MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 291 Pioneer Database

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  It is simple to say, but it is not so simple to swear. Li Qing joined forces with all star losers to make an oath, and revised it back and forth to ensure that there are no loopholes.

  An oath is the version of the will of the universe, and an oath is the version of the will of the virtual world, and there is no version of the will of civilization.

  The binding force of the civilized will oath is only average. When the interests of one's own civilization are large enough, the room for maneuver is not so large. Li Qing has personally experienced it.

   As for the oath of the will of the universe, this is also uncertain, because they cannot guarantee whether the will of the universe will pay attention.

   To put it bluntly, normal players cannot touch the level of the will of the universe.

  Li Qing is fine as the leader of the army, but the super psychic in the Zenoer star cluster in front of him is not the leader of the army. Under normal circumstances, he is not qualified to swear to the will of the universe.

  So Li Qing added a Void Realm version. Both of them are super psykers and are qualified to make an oath in the name of the Void Realm Will. Please witness the Void Realm Will. Anyone who violates it will be punished by the Void Realm Will.

  The binding force of this version of the oath is higher than the will of the universe for powerful psykers. After all, they are all super psykers. Once they break the oath, the price they have to pay is beyond their ability to bear.

   Not only will one be deprived of one's spiritual power by the will of the virtual realm, but one will also be taken back to the virtual realm by the will of the virtual realm. How miserable the ending will be depends on the oath.

In this regard, Li Qing did not engage in any demon moths. The oath is very strict. It is sure to ensure that both parties have no loopholes to exploit and ensure the personal safety of both parties. The will of the realm is captured back to the virtual realm, and then the soul and will are decomposed into the nutrients of the virtual realm, and they will never stand up again.

  Handed the formulated oath to the harpy of the Zinor star group civilization named Fatigra. He carefully checked a little bit, nodded and said:

   "The oath is very strict, I have no objection."

  Li Qing smiled and said:

   "Of course rigorous, I came here with sincerity."

   "But I have a question I need to understand."


   "If I'm not wrong, you should also be eligible to inherit this inheritance, why don't you want to?"

  Li Qing thought for a while, and replied:

   "It's okay to tell you, the ancient advanced civilization you need to inherit has an old enemy, and that old enemy still exists today, called Feonuo's Fragment Civilization, you may have heard of it."

   "You want me to take this risk?"

  Li Qing answered very sincerely:

   "Yes, I need you to inherit this inheritance to let you take this risk."

   "I won't force you. If you don't want to, you can give up. I'll change someone. I remember that many of your kindred were captured in the previous battle. I asked them one by one. Someone should want to change their fate."

   Li Qing said in a bewitching tone:

"Benefits and risks coexist at any time. Think about it, this is an ancient advanced civilization inheritance. As long as you accept the inheritance, you can master the complete dark matter technology, and more than 20 mobile battle stars, hundreds of war moons, several Thousands of mobile fortresses, nearly 10,000 advanced civilized fearless divisions, and a huge and incomparably huge galaxy around the world."

  He spread his hands in an embrace:

   "As long as you nod your head, you can get all of this, and immediately become the most powerful existence of the civilization of the Zinor star group, and become the only king standing at the top of the pyramid. All other lords and army lords combined are no match for you."

   "With such great benefits, the only risk is a fallen ancient empire."

"Although the Fallen Empire is powerful, it was in the past. Millions of years of corruption have caused their strength to be far inferior to their peak state. After you have obtained the technology and fleet in front of you, plus the assistance of the entire Zenor star group civilization, Unpaid cannot defeat a fallen empire that has been in decline for millions of years."

   "If you can successfully defeat the fragments of Feonoo, you will step on the corpse of an ancient fallen empire to the pinnacle of the galaxy and become one of the overlords of the galaxy."

   "With the potential of the player civilization, it will not take a few hundred years to digest the legacy of the two advanced civilizations. At that time, other advanced civilizations may not be your opponents, and it is possible to dominate the entire galaxy in the future."

  Fatiguera was silent, but it could be seen from the flickering eyes that he was not at peace.

   A little he suddenly asked:

   "Your United Human Empire is also a player civilization just like us, so you are not afraid that I will rise up and destroy you in the future?"

