MTL - The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons-Chapter 338 Sarnoor Destroys the Master's Decisive Run

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   Returned to the galaxy where the coalition forces were located, and quietly returned to the mobile battle star without disturbing anyone.

  Prince Reynolds is not here, and the immortal strength in the coalition army is far inferior to him. How can he be aware of him deliberately hiding his whereabouts.

   Withdrawing the avatar of the psychic entity, receiving the memory of this period of time, he found that the master of Ikos contacted himself shortly after he left, and his tone contained temptation.

  But according to his setting, the psychic entity incarnation just expressed that he had to think about it again and delay for a while.

   At this time, the coalition forces are operating as usual, and no one knows that just now, the mission dominated by Sarnau has disappeared.

   Next, Li Qing didn't do anything, let alone take out the bright star map to study, just stayed in the battle star and waited honestly.

   Less than half an hour after returning, I received another communication from Master Ikos.

   "His Royal Highness Li Qing, we don't have much time. Master Sarnoo must know that many people don't want him to succeed, and he will definitely send envoys to the imperial capital with credentials soon. If we want to stop this, we must do it as soon as possible."

  Li Qing pretended to think a little, shook his head with a long sigh and said:

   "I thought about it for a long time, and felt that doing so was too risky and the success rate was too low. Once things were revealed, we would all be severely punished by His Majesty the Supreme Emperor. After thinking about it, I decided to give up."

   Master Ikos was obviously a little surprised, and wanted to persuade him again, but seeing Li Qing's resolute expression, he swallowed back the words he hadn't said, and sighed:

   "If that's the case, let it be!"

  Closing off the communication, Master Ikos sighed heavily.

   "Without His Royal Highness Li Qing taking action, no one can stop Sarnoo."

   Temporarily got rid of this matter, but Li Qing was not too happy. Next, he had to find a way to escape from the coalition forces, and then find a way to find the lost capital of the Necron Dynasty.

  Well, it is better to kill Sarnor and destroy the master before leaving.

  Now that the gift is gone, the ruler of Sarnau himself is suspicious of whether the supreme emperor Feonuo is fooling himself. This vassal ceremony will definitely not be held, and he will continue to fight in a short time, so he can fish in troubled waters.

   If you can **** Sarnor's Destroyer Master's core of will in the melee, you will make a lot of money.

  Such a huge civilization has accumulated an unknown number of civilization points and destiny points, as well as the most rare origin of civilization.

  The so-called origin of civilization, just like the literal meaning, is evidence of the strength of the will of civilization. The stronger the origin, the stronger the will of civilization.

  In addition, what needs to be consumed to activate the civilization artifact to suppress everything is the origin of civilization.

  This kind of thing is generally only available to players at the level of the Star Sea Lord. After all, the Star Sea Lord can theoretically open up a new civilization.

  The Shata civilization that Li Qing destroyed before also had the origin of civilization, but at that time he was not even the leader of the army, and he couldn't even sense it.

   To destroy the sand tower civilization, the original will of human civilization was swallowed up, and the civilization was slightly strengthened.

  If he can personally capture Sarnor to destroy the master, as the absolute core of the bee colony civilization, he can get at least half of the civilization origin after destroying Sarnor to devour the bee colony.

   Such super-powerful civilizations are basically the first-level powerful civilizations under advanced civilizations. The origin of half of the civilization is definitely more than the origin of the entire human civilization. A wave may be enough to support it.

  The most important thing is that he can quietly intercept a small part for his own use.

  The origin of civilization is only useful to the will of civilization, and the acquisition of Star Sea Lord has only two functions.

  One function is to improve one's own status within one's own civilization. For example, if Li Qing can capture a large piece in the melee later, his status will definitely soar to become the number one lord of human civilization.

  The second function is to strengthen the existing national policy.

  Of course, if you have a civilization artifact, you can use this to strengthen the civilization artifact, but the vast majority of Star Sea Lords do not have a civilization artifact.

  Theoretically, all Star Sea Lords can condense their own civilization artifacts, but this needs to consume a large amount of civilization origins to condense. Most Star Sea Lords are unlikely to have so many civilization origins.

  Li Qing plans to retain a part of himself to recast his own civilization artifact.

  He now has three artifacts of civilization in his hands, namely the star-removing light of the star-reversing star, the brilliant star map of the civilization artifact of the necromancer, the peak civilization of ancient times, and the heart of the destructive machine of Lord Senluo.

   are all artifacts of civilization, with different powers.

