MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1266

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'Xiao Hei, what does my mother mean by asking me if I want to stop me in the way of the ancestor? ’

'Ask if you want to be born. ' Chloe's answer was indifferent: 'Isn't that obvious? ’

'Since my mother is playing like this, she probably wants to tease us with the question of 'Would you like to be her and Su Jin's daughter'. She should have done this kind of thing many times, although I don't even remember it. ’

"Ah this..." Ilya suddenly felt that Su Jin and Alice Phil were inexplicably matched, at least when it came to teasing her daughter's impersonal behavior, they really matched.

Thinking of this, Illya said blankly, "If it's my mother's decision, I won't stop it."

"Huh?" Hearing this honest answer, Irisviel was stunned for a moment, a little happy in her heart, but more at a loss.

Ilya plays cards out of common sense, how can she tease? The little devil Irisviel failed miserably on the first day of her debut, which made Irisviel feel a little resentful in her heart, so that she stopped pretending and directly said:

"Illya, shouldn't you protest loudly? Didn't you hate Mr. Su Jin's teasing to you just now?"

Hearing this, Ilya couldn't help but said, "I agree, are you still trying to make fun of me?"

"Ah this?" Facing Illya's accusation, Irisviel's eyes were dodged.

At this time, Illya gave up on herself and said:

"With parents like you, I no longer have hope for the future."

Dad likes to tease his daughter, and mother likes to tease her daughter. Ilya suddenly worries about her future life.

And most importantly, with the virtues of my father... Illya suddenly glanced at the top of Irisviel's head, only to think that it might turn into a green **** field.

Therefore, although Irisviel obviously likes to tease her, Illya still feels that it is necessary to exclude some opponents for her mother.

"Don't be so pessimistic? Forget it and skip this topic, let's skip it."

Irisviel fell on the bed with Illya down, and then asked:

"By the way. Illya, do you know how to play Landlord?"

"No." Yili 0.8 Ya shook her head, then glanced at Irisviel who was suddenly eager to try, and said in surprise, "Then I learn?"

"Okay, okay, in that case, let the ancestors choose the landlord, and let's fight her together!"

Justisa: "......"


Fuyuki Kotomine Church.

In front of a computer, Karen typed on the keyboard, looked at the occupancy of the Kelly Hotel, hit enter, and immediately saw Su Jin's information above:

"As far as the place to stay, it's almost this hotel. Well, this hotel is the best in Fuyuki. These people will enjoy it."

As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at Joan of Arc with a serious face and said:

"Okay, I've found the position you want, so consider it as your reward for concealing my status as a 'Master', Your Highness, the eccentric saint."

Hearing these mocking words, Joan of Arc did not refute, but silently chose silence.

Chapter 1878 Sound the horn for you

Early morning hours.

Su Jin, who had meditated all night, came to the first floor of the hotel. Accompanied by the hotel waiter, he came to the restaurant and had breakfast.

Holding a plate, Su Jin avoided natto on the exhibition stand, chose cream toast bread, added fried eggs and ham, and paired it with a cup of oolong tea, and ended the meal in such a nondescript way.

Then Su Jin carried the dinner plate and walked to an 'ordinary Fuyuki village girl' with blond hair and braided hair, wearing white short-sleeves and black slacks printed with English, and black-rimmed glasses on her face, and sat down.

After sitting down, Su Jin apologized while eating breakfast:

"I came to visit in the morning. Is there anything to deal with? Miss referee."

Jeanne, who came to the door automatically, bowed apologetically to Su Jin and said:

"I'm very sorry to disturb you at this time, Your Majesty."

Su Jin took a bite of the toast and calmly explained: "It's okay to be called your majesty, I'm not your master."

Perhaps believers may misidentify for one reason or another, but Joan of Arc cannot.

This woman really possesses passive skills such as 'Lord's Heaven 16 Reveals', and can really hear the voice of the Lord of the Moon Moon World.

Although Su Jin didn't know whether the master was a **** of the moon time or simply the inhibitory force, he thought and understood that Joan of Arc, as a referee, even if he used to be the favored person of other gods, has now become the favored person of the inhibitory force. the person.

Otherwise, Joan of Arc would not have been the judge, but someone else who swears allegiance to inhibitions.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. As the referee of the Holy Grail War, if you cringe when facing me, others will suspect that you are a black referee."

Hearing this, Jeanne suddenly showed some guilt, gritted her teeth and said:

"If, I mean if, um, let's put it this way, what would you do if I was really the referee in charge of blowing the black whistle?"

"I don't do much." Su Jin took a sip of oolong tea calmly, and then said calmly: "Or, I won't do anything about you, a chess piece in someone else's hands. If I want to make trouble, I will make trouble with the people behind you."

"In fact, I have never understood the behavioral logic of inhibition. Do they feel that they use the host's advantage to target us, and after cheating to win, won't we retaliate after the fact?"

Hearing this, Jeanne closed her eyes and seemed to contact some existence, and then said with a complicated expression:

"...Your Excellency the Buddha will give shelter."

Hearing this, Su Jin snorted, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and he couldn't help but say:

"The asylum of the Buddha? That's an interesting statement."

Su Jin reached out to get the napkin on the side, and when Jeanne saw it, she reached out to help Su Jin get it and handed it to him.

Su Jin looked at Jeanne, took the tissue from the other party's hand, wiped her mouth and said:

"Do you know the main reason why this Holy Grail War was launched?"

"...I don't know." Jeanne shook her head, indicating that she knew nothing.

After all, what restraint wants is a tool man who sings the whistle, and it doesn't matter what Joan of Arc knows.

Seeing Joan shaking her head, Su Jin grinned and said in a relaxed tone:

"Because I killed nearly 70% of Buddha's 'subordinates', this is the Holy Grail War."

