MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 3 Preparations before development

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  Chapter 3 Preparations before development

   Two of the five S small arms slots are equipped with the third-generation Fire and Rain cannon:

  Third-generation Huoyu Machine Cannon: Large-caliber ballistic weapon that can fire shells at super-high speed.

  Type: Instant, Kinetic.

   Damage: 25-30.

  Fire rate: 2 seconds/shot.

  Hit: 50%.

   Range: 60 kilometers.

  Fix: +25% shield damage.

  Fix: -50% armor damage.

  The three slots are equipped with the third-generation small electromagnetic gun:

  Third-generation electromagnetic gun (small): long-range electromagnetic gun, which can fire powerful shells at extremely long distances.

  Type: Instant, Kinetic.

   Damage: 80-120.

  Fire rate: 25 seconds/shot.

  Hit: 75%.

   Range: 400 kilometers.

  Fix: +25% shield damage.

  Fix: -50% armor damage.

  Slot P is equipped with a Defender I rapid-fire gun.

  Defender Level 1 close-in rapid-fire gun: the last line of defense of the battleship, dedicated to defending against missiles and space fighters.

  Type: Instant, Kinetic.

   Damage: 2-2.

  Fire rate: 12000 rounds/second.

  Hit: 30%.

  Range: 14 kilometers.

  Fix: -75% armor damage.

  Fix: -50% hull damage.

   Two of the five small general-purpose S slots are equipped with third-generation steel armor:

  Resistant Steel Armor (Small): An alloy with high impact resistance.

  Armor strength: 800 points.

  Three are equipped with third-generation energy shields:

  Third Generation Energy Shield (Small): Activate a shield to defend against enemy fire after use.

   Shield energy: 1000 points.

   A Type A functional slot is equipped with a normal afterburner.

  Afterburner (regular): Improve the speed and flexibility of the ship.

  Attributes: Start Speed ​​+20%, Turn Speed ​​+20%, Normal Flight Speed ​​+10%,

  Equipment: A slot.

  Applies to: Any ship.

  The energy core is the third generation nuclear fusion reactor.

   The hyperdrive element is the frigate version of the third-generation warp engine:

  Three-generation jump engine (frigate): The jump engine can be charged to tear a temporary wormhole in space and jump to other galaxies.

  Attributes: charging time 50 minutes, transition range 30 light years, cooling time 3 hours.

  Equipment: C slot, jump engine.

   Applicable: Frigates.

   Thrusters are plasma thrusters:

  Plasma Thruster (Frigate): The thruster powered by plasma is faster and more flexible than electric ion propulsion.

  Attributes: Speed ​​+35%, Start Speed ​​+15%, Turn Speed ​​+15%.

  Equipment: C slot, thruster.

   Applicable: Frigates.

  Detector Warp Sensors:

   Subspace sensor (frigate): By analyzing the subspace fluctuations left by ships passing by, it is more sensitive than gravitational wave sensors.

  Properties: Detection range: 2000 kilometers.

  Equipment: C slot, sensor.

  Applicable: frigate

  The combat computer is the advanced combat system of the frigate version:

  Advanced Combat System (Frigate): Combat optical brain with powerful computing capabilities can detect and simulate complex battlefields through sensors, feed back complex battlefield trends in real time, and select the best one to transmit to the battleship command center.

  Attributes: hit +10, rate of fire +10%.

  Equipment: C slot, combat computer.

   Applicable: Frigates.

  After a complete set of three-level configuration, the total price is close to the price of the frigate, which is not enough compared to the above, but more than enough to deal with the bottom.

  Although there are still 100 million star dollars on hand, Li Qing has no idea of ​​​​refitting and strengthening them. There are too many places to spend money in the early stage.

Anyway, he didn't think about running too far in the early stage. Like most pioneers, the first step is to find a suitable galaxy near the colony for mining. Make some money first.

   Wait until you have enough money, then slowly start adding new warships, and build a fleet according to your own earning speed.

   This is estimated to be a long time. Even if Li Wei intends to use the BUG method to make money, it will take a year or two to earn a starting capital.

He plans to use the ability of the universe in his palm to store things with a diameter of no more than ten kilometers. When mining, he will directly open the space channel and go to some asteroid belts to collect some floating meteorites containing minerals. Collecting a large amount of ores in this way is definitely more efficient than normal mining. much higher.

  Entering the frigate, Li Qing entered the bridge command room first. It was a very empty platform, as smooth as a mirror. There was only one main command seat, two deputy command chairs, and a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of it.

  Li Qing sat on the command seat, pressed his palm on the armrest, and the entire bridge command room suddenly lit up, and at the same time a mechanical voice sounded:

   "Reserved commander information has been detected. Dear Commander Li Qing, do you want to accept the battleship?"