At this stage, the most powerful one is the Bright Star Atlas of the Necrontyr. The Light of the Star-Lower, which ranks higher than the Holy Ruins and Relics, is not as powerful as the Bright Star because the Star-Lower civilization has not yet developed. picture.

   Not to mention the heart of the destruction machine, the power of this thing is not at the same level as the other two.

  Li Qing thought about it a long time ago, to decompose and integrate other civilization artifacts into one of the main civilization artifacts, and concentrate on strengthening one.

   There is no limit to the number of civilization artifacts that a civilization can possess, but any civilization has only one civilization artifact, whether it is a human or Bruwan alliance, or a necrophobia civilization, even a star-negative civilization, etc., there is only one civilization artifact.

  The reason is simple, professional and precise.

  The origin of civilization is limited, too much condensation will lead to insufficient power of a single artifact, it is better to specialize and cultivate only one.

  A civilization artifact condensed to the extreme is definitely much more powerful than a bunch of low civilization artifacts.

  With three artifacts of civilization in hand, how could Li Qing have the time to condense and upgrade them one by one.

   Even after the universe in the palm of his hand is restored, he will have four artifacts of civilization.

  The universe in the palm itself is the civilization artifact of the previous generation of star bearers.

  Li Qing's idea is very simple, to disassemble other artifacts of civilization, recast them with the light of the negative star, and concentrate on strengthening this artifact.

   When the palm universe is restored in the future, he will combine the light of the star bearer with the palm universe again, and become a super civilization artifact that combines the civilization artifact of the previous generation of star bearers and the civilization artifact of this generation of star bearers.

   Next, Li Qing stayed in the battle star honestly, occasionally contacting other acquaintances.

   Occasionally, other civilizations mentioned this matter, but Li Qing shook his head and refused, solemnly expressing that he would follow His Majesty's will.

   Master Ikos was obviously at a loss. Every time he heard him say that, he always looked weird and puzzled.

  The days passed day by day, and one day a week later, the frontline reconnaissance fleet suddenly sent a warning—

   "We have detected unusual changes in the fleet near the Sarnor capital circle galaxy."

  However, the coalition forces did not take this news to heart. At this time, no one knew that Sarnoor was going to surrender to the empire. After submitting his credentials, he would become his own. The mobilization of the fleet now might be to prepare the fleet for the battle of heaven.

  Li Qing guessed something, but he definitely wouldn't say anything.

  The coalition forces don't pay much attention to it, so of course he won't say anything.

   Just like that, after more than half a month passed, the coalition command finally felt something was wrong.

  Because the high command received a communication from the imperial capital and asked Sarnoo why he didn’t send an envoy to submit his credentials.

  The high command was also in a daze.

  They don't know what's going on.

  Then, belatedly, the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a diplomatic letter to Lord Sarnoor to inquire again.

   Li Qing didn't know the specific result. This was a diplomatic secret. He only knew that the command of the High Command was to continue to stand by.

And then.

  About twenty days later, Li Qing suddenly received an order from the High Command to call an emergency meeting.

   When he arrived, he saw the angry commander-in-chief:

   "Under the order of the Supreme Emperor, join forces with the Fifth Army of the Empire to launch a full-scale attack on the capital of the Sarnoor bee swarm!"

   There is no explanation, but judging from the anger on the commander-in-chief's face and the information displayed in this passage, the Supreme Emperor is probably quite angry.

  Li Qing guessed that there is a high probability that the empire sent a diplomatic letter to Lord Sarnoor more than half a month ago and was fooled. When he found out that the Supreme Emperor was fooled, he was so angry that he even sent out the Fifth Army of the Empire.

  The fifth army of the empire is the regular fleet of Feonuo's revived empire. From the battle stars to the battleships, all of them are dreadnought battleships equipped with dark matter technology versions. One army includes a full two thousand sixth-level fearless divisions, and their combat effectiveness is quite fierce.

  At this time, the empire didn't know what had happened to make Lord Sarnoor repent. All he knew was that His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Empire had been fooled, and his anger exploded on the spot.

  The Combined Fleet was ready immediately. Before the Fifth Army of the Empire arrived, the vanguard had set off first.

  Li Qing's fleet is not a forward, but after the forward, the rear foot receives the order to launch.

  After a jump, the fleet came to a certain galaxy, which was a colonial galaxy of Sarnor. When he arrived, the colony star had been blasted to pieces, and countless Sarnor daughters died.

   After a short pause, the second jump to another colonial galaxy.

  Same as the previous one, the colonial star was directly smashed and killed.

