MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and sixty-five new plans

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Of course, as far as the actual situation is concerned, there is no such thing as a courtier, but there are many times of bowing.

After the establishment of the empire, Miss President rushed to the "Tower of Babel" in the bedroom excitedly, and played the game of "Miss President No Misfortune".

Because the Miss President was so excited, someone Li always thought it was "the emperor's no misery".

In addition, there were so many things in the early days that even with his current physique, Li had to fully open his thinking threads, and on average, he would die once or twice due to overheating of his brain every 175 hours.

This kind of days of squeezing himself for the country and the people during the day and being squeezed at night, once made Li suspect what he was doing.

So Mr. Li tricked the president into helping him, to be leaders and banners for those wealthy remnants who were chosen as resistance organizations, and to help him drain all the value of the other party.

In addition, when Li Pingman captured the head of the consortium, the "Plan No. 66" prepared by Miss Arsta three years in advance played a great role.

For example, when he was hunting down the current leader of Logos, Rod Jibril, when Li Ping stood in front of Jibril, seven of his twelve bodyguards turned against the water and killed the other five. The bodyguard, tied Jibril directly.

This kind of coquettish operation made someone Li stunned.

In particular, this group of agents was particularly arrogant that someone would give them an order to "implement the sixty-sixth order" before they turned against the water.

Just let someone Li play Star Wars Terrier enough.

Besides, why is Miss President able to mingle with these chaebols and their private armies who have been chosen to be the resistance force as the end-of-life president without being physically harmed?

You know, under this kind of desperate situation, the most ugly thing is human nature itself.

The answer is that Li Ping has been watching Frei's actions in the resistance organization. When there is danger, Li Ping volleys and strikes a lightning bolt. Later, he finds himself running to see the group of people, "You two men and women are actually colluding together." Aren't you in Camelot? How did you appear here?" "Why are you able to cut more than everyone on the scene!" The three-view collapsed expression was still very depressing, so basically Li Ping flew over to the event by himself. Active muscles and bones to decompress.

——The main reason is that these old **** have turned the Atlantic Federation into a mess that can be called a classic. When Li Ping was dealing with it, his daily blood pressure was too high.

The first is the biggest tumor, the blue universe and the extremist religious organizations behind it, which were transformed from old monotheistic religions, extreme environmental protection organizations and other messy things, because of the large number of members, simple thinking, rough and extreme behavior, very Suitable for inductive manipulation.

Originally, this group of people are excellent leeks of green diet, vegetarianism, church and many other IQ tax collectors. But when confronted with the adjuster's problems, the group was fooled into thugs.

Because of the emergence of adjusters, the wealth that should have flowed in one direction to various capital chaebols that have formed monopoly was cut off by new-type enterprises under the adjusters.

Coupled with the planet-wide rejection of the Adjusters (also caused by the extreme conservatism of the people above), the Adjusters settled in a large number of satellite colonies after the first 10 hourglass-shaped industrial colony satellites were built.

This further resulted in the industrial enrichment of the regulator, and further catalyzed the industrial and high-tech development of the regulator.

One of the results is that the industrial strength of the adjusters has further increased, and there is almost a generational difference with the global enterprises.

Around the year ce50, the total GDP of the zodiac colony satellite group, its predecessor, was already similar to the sum of the rest of the world.

In line with the attitude of making less money is a loss, the chaebols on earth continue to comprehensively suppress the adjusters, but they do not use conventional economic means to compete and suppress, but to use administrative means and terrorist financing means to suppress.

The blue universe transformed during this period continued to attack regulators and their industries on a global scale. And the council members at that time (mainly the Atlantic Federation) ignored it. For example, if terrorists bombed the factory, you have to deliver work on time. The teenager who shot and killed the first adjuster in the street was acquitted, and energy appeared on the colonial satellite. Crisis, your adjusters freeze to death and you have to deliver work on time, and countless other outrageous social events occur.

This has led to the fact that the adjusters who were born in the middle-class and above families became more and more angry. They were blocked by the chaebol because of the ascending channel. Now you have to kill them all because of the development of God, right?

Then came the matter of Independence and the War of Independence.

In addition to the rejection of adjusters born out of conservative beliefs, extreme environmental protection, and campus bullying, the Atlantic Federation is full of extreme animal protection, extreme vegetarianism, gender rights disputes, minority gender privileges, and sexual orientation disputes. .

This is an eye-opener for Li, who has been in the East Asian cultural circle most of the time.

However, thanks to this mess, the hostility of the lower ranks of the Atlantic Commonwealth toward the adjusters has dropped by nearly 30 percentage points.

