MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Triple Bang 1 Sound Archangel debut

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Binding the corona-stricken second-generation official to the side of the cockpit, Li Ping hurriedly manipulated the Holy Shield to break free from the fixing frame of the MS carrier, and stood up slowly.

On the other side, Striker also slowly stood up.

"Captain Ramias."

"Lieutenant Li, you actually grabbed the body?"

"How can one's belongings be called a robbery? Captain Ramias."

"Let's get out of here quickly, it's going to explode."


"Let's go." The two machines flew out of the mining area along the ceiling blown up by the explosion.

The two unactivated machines slowly landed on the ground... The strike controlled by Eramias was staggering forward.

"Aslan." Genn, whose foot was partially damaged by the blast, flashed one eye and looked at the Holy Shield, which was slowly falling to the ground.

"Are you calling this little brother?" The Holy Shield punched Gene's face, who couldn't react, and then shot Gene's head with Baal's cock. Luckily, it killed Gene's one-eyed eye.


Cursing her mother, Jean's movements were not slow at all, he quickly retreated while firing shots to interfere with the movement of the Holy Shield.

"Huh..." Li Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of ghost operating system is Te Niang's?

The programmers who write the OS are hired externally for 3,500 yuan per month, right?

Nima's 50-meter distance from Bar** is 1 meter?

If it weren't for the 75mm Barrel's high-explosive fragmentation projectile, which has a killing radius of one and a half meters, I'm afraid I would have to go back to the city just now.

"Captain... Hello Captain!" Li Ping looked up at the communication window. Captain Ramias fainted with such a smile...

"That boy... Please stop the machine and help lift the captain down. I think she may need some emergency treatment."

"Ah, yes..." Kira, Berserker, Never hit the cockpit, Super Adjuster, Prince Aub, Speaker's Husband, Yamato, who seemed to be feeling pretty well at this stage, carefully adjusted the assault to a half-kneeling position , opened the cockpit.

Li Ping also has a good body. Thanks to the MS simulation driving class in high school, he can also drive MS.

By the way, the OS programming of humanoid robots is a compulsory course for students who are both anime and military enthusiasts in their second year of high school…

The blood and tears of hundreds of reincarnators who once entered the worlds of SEED, UC, W, and 00 told the latecomers that the OS in the early stage of MS was generally rotten to death, and it would not change that the OS would be trapped to death by slow body movements sooner or later.

"This boy." Bandage Captain Ramias for the bruise on her right shoulder and the penetrating wound on her waist. Li Ping tried to talk to this young boy who was going to be fierce in the future. "I see that you seem to have a talent for driving MS, are you interested in joining the Union Army?"


"Kira!" Not far away, Mirielia and passerby A and passer B ran over.

"I'm sorry, excuse me."

"The plot has changed...I don't know if it's fun..." Li Ping picked up the water bottle he took from the Holy Shield.

"Uh... I remember..." Aslan woke up faintly.

"No, you don't remember." Li Ping added another kick, knocking Aslan unconscious again.

"The surrounding shelters are closed?" "Then what should we do?"…

Hearing their discussion, the corners of Li Ping's mouth curved into a W shape.

"Mr. Second Lieutenant..."

"Just call me Li Ping or Li. You are not a coalition soldier, so don't worry about these details."

"Okay, Mr. Li, what should we do? The nearby shelters are closed." Kira had to bite the bullet and come back and ask the eldest-looking man.

"My suggestion is, if you can control this machine, before we escape from danger, you will drive this machine to help us repel the ZAFT army, and then after the G-series non-disclosure agreement is invalidated, you can go through the discharge procedures for you, and you can return to the original day.

In this way, you can also avoid the condemnation of espionage that you boarded this top-secret MS before. "

"But, when I..."

"Young man, although I personally sympathize with you, just like manslaughter is also murder, you are obliged to cooperate with us in keeping secrets when you accidentally come into contact with the secret weapons jointly developed by the Union Army and Orb."

The young Kira in front of her frowned and thought for a while, then looked back at her classmates, especially Mirielia's face, looking at her(s?) expectant expressions, and soon Kira made up her mind.

"I see, I will cooperate with you to fight back ZAFT, but you have to ensure our safety."

"As long as we are alive, we will not give up our protection for you."

"It's a deal." Ji pulled out.

Li Ping was stunned for a moment, and gave Kira a high five to swear.

"So... what's your name?"

"Kira Yamato."

"Then, under the guidance of the special wartime regulations, I temporarily recruit Mr. Kira Yamato as a soldier of our army, obey our command, and repel the enemy's attack."

Then Kira climbed up the Assault Gundam and began to modify the os. Li Ping arranged for several other boys to drive over the remaining MS equipment supply vehicles nearby, and arranged for girls to take care of the unconscious Captain Ramias.

He also climbed up the holy shield and started to modify the os.


"The people over there, this is the secret of the Allied Army, UU reading down!"

"Captain over there, we have responded to Lieutenant Li's call and joined the coalition temporarily. I am modifying the OS of this unit now, please don't disturb me, your OS is really bad."


"Second Lieutenant!"

"The enemy will soon launch a second wave of attacks to annihilate us, and we need to unite all forces that can be united."

"Boom!" A big explosion occurred on the central axis of the colony, and a silver MS and a super lanky MA rushed out of the explosion.

"Mobius Zero? Is that Higu?"

"Quickly put on your equipment! Quickly!" Captain Ramias shouted in the direction of the attack.

Kira's friends jumped off the MS, and the truck mounted the cannon assembly on the Assault Gundam.

"I'll take you all right now..." After cutting off the Möbius Zero's electromagnetic cannon, Sigu rushed towards the Assault Gundam. But before the ruthless words were finished, Xigu was forced to evade by two beams.

"When I don't exist?" Divine Shield had already turned on the PS armor, and raised his gun to shoot at Shigu.

"Che... so annoying!"

"Boom!" Inside the colony, a huge explosion occurred. The blasted rocks smashed Sigu's rifle, and the little bit of red light that remained shattered Sigu's left hand and the shield on his left hand directly.

Cruzer didn't even want to say harsh words, he turned his head and ran away.

The machine guns are gone, and the attack shields are gone. Pointing at a life to fight the battleship?

"The coalition army is crazy, right? Fire the main gun in the dock? Are you trying to blow yourself up?"

Cruzer was indignant along the way. It was like playing Go with someone else, because the opponent first connected 5 pieces in a row, and then told you that he won.


Read The Duke's Passion