  Li Qing laughed and said:

"That's why I made this deal with you. After you inherit the inheritance, you need to hand over the pioneer database to me, so that I can also obtain complete dark matter technology. In this way, you are developing and I am also developing. In the future, human beings can also become advanced. Civilization, when the time comes, we will decide the outcome on the battlefield."

  Li Qing's words are sincere, but they can't stand up to scrutiny.

   But the problem is that Fatiguera has no choice at this time, either die or fight.

  When a person is facing the threat of death, the bottom line will continue to decrease, and they will abandon everything in order to survive.

  In addition, at this time, Li Qingming clearly told him that succession would be risky, but it was not a desperate situation. When there was a life-saving straw in front of him, he would definitely grab it without hesitation.

  As Li Qing said, this is not a desperate situation, and there is indeed a possibility of a comeback, but the difficulty is too great, and the loss of human civilization will be huge, and there is a high probability that it will be defeated directly. He cannot make this decision for mankind as a whole.

  Of course, the main reason is that Li Qing has the inheritance of the negative star at hand, and he has confidence in his heart, unlike others who have no retreat and can only be reckless.

  The room became silent again, Li Qing waited for a while and said:

   "You have enough time to think about it slowly, let me know if you think it through."

   As he spoke, he took Qingluan's hand and turned around, but just as he stepped forward, he heard the voice of the harpy behind him:

"I promise you."

  Li Qing immediately showed joy, turned around to look at the harpy and said with a smile:

"Wise choice."

"It may be risky, but it is also an opportunity for you to change your destiny. Gathering the power of all the star sea lords and military masters in the entire Zenor star group may block a fallen empire that has declined for millions of years. Wait for it to digest With all of this, your strength will soar rapidly, and you will be the hero of the Zenor civilization by then."

  Fatiguera didn't answer, but said with a blank face:


"bring it on!"

  Li Qing and Fatiguera looked at each other, Qiqi said:

   "The United Empire of Mankind, Starship Lord Li Qing, here calls for the pan-will of the Universe Starsea."

   "Zinor Star Group, Fatigra, a member of the Tower of Power, is here to call for the pan-will of the cosmic star sea"

  The two of them uttered their voices in unison, reciting word by word according to the vows they had just made.

   After reading it the first time, there was no response.

  Both of them were stunned for a moment, then Li Qing showed a strange look on his face, and the next second a great will came, Li Qing said with a strange face:

   "The will of the universe has approved and witnessed our oath, and the next step is to call on the will of the virtual realm."

  Before he spoke, he communicated with the Void Realm through the original channel of the palm universe, and then communicated with Yu Yueyao, asking her to do a favor.

   It was a very simple job, let Yu Yueyao communicate with the will of the virtual realm, and then with the authority of her son of the virtual realm, temporarily create a holy place in the palm universe to cover up the existence of the palm universe, lest the will of the virtual realm pay attention to the existence of the palm universe.

   It's not a small trick, it doesn't make sense.

   A minute later, the two spoke together again:

   "The United Empire of Mankind, Star Marine Lord Li Qing, here calls for the will of the Supreme Void Realm."

   "Zinor Constellation, Fatigra, a member of the Tower of Power, is here to call for the will of the Supreme Void"

In the middle of the conversation, the children of the Void Realm borrowed the power of the Void Realm's will to descend and temporarily turned this area into a holy place. When their oaths were finished, the Void Realm's summoned will descended and did not find any abnormalities around them, and successfully completed the oath witness .

  Completing the oath, Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Fatigra:

   "You can take a break to adjust your status now, and you can go out when you are ready."

  Fatiguera didn't speak, he smiled and left with Qingluan.

  Two days later, Li Qing received a message from Fatiguera and returned to the scientific research area. He saw Fatiguera who had recovered in a guest room. He glanced at Li Qing expressionlessly and said:

"I am ready."

  Li Qing didn't have any nonsense, stretched out his hand, and a black line emerged, which quickly opened to the left and right and turned into a three-meter-high black hole door, stretching out his hand as a gesture of please.

   "I'll see you in a day."

  Fatiguera glanced at him, took a deep breath and disappeared into it.

   Li Qing watched him leave and closed the door of the black hole with a smile on his face.

   A little smile turned into a big laugh, and then covered his face and laughed out loud.

