MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 307 The trial before the decisive battle

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  Chapter 307 The temptation before the decisive battle

  In less than 30 seconds, the armor within hundreds of kilometers behind the two mobile fortresses and the thicker hull alloy were ripped open, exposing the internal structural compartments of the hull.

Indescribable terrifying energy penetrated into the interior of the fortress along the cabins and passages. The entire mobile fortress cracked in the violent vibrations. Countless white flames spewed out from the cracks in the cracks. The mobile fortress fell apart on the spot.

   At this time, the enemy fleet has not even reacted.

  How could they have imagined that an enemy fleet as large as the enemy who had just confronted the Starburst 30 million kilometers away would appear behind their buttocks out of thin air in the blink of an eye. Who could react to this?

  The formation of the fleet is exquisite, with cannon fodder in the front, main battleships and dreadnoughts in the middle, and aircraft carriers and logistics ships in the rear.

   It’s like the Eighth Army had just jumped over and it took almost an hour and a half to deploy its combat formation. This is still a preset combat formation, as long as it is deployed according to the previous preset.

  Now what this huge fleet of Bruwan United Civilization needs to do is not to deploy the formation, but to re-turn around, which is much more troublesome than deploying the formation.

The reserve team at the rear of the Bruvan Combined Fleet reacted immediately and rushed forward, but the reserve team with only about 20 divisions in size could not stop the full-scale attack of more than 200 divisions. The front line of more than two million kilometers was overwhelmed by a larger number of human coalition forces on the spot.

   At the same time, Li Qing ordered the Light of Divine Judgment combat zone to start recharging at the moment when the Cybertron general made a move and jumped the fleet out of thin air to the rear of the enemy fleet.

  The charging time of half an hour is slower than that of a starburst, but the enemy can turn around for more than half an hour.

  When the Divine Judgment Light battle zone was fully charged, the enemy had only time to release the space fleet to buy time, and a large number of destroyers and frigates guarding the position of the central army were temporarily transferred out to block the guns.

The first wave of divine light showed the stand mode. When the charging was completed, Li Qing stretched out his finger, and a huge black hole door appeared on the chaotic battlefield, and dazzling rays of light flew out of it and shot into the Bruvan United Fleet. among.


  As Li Qing held his hands empty, **** of light exploded like fireworks, forming huge **** of light with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

Under his control, the light of divine judgment scattered to different positions in the starry sky. The brilliant fireworks exploded within a radius of millions of kilometers. The U-turned forward cannon fodder fleet.

   But the main coverage area is still the area where the enemy's Chinese battleship group is located, which is his key target.

   Groups of fireworks representing death exploded, and all frigates and main battleships in it melted.

  Although he saw it more than once, Li Qing couldn't help but click his tongue.

   It is worthy of being the weapon of the star-lost civilization, and it is completely overwhelming to defeat the low-level civilization.

   Only six combat areas have been repaired. If it is in good condition, there may be tens of thousands of combat areas. A full-scale attack may be able to complete the clearance of a galaxy from the inside to the outside.

  From the interior to the stars, to the edge of the galaxy's gravitational well, it is estimated that all can be covered.

  A wave of 600 divine lights, 600 positions with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers, almost covering nearly half of the opponent's fleet.

  When this wave ended, the entire battlefield fell silent.

  He turned his head and saw Yi Zhengqiu staring at him dumbfounded, the shock on his face was indescribable.


  Yi Zhengqiu swallowed, feeling that he didn't know what to ask.

  Li Qing looked back at the shocked crowd, smiled and waved his hands and said:

   "Everyone, don't be too surprised. You should all know that you must have experienced many adventures and opportunities to be promoted to the leader of the army. This thing is the treasure I got by a certain chance."

  Everyone: .

  I don't know where to start with a bad mouthful.

  There is a chance that they believe it, but this thing is too outrageous.

   A battlefield of this size can be cleared with one move, this is simply a


This wave of divine light covers an extremely wide area, with 600 circular areas with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers superimposed, facing the enemy with a huge front that is tens of millions of kilometers in length and width, more than four million kilometers in height and height, and more than five million kilometers in depth. It's not a fatal blow.

   But the problem is that his main attack area is the enemy's central army, where the battleship group gathers.

  A wave of 600 10,000-kilometer positions almost completely covered this core area, and a wave of nearly 500 divisions of the enemy's Chinese army battle groups wiped out at least 20% or more.

  Although there are more than 95% of the total fleet remaining, and although the flagships are still there, the combat power has been directly weakened by more than 20%.

   And more importantly, this is just a wave.