After all, compared with the adjusters who are all in the sky (in fact, the main population of adjusters is still in East Asia, Oceania and Europe, the statistics in ce73 show that there are now a total of about 14.6 billion people in the world, of which the population of adjusters is about 600 million, of which The population is only 55 million. This is also the result of the rise in the adjuster population after the artificial womb became popular.)

——Wait a minute, why does this technique look so familiar?

After tracing the source for a while, Li Ping found that this was actually a pit dug by himself. Most of the political correctness raging in the old Atlantic Federation was conspiracy to spread by Li Ping and Siegel Klein. When he discovered this incident, Li Ping's expression was quite wonderful. After all, this kind of thing can be thrown into the scope of super-space strike.

In November ce75, with the arrival of the first baby boomers in the empire, the internal remediation of the empire also announced a temporary period.

I have to mention that...

——That group of capitalists is really rich. The annual GDP of the Atlantic Federation is more than 20 trillion, and that group of capitalists accounts for more than 80%.

After the assets of those chaebols were nationalized, the giant monopoly enterprises no longer operate for profit, but on the premise of ensuring basic revenue, the production capacity and technology will be fed back to the whole society.

After the house was raided, Mr. Li, who was very wealthy, was very happy to spread out a lot of education reform plans, production plans and R&D plans.

After turning over the technical reserves of these former monopoly companies, Li Ping found out that the family of these capitalists was not ordinary.

For example, in medicine, there are more than 2,000 special drugs for more than 500 diseases that have not yet been put into mass production in the technology library of a pharmaceutical company in the old Atlantic Federation.

For example, in the cosmic century, it is still bald with incurable diseases...

This company has targeted prescriptions. After a course of treatment and hair follicle surgery, there is no need to worry about baldness for at least ten years.

However, the prescription sold by this company is that after the operation, it must be used continuously, and the normal hair volume can basically be maintained within a year. As long as the drug is stopped for a week, the hair follicles will die, and the baldness will be more serious than before. High-priced drugs.

This kind of drug is just the icing on the cake, and more drug technologies locked in the technology library are special drugs for lethal diseases. Then the drugs sold are sky-high short-lived drugs.

However, most of these things are related to people's livelihood technologies, and military and other related technologies are quite normal. The standard line of research and development generation - verification generation - installation generation.

——Even if he took out all his family assets, he almost didn’t crush the other party to death, so he was not looking for death if he hid and tucked it away.

In December of ce75, the development was almost all on the right track, and the powers that were once held by him were systematically devolved step by step, and Li Ping's time gradually became free.

In the past year or so, Li Ping selected a group of outstanding talents from all over the country to form a suitable team, and successfully liberated himself from the massive government affairs.

Similarly, during the year, the Holy Brittany Army also completed equipment refitting and organizational changes.

——Although the production capacity of MS is the same, at least the outer armor of the short sword l and Windam, which used to be a lot of hunting equipment, have been replaced.

The 81st Mobile Army, commonly known as the Phantom Pain, has been reorganized into the 501st Army Corps. The Blue Universe idiots are either consumed or brainwashed because the technology is still good. The troop members below are basically all of the old coalition reinforcements who lost their memory, battle adjusters who couldn't find their parents, photocopies left over from the old librarians' organization, and so on.

The former "Forsaken" unit was reinstated and reorganized into the naval fleet of the 501st Corps.

The terminal was secretly incorporated into the empire half a year after the establishment of the empire, and its organizational functions were roughly divided into several parts, such as the emperor's direct guard, the imperial intelligence department, and the emperor's direct research and development department.

In addition to more funds, some staff went to the front desk, basically what they were doing and what they are doing now.

After finally being free and having enough budget to do things, in December 1975, before Li Ping was about to announce to his subordinates that he would choose a day and find any reason to start beating the Eurasian Federation, Li was arrested by his own interior minister. Backstabbed.

"Should Your Majesty consider the big marriage?" The old man who used to be the CFO of a large enterprise in the old Atlantic Federation said, holding back the matter that Li Ping was going to fight.

The team selected by Li Pingxin basically knew that their boss was a tiring thing, and they were unclear with at least five people.

——But you have already established yourself as an emperor, and there are thousands of rooms in the palace. What do you mean by being empty all the time?

Before, you spent all your energy and thought that this group of people can hold your mind. You are now idle. Even yesterday you spent a day hanging fish happily in the artificial lake in the garden. married?

This is the Holy Empire of Brittany. Eh, is it difficult for you, an emperor, to do elections if you don't have a family?