  Li Qing replied in a deep voice:

   "Yes, I'm receiving the battleship now!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a beam of light fell and enveloped him. You can see that there are many data emerging in the beam of light. This is the central control computer of the battleship is collecting his information and comparing it with the reserved information of the battleship to determine whether it is correct.

   Soon the information collection was completed, and the beam of light sent a message. A battleship control center light curtain popped up in front of him, a LOG appeared on it, and an electronic sound that was slightly crisper than before:

   "Dear Commander, hello, welcome to frigate JM-D-541475!"

  Li Qing stretched out his hand and saluted, the LOG disappeared, and the specific parameters of the battleship appeared on the light curtain.

  He took a look. The standard length of the Haiyan-class frigate is 120 meters, 45 meters wide, and 30 meters high. The overall shape is shuttle-shaped.

  At this time, the frigate is in the state of leaving the factory and has not yet fought. All indicators are in the initial state, and it can take off to fight at any time.

  The premise is that there is enough crew.

Yes, he is the only one on this ship now, so it is no problem to take off alone, but if it is a battle, it will not work. Later, he has to go to the crew union to hire a few senior crew members and a group of ordinary crew members, and then buy a batch of weapons, ammunition and living supplies Taste.

Raising a battleship is not so easy. Although the technology is advanced now, full automation has been realized long ago. In theory, it can be fully automated in combat. But in fact, if a battleship relies entirely on computers and has no combat crew, it will be a pile of floating in space. living coffin.

  The reason is simple. Fully automated combat relies on sophisticated electronic equipment. If the enemy randomly launches pulse bombs or electronic concussion weapons, no matter how sophisticated the electronic equipment is, it will be affected, and even the most advanced combat computers and electronic equipment will fail on the spot.

  So a frigate must have 50 clone crew members, 3 natural person senior crew members, and 1 captain.

  Of course, when there is only one ship in the early stage, the player can also serve as the captain, which can be temporarily saved.

  Sitting on the command seat of the frigate, Li Qing opened the regional channel.

A virtual frame pops up in front of you, and the target falls on it. It shows—Jinmen Local Channel 6. Before you decide which channel to enter, you will automatically enter each branch channel when you open the conference video channel for the first time. If you want to enter the designated channel, you need to restart Manual selection.

  As soon as I opened the channel, I saw all kinds of complicated recruitment information:

   "Hengguang Trading Group temporarily recruits a team to clear a new refresh anomaly located in the TY-D-358 galaxy disk. Basic naval command skills are required to be above LV5. The remuneration is 20% higher than the international standard, and the international standard battle damage compensation is required."

   "Noah Heavy Industries is recruiting an **** fleet to Tianzhu Yi, the capital of Tianzhu Province. It requires a large and medium-sized team with a credit rating of 75 or above. The remuneration is negotiable."

   "The Skywatcher Legion recruits a group of newcomers, both old and pure newcomers are welcome. The old require past records, and pure newcomers need to check their innate attributes. If the innate talent is blue or above, priority will be given."

  "Lvhang Studio accepts a group of regular miners. It requires mining skills of LV3 or above, mineral analysis of LV2 or above, astrogeology of LV3 or above, and more than one mining ship. The specific treatment is negotiable."

   "Dahan Media Group recruits a group of paparazzi, who require a keen sense of smell LV2 or above, including training, a monthly salary of 5000+, bonus commissions will be calculated separately."

   "Dazhao Financial recruits a group of traders, who need stock market analysis skills of LV4 or above, financial relations of LV3 or above, actuarial science of LV2 or above, or some financial related skills, and the salary is negotiable."

  "Qixuan Science and Technology Laboratory recruits researchers, physics LV3 or above, and at least one physics-related sub-skill LV5 or above, salary negotiable."

  "Dahong Entertainment Company recruits a group of interns, who are required to have a good image, be honest and obedient, have relevant vocal music, performance and other talents and skills are preferred

  The biggest feature of the regional channel is that it is messy and has everything, just like when it was in the Qinghe Galaxy.

   From the tip of the iceberg, it can be seen that no matter where they are, the vast majority of players are civilians, and combat players are only a minority in the entire huge player system.

  Of course, this number is only compared with the entire player system, in fact, the number is not a lot.

   There are 1.8 billion players in Jinmen, even if there are only one-tenth of the combat players, there are nearly 200 million players.

  Li Qing casually flipped through the regional channels, and quickly switched to another trading channel, through which he entered the trading platform of Jinmen Province.

  Go straight to the target product without stopping.

First, I shopped around, and ordered a small mining ship from one of the firms, equipped with 2 unmanned reconnaissance drones, 8 unmanned mining machines, 2 mining laser guns, 200 cargo compartments, and a total price of 25 million, compared to a frigate Even more expensive.