   Such an attack he can come every hour.

   But he didn't have a chance to come for the second time. After this wave, the mobile battle star in the center directly activated the jump halo, started the emergency jump, and forcibly completed the jump in just ten minutes, and forcibly left the battlefield with most of the fleet.

   This is the main reason why it is basically impossible to complete the battle with mobile battle stars. There is no way to restrict the forced transition of mobile battle stars.

   Unless the opponent is stupid or desperate to the end, as long as you want to run, no one can stop you.

   An encounter ended in less than two hours, and the result was astonishing.

  After the war, his subordinates picked up the spoils, reorganized and repaired the fleet, and Li Qing reported the results to the Eastern Allied Command.

  According to wartime regulations, these are military exploits.

  As a commander, his fleet record is his record, but the merit calculation method is different from that of his subordinates.

  A battle lasted less than two hours, but it took two days to pack up the loot and repair the damaged warship.

   Simple repairs are enough to sail. If the damage is so severe that it can’t even sail, it doesn’t need to be repaired. It can be directly thrown into the internal dock of the mobile battle star for overhaul, and it will jump with the mobile battle star at that time.

  Although it took two days, it did not affect the battle in the neighboring galaxy.

  As the transition halo exploded in the starry sky, a huge fleet appeared in the starry sky lined up by the dazzling energy ring.

  As soon as he jumped into the arena, Li Qing received a communication from the forward headquarters.

  In addition to the battle situation in the galaxy at this time, the communication also included a map of the positions of the fleets of both sides in the galaxy, as well as the designated defense zone for his fleet.

Li Qing took a look. His defense zone was located on the left wing of the fighting vanguard fleet in the center of the galaxy. It was roughly two billion kilometers away from the star and reached the edge of the galaxy's gravitational well. The width was about three billion kilometers, and the upper and lower sides were about There is an area of ​​about seven or eight billion kilometers.

   That is to say, the radius of the gravitational well of this galaxy is about five billion kilometers.

  Of course, although the range is so large, he does not need to arm such a large area.

   You only need to join up with the second army that arrived earlier, and then protect the left wing of the central army.

  The huge fleet slowly entered the sub-light speed state, and was stopped by the enemy's War Moon interception force field in about three hours, and appeared in the starry sky 40 million kilometers away from the Second Army.

  At this time, the Second Army is fighting a Bruvan United Fleet. The core flagships of both sides are the Moon of War, and various interference force fields are deployed, making it impossible to directly approach the normal sub-light speed.

   Unfortunately, at this time, the core flagship of Li Qing's fleet is a mobile battle star. It only needs to be readjusted to forcibly penetrate the intercepting force field and continue to move forward at sub-light speed with the higher priority of the battle star.

  About forty-five minutes or so, the fleet broke away from the sublight speed after arriving at the scheduled time, and appeared in the starry sky less than a million kilometers behind the Second Army.

   Then adjust the fleet to sail to the right of the Second Army, preparing to attack on both sides with the Second Army.

  However, when the mobile battle star crossed the second group of warships and appeared on the battlefield, the opposing fleet quickly shrank and retreated.

   The speed is very fast, and the mobile battle star has left the battlefield before it is in place.

  Although the Moon of War does not have a star blaster, and its specifications are not as good as the mobile battle star, its level is not much different from that of the mobile battle star, so it cannot be forcibly intercepted.

  The fleet did not retreat completely after retreating, but stopped in the starry sky about 70 million kilometers away.

  The Eighth Army merged with the Second Army, Li Qing took over the Second Army, and reorganized around the mobile battle star.

  During the reorganization, he checked the record of the Second Army during his absence and the situation of this galaxy.

   At this time, it is not considered a decisive battle.

   It can only be regarded as a test before the start of the battle. The main forces of both sides have not moved, only the left and right wings plus forwards.

Regardless of whether humans or the Bruvan United Three-way Allied Forces have a **** general sitting in command, the **** general on the human side is still in the Chinese fleet behind. decisive battle.

   Well, although Li Qing's Cybertron is a master, he is not the commander-in-chief. He has no authority to command any fleet other than the left wing, so naturally he is not qualified to start a decisive battle.

  Eight hours later, the reorganized fleet restarted and advanced towards the enemy fleet 70 million kilometers away.

  Testing is also a war. Testing is to determine the strength of the opponent, so as to decide how to fight the battle, where to fight, whether to fight, etc.

  The most important thing is to try to weaken the enemy's strength before the decisive battle.

