MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ The battle beside the eleven umbrellas (1)

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"The enemy ship began to slow down, and there was a heat source leaving the hull... It's the MS."

"Contrast with heat patterns, Nazca class on the port side releases a Sigu one, and the Loracia class on the rear releases a storm, thunder, duel!"

"It seems that there are only four mobile suits on the enemy ship. There are also three carrier-based aircraft here. It seems that the disadvantage is not too big. Second Lieutenant Bakiruru, give priority to attacking the Loracia-class that poses a greater threat to this ship. Use the right Ship missiles suppress the Nazca class.

Captain Flagg, you drove the Zero to sneak near the Nazca class, and paralyzed the engine of the Nazca class as much as possible. The ship will use special guns to supplement the Nazca class.

The defense of the MS is left to Lieutenant Li and Lieutenant Yamato, as long as it can be dragged until we can destroy the high-speed Nazca class. "Captain Ramias said the battle plan he just thought about.


"Then, the first combat configuration of the whole ship, close the isolation gate, let the civilians put on space suits on their beds, and tie themselves to the beds with seat belts and safety ropes, the ship will be opened at any time. Then the meeting will end. , ready to fight."


"You must pay attention, Kira-kun, keep a good distance from the mothership, not too far, because this will not be able to contain the enemy's MS, and don't be too close, too close, it will easily be caught by the mothership If the firepower is accidentally injured, the mothership will also interfere with your maneuvering. It is a very ambiguous distance, and you must experience it yourself in the battle." Before dispatching, Captain Flagg told Kira, who was on the battlefield for the second time. "Remember, you only need to consider protecting the battleship and yourself."

"Yes, the captain is also careful."

"By the way, why does my Type Zero look more exaggerated?" Captain Flagg found that the Type Zero's barrel was carrying a large anti-ship missile, as if the code name was Sledgehammer?

"Aren't you going to carry out the anti-ship mission, so I'll put it on for you." Colonel Marduk wiped his sweat. "As far as the ignition power of the Nascar class, these twelve missiles plus the eight air-to-air missiles on your fuselage are enough to make the Nascar class in a hurry. In addition, among the eight air-to-air missiles , there are two flashbangs, use them carefully, don't blind yourself."

"OK, thank you." Captain Flagg got into his body, and the Mobius Zero was slowly transported to the catapult. "Mu La Flage, dispatch, don't be sunk until I come back."

"It's going to be a tough fight... Li Ping, Holy Shield, get off the ship." The Holy Shield was ejected, and then took place near the Archangel.

"The Loracia class at the rear, enter the range of the yang electron cannon!"

"The main engine is started, the hull is turned, the yang electron gun is aimed, and the Loracia class is in the rear. Second Lieutenant Yamato, you can judge the timing of the high-frequency pulse gun firing."


"The enemy ship is locked and has entered the axis."

"Yang electron cannon, launch!" With the roar of Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, two huge red beams rushed towards the Loracia-class Gamow.

"Ahead, high-energy response!" a cic on the Gamow shouted hysterically.

"The left rudder is full! Full speed!" Gamow spewed several meters of flames from the side, and the steering engine sprayed flames desperately to change the direction of the Gamow.

A positron beam directly penetrated the hull on the right side of the Gamow, and part of the hull on the right side of the Gamow melted and exploded on the spot.

"The starboard hull is broken! The third engine compartment is broken!"

"Damage control immediately! Block the isolation gate."

"The 17th carbonic acid wall is broken and a fire broke out!"

"Fire the fire now!"

"Huh? Hit it?" Baki Lulamias and a group of people stared blankly at the explosion from the distance. The distance was 180 kilometers. The magnetic field and gravity interference could not be set because there was no data. A shot is more of a deterrent than an attack.

In the absence of various data including the ballistic parameters of the positron gun and the interference of charged particles in space, the process of aiming and launching this shot is basically equivalent to holding a telescope and drawing a cross in the middle, placing the enemy ship in the center of the cross and then firing …

Not expecting to hit at all, Bucky Lulu was still thinking about how to praise the hard-hitting Sho who was within 500 meters of error.

And then hit...

"Beautiful job, Private Sai." Bucky Lulu retracted her surprise and praised her without hesitation. "The artillery and lightning strikes and the preparation for the air-to-air attack, the seventh to eighteenth tubes of the missile launch tubes, the Corinthus (heavy long-range anti-aircraft missile) loading, the first to sixth tubes "Sledgehammer" (heavy anti-aircraft missiles) Ship Missile) reload, target Loracia class, launch!, tubes 19 to 24, "Sledgehammer" reload, target Nazca class, launch!"

"The enemy MS group, spread out!"

"Second Lieutenant Yamato! Contain the MS group in the rear, and I'll hold Cruzer."

"Understood." Standing at the catapult port, the striker carried the "Yehuo" high-frequency pulse cannon with the artillery equipment connected to the energy pipeline in the ship, and intuitively aimed at the light spot of the MS in the distance and started shelling.

"Bombardment? This distance?" The three of Yitzhak looked at the Archangel in the distance in shock. Constantly evading the ultra-long-range shooting from the strong attack, obviously such a long distance... What kind of ghost range is yours?

"Itzhak! The Gamow was..."

"Gamow was shot?"

"Damn... He's obviously just a natural person! Let's get on, we can't let that ship run away!"

"it is good!"

"The enemy MS is at a distance of 25. Stop the bombardment and go to meet them." Bucky Lulu's instructions came through the earphones.

"Yes!" The striker put down the pulse cannon and flew out of the ejection port on its own.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, please temporarily ask Shigu on the port side, let's deal with the G series ahead."

"Understood, Corinth, target port MS, launch! Variant (110cm electromagnetic gun), UU reading Hell Dart (short-range air defense missile), target port MS, fire!"

"Cut!" In an instant, eight small missiles, twelve large missiles, and several 110-centimeter electromagnetic cannons rushed towards Cruze's Shigu. Without saying a word, Cruzer pushed the thruster to full capacity, and then intercepted the missile with the Gatling on the shield and the 76mm assault gun on his hand. A MS was flying with twenty missiles, and every now and then it turned back and shot and exploded the missiles.

"The seventh tube to the eighteenth tube of the launch tube, Corinth, the target remains unchanged, and continue to launch. Variant and Helldart are set to automatically fire continuously, and hold that MS back!" Bucky Lulu He knew that to deal with a double-material super ace like Cruze, he had to use enough firepower to contain it, otherwise he would kill the crew as soon as he relaxed.

"The enemy G series, the distance is 15."

"CIWS begins to counterattack, prop up the barrage, Gottfield (225 cm high-energy beam cannon) starts, target the enemy MS, open fire!"

"Ah! What a dense barrage!" Diaka's storm shuttled through the barrage of the Archangel, taking time to launch the 12 small missiles on his shoulders. But it was shot down by the 75mm CIWS porcupine array.

"It's just a natural person's pilot, so there's nothing to be afraid of!" Duel drew out his lightsaber, dodged the three beam rifles from Assault, and rushed in front of Assault. "Die!"

The upper spout of the Assault Air Combat Backpack spun to a vertical angle, spraying with full power, causing the Assault to plummet a few meters and evading the duel's lightsaber. It then quickly retreated and threw two anti-ship missiles (cannon mounted on the left shoulder).

Yitzhak blasted the missile with the CIWS on his head, and found that the strong attack had directly pierced the smoke, and rushed up with his double swords.


Read The Duke's Passion