MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and fifty-eight assassinations?

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--That night--

——Somewhere on the Orb coastline, the Yamato family villa——

Lux and Natal, who were temporarily staying here, opened their eyes almost at the same time. The two sat up from the bed and looked at each other with a subtle displeasure on their faces at the same time.

Then, the two of them walked out lightly and called out Natal No. 2 and others, who were also staying here, and Kira Yamato. After confirming the situation, everyone temporarily dispersed to the villa to collect weapons. , moving towards a bulletproof safe house.

"The enemy has sneaked in." While moving, Lux suddenly whispered.

"Already come in?" Natal No. 2 was a little surprised. "So fast?"

"The enemy looks like more than one team. It should be a special unit of zaft." Natal pushed Lux ​​forward, turned and fired at the ventilation duct with a short assault rifle.

After a few shots, there was the sound of objects falling from the ventilation duct, and blood was flowing from the air outlet of the vent.

"What about the possibility of the Union Army pretending to be the Zaft Army?" Lux hung the miniature submachine gun in the holster at the bottom of her thigh, took out the 40mm grenade launcher from behind, loaded a high-explosive shell, and passed through a window. At the time, he kept his feet, raised his right hand, aimed at the gathering place of the enemy and pulled the trigger.

A 40mm high-explosive grenade fell accurately into the crowd, blowing the three closest attackers upside down.

"The character is broken, Lux." Natal's No. 2 machine said blankly. "Aren't you the peace-loving songstress princess?"

"No problem." Lux pulled out the shell and pushed in another high-explosive grenade. "Isn't my character set always a peace-loving princess with a heavy fist? When everyone is willing to reason with me calmly, I am the peace-loving songstress princess, and when the other party doesn't want to reason with me calmly , I will beat the other party to the point where he can reason with me calmly."

"...It's true." Natal No. 2 pondered for a while, and it was true. When there are no troops, Lux is using the underground radio to understand and move her emotions. When there are troops in her hands, the Four-Fleet Alliance is an existence that even zaft and the Earth Army fight together.

When passing through the window again, Lux fired a second grenade. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the enemies outside the house. After finding that there were no more enemies gathered, Lux dropped the 40mm grenade launcher. The automatic shotgun that was carried on the left shoulder was removed from the left shoulder.

"There is an enemy ahead!" Kira Yamato's voice just fell, and he raised his pistol and shot forward. But after seeing the opponent's body shaking a few times, he raised his gun almost unaffected and prepared to shoot.


"The other party is wearing a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet, Kira-kun, a pistol bullet cannot penetrate." Natal said with a smile.

"Ah this..." Kira stared blankly at the pistol in his hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Gunshots rang out behind several people, and the heads of the three members of the assassination unit in front exploded like a bursting watermelon.

"..." Kira turned her head sluggishly and glanced at Lux who just shot.

"No. 12 single-headed armor-piercing bullet, it's easy to penetrate this kind of bulletproof equipment at such a distance." Lux explained Kira a little confused when she saw it.

...Is this a question of whether or not to wear armor-piercing bullets! Also, these weapons are prepared by yourself, you must know it! Kira's belly was full of grooves but he didn't dare to say it.

Everyone ran through a corridor, and Lux ​​noticed that there seemed to be an enemy at the other end of the corridor.

She raised her gun to aim, but what she didn't expect was that the real killer move came from the roof.

With a crisp "dong" sound, the ceiling of the corridor was penetrated, and a small shock bomb landed in the center of Lux's group.

At the height of everyone's sight, the shock bomb exploded. Except for Natal and Lux, everyone else fell to the ground with their ears covered in pain.

The next second, members of the assassination team rushed out from the three directions of the T-junction in this corridor.

Lux stepped forward quickly, shot three times in a row to the side, killing three members of the assassination team, and then shot a round in the front, killing one member of the assassination team. Quickly turning her head to avoid a round of assassination troop fire, Lux held the shotgun sideways in the shocking eyes of the assassination troop members, stunned one member of the assassination troop first, and then swept the shotgun, smashing the other. On the wall, while the member of the assassination team recovered from the pain, Lux pushed the life-saving bullet fixed in front of the shell ejection window into the barrel of the gun, killing the member of the assassination team in front of him with one shot.

After emptying the bullets, Lux held the shotgun with her left hand, and with a wave of her right hand, pulled off the hem of her nightgown, took two bullets from the carrier and pushed them into the magazine, and then took four bullets and pushed them into the magazine again. , after loading, push in one more. After filling another bullet at the place of the life-saving bullet, Lux began to support Kira Yamato and others.

At this time, Natal had used a short assault rifle to kill the enemy blocking from the rear.

"The enemy has retreated." Natal helped up Natal's No. 2 aircraft and turned to look out the window. The enemy was retreating into the sea.

"Intuition tells me that they won't give up so early." Lux frowned, feeling that things were not easy.

----five minutes later----

"So don't just throw it into the new underwater MS of the two teams!" Kira's eyes twitched as he looked at the six unseen amphibious MS that landed from the sea outside the window. "Do you have to die endlessly? This is too ridiculous, isn't it?"

"It was originally a mess." Lux's mouth crooked, and he complained. "Do you want my life that much?"

"The Ministry of National Defense has been notified, and three teams of Murasame and one team of m1 will arrive in five minutes." Kira put down the phone. "But the building is tough enough to last five minutes."

"Is there an MS in this place? Or you can use a bazooka for MS." Lux tilted her head to look at Kira.

"...I think it's enough for me to keep multiple assault rifles at Serious people who would prepare equipment for MS at home." Kira rolled his eyes vaguely.

"Then there's no way..." Lux pretended to sigh.

"Then let's go to the air-raid shelter first."

"Then you go to the air-raid shelter first."

Kira turned her head sharply when she heard what Lux said. "what do you want to do?"

"Of course to solve them." Lux stretched her limbs.

"Solution? How to solve it? The opponent is a new type of MS. Even if the Murasame team comes, I can't guarantee to kill the opponent with low combat damage."

"Of course..." Lux held the window sill with her right hand and rolled out sideways. "Of course that's the solution."


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