   Li Qing's ultimate goal is to capture the eastern core fortress of the Bruwan Union. If he can defeat most of the fleet of the eastern core fortress of the Bruwan Union in the field, he will be able to reduce the pressure when he is ready to attack.

   Half an hour later, a dazzling energy halo exploded in the center of the advancing fleet, and the huge fleet disappeared as quickly as if the halo was erased.

   At the same time, a halo exploded behind the Bruvan United Fleet, which was 70 million kilometers away, and the fleet that had just disappeared appeared behind the fleet out of thin air.

   Repeat the old trick, the effect is just as good.

   This fleet also never thought of this kind of operation at all, and it was completely unprepared.

The operation is the same as before, and this time, the battle zone of the Light of Divine Judgment has been charged as early as half an hour, and the door of the black hole was opened less than five minutes after the transition, and a wave of light of divine judgment bombed the central battleship of the fleet group.

  The record was exactly the same as before, and they were stunned by a wave.

  After the ignorance, the commander didn't know whether he was a bullhead, or thought that the method he just used could not be used a second time. Instead of retreating, he mobilized the reserve fleet to resist, and the main force turned around. It seemed that he wanted to fight a wave head-on.

  Li Qing laughed at his opponent's head first, but realized something was wrong after only two seconds.


  It is impossible for a commander who can command such a huge fleet to make such a low-level mistake. If he dares to stay in this situation, he has a 100% hole card or backhand.

  General Cybertron thought of something with him, and immediately adjusted the fleet. The Second Army was the main attack, and the Eighth Army adjusted the position of the fleet to prepare for a possible double-sided attack.

  Anyway, this fleet is not as large as theirs, and it is not much different from the Second Army. They were able to fight on par before, and now there is no need to be afraid of the mobile battle star support.


  Mobile Battlestar takes the lead in destroying a mobile fortress with a starburst.

The opposite side responded immediately, assembled the fortress and the flagship for a round of fire, and wiped out one side of a conventional mobile fortress of the Second Army on the spot. The body blasted away.

  It wasn't until the second mobile fortress moved sideways to block the follow-up firepower that Li Qing opened the universe in his palm and put away the heavily damaged mobile fortress.

  Fortunately, the opponent doesn't have a star blaster, so he can't get into the soul with one shot.

  The total power of the flagship fire set is not inferior to the starburst, but as long as it is not a spike, there is room for buffering.

  The chaotic battlefield did not give them a chance to worry about the disappearance of the heavily damaged fortress. At this time, Cybertron immediately retaliated, and also assembled the fortress and flagship firepower to target a mobile fortress.

  Many T-slot doomsday weapons, Titan Lances, and a small number of fortress railguns traversed the battlefield, erasing a large number of cannon fodder warships in front of the target fortress in one go, and bombarded the target fortress heavily.

Even if the mobile battle star does not use a star blaster, it is equipped with far more T-slot weapons than War Moon, just like the replica just now, the terrifying light spear smashes through the fortress shield, and the thick fortress armor collapses like a bubble, all the way Roll to the end.

  Accompanied by a wave of planetary axis-based orbital gun light spears hitting the same position, the hull was finally penetrated, and terrifying energy penetrated into the interior of the fortress.

  Bright for a split second, the fortress exploded like a new star, dazzling light sprayed from the torn fortress, turning into a huge ball of light and burning in the void.

  After a wave of flagship fire, all the flagships collectively misfired.

  Light of Doom, which has the fastest firing rate, also needs fifteen minutes of maintenance time, and then it is time for the main battleships and front row cannon fodder frigates of both sides to play their roles.

  The frigates in the front row of the two sides had already launched a charge when the starburst fired, and the front row was already exchanging fire.

  The battleships lined up, one every ten kilometers or so, and traveled millions of kilometers in one breath. A dozen of them were lined up, and they began to line up to shoot tactical bombardment.

  PS 1: Just one chapter today.

  PS 2: Recommend a book to a friend: "Marvel's Public Enemy" is linked below.

   "Marvel: Public Enemy Players", a new book by veteran Marvel authors, quality assurance, stable updates, starting with 4D.

   Introduction: 888 Universe, Earth.

Gao Ran opened his eyes, and his eyes swept across the most powerful players in the universe, such as Hydra Team, Rune King Thor, Godslayer Iron Man, Captain Universe Spider-Man, Black Strange, etc., and finally stopped on the observer: "this one?"

   "No, there are them."

   As soon as the observer finished speaking, the densely packed cosmic portal opened, and billions of players swarmed out, all rushing towards the strongest wild boss in history that had never been knocked down.

   The 129600th land reclamation, start!



  (end of this chapter)

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