MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and fifty-two crusade against Lohengreen (Part 1)

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After more than two weeks of voyage, the Minerva arrived in Central Asia, docked along the Persian Gulf, and arrived at the Zaft Army's Mahamur base. (Near Kuwait now)

Just as Li Ping and his party were about to disembark, they saw a group of unfamiliar officers standing in the port.

The group packed their clothes and walked down the gangway one by one.

"Captain Minerva, Thalia Kuradis."

"Deputy Chief, Arthur Trann."

"Captain of MS Minerva, Lau Rue Cruze."

"Special forces, Li Ping."

"Same genus, Aslan Zara." After Li Ping and others saluted, the main officers introduced themselves one by one.

"Li Ping and Aslan Zara..." The officers led by them widened their eyes.

"Red Death and that Zara's..." The staff behind the base officer whispered earnestly.

"This is really disrespectful, it's been a long journey, Captain Kuradis." The leading base officer interrupted the discussion of the staff behind him. "I am the commander of this Mahamur base, Zojim Lando."

"It's okay."

"Coffee is prepared in the base. Come and have a cup of coffee and have a rest first. Although it is a shabby place, coffee beans are a good thing." Commander Zojim Lando led the way slightly.

"You're welcome." Kuradis nodded and left with Commander Zojim.

Li Ping and others followed behind the two.

"Speaking of which, the officers near the Mediterranean Sea seem to like to invite everyone to a cup of coffee." Feeling the hot air, Li Ping felt a little nostalgic.

Having said that, in the past few decades, it seems that I have been to the desert when the Archangel accidentally fell into North Africa.

"Eh? Have you been to this Central Asia region before?" Commander Zojim looked back at Li Ping with interest.

"No, I'll be in North Africa."

"Oh, I remembered, you were on the Archangel and fought with Captain Andrew Bartfield, didn't you." Commander Zojim remembered the battle report of that year. "At that time, everyone was really frightened. The desert tiger himself was defeated by an unknown coalition army."

"I was also a rookie at that time. To be honest, I survived under Captain Bartfield's hands. It was really lucky." Li Ping spread his hands and smiled. "At that time, I went to the city to purchase supplies with my companions on the ship. I didn't expect to meet him in civilian clothes and micro clothes for a private visit, and he was invited to his base as a guest. I was really frightened at that time."

"Oh? And what about the coffee beans in his place?"

"To be honest, the coffee beans there are very good, but the coffee made by Captain Bartfield is not good." Thinking of the strange taste of the coffee made by the desert tiger, the expression on Li Ping's face was a little strange.

Brewing coffee, isn't it just the four main steps of grinding into powder, brewing water, adding milk, and adding sugar? Why is it that the tiger can make the taste so strange?

"Huh? Captain Bartfield...isn't your coffee brewing skills bad?" Commander Zojim asked politely.

"...How do you say it?" Li Ping couldn't figure out how to describe it. "You said that the technology is not good, and others can't reproduce the taste of his coffee. You said that the taste is good... It's not impossible for his coffee to be used for torture."

"...That's really... um, special." Commander Zojim hesitated for a moment, and said euphemistically.

Later, the group came to the conference room of the base, drank coffee all the time, and discussed matters related to the "Rohengreen Gate Operation". There is no difference between this and the original work.

It was still the resistance organization in Karunakhan that requested the zaft army to send troops to support, and they provided a secret path that could directly reach the vicinity of the Yang electron fort.

Regular MS cannot pass, but Pulse Gundam can pass through in split mode, which is a tailor-made battle for Pulse Gundam.

The Mahamur base was almost out, two land warships, there were more than 30 MS for deserts such as Baku, Desert King, and Zaut, and there were also more than a dozen Dean for air control.

After confirming the outline of the operation, after a short rest and assembly, the Minerva and the two land battleships belonging to the Lando team set sail to the direction of Karunahan City amid the cheers of the Zaft Army in the base.

"Arriving at pointa soon, I received a connection signal from the local guide." Meiling Hawke reported to the captain

"Malik, the altitude is down. Arthur, prepare the lower cargo door." Captain Kuradis gave the instructions. "Mei Ling, issue a red alert, and the ms driver is on standby in the briefing room."


The Minerva slowed down and descended slowly. A large cargo springboard on the bottom of the ship unfolded, fell to the ground and dragged along, raising a lot of sand and dust.

Behind the ramp, an open-top jeep sped up to catch up with the Minerva and onto the cargo ramp.

After confirming that the jeep was on board, the cargo door ramps slowly closed, and the Minerva returned to its normal cruising altitude.

"The little girl has good driving skills." Li Ping gave a thumbs up to the little girl driving the jeep with a smile. Driving a jeep with a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour onto the cargo ramp of a battleship, and braking in time before the vehicle accelerates rapidly, throwing it into the speed and passion is also a commendable technology.

"Hmph~" The little girl raised her chin proudly.

"Then Miss Songnilu, please come with me." Li Ping made a gesture of invitation. "Time is running out, we need you to explain the access."

"Well, then let's go quickly."

The two walked to the briefing room, where the heads of various departments on the Minerva who participated in this battle and the MS team drivers were waiting here, and the MS drivers of the Lando team also participated in the remote conference mode. Combat briefing.

