MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 62

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The atmosphere in the hall of Xie's house fell silent for a while.

Several shareholders of the group and the second room of the Xie family had a bad expression when they heard Xie Zheng said that he wanted to quit the Xie family.

Especially the second room of the Xie family.

Although they want to pull Xie Zheng down from the position of power and replace Xie's decision makers with people in their own room, it does not mean that they really want to make a mess Let Xie Zheng leave, they just want the control of the family.

You must know that they do not deal with the big house, but they actually admit Xie Zheng's ability.

Xie Zheng stepping down and Xie Zheng leaving, these are completely two concepts.

The former Xie Zheng stepped down, but still stayed in Xie's work, everyone just made the final change in the distribution of benefits; while the latter Xie Zheng left, it represented the separation of Xie's.

Although the latter is separated, everyone is clean and comfortable, but the shrinking of assets means that the interests will also shrink. After all, investment and harvested funds are closely related.

Don't forget, no matter how they jump, the shares in Dafang's hands will not move like a mountain.

Unless their second room can get the shares in the big room, it doesn't matter whether Xie Zheng leaves or not. Otherwise, if the shares in Dafang’s hands are thrown out, and the Xie Group will still be surnamed Xie in the future, that will be a problem...

Several group shareholders didn't want to let Xie Zheng leave. They just want more benefits, so they will support the second room of the Xie family.

Suddenly, the tone of the two parties could not help softening.

"Xie Zheng, now we are just discussing the decision-making candidates of the family, the goal is to make the Xie family better, not blaming you for anything, why are you impulsive?"

"Yes, yes, no matter what the two of us do, it is an internal problem, why do you have to rise to the level of separation? be angry."

"The position of decision-making should be taken by those who are capable. Now that the talents in your big house are withering, our second house is also for the sake of the family. When you have talents in the big house, you will come to compete again, like this Conscience competition can make the Xie family develop better, right?"

Several older people in the second room began to persuade.

No matter how unhappy the two people get along, the Xie family must not be separated. The separation means the assets will shrink, which is not good for the two people.

Several group shareholders also nodded,

"Mr. Xie, everyone is a businessman and can't get along with money. How about you take a look at the resources that Ms. Zhou and the others have brought out, and how about we continue to discuss? President Xie, we promise , those materials will definitely make our Xie family become the focus of the new century and create glory together..."

"Create glory together? Are you sure it's not time to kill the donkey?"

"Since you have made a decision, don't say these nonsense. This is the resignation of the managers of all the companies in our big house. Starting today, the big house of the Xie family is no longer a member of the Xie family. ."

"The property issue of the two houses has long been allocated without change. As for the shares of our big house in the Xie family... Since your second house is so considerate of the family, if you can afford the price, then we will If you can’t afford it, don’t have any objection to our subsequent share sale.”


Xie Zheng's eyes fell on the group of Xie's side branches sitting at the back.

"Besides, I don't make any suggestions for you. Those who are willing to follow the big house will go together this time;

"I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. After ten minutes, if you want to leave with our big room, you can stand on the left."


Xie Zheng stopped talking.

Although everyone in the big room was angry and stared at everyone, it was meaningless to Xie Zheng's words.

When the conflict broke out between the two houses, the distribution of the family property had been completed, and only Xie's shares and rights were left. Now, as long as their big house is willing to sell the shares in their hands, the separation is actually very simple.

"In that case, choose a side branch."

Seeing the letter of resignation on the table, Ms. Zhou knew that there was no room for negotiation, so she could only nodded coldly.

The family will be separated, and she will not believe it anymore. With Yan Tong's information, what about the shrinkage of assets? It won't take a few years for them to make Xie's past glory.

In these years, their second room did not eat rice in the Xie family, so what if Xie Zheng took away all the powerful backbones of the big room? She couldn't believe that without Xie Zheng, Xie's business really couldn't go on!

The big room and the second room are fighting each other, and you will die.

The Xie family members are really annoyed and have a headache. This choice is too difficult. Once the wrong choice is made, the consequences will be disastrous.

Everyone started to discuss.

"What should I do? Should I go with the big room or stay with the second room?"

Xie Zheng? Xie Zheng, but the old man taught him everything..."

"But no matter how powerful Xie Zheng is, it will not be easy to start over after leaving the Xie family. Even if he is prepared, the second room is not a vegetarian. Can you let him develop peacefully?"

"That's right, I heard that all the shareholders of the group are on the Erfang side this time, and the Erfang side has attracted a mysterious boss, the one who developed the sleep world, Erfang and the other side. Then we decided to cooperate..."

"The second house wolf's ambition, I don't believe their character, I'll go with the big house."

"Me too, the Xie family has been distracted by the second room all these years, and I don't know how they were killed by mixing with the second room, not to mention our family is more closely related to the big room, so I also With the big room."

"You idiots, it's a fight between the two houses, and it's none of our business. Now that the second house is about to take off, how can you let go of such a good opportunity?"

"I don't believe in the second house, even if I give up the opportunity, I am also willing to re-open the territory with the big house."

"The big room will definitely suffer if she leaves the Xie family like this. I, I'll go with the second room..."

Although the benefits offered by the second room are very attractive, not everyone will destroy their conscience and make compromises for the sake of benefits.

What's more, Xie Zheng's prestige in Xie's family for many years is not for nothing.

Finally a quarrel with all the side branches.

About one-third of the people still choose the big house, some of them believe in Xie Zheng's ability to make a comeback; some do not trust the character of the second house and prefer to abandon the glory and stay away from disputes; The blood relationship is closer to the big room, and it is naturally hostile to the second room.