  The third jump to the non-colonial galaxy, but came to the frontier to fight the galaxy with a fleet of Sarnoor.

  The Sarnoor bee swarm fleet stationed here is stronger than the forward, but it is far less than the size of the previous battle with the coalition forces, and it does not seem to be the main force.

  After the follow-up fleet arrived, they divided into two routes and prepared to encircle the forward on three sides.

   But this Sarnau fleet was very vigilant, quickly discovered their plot, and then withdrew directly, relying on the power of the mobile battle star to forcibly leap away from the battlefield.

Although Li Qing could use the newly obtained civilizational artifact from the palm universe to suppress the halo to intercept it, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait for a more critical time to use it, so as not to be discovered by the ruler of Sarno early. The method works wonders.

  Anyway, he is here to make soy sauce, and he is not the main force, so why work so hard.

  The fleet did not catch up with the residual fluctuations of the transition, but advanced step by step according to the strategy of the headquarters, smashing the colonial stars on the way.

   As the central star area of ​​Sarnoo, a large number of planets have been transformed into beehive planets in tens of thousands of years. At this time, a large number of beehive planets are starting to become a star for biological warfare.

  Looking at the starization process of Life Wars, it is estimated that when Feonuo revived the empire and just awakened, Sarnoo Lord had already realized what to start making preparations for.

  If the war drags on for a long time, if it drags on for decades, Sarnoo can quickly explode dozens or hundreds of biological battle stars, then it will be difficult to fight.

   But it is a pity that Sarnoo did not have the strength to persist for decades under the siege of two high-level civilizations and dozens of fifth-level civilizations.


  A honeycomb planet that was transforming into a battle star was crushed, the huge continental plate was torn apart and thrown into space, countless daughters were quickly mummified in space, and turned into powder under the terrifying impact of the planet explosion.


   Another hive planet was crushed.

  The United Fleet is divided into several groups, specifically looking for those hive planets to be smashed.

   But the plan didn’t take long to execute. In just two months or so, the Seventh Army of the Allied Forces, which was performing a mission to clean up the beehive planets around the central star area of ​​Sarnoor, received an order from the high command to quickly gather at a certain coordinate.

   Li Qing received the order to immediately interrupt the original plan, and the assembled fleet began to jump.

   Halfway through, I checked the information sent by the command to find out what was going on.

  The vanguard fleet and the main force of the Chinese army fought all the way to the vicinity of Sarnor's capital circle, and found that Sarnor's Destroyer Master had run away.

  It has been preparing since the time when the supreme emperor was fooled, and it has been more than three months now, and it is not known when, its main fleet fled away with Sarnor's real body.

  Although there are still some fleets and defense forces remaining in the capital circle, after reconnaissance, it has been determined that the main force and Lord Sarnoel are no longer present.

   "Have courage!"

  It is not difficult to make up your mind, knowing that you are invincible, you can only run.

   But being able to pack up and leave in such a short period of time can only be said to be too powerful.

  By today's stage, Li Qing doesn't have to worry about things being revealed.

  The coalition forces assembled, defeated the remaining defenders in a single effort, and entered the Sarnau capital galaxy.

  As soon as Li Qing entered the galaxy, he looked at the entire galaxy from the perspective of God very curiously, and sighed in disappointment after sweeping around.

  The package is very thorough, the entire capital galaxy has nothing left except for the central star, not even a planet around the star, just a bare galaxy.

   On the contrary, the galaxies around the capital galaxy have a large number of modified colony stars, honeycomb planets, and a large number of resources that cannot be moved.

  These resources were uniformly allocated to the civilizations participating in the war by the revived empire, but Li Qing didn't care about these. What he cared about was where Sarnor Destroyer and his main fleet went.

  He was a little worried whether Sarnor the Destroyer would go to the Perseus Arm as planned.

  Well, some expect him to go to the Perseus spiral arm.

  Think about it calmly, it is better not to come to Sarnoor to destroy the master.

   Be more courageous, even if Sarnau’s Destroyer Master is coming, he can find a way to kill this fleet and take all the benefits of Sarnor’s Master and this civilization.

  As long as he leaves the Yinpan area, stays away from the two advanced civilizations, enters the Perseus spiral arm, and explodes without the two advanced civilizations finding out, he can kill Sarnor Destroyer and the fleet in one burst.

   Now the alliance has not found traces of Sarnor who left to destroy the Lord and the fleet.

   After all, the Milky Way is too big. Although there are many civilizations, 99.999999% of the galaxies are barren galaxies without people, even within civilizations.

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