MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and thirty-one sunset red

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"It's a blue and normal sea!" Li Ping couldn't help sighing while lying on the fence of the Minerva's open deck.

"Crack!" Li Ping slapped Cagalli on the head. "The blue and normal combination is forbidden here."

"So, where you went before, the sea wasn't blue?" Cagalli also asked curiously, leaning against the fence.

"How do you say it, because of the invasion of a special group, the sea over there has turned a color similar to dark brown. It is not very accurate to say dark brown. It should be said that it is the kind of dark brown after the blood has dried up.

Then, we fought **** battles for three whole years, and the sea was dyed red with blood, and there was not a single place on the sea where there was no wreckage. "

"It's painful"

"No, it's just annoying." Li Ping looked into the distance. "Battle, suppress the rebellion, collect, negotiate, count how many cards are in hand, prepare for the next battle, then fight, suppress the rebellion, and collect

Responsibilities that have already begun, even the guilt of stopping.

In order to fight against a more and more powerful enemy, I must drag more people who could have lived a peaceful life into my battlefield. Go farther and farther on the road to the death of the party. "

"It sounds like you've lost a lot of things." Cagalli held back for a while, and could only be so sentimental.

"No, it's precisely because I haven't lost anything that I can complain here that I also want to take a vacation." Li Ping thought for a while, and could only make a red-like speech.

"That's really a pity, I got involved in this kind of riot just after I came back and didn't rest."

"Ah, a riot of this level is no different to me than a vacation." Li Ping scratched his head. "Anyway, Lux is back, and playing with the blue universe is basically a good thing. The development of pn's side has not deviated from the plan of the year, that is, you are about to be replaced and Frey is about to become the president of the Atlantic Federation. Kind of unexpected."

"I'm so sorry that I'm about to be empty." Cagalli, who was stabbed in the heart again, turned into a steamed bun with anger. "Wait a minute, why did I assume the identity of the younger generation in front of you? And you are so natural?! You are obviously two or three years older than Kira!"

"How should I put it, more than sixty years have passed for me."

"Are you serious?"

"I lied to you?" Li Ping rolled his eyes.

"That's true."


"The sound of gunshots?" Li Ping and Cagalli raised their heads to look in the direction of the gunshots. "Is that the guy who wrote the Minerva's control manual hanging up and shooting?"

"Not really." Cagalli was a little uncertain. There was a major error in the hull control program, and it almost caused serious consequences. Ten or eight years of squatting in Orb was the minimum.

It would not be too much if that ship was carrying the head of state.

"Look?" Li Ping raised his eyebrows.

"Go." Cagalli raised her legs and left.

Walking through the passage inside the ship to the take-off and landing platform of the small transport boat behind the bridge, Li Pingping found out that it was Zhen Fei Niao and others who were conducting shooting training

God's special shooting training, you just came off the battlefield without taking a breath?

"Lee? Cagalli?" Well, Aslan also heard the sound of gunfire and came over.

"You guys are the worst red clothes I've ever seen!"

A familiar female voice came from the temporary training ground. The three of them turned their heads in confusion and looked at the temporary training ground.

Well, it was Mayu Asuka who was reprimanding her brother with her hips on her shoulders.

"Then tell me, what is the level of the red clothes you have seen!" Zhen Fei Niao was quite unconvinced, and these people were also the best in the last red clothes, okay?

"I haven't seen a lot of red clothes, just two people! Their shooting skills are so much higher than yours, I don't know where the blond guy over there and the lady with double ponytails are as good as the past, you guys. The two are simply losing their faces in red, what kind of shocking marksmanship is this? Ten meters and ten shots are less than seventy rings?"

On the other hand, Reza Barrell, who has said that the past knows some insider information, is far away.

Two red coats?

Have you seen it yet in Aub?

One is the current Aub general Kira Yamato who has a red camouflage identity, and the other is Aslan Zara, who graduated from the 70th class as the chief.

Meiling Hawke, who is called Miss Double Ponytail, glanced at her target and then at her sister's target speechlessly. Well, she has ten guns and 97 rings, which makes sense.

"It's easy to put it, you can start shooting! It's not easy to target on a swaying boat!" The bird was so angry that he handed his own gun to his sister.

"Humph!" Mayu Asuka took the gun, loaded it, and shot ten times, 91 rings.

Mayu, who successfully continued to akimbo, continued to reprimand her elder brother.

"Look, I, a girl who received basic training Kira's standard, can play better than you!"

The real bird was sunk.

"So, what level is the real red-clothed!" Zhen Asuka suddenly looked up at his sister from the r.

The voice fell, and the other three people present looked at the three people who stood at the door and watched the lively for a long time.

"Don't look at me, I'm Orb's." Cagalli waved her hand.

"Don't look at me, I'm purple." Li Ping waved his hand. "Huh?" 6

"" Aslan, who retired in red, took a deep breath and turned back to the captain in white.

Aslan stepped tried the feel of the gun, changed the mode of the electronic target, the random target with the highest speed.


Zhenfeiniao was sunk again, with ten shots and 99 rings, which was not a fixed target for himself.

"Show a hand" Aslan looked back at Li Ping.

Looking at the smile in Aslan's eyes, it was obvious that Aslan was very satisfied with his performance this time.

Li Ping shrugged and stepped forward.

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, three clips were pressed.

Then, Li Ping pressed the start button.

Same mode as Aslan, random humanoid target with top speed.

"clap clap" "clap clap"

Aslan looked at the target, then at his hand, lost in thought.

"To be honest, Aslan's level has reached the peak of the routine, so I can only do some work." Putting down the gun, Li Ping nodded in satisfaction. When a random target that could only be shot once appeared, Li Ping shot two shots in the chest, one shot in the head, and three shots in a full circle, and repeated it ten times. "Speaking of which, aren't the actual combat arrangements now after graduation? Aslan and the others dared to storm the Dawning Society factory and **** the new machine with three Jinen, five red clothes and no more than 20 green clothes.

Even Nicole, who seems to be the quietest, is quite ruthless, but when you guys do it, you seem very indecisive, not to mention your red guns in the sunset, are you afraid of hacking the enemy when you swing your sword? "

Hearing this comment, I drove Zaku Warrior with artillery equipment, fired 31 shots and shot Lunamaria, who only shot down two planes, and shot 45 times after the beam rifle was destroyed. The real bird who shot down the three planes was embarrassed.

Off topic

Ah, the speed of publishing has caught up with the speed of writing books again

I've been busy for two days and haven't written, why did the manuscript disappear?

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