MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 631 Zi Jianfeng (seeking subscription)

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  Chapter 631 Zi Jianfeng, who transferred in (seeking subscription)

  When the zombie and walking corpse troops dragged down the enemy's army, Zi Jianfeng also led other undead troops and quickly retreated to the rear.

   While retreating, Zi Jianfeng also sent a message to the outside world.

   Let his subordinates quickly gather towards him.

   After sending out the signal, Zi Jianfeng became excited instead. Although the situation in front of him was not good for him, it was obvious that he had a way to break it.

   On the contrary, it is a good thing for Zi Jianfeng that these people in front of them jumped out by themselves.

  If this tens of thousands of troops attacked at the speed of Zi Jianfeng, he would have to run for at least several days before they could block them all.

   Now the situation is different.

  They came to the door by themselves, as long as they were all killed, then most of his mission was completed.

   At that time, he only needs to turn around again and occupy the camps without people.

   This is much faster than calling them one by one.

  The most important thing is that after so many enemies are gathered together, after killing them all, the amount of dead energy and negative energy will be quite large. At that time, if he transforms here, it may form a dead area.

  At that time, he can use the power of death to fully transform the undead, and even turn the entire area in front of him into an area of ​​undead.

   This is a good thing. He fought and killed for a long time before, but he couldn't gather the breath of the undead, and the number of corpses was not enough. Even if he had some ideas, he couldn't do it.

  It's different now, he can just let people know why the undead are called the undead natural disaster.

  With such thoughts in mind, Zi Jianfeng laughed more and more happily.

  Of course, his retreat speed was not slow, but he led his troops out of the enemy's encirclement in a blink of an eye.

   The five thousand undead in the back were basically given up by him.

   These 5,000 zombies also knew their mission. They didn't think about other things at all, and they went head-on with the enemy's weaker but faster-moving troops.

   For example, a centaur or a little devil.

   Everyone can understand the combat effectiveness of zombies and walking corpses. The most important thing is that their vitality is strong enough.

  As they join the battle, it really draws the enemy's attention to them.

   And those ghosts were not left as decorations.

  These ghosts are used to deal with the stronger enemies among the enemies when zombies and walking corpses hold them back.

  The characteristics of ghosts are actually very obvious. They can be immune to some physical attacks.

  So they can easily come to the position with the most enemy troops and carry out sneak attacks on those enemies.

  At the same time, the ghost can also actively attack the long-range troops behind. Under the attack of the ghost, the attention of the long-range troops is diverted from the walking corpses, which gives the walking corpses more fighting space.

   Waiting for those people to recover from the low morale and so on, they have already fought with zombies and walking corpses.

   Such a battle is quite unfavorable to them.

   The fight between walking dead and zombies is not fatal at all.

  Sometimes they have already beaten an enemy, but when they see the living creature in front of them, they will attack again immediately, ignoring that an enemy around them has already been beaten by them.

  Under such battles, more and more enemies were encircled.

   When these troops came out of the ambush and killed all the walking corpses and zombies, they realized that they had lost nearly 9,000 troops.

  This is a considerable blow to these makeshift troops.

   You must know that they themselves only have more than 40,000 people.

  The most terrible thing is that the losses here are not evenly distributed.

   The centaurs and imps are the ones who fight the most walking corpses and zombies. After all, these two arms are always at the forefront.

  So these two arms are the ones who died the most in battle.

  Centaurs were not a big race in the first place, and they were completely wiped out in this battle.

   More than half of the little devils died in the battle. Although the remaining little devils still have a certain fighting power, their morale has dropped to the bottom, and they don't have the courage to fight any more.

   It can be said that the current coalition army can have 30,000 people participating in the subsequent battles, which is quite good.

  Faced with such a situation, some forces wanted to retreat, but the one who organized them said quite simply.

   "Even if you want to evacuate now, where can you evacuate, anyway, you will die in the end, so it is better to fight now."

   For such words, the leading commanders reacted differently.

  They all understand that they gathered together because of the immediate crisis.

  Zi Jianfeng's situation is stronger than Chen Wei's other heroes.

  Wherever the undead pass, there are all new undead.

  Even if these neutral forces want to surrender, they won’t do.

   Anyway, they are going to die anyway, so they will naturally be willing to fight.

  But they clearly planned everything, but they failed to hit the enemy in an ambush, and they lost 10,000 people first.

   Now they are chasing or not chasing.

  If they chase after them, what more than 30,000 of them can do.

   If you don't chase, the troops led by Zi Jianfeng will come back.

  Finally, the leader who spoke said again: "I know what you are thinking, and you are just thinking about procrastinating for a day.

   But I am different, I think we still have a chance. "

  Listening to his words, the other leaders all shook their heads.

"There is no chance, the centaur is gone, we can't catch up with them, and we have lost the opportunity again, and it is too late to follow the past. Now I want to go back and send the cubs in the camp away. It is a gift for the ethnic group. Just one last thought.

  I will not participate in the things here. "

   After speaking, a unit just quit the alliance.

  The other troop leaders were also discussing in twos and threes.

   Some of them really had nowhere to go, so they stayed in the end, and some wanted to quit. In short, there was chaos here.

  Amidst the chaos, two more troops took the opportunity to leave, and only more than 24,000 troops remained in the end.

  Looking at the rest of the troops, the leaders all had rather ugly faces.

   The low morale has become even lower.

   At this time, Zi Jianfeng had also encountered the first undead army that rushed over.

   Zi Jianfeng, who started to receive the undead troops, also slowed down his movement speed, and began to look for a suitable counterattack position.

  Ki Jianfeng who was retreated did not forget that he was ambushed.

  If this matter is not dealt with properly, it will be slapping Zi Jianfeng in the face.

   At first he didn't have enough troops.

  It is different now, the undead who have just been transformed have been replenished, Zi Jianfeng's troops have reached 40,000, and he has confidence again.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The First Vampire