MTL - The 99th Divorce-Chapter 2242 I don't want to be your son, dad

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Biquge, update the latest chapter of the 99th divorce as soon as possible!

New York Business School ...

I will give you a few years ...

Calm down ...

Every sentence echoed several times in Li Mosen's mind, and the echoes made him nearly collapse.

Li Mosen stood up suddenly and shouted, "I don't go, I don't want to go, Dad, I want to stay in Cannes ..."

"Your talent was wasted in Kangcheng," Li Sicheng's eyes went cold again, looking at Li Mosen in front of him, and he said coldly: "Your physical talent is very good, you can choose an excellent physics school Or, go directly to my alma mater and I will arrange the best education for you. "

What Li Mosen wanted to say, then, Su Qianci came up and held him gently, his voice soft and calm, and said, "Moson, your dad is also for your good, please calm down first."

There was a moment of quietness in the air.

Then, Li Mosen's voice was almost indifferent, without emotion, and strangely calm. He asked, "For me?"

The voice was cold and stiff.

Su Qianci was startled by Li Lisen, and she hugged him, and she was standing beside him, but I do n’t know when it will start, the child has grown up, even to the point where she needs to look up .

Su Qianci's heart was startled, and he reached out and calmed gently, saying, "Yes, Moson, Mom and Dad are all for you. Your father just doesn't want your talent to be buried ..."

"Let's make excuses for him," Li Mosen pushed Su Qianci gently away, and looked at Li Sicheng indifferently. "Don't you want to bury me, or don't you want your daughter to be beaten by the enemy's son?"

Li Sicheng's face sank, "What did you say?"

Li Mosen's eyes met Li Sicheng's eyes, just like instinct, he already lowered his eyes.

But the next moment, Li Mosen realized his movements, twitched slightly, raised his fist down, and whispered: "I know who my biological mother is, and that woman killed you at home that year, I know it. People around you from childhood Just reminding me that I can have all this today because of the kindness of my mother. I can stand here because my mother saved my life from that woman's hands. "

Li Mosen suddenly brought a bit of ironic laughter. He looked at the textured carpet under his feet and whispered, "I have been your son for so many years, now ..."

Now, I don't want to be your son, Dad.

But without saying anything, Su Qianci covered his mouth.

Su Qianci's hand has a touch of tea, mixed with the unique aroma of her body, forming the taste of mother.

Li Mosen's eyes trembled, and bowed his head to meet Su Qianci's eyes.

Su Qianci is now forty, but years are still loose, leaving no trace on her face.

This face is 80% similar to Li Jianyue.

Su Qianci's eyes were slightly moist, and with a bit of fear, he yelled at him: "Merson!"

Shouting his name, Su Qianci's tears rolled down.

Li Mosen was shocked, and then realized how hurtful the words he had just said.

Li Si received flexion of the masseter muscles, and walked in three or two steps to pull Su Qianci over.

Looking at the boy who was tall enough to compare with himself, Li Sicheng's voice was soothing, "Continue."

Su Qianci's voice was already trembling, saying: "Moson, no matter before or now, you are no different from us for Dasu Ersu!"




Every day I want to blacken Merson. . . .

Read The Mage of Eternity