MTL - The 99th Divorce-Chapter 2237 Fatty without position ~

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Biquge, update the latest chapter of the 99th divorce as soon as possible!

‘Ding dong’

‘Ding dong’

When Li Moyun bowed his head, it was a lot of pictures.

[Buddha Beautiful Girl [Little Sun]]: [Voice]

(Do you want to eat it? Come here, it's super delicious ~ there are four flavors, tomato pot, three fresh pot, old butter pot, seafood pot ~ fat beef is delicious, sweet and tender!)

In addition to Li Jianyue's voice, there are the voices of parents talking, and the voices of people around.


Li Moyun swallowed.

Qin Shuhua was distressed, "Eat a little, children are used to it. If you do n’t eat a bit, it will be uncomfortable to be hungry at night."

Li Moyun nodded quickly, and pitifully looked at his grandpa.

Li Yao sternly, "Hum, look at your success, so hungry?"

Li Moyun continued to nod, whispering bitterly: "Hungry!"

Seeing this, Li Yao shook his head and said to Qin Shuhua: "Give him a compressed biscuit."

"No!" Li Moyun screamed, "Grandpa, I want to eat something delicious, look at my sister, send me food to seduce me !!"

Folding the phone to Li Yao's face, he shouted, "You see, she's too much! Is this still my sister!"

At this time, Li Jianyue sent another video.

In the video, Yu Chulin, Li Mosen, Li Jianqian, and Su Qianci Li Sicheng are all there. The middle is steaming. At a glance, you will know the ultimate luxurious cuisine with fragrant aroma: hot pot! !!

The final picture is Li Jianyue turning the camera to herself, fragrant for the camera, and letting out a bang.

Li Yao smiled with a wink, and said, "Why is our Ersu so beautiful?"

Li Moyun :? ? ? ?

What a special concern! !!

Qin Shuhua also came over, watched the video again, and frowned, and said, "Yes, the Ersu is good-looking, the Ersu is the best of the three children."

Li Yao deeply felt the same, nodded his head, glanced at Li Moyun, and hated iron and steel. "Look at what you feed! Pig?"

Li Mo pig: "..."

Li Yao finally announced his death sentence: "Give him a compressed biscuit, and go to school on Monday to prepare a vegetarian meal for him. No meat for one month!"

Li Moyun screamed in sorrow: "Grandpa, why do you hate me so much, did I pick it up! Grandma !!! I do n’t want to be vegetarian, do n’t eat compressed biscuits!"

Qin Shuhua was distressed, but looked at Li Moyun's fat body, and still sighed, "Hey, listen to your grandpa, obediently."

Li Moyun was desperate. Under Li Yao's anger, holding a compressed biscuit and a glass of water, swallowed bitterly and tears, and looked enviously at the food sent by Li Jianyue on the screen, biting fiercely.

Qin Shuhua said that it hurts, but when I saw this scene, I couldn't help but felt funny. I picked up the phone and secretly recorded a small video and sent it to the circle of friends.

When Li Jianyue arrived, she laughed directly, and enthusiastically played a video for Li Moyun to live broadcast.

Li Moyun cried out and yelled with tears: "You get out of me !!!"

On the other side, Li Moyun laughed, Li Moyun hung up decisively, hiding in the bed and crying.

Li Jianyue worked well, and naturally put chopsticks in Li Mosen's dipping dish, picking up a piece of meat that he had put down a second ago, put Meizi in his mouth, smash it and slap it: "It's really fragrant."

Limosen muttered, "Slacker."

That's what it said, but with a slight smile on his eyes, he put a few pieces of meat on it and let it go.