Jeanne's eyes widened when she heard such a thing.

70% of Buddha's subordinates were killed? The existence who moved their entire world and pulled the world into Little Garden would actually kill so many subordinates?

That restraint is like the protection of a treasure, what is it?

Su Jin didn't care about Joan of Arc's reaction, and just ate the bread to herself and said:

"Remind the pig brain of the inhibition. If there is a conflict, the Buddha may not be on their side. Although the monk is a good person, he is not a kind person, and he is not a person who can tolerate others infinitely. Let's talk about it. , your restraint is not his own son, you want to obtain unlimited protection, huh!"

Hearing this, Jeanne was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"Which subordinate did you kill to cause the Holy Grail War, what exactly do you mean?"

"Isn't the Holy Grail War the war that determines the jurisdiction of our world?"

Hearing this, Su Jin glanced at Jeanne and said:

"It's like this for you."

"In this Holy Grail War, the autonomy that the Red Team gained after winning was essentially a right belonging to the community's 'Heavenly Army', and as the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Army, this is also my right in essence."

"As for the black team, it is to decide whether the Tianjun still has a punishment game led by me, you, understand?"

Joan of Arc, who only knew the basic situation of Hakoten, was stunned for a moment, and quickly contacted the Holy Grail. After getting the introduction of Tianjun from where, the whole person suddenly froze.

"The gods of war from the various myths have formed the Hakoba management group 'Martial Gods', that is, the Heavenly Army."

"The largest military violence group in Hakoniwa.... The rulers of Hakoniwa."

"The person who governs the Martial God is called the Chief of the Heavenly Army, and is the highest managerial seat of Hakoba."

Jeanne suddenly realized the problem.

If the people in the red group really cheated to win, their world would indeed gain independent authority, but then what?

Offending the ruling class of Little Garden, or overthrowing a commander of the Heavenly Army and becoming a local force that separates the land, doesn't this mean giving the Heavenly Army eye medicine?

No matter who the Heavenly Army will come to power next, they will regard them who overthrew the previous chief as a thorn in their side.

Even if they no longer have that ability, since they have already committed such acts, no ruler is willing to risk their status to let them go.

So, the result after winning is...

Outside the solar system, are all enemies?

Jeanne felt a chill in an instant.

There are extremists among human beings who kill all the enemies across the sea and get freedom, isn't there any gods?

As an unofficial force, and even a separatist force that is hostile to the official force, their world, after winning 517, has really gained freedom and security?

It is true that they have obtained independent jurisdiction over their own world, but if there are gods and Buddhas who kill all the lives, then the world is empty, and who will have the jurisdiction?

As long as the new chief of the Heavenly Army allows a Valkyrie to come over and shirk it afterward, everyone will be dead. Could it be that there are still people who can’t protest against him?

Turning black into white, and being handed over by France, Joan of Arc, who gave it to England, wouldn't know what's going on here?

It was utter desperation!

At the thought that there might be powerful gods and Buddhas to cleanse the world, Joan of Arc suddenly fell silent.

God also launched a great flood to destroy the world, not to mention other evil gods and martial gods, or in other words, which of the gods is not willful.

You can believe in the power of the gods, but you cannot believe in the benevolence of the gods... Silently reciting this sentence, Joan of Arc said in a complicated mood:

"So you participated in the Holy Grail War to regain your authority?"

"You can say that." Su Jin glanced at Jeanne, then said, "You seem pessimistic?"

"Yes." Joan of Arc took a deep breath, then exhaled heavily. After a moment of silence, she said, "Your Majesty, do you think the referee should have autonomy?"

"Sure, isn't that basic?"

Su Jin's decisive answer made Jeanne smile:

"In that case, will you let me blow your horn?".

Chapter 1879 Actively intimidate

Su Jin paused for a while holding the oolong tea in his hand, then turned his head and looked at Joan of Arc strangely:

"Are you going to surrender now?"

"Yes." Jeanne replied with a smile and nodded, Yan Ran was not at all entangled.

"Can the French have traditional arts..." Su Jin looked at Joan of Arc with a very subtle expression, and said, "Should you say that she is the saint of France?"

"This kind of joke is not a funny joke for those soldiers who died on the battlefield."

Jeanne sighed softly, then added:

"Except for the English soldiers, of course."

This smell is indeed an authentic old French, and old England is dark... Su Jin finished drinking the oolong tea, and then said:

"To be honest, it's easier than I thought to persuade you to surrender, because of my status as a saint?"

"This is only one aspect." Joan of Arc smiled at Su Jin's answer: "Although the inhibition force keeps instilling the message that 'it is the Lord', I know very well that it is not, at least it is not guiding me Against the Lord of the English."

Hearing this, Su Jin instantly understood Joan's consciousness, and then said with a smile, "After all, the Lord of the Faith in England is fake?"

"Pfft!" Joan of Arc hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes curved into crescents, and she smiled: "If you go to France, I believe you will soon be able to communicate happily with the locals."

After all, there is a common language in attacking the English.... Su Jin smiled, and then said:

"In principle, I am willing to accept a cut if. Water; Resources"; Source.! Group":,6:'5:,6:':6!..1?"!8!8::.9? ',6,.'Backup: use "中", turn!,Group?,7;6,,6,0;?;1?!8.;3;2':0 to judge who is on my side, But I don't want you to whistle for me, understand?"

"I see, I'm the referee who prevents you from being slapped."

Hearing that Joan of Arc understood her meaning so easily, Su Jin immediately showed a satisfied smile:

"Very well, you already have the qualities of a qualified referee'". "

"Thank you for your compliment." Joan of Arc nodded with a smile, and then asked angrily, "So, do you need me to report the latest developments in inhibition?"

Read The Duke's Passion