also when her Noble Phantasm "Curse Blood Corpse Explanation Song" was released.

The blood-red magic power surged out of the poppy in mid-air.

The bright magic color is like a bird with wings spread out.

They gathered curses, gathered in mid-air, densely surrounded the sky, and then swooped towards Tiamat on the ground.

Standing still, Tiamat raised his head, his pink X-shaped eyes calmly looking at the cursed magic bullet in the sky.

She raised her hand slightly, but at this moment, there was a clanging sound of chains.

"Although I don't know what's going on, in a word, just restrict her, right?"

The eyes of Elquite, who had liberated his power, had already turned into the vermilion color of the True Ancestor.

Upon hearing her question, Tamamo-mae said in a tone of admiration:

"Nice job, of course, it would have been better if you had reacted faster."

The next second, the densely packed red birds that day slammed into Tiamat's body like a dense group of cannonballs.

Boom boom boom!

The huge amount of magic bombs and the various curses on the magic bullets caused a series of explosions in a chain reaction.

However, after a successful blow, Yu Meiren, who forcibly stabilized her body, showed an unhappy expression:

"Damn, doesn't it work at all?"

At the very center of the explosion, the giant dragon girl, who was already over five meters tall, stood there expressionlessly.

The chain that was originally bound by Elquette was now covered with black mud. Then, at one end of the chain, the scarlet eyes slowly opened. The black snake lay on Tiamat's body and roared at everyone.

Seeing this scene, Tamamo before sighed as expected:

"Sure enough, the magic power brought by this scale of divinity is not so easy to break through. I am afraid that only the liberation of Noble Phantasm above A-rank can break through her defense and really hurt her."

"Hey, isn't this all cheating?"

The Noble Phantasm is basically C-level, but the passive is A-level Yu Meiren suddenly said with a displeased expression:

"Doesn't that mean all my attacks are just scraping for that goddess?"

"Migu, no one said that! At least I didn't."