MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 618 Strange scorpion out of control (seeking subscription)

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  Chapter 618 The Strange Scorpion Out of Control (Subscribe)

  Under Nade's order, a large number of bloodthirsty hornets flew out of the scorpion's body.

  The number of these bloodthirsty hornets suddenly changed from more than 700 to more than 40,000 now.

   This is all due to attacking the scorpion and leveling up.

   There are still some bloodthirsty wasps in the scorpion that have not come out.

  When he flew to Nade, Nade was also a little helpless.

   With so many troops at once, the food he will consume along the way will also increase.

   Although the bloodthirsty hornets are not big, their food requirements are not low.

  They don’t eat ordinary food, they need active energy honey and lean meat to eat.

  Yuanneng honey is not bad, it is a product that Yuanli bee can find by itself, so there is no need to worry about it along the way, but refined meat is not so easy to find.

  Nade’s men are weird, but they are not undead, they want to eat.

   Lean meat is high-end food, and it has to be transported from the rear.

   It’s not that they said they encountered some wild animals on the road, and they can supplement it by hunting.

   Now there are more than 40,000 bloodthirsty hornets, which is equivalent to several times more. In the next period of time, Nade will have a headache.

  Nade planned to grab food from the enemy's camp next.

   At this time, most of the body on the scorpion side has been turned into flesh and blood.

   Pieces of iron and iron fell from the scorpion's body, and his shell was gone, exposing the flesh and blood under his body.

   At this time, the scorpion also understood what happened.

  He still wanted to struggle a little bit more, so he couldn't change his appearance, but he didn't know that he had already missed the best time.

  As his shell turned into various pieces of iron, his flesh and blood also began to iron.

  The current scorpion only needs to move, and part of its body will turn into steel and fall to the ground.

  Nade is very aware of the power of the strange web, and also the characteristics of the flesh and blood monsters.

   Upon seeing such a situation, Nader quickly made a decision.


   When Nade retreated with the Guifeng Legion, he didn't forget to ask the magician to give the scorpion another shot.

   It's just that the scorpion at this time has been turned into flesh and blood, his reaction is getting slower and slower, and his movements are getting smaller and smaller. Sometimes with a big movement, his limbs will be separated from him.

   Scorpion also understood what happened to him, and he still wanted to control everything.

But time was running out, as the magician's last blow fell, Scorpion fainted for a while, and when he came back to his senses, all his joints and feet were broken, and his body just lay on the ground like this, moving Can't even move.

  If it was before, the scorpion could grow new limbs at any time.

   But now, the scorpion whose body has turned into flesh and blood has lost this ability, and he can only wait for his body to turn into large and small pieces of iron.

   After Nade withdrew, he didn't stay too far away.

  He arranged such a big thunder here, so it is natural to observe the final result.

   At the same time, he had to look for other routes. After all, they couldn't stop dealing with the neutral forces in the wild because of the scorpion.

  They have to find another way out.

  So Nade was waiting on his own route, wanting to see the last situation of the scorpion.

   At this time, Chen Wei saw the information sent by Nade.

   "A gigantic creature blocking the road? Want to borrow an ancient volcanic tree?"

  Looking at the information in front of him, Chen Wei also walked near the sand table. He glanced at the location of the last information reported by the Treacherous Wind Legion, and found that it was really the key location to get out.

   This gigantic creature just got stuck at a key node.

   This gigantic creature is here, and other neutral forces can't get through, but Chen Wei and the others can't fight through here.

   It can be said that the existence of this gigantic creature directly cuts off the front and rear paths.

  If Nade wants to bypass this giant creature, he needs to walk at least five days longer.

   And if this gigantic creature is not cleaned up, nearby monsters preparing to attack the city can pass by here, which will be a rather big loophole for Chen Wei's territorial defense system.

  So this gigantic guy must be dealt with, and it must be dealt with in the shortest possible time.

   Can't drag on any longer.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei decisively issued an order.

   "Notify the ancient volcano tree, let him go out, this time the target is a gigantic creature, if you don't destroy him, the enemy is likely to appear a mobile city."

  The ancient volcano tree soon received an order from Chen Wei.

   Regarding Chen Wei's order, the ancient volcano tree didn't have any thoughts of evading it.

   During this period of time, the ancient volcano tree has been resting. Although his strength is strong enough, but without experience, he can't improve himself even if he has potential.

  And there is a huge creature in front of him, let alone the origin of the enemy, as long as he is killed, so much experience is enough to raise the ancient volcano tree by half a level.

   It’s just such a harvest, it’s worth it for the ancient volcanic trees.

  So the ancient volcano tree was dispatched immediately after receiving Chen Wei's order.

  Of course because of the size of the ancient volcanic tree, when this guy moved, it was really pushing him away with energy.

Almost every kilometer he walks consumes some energy, and his moving speed is still very slow. Five to seven kilometers per hour is considered a relatively fast speed. When encountering some inconvenient situations, the movement speed per hour The distance has to be reduced a little more.

  With the advancing speed of the ancient volcanic trees, it would be impossible to get there within seven or eight days.

  Chen Wei also knew how fast the ancient volcanic tree was moving, so when he dispatched the ancient volcanic tree, he also asked someone to bring a letter to Nade.

  In the letter, Chen Wei directly told Nade that he had dispatched the ancient volcano tree, and now let Nade deal with the enemies from other directions first, and let the ancient volcano tree deal with this big guy.

  Nade has not received this letter yet, some neutral forces nearby have noticed that something is wrong with the scorpion.

  Actually, they didn't want to know the situation here themselves, but were attracted by the aura emanating from the scorpion's body.

   And the flesh and blood monster transformed by the scorpion happens to be what they need most now.

   After all, all the neutral forces are preparing for a big war. What they need most is various weapons and equipment.

   Weapons and equipment can only be made by themselves. As the scorpions become piles of iron ore and iron ingots that have been processed, all forces are also moved.

  So the troops of these forces also began to move towards the location of the scorpion, preparing to grab some iron ingots or iron ore to go back.

  (end of this chapter)