MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 574 The Curse Out of Control (Please Subscribe)

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  Chapter 574 The Curse of Out of Control (Please subscribe)

  Chen Wei's arrival naturally attracted Aoman's attention.

  He was curious about Chen Wei's sudden stop.

   When he saw Chen Wei transform into a city of bones in an instant, Aoman's face also became a little ugly.

   Is this introducing yourself, and then using the mobile city to block the back road?

  A thought flashed in Aoman's mind, but he felt that this idea was really funny.

  In the empire, no one knows that Oman is the siege commander. In the novice world, more than 80% of the siege battles were completed by him.

   He has taken more cities than some heroes have ever seen.

   Unexpectedly, he hunted geese all day long, but the geese pecked at his eyes. The enemy in front of him obviously knew his methods.

  Take a city to attract your attention, and then release a movable city from behind to block the road.

   Most importantly, they also destroyed their own siege weapons.

   This is the idea that I must call when I see the city.

   Not doing this also aroused Oman's heart. In his mind, it would be so boring to lure himself in the field.

   On the contrary, the method in front of him really attracted his fighting spirit.

   "Turn your head and attack that city of bones. Make all the siege weapons move. I don't believe it. With so many siege weapons, I still can't beat a city made of bones."

  When Oman gave the order, Wood, who had been staring at the other party, also reacted.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Wood immediately realized that Chen Wei had arrived.

  Facing the situation at hand, Wood immediately made a decision.

   "My lord has returned, the situation is ours, and we are ready to fight back."

   After speaking, Wood waved his hand, and the Skeleton Rat and Skeleton Bird troops rushed directly into the battlefield, followed by two bone navy regiments.

  Compared to the Bone Sea Second Army, which was almost wiped out, the two Bone Sea regiments in front of them were relatively complete.

  As soon as they rushed out, they immediately attracted the attention of the frontline troops on the human side. .

  Humans reacted quickly, and even without Oman's order, they quickly rushed out a troop to stop the attack of the skeleton soldiers.

  After all, there are too many skeleton soldiers. If they really rush into the battlefield, the whole situation will change.

   Just as the human troops took the initiative to attack, a burst of black light came from the distant battlefield.

  The black air descended from the sky, directly covering the entire area.

  The fall of the black air attracted everyone's attention, whether it was Wood or Aoman who had already made a move, they all stared blankly at everything in front of them.

  Neither of them knew what was going on, but the situation in front of them was clearly not right.

   Actually, this is the magic that Chen Wei prepared for a while.

   Limit curse.

   This ultimate curse is legendary magic.

  The concept of magic is passed down from the Demon Lord Armor. Five to seven different curses can be mixed together, so that the power of the curses can enhance each other, and finally they are all concentrated together.

  Because there are still some gaps between curses and curses, and some curses can still counteract each other, so this extreme curse method often cannot exert the full power of the curse.

   Only that kind of archmage can do it.

  Chen Wei has mastered three extreme curse methods.

   One of the three extreme curses is a combination of six curses, each curse must be fixed, and at the same time let the effects of the curses strengthen each other.

  This ultimate curse uses the combination of six curses: slowness, curse, weakness, imminent disaster, blindness, and memory forgetting.

   The main focus is range attack.

  As long as the ultimate curse is effective, the enemy's combat power will be directly reduced by half.

  No one can fight against these six curses. The most terrible thing is that the time limit for this extreme curse is quite long. Unlike before, blindness can be reacted after being hit once.

  The time limit for this curse is directly three hours. On the battlefield, the three-hour battle is over.

  The second ultimate curse method is based on a curse as the core, and other curses as blessings.

  The curse that Chen Wei has mastered is centered on the curse of aging, using six spells to continuously strengthen the effect of the curse of aging.

  Under such circumstances, the power of this ultimate curse is quite great.

  If possible, Chen Wei could even use this curse to make people die of old age and turn into a pile of dry bones.

  The last limit curse is the limit curse Chen Wei uses now.

  Two curses are the core, and the other five mutually restraining or opposing curses are others, and the chaos caused by the curses is used as the force to attack the enemy.

  The effect of this extreme curse is to guarantee the effect of the two core curses. As for the other five curses, they have no effect.

   But the effects of the two core curses will be strengthened.

  The reason why Chen Wei uses this curse is because of the two core curses, they can be used now.

  One of the curses is called insanity, which makes enemies attack everything around them, and the other curse is a counter-kill curse.

   This anti-killing curse is a special kind of existence.

   This curse does not work normally, but as long as the enemy counterattacks, the situation is wrong, and people who are injured by their counterattack will automatically counterattack.

   That is to say, as long as one party counterattacks, the curse will begin. Unless one party is dead, otherwise, the attack between them will not stop.

  So these two curses are actually the best match.

   Insanity will hit everyone around you, while the anti-kill curse will start directly from the anti-kill, and keep hitting, and can't stop.

   Once these two curses fall into an area, there is no need to expect anyone to come out of this area alive.

  Even if they come out, at most only one person can come out alive.

  Chen Wei never thought about it before, directly using a city as the target of the ultimate curse.

   When using it this time, Chen Wei specially blessed some things in order to fear that his limit curse would not work.

  Thinking about enveloping the entire mobile city.

   But when the curse was released, Chen Wei felt that he had played too much.

  The situation in front of me is obviously wrong.

  Why does this mobile city in front of me also have a feeling of being out of control.

   "Skeleton Wall, prepare to leave."

  Chen Wei felt something was wrong right away, he knew the defensive power of the skull wall.

  But the situation in front of him could not be reckless, so Chen Wei immediately got the skeleton wall up, and prepared to change to another place to station.

   And at this time, the siege troops sent by Oman happened to come over.

  Skeleton Wall looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

   "My lord, do we really want to withdraw?"

  (end of this chapter)