At the door of the briefing room, Deputy Chief Arthur, Aslan, and Cruze were all waiting at the door.

Seeing the two of Li Ping coming, the three of them greeted each other slightly and then walked into the briefing room.

"All seated." After Arthur said, according to standard etiquette, all the zaft soldiers who were waiting to stand up and salute when the officer entered the door sat down neatly. "Now for the battle description of the Karunahan-Lohengrin Gate Raid, it's honestly supposed to be a tough fight. The Lando team attempted a breakthrough a while ago, but as you all know, it failed.

As for the details of this battle..."

Arthur looked at the three uace in the ship.

I saw Li Ping looking at Cruze, Cruze looking at Li Ping, and Aslan looking at Li Ping.

"Two to one, you come." Cruze rubbed his chin.

"It's done..." Li Ping stood up, took a pointer and pointed to the topographic map of the battle area displayed on the wall screen.

"As you can see, if you want to enter the city of Karunahan, this canyon is the only path within a radius of 500 kilometers, because the complex terrain nearby, including cruise missiles, long-range artillery, and other attack methods are impossible. Attack the Yangdian Fortress built here." Li Ping zoomed out on the map and marked the possible locations of cruise missiles and shelling. "Therefore, in theory, the only way to break this positron fort is to forcibly break through this passage.

However, as long as our army enters this area, we will be within the effective range of the Yang electron gun.

Even if our army rushes to attack the turret itself or the rocks near the turret before the enemy turret attacks, it is mostly ineffective, because this base is equipped with a large ma equipped with a positive electron reflector, and conventional firepower including a positive electron cannon cannot break through that ma. positron reflector.

I heard that the Minerva also encountered the same type of ma? "

"Ah, yes."

"Although there are problems such as huge dead ends in defense, with its excellent armor and firepower, this ma is quite difficult to deal with." Li Ping nodded. "However, there is a special line here. Miss Garnier?"

"Hmm..." Miss Genilu took Li Ping's pointer and pointed to the red route drawn in advance on the topographic map. "There is a tunnel here that the locals are not very clear about, it is quite narrow, and it is difficult for ms to pass through. However, we have found out the specific structure of this tunnel through drone scanning and other means.

The exit of this tunnel is less than 500 meters away from the fort. Although the Allied Forces have closed the exit at that end, they can pass through after a little blasting. "

"That's right. Although ms is difficult to pass, the pulse can pass." Li Ping took over. "Therefore, the plan for this battle is that the main forces of the Cruze team and Lando team attack from the front, attract the attention of the enemy, and move the ma away from the fort.

During this time, Pulse Gundam passed through the tunnel and directly destroyed the Lohengreen Fort. Questions? "

"However, with our strength, if we make a frontal breakthrough, there should be no problem, right?" Zhen Asuka asked suddenly.

"The internal configuration of the enemy's base is still unknown. Our army's firepower reconnaissance has not been able to calculate the enemy's firepower configuration and MS deployment." Li Ping explained. "I can't guarantee whether the number of enemy troops will exceed our response limit, so we need tactical assistance. There are tactics that can reduce the casualties of our army. Why use brute force?"

"I see, what about the time?" Shin Asuka asked again.

"According to the existing data, Lohengrin's recharge time is 17 minutes, and the Minerva adventure will lead the first shot of the enemy's battery to buy time for the plan.

So, based on Minerva's battle start time, you have a maximum time of 17 minutes to go through the tunnel and destroy the turret.

However, you must wait 10 minutes before entering the battle.

According to the battle simulation, within 10 minutes, the enemy cannot completely attract our attention, and only the body, a beam rifle, and a shield's pulse up to a high probability will be besieged by the enemy.

If it's too late and Lohengrin fires a second shot, I can't tell if the Minerva will be brought down by the yang electron cannons, or if we'll be wiped out by enemy defenses. "

" the driver of the Pulse Gundam in your mouth?" Miss Genilu asked, pulling on the corner of Li Ping's shirt.

"That's right."

"But... can he? He's just a child..." Miss Garnier expressed doubts because of Ma Asuka's youthful appearance.

"What did you say?!" Zhen Asuka frowned again.

"Ms. Songnilu, although Zhenfeiniao is young, he is already one of our army's topguns, and his skills can be completely trusted." Li Ping's tone was a little stern.

"But, shouldn't it be more reliable if you come?"

"It won't be Miss Songnilu. It's difficult for me to explain the specific reason to you, but I can assure you that it is more suitable for a real bird to drive a pulse gun than me."

"After the last battle, chaos broke out in the city, and at the same time, resistance movements broke out in the city. However, they were suppressed by the coalition, and those who participated in the resistance movement suffered inhuman treatment." Some trembling said. "A lot of people died, if this time fails, the city doesn't know what it will be like,, this time, the fort must be shot down.

You can do it! "

"Ah, of course I can do it." Zhen Asuka said solemnly as she looked at Miss Songnilu, who was holding back her tears.

And Li Ping gave Aslan a look, and Aslan understood it, and walked out with the help of Miss Songnilu, who was about to cry.

"Then, the briefing is here, and everyone is in their place." Li Ping looked at the zaft soldiers in the briefing room. "Everyone is ready for battle, the battle is expected to start in 15 minutes, hurry up!"


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