  Time is a very magical thing. Sometimes it feels like it flies by so quickly, and sometimes it feels like it flies by so slowly.

  At this time, Li Qing felt that the days seemed like years, and he was restless.

  Knowing that there are no loopholes in the oath, there will be no problem, but I still feel uneasy.

  Qingluan felt his uneasiness, and approached him very intimately to comfort him, using her soft body to relieve his anxiety and tension.

  When people are immersed in something, time is not so sad.

  One day later, Li Qing, who had been asleep for a long time due to overwork, opened his eyes on time and got up slowly.

   It's amazing, at this moment Li Qing is not in a hurry.

   Washed up slowly, got dressed, opened the door of the black hole again, and walked in without hesitation.

Passing through the door of the black hole, I saw the huge space I saw before. Fatigra was standing in the center of the hall and Ida did not know what to say. When he was sensed, the two turned their heads and looked. The momentary coercion suffocated Li Qing's thinking.

   "Immortal level psyker?"

   "No, although the spiritual power is dozens of times stronger, it is not immortal yet, but the will has a tendency to be immortal. Is this also inherited?"

  At this time, after inheriting the inheritance of Ada Recorder, Fatiguera not only increased in strength, but also naturally had an inexplicable majesty.

He stepped towards Li Qing, and a powerful coercion rushed towards his face. Li Qing stood there expressionless, but he was ready. Back to the universe in the palm of your hand.

  But Fatiguera didn't do anything. He stepped up to Li Qing and stood still. He stretched out his hand for a while, and there was a crystalline crystal ball lying in his palm:

   "According to the agreement, this is the pioneer database, which contains what you want."

  Li Qing unceremoniously took the inspection, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

From the system prompt, this is indeed the pioneer database of the Ada recorder civilization, which contains the complete dark matter technology mastered by the Ada recorder. After getting it, the team of scientists will extract the technology inside, which can condense a complete advanced civilization one by one. Dark matter and all kinds of technology.

  Whether **** ship or dreadnought battleship, Lost-class Titan and Lost-class aircraft carrier, Pioneer Fortress with its own Pioneer stargate, all dark matter weapons, accessories, etc.

  In addition to military aspects, it also includes all civilian aspects of technology.

   It even includes a complete set of blueprints for the galaxy miracles mastered by Ada recorders, including a giant scientific research hub, a strategic command center, a sentry array, a Dyson sphere, a matter decompressor, a giant dock array, and a ring world.

   It is worth mentioning that although these blueprints of the galaxy miracle are one-off, as long as there is a pioneer database and enough good scientists, a set of blueprints can be extracted from it every ten years.

   "Ugh, perfect!"

  Confirmed that the pioneer database is true, Li Qing heaved a sigh of relief, put it away preciously, looked up at Fatigra, and said seriously:

   "Our agreement has been completed, I will leave here, and then you will face the declaration of war on the fragments of Feonoo, you'd better prepare for the battle as soon as possible."

"Although we are hostile, there will be a war in the future, but before that, I still hope that you can persist longer. If you can survive the attack of Feonuo's civilization, we may see you on the battlefield in the future .”

  He said this sincerely, and he really wanted Tigra to last longer, so as to buy himself a longer time.

  Although he was used as a shield to avoid direct conflict with Feonoo's fragments, there will be a battle between him and Feonoo's fragments in the future.

The awakening of an old enemy of a higher civilization will definitely stimulate the fragments of Feonoo. They will most likely feel the crisis because of the awakening of the old enemy, and thus awaken from a fallen state, re-memorize the glory of the past, and regain the forgotten technology of ancient times. The creations and fleets have returned to the big stage of the galaxy.

This re-awakened fallen civilization will soon return to its peak state. At that time, they will definitely take back the peak territory before the fall, and these territories have been occupied by other young civilizations in these years. Facing the demands of the awakened civilization, These young civilizations either obey or resist.

  Once they resist, a war that will sweep across most of the galaxy and even the entire galaxy is inevitable.

   Fortunately, the United Empire of Mankind is not in the center of the galaxy, but in the spiral arm, far away from the center of the galaxy stage, and there is still a certain buffer.

  Li Qing must try his best to digest these advanced technologies in the shortest possible time, and have the ability to control his own destiny in the future reshuffle of the galaxy.

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