"It's a matter of adjournment."

"Is it a candidate that Your Majesty doesn't like?"

"It's those cubs that I'm afraid of scaring." Li Ping said helplessly. I know my own housework, the girls at home don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. For the time being, Lux and Uno Hanaritsu are glued together with each other as an adhesive.

In their spare time, everyone has discussed it, and the final conclusion is that there will be n+1 weddings, that is, once in each mother's world, and then once in your own mother-in-law's world.

In this seed world, there are three people who are willing to go to the front desk, Lux, Natal and Frey.

However, Lux married the Emperor of the Empire, I am afraid it will not be bombed.

Natal is okay, but now there are 23 Natals torn inside, and it will not be finished for a while.

Frey is even more interesting, the majestic and unyielding lady president who brought the resistance army to resist the tyranny of the empire, who has gained global admiration, turned her head and married the emperor of the empire...

It's full of black humor anyway. So when Frey stepped into the foreground again, whether it was Li Ping or Frey's own plan, it was in the third stage, that is, when everything was finalized.

When the dust settles, it's time to decrypt and play.

"The ministers and others believe that as long as they are not someone of the rank of Lux Klein, even if the other party is an adjuster, our country can use your majesty's wedding as an opportunity to open up the diplomatic situation with the side, and even become the Qin Jinzhi with the side. it is good."

(ps: The official language of the Atlantic Federation, etc. is actually English, and the official language of the current Holy Brittany is actually English, but == don't care.)

"...emmmm...that's Lux."

"What is your majesty trying to say today?" After being silent for five seconds, the Minister of the Interior forcibly changed the subject.

"Actually, I suddenly felt that it would be better to get married and then fight in two days." Li Ping's light flashed, and he sat on the throne with his right hand on his chin. The index finger of the left hand taps the armrest lightly. "Would you like to die..."

"If it's Miss Lux, we really need to consider the issue of public opinion. After all, Miss Lux's popularity..."

"Recently, Cagalli is still depressed because of Aslan's affairs, so that Lux is not in the mood to come and play with me... Do you want to do something to make her more active." Li Ping muttered and pondered.

"Your Majesty, please stop your straight-man thinking. Even you, "I marry you" shouldn't say it casually, not to mention that the other party is also your friend and junior."

"Ah, I just thought it was fun."

"No, it's not fun at all."

"Well, it's decided, I will choose a day to get married." Li Ping used brain waves to communicate with Lux remotely and quickly.

"Your Majesty, think twice!"

"There are three brides."


"Minister of Propaganda."

"Yes! Your Majesty."

"I will pass you a top-secret information later, and based on this information and the materials in it, three special programs will be produced. The content is the life of the former Miss President of Alstar. The preview of my wedding will also be placed at the end of the third period. Right." Li Ping stood up. "Furthermore, I hereby declare that my Holy Brittany Empire will be put into combat readiness from this moment on, starting from the weak Eurasian Federation. A plan of world conquest will be launched. The official declaration of this plan will be at my wedding. All departments will respond in advance. This decision is final and will not be changed again unless there is a major change.”


Well, according to the original plot, the plot of the second season of seed basically ended in ce74, and the follow-up story also used "Luxhui as a third party to adjust the relationship with the earth".

But here, the zaft's main military operations basically came to a standstill when the Minerva arrived at the port of Gibraltar. Because around this point in time, Li Ping had already started hunting for the Atlantic Federation chaebols, and the logos group, who was too busy to know who the enemy was and what happened, fell into a panic that the world could not detect.

Losing the injection of funds, the warlords of the Eurasian Federation will naturally move closer to the core area of ​​the Eurasian Federation. Even if Zaft is secretly fighting the fire, the Eurasian Federation Army, which has contracted in a comprehensive strategy, will remain silent, and its attitude towards the general public has also eased a lot. Let Zaft Lost reason to intervene.

As for public opinion...

The world's most powerful country that died almost overnight, the empire of the new era, the love-hate relationship between the emperor and the beautiful president is not more interesting than the brutal Eurasian Federation oppressing the residents?

In particular, Mr. Li, who was born in public opinion warfare, has a higher rank in terms of eye-catching and hot spots than Speaker Durandal, who is a geneticist. I don't know how much, from the secrets of the last war to the old history of the blue universe. , from the letters of the rebel army, to the evidence of the old chaebols, from the promulgation of the Empire's New Deal, to the initial results of the reform, from the installation of new equipment, and back to the supreme country, including the head of state of the friendly country Orb, Kagalli The military attache Kira and the legendary captain Ramias, the messenger of justice, Aslan, have a legendary life, and all kinds of news are dizzying.