At the same time, I also ordered a small industrial supply ship in this store. This is a type of logistics support ship with a huge cargo capacity and towing capacity. It can automatically gather and salvage loot, and at the same time repair and replenish ammunition for injured ships. .

  Small industrial ships have a total of 300 cargo compartments, and each cargo compartment can hold 1,000 square meters of cargo. The total capacity is as high as 300,000 square meters, and the price is 30 million ships.

   These two ships alone cost more than half of the 100 million yuan, but they had to spend it.

Then, I ordered a set of small ore crushing, screening and refining equipment, which can directly refine the finished refined ore. Among them, the crushing equipment cost 12 million, the screening equipment cost 12 million, and the refining equipment cost 15 million, a total of 39 million. up.

  Adding the previous 55 million, he now only has 8.24 million left.


  Li Qing tapped his head, deleted and deleted some items that he planned to buy before, and finally planned to buy some ammunition.

  I wanted to buy a set of standard base modules, a set of small water extraction and purification equipment, a cold storage, etc., but now I don’t have enough money, so I’ll just live on the frigate for a while.

   These can make do, but weapons and ammunition are not enough, they must be bought.

   "Wait, there's not enough money!"

  He suddenly remembered that it seemed that he had to hire a group of warship crews, not only needed to settle down, but also to be paid every month


  He rubbed his head again, staring at the order list for a while.

   After a while, he opened a communication silently, and the light curtain popped open to reveal a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit. He seemed to be talking to someone at this moment. Seeing Li Qing, he was slightly taken aback, and asked:

   "It's Li Qing's nephew, what's the matter?"

  He was not polite, and said straight to the point:

   "Second uncle, I want to borrow money from you."

  The reason why I borrowed from the second uncle and not from the family is because the development stipulates that the family shall not have any additional borrowings except for the initial capital of 100 million.

   Li Lun looked at Li Qing Shaoxu carefully, and said:

   "How much do you want to borrow?"

   Then he said:

   "You know, based on your situation, it is impossible for Second Uncle to borrow much now, at most 100 million."

  Li Qing nodded and said:

   "Just 100 million."

"Okay, I'll send it to you later. By the way, you can prepare it by the way. Tonight, the Yu family is hosting a banquet for many young elites who have recently come to Jinmen. I, Li family, are also invited. It will be good for you to participate." .”

   "Thank you, Second Uncle."

"Try Harder!"

  The light curtain disappeared, and Li Lun shook his head. At this moment, a handsome young man standing beside him asked:

   "Father, why would someone with no future like him borrow it?"

   Li Lun replied:

   "The pioneering experience has just begun, who knows if he can succeed."

   "As far as his innate talent and usual performance are concerned, I don't believe what he can do."

   Li Lun smiled and said:

   "So what, if he doesn't get ahead, he can still afford the money, and it will be directly deducted from the separation fee."

   "Father is brilliant!"

"Gao Ming, don't flatter me here, and prepare well later. I heard that the pearl of the Yu family will also attend the banquet this time. I guess there is an idea of ​​finding outstanding talents to marry among this group of children from various families. You should show it well." .”

  The boy couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this:

"Father, you think too highly of me. Although your son is a bit capable, he is still far away from that first-level arrogance, and women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword. Wait until I have a good performance in pioneering." , the strength has become stronger, are you afraid that there will be no suitable marriage partner by then?"

   Li Lun was quite surprised when he heard that:

   "Boy, who did you learn this idea from? It's my son."

  On the other side, Li Qing received a call from his second uncle for 100 million star dollars less than ten minutes after disconnecting.

When I have money, I bought a set of standard base modules that I didn’t have money to buy before. It includes a small main core command cabin with a size of 100*100*100 meters, four small auxiliary cabins with a size of 30*30*30 meters, plus a A set of small electromagnetic radar, and 16 fully automatic sentry cannons, the total price is 25 million.

  A set of small water purification equipment is 1.5 million yuan, a medium-sized cold storage is 1.5 million yuan, and another batch of fresh water and food is ordered for 300,000 yuan.

  A small planetary interior vehicle, 25 meters long, can carry 150 people and carry 150 tons of cargo, costing 3.5 million.

   Then, 50 first-level clone workers were purchased. The whiteboard has no attributes, only 3 general-purpose brain plugs, and the lifespan is 20 years. One buyout is 100,000, and the total cost is 5 million.

  Comprehensively, it cost a total of 25 million + 1.5 million + 1.5 million + 300,000 + 3.5 million + 5 million, a total of 36.8 million, and the remaining 71.44 million.

  (end of this chapter)

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