MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 593 Legion Arrangement (for subscription)

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  Chapter 593 Legion Arrangement (for subscription)

  The seven integrated legions are actually a small group of seven heroes with a good direction, plus auxiliary heroes who can cooperate with them.

  In order to ensure that the seven comprehensive legions will not be too hip, apart from the selection of the leader heroes, Chen Wei also specially equips these heroes with other corresponding heroes.

  These heroes are equipped according to the personality and talent of the leader hero, either to enhance the advantages of the leader hero, or to make up for the shortcomings of the leader hero.

For example, on Stanford's side, Chen Wei dispatched a hero who can move quickly, so that Stanford will have a flexible and mobile force at hand at any time, and will not be suddenly trapped and unable to escape in the end. .

  And this is not true of one hero, but of all seven leader heroes. Each of these seven leader heroes has three to five such selected heroes.

   Even Wood, who was far away from Chen Wei, Chen Wei took the opportunity to replenish his troops and supplies, and sent these heroes there.

   Then Chen Wei made arrangements for these seven legions. Wood's Volcanic Legion and Stanford's Earth Splitting Legion will not be mentioned for the time being. They are now outside Chen Wei's territory.

   But the other five legions are not idle.

  Chen Wei of the Treacherous Wind Legion planned it from the very beginning, preparing to attack from Huafen Town and expand outward. During the expansion, the Natural Legion will follow behind and take over the land that has been conquered.

  The Demon Wing Legion and the Giant Tree Legion will set off along Hongguang Town and head towards the upstream and downstream of the river.

  Their task is also to expand upstream and downstream after the protection time of the Scourge Empire expires.

  However, they are not as convenient as the Treacherous Wind Legion. After laying down the territory, they don't need to manage it, and they are directly handed over to the Natural Legion behind.

   They have to fight a little bit to digest a little bit, and the speed of progress may be slower.

  As for the southeast direction, there is no need for Chen Wei to take care of it at all. Before Chen Wei took action, the mechanical treacherous body had already started to expand itself, and now it has occupied a large territory.

  The last Styx Legion will stay in the natural disaster territory and carry out the final guard work. If the natural disaster territory is found to attack, before the other legions have no way to turn back, the Styx Legion will go up immediately.

  After finalizing the comprehensive army, the next step is the arrangement of the main battle army, regional army and miscellaneous army.

  The main battle legion has said before that they are all unique troops. Heroes are often exclusive heroes, and they can quickly replenish their troops. They have their own garrisons and can be transferred to join the comprehensive army at any time.

The regional army is exactly the opposite of the main battle army. Heroes are temporary heroes, and their troops are mainly based on the needs of cities or patrol routes. After the hero is transferred, the soldiers can be quickly handed over to the next hero, and they will not If you leave the area you guard, you cannot be transferred to the integrated army.

  The Miscellaneous Legion is a cannon fodder unit led by ordinary heroes, such as human spearmen and peasants, wild wolves and goblins under elves, skeleton soldiers and walking corpses under the undead, etc.

  As long as they have gathered a certain amount, they can just give them a legion number.

  When the integrated army goes to battle, some miscellaneous army can be drawn from nearby.

  At the same time, these miscellaneous legions can also serve as battlefield transportation and garrison new territories.

   After all, there are some things that can be done as long as there are enough people, and the characteristic of the motley crew is that they have enough people.

   These three legions are different from the integrated legion. These three legions are often led by a hero.

   And their naming methods are naturally high and low, and the main battle army can also be named individually.

  Regional legions and miscellaneous legions are not so lucky. Their naming methods are directly place names plus numbers, or characteristics plus numbers.

   After division, Chen Wei had a total of twenty-six new and old main battle armies.

  Thirty-six regional legions and twenty-seven miscellaneous legions for cannon fodder.

These are just the beginning. When the number of soldiers in Chen Wei's territory increases in the later stage, the number of regional legions and cannon fodder legions will also increase. On the contrary, the main battle legion has not synthesized any powerful arms, and the general number will not increase any more. .

Among the main battle legions arranged this time, in addition to the original Shuhai Legion, Fierce Bone Legion, White Bone Arrow Legion, and the newly added Bone Fighting Legion, there are also the Death Knights and the Great Demon Legion that have just been transformed from the corpses of human knights. White Dragon Legion and so on.

   It can be said that the main battle armies arranged by Chen Wei are all key main forces.

  When needed, these main battle legions can be dragged out to fight at any time.

  Of course, when the comprehensive army has a need for the main battle army, it will ask Chen Wei to come, and there will be a priority when making arrangements.

   The priority of mobilizing these main combat armies is Chen Wei's business, followed by the integrated army that has wars, and finally the integrated army that is about to set off.

   This is not the case for the mobilization of the miscellaneous legions. The rule of their mobilization is the principle of proximity. Whichever legion is closer, they will be transferred to the field.

  Sometimes the miscellaneous legion in charge of transportation just catches up, and will be sent to the battlefield as soon as possible.

  After finishing this time, the soldiers in Chen Wei's territory have a complete arrangement.

  In addition to these soldiers, Chen Wei also found that there are a large number of civilians in the territory. These civilians are insufficient in combat effectiveness, but they can be used to fill the population.

   These civilians are managed by each city or field camp.

  Because Chen Wei's territory has been very peaceful during this period of time, and the troops mobilized by Chen Wei are mainly combat-ready troops, and there are town tasks to increase the number of civilians in each city.

  Now there are a lot of these civilians.

   Most of the work in the city is done by civilians, and there are enough manpower on the field farms, mines, waterwheels and windmills.

   Now the number of these civilians has increased too much.

  Before they mixed with soldiers, no one noticed.

   Now that the soldiers are arranged clearly, these civilians will be exposed.

  Chen Wei never thought that there would be so many civilians.

   These are not source power bees, that kind of creature has millions, Chen Wei can understand.

  But these civilians have been ignored for a long time, and the population has broken through 100,000, and they are rushing towards the number of 200,000.

  Although there are some skeleton soldiers who do not need to consume food among these civilians, and some who eat grass like mice, there are also many animals that need to consume food, and even consume meat.

   More than half of Chen Wei's daily food source is consumed here.

   It was not discovered before, and now Chen Wei has to think about these civilians.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Mage of Eternity