Compared with these popular news and tidbits, the humanitarian rescue today, rescue dolphins tomorrow, and build a primary school the day after tomorrow, the news that is forgotten after reading it, is not so high in attention, even if the propaganda department is fully functioning not.

Because there is no explosion.

But one day, the day when zaft discovered the Rhodenia laboratory, this stone hammer evidence that can fully explain the hypocrisy and evil of the coalition army, keeps saying that the adjusters are evil, but the coalition army who conducts cruel human experiments. Strengthen the human laboratory.

——But three days before zaft discovered this laboratory, the TV station of the Holy Brittany Empire aired a feature film about the strengthening of human beings by the old coalition forces, and General Kira Yamato of Orb affirmed the strengthening The strength of the human pilot also spurned the brutality of the coalition army. At the same time, the representative of the new generation of enhanced people, Stella Roussier, was put on the screen, and the daily and non-daily scenes of Stella were selectively played.

With the sharp contrast formed by the innocent and cute little girl next door in the daily state, and the ruthless and aggressive attitude of the mad dog in the fighting state, coupled with the tragic life experiences such as amnesia, family ruin, body transformation, etc., Stella's popularity At one point, it was close to the top stars.

As a result, when slamming the old Atlantic Federation through the Rodnia laboratory thing... it feels like it has brought another wave of popularity to the Britannia Empire show. By the way, the popularity of Stella, who will not be remembered for too long, is further increased.


"Don't you feel a little rushed?" In the evening, Lux arrived from Aube.

"Actually, it is already far behind the plan. The original plan should have solved all the problems in CE74. I didn't expect it to be delayed until CE76." Li Ping lay on the balcony and looked at the stars. "The Ueg Third Expeditionary Fleet has engaged the enemy's vanguard, the First and Fourth Expeditionary Fleet, the Milas Sentinel Fleet, and the Iskandar Unmanned Fleet have also launched tentative battles with the enemy's scout fleet. .

Although due to various reasons, the enemy will arrive on Earth later than expected, but we also encountered situations where I had a dungeon mission and were separated from others. No time to waste. "

"That's right..." Lux sighed. "Also, Cagalli asked me to ask, if you marry as a girl, can you temporarily escape the responsibility of the family?

After all, Cagalli is only 20 years old this year, and she is not like us, and has been struggling for many years. The pressure of a small and powerful country like Aubi on her is really a little big. "

"...I don't have to ask Aslan? But if Aslan doesn't seem to be able to help up to now...worry to death."

"Well, what she asked was, if she married you with us, would she be able to put the responsibility of Aub on your head." Lux looked up at the sky speechlessly. At that time, Cagalli's mind was too complicated. , so that the second-hand electromagnetic power that I got from Li Ping didn't feel what Cagalli really thought at that time.

"Emmm..." Li Ping's expression was a little subtle. "Lux, do you think that after you came to my side, you actually did the same things as before, but your mentality and scale were much larger?"

——It even happens that after getting the ring, after the ability has been fully improved, Li Ping is left aside and concentrated on his own business.

For example, the four scientific research giants in the world of aircraft warfare.

"...It seems to be the same." Lux thought for a while. Well, when I came on stage, I was mainly in charge of political negotiation and public opinion war planning. Natal was the fleet commander, Mikoto and the others who joined later were fighters and intelligence officers, and Harman and Cornelia were the commanders and ace pilots. ...

Basically, it is an extension and upgrade of my previous work.

"So..." Lux paused, showing a strange expression like Li Ping's nine points. "Even if Cagalli gets she will most likely become the governor of the annexed Orb District, and she will use MS to attack during battles, use the skills of a quasi-first-class pilot to drive a super-class body, and use it on the battlefield. The Valkyrie's gesture boosts morale... so?"

"According to my character, it's almost like this." Li Ping smiled dryly.

Not to mention Cagalli's current state of double loss that can't be comforted back... and the sentence I gave up on myself and married the past is very inconsistent.

(The cause is slightly frustrated, mainly because the Holy Brittany Empire has recently come up with a lot of high-tech, which has caused Orb's technology export business to suffer a huge setback.

The relationship was greatly frustrated, and the boy Aslan was still on the Minerva and did not come back, even if the situation has become such a delicate peace now. )

I don't even want to lose face, I want to temporarily evade my responsibilities to relax myself, and then I change my position and go back to do those jobs, I'm afraid it's not that Cagalli is going crazy.


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