As for the remaining two-thirds...the interests are touching, and the reality is so cruel.

See everyone has made a choice.

Xie Zheng didn't want to stay here anymore, so he got up directly,

"Okay, since everyone has chosen, from today onwards, the Xie family's house and the Xie family will have nothing to do with each other. Let's go."


Ms. Zhou stopped when she saw it, "We want to buy the second house of your shares. Besides, since the family is separated, it seems that this old house has not been divided yet."

"Yes, yes, the old house hasn't said who it will be distributed to."

"Of course it's for the second room. Since the big room is going to leave the Xie family, this old house naturally cannot."

"The uncles in the clan have all stayed, and of course the old house will also stay..."

When it comes to the Xie family's old house, everyone's spirits are suddenly shocked, and the second room and the people standing in the second room camp have spoken to express ownership.

Just kidding, don't think this old house is as simple as a house, it can represent the centenary honor of the Xie family and a symbol of the Xie family's power. Losing the old house is equivalent to losing the stepping stone to communicate with the older generation of the Xie family.

A group of people can't hide their ugly faces.

Everyone in the big house despised endlessly: these idiots, the villains are successful, do you really think that if you drive them away from the big house, you can have everything in the Xie family? Do you really think that an old house is really a symbol of the Xie family? idiot.

"If you want an old house and shares, you can sign a contract within three days when the funds are in place."

Xie Zheng glanced at everyone in the second room with a blank expression, then left this sentence and walked away.

Everyone in the big room followed.

Xie Zheng's attitude from beginning to end was very indifferent, not at all the drastic means he used to seize power with the second room.

This can't help but make the rest of the people in the second room feel a little uneasy.

"Xie Zheng just left? He really doesn't care about Xie's?"

"He doesn't even have to fight for the ownership of the old house, why do I feel a little uneasy?"

"He doesn't have some tricks waiting for us, right?"

Although it is a good thing that things go smoothly and successfully, but it is too smooth to make people panic.

Xie Zheng is not a soft bun to be bullied. When he seized power with the Second Household, the methods were terrifying and fierce, but now they have easily won the Second Household. Why do you think something is wrong?

Ms. Zhou didn't expect Xie Zheng to accomplish her goal so easily this time, she was still waiting to fight with Xie Zheng, could it be that Xie Zheng has any other tricks? with them?

Think of this.

Ms. Zhou glanced coldly at the worried crowd, snorted,

"What are you afraid of? Xie Zheng is the only one left in the big house who can support the main beam. Even if they make a fool of themselves, they will be nothing if they leave the Xie family! We have been in the Xie family all these years. Did you do it for nothing? A Xie Zheng scare you like this, since you are so timid, why didn't you just go with the big house?!"

"But..." Everyone was nervous, Xie Zheng's attitude was really strange.

"No but. The matter has been torn apart by now. No matter what Xie Zheng's ability is, you all help me stabilize the group. What kind of!"

Ms. Zhou tapped and tapped to look around the people in the second room.

As of now, they have no other choice and must go down one path.

Ms. Zhou does not know much about business, but she can still grasp the general direction.

The shares in the Xie family's big house must not be sold to others, including the shareholders of the group, otherwise the second house will definitely be in a situation of constraints, and then the Xie family will not be the Xie family of the Xie family, It's a question worth thinking about.

Ms. Zhou certainly did not think that Xie Zheng had any conspiracy to sell the shares to the second house so easily.

But even if they feel inappropriate in their hearts, they can only bite the bullet and buy it, they can't just watch the shares in Xie Zheng's hands fall into the hands of others. Even if there is any problem with these shares, if you think of a solution at that time, it is impossible for Xie Zheng to leave and let the entire Xie family go bankrupt, right?

Maybe Xie Zheng was really forced to do nothing by them, otherwise how could Xie Zheng agree to adopt Xie Wenxu? No matter how powerful Xie Zheng is, he is still a person, how can he fight against their talented second room.

In addition, the second room has already mastered enough chips to turn around, and they are not afraid no matter how Xie Zheng fights back.

The big room has a lot of Xie's shares, but the second room has been planning for many years, and it is not difficult to work together to get Xie Zheng's shares. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough cash, the second room inherited a lot of Xie family property, real estate, jewelry and antiques.

So the next day, the second house of the Xie family came over and quickly traded the shares in the big house with the old house.

Xie Zheng didn't say anything, the funds were in place, and he directly ceded Xie's shares and inheritance rights of the old house to the second room, and the adoption relationship with Xie Wenxu was also terminated together.

There is no objection from both parties, and the formalities are naturally very smooth.

After all the procedures were completed, Xie Zheng and Xie Group officials directly announced the news of Xie Zheng's resignation. As well as the press conference that the two families of the Xie family broke off ties.

The incident shocked everyone.

Compared to the original Fang family, the Xie family is the real wealthy family. The two houses of the Xie family were separated, and they even cut off the relationship directly. In this situation, everyone knew with their toes that something was wrong with the Xie family.

In particular, Xie Zheng resigned directly from the Xie family. The influence of this on the influence of circles and connections is absolutely enormous.

So when the Xie family's incident came out, it attracted not only the ordinary people who like to watch the gossip of wealthy families, but also the attention of the entire upper class circle.

Everyone didn't understand why Xie Zheng left the Xie family. They didn't believe that Xie Zheng's ability was really defeated by the second room of the Xie family. Is such a cowardly bun really the Xie Zheng they know?

Most people don't believe it, especially those who have a friendly relationship with Xie Zheng. Don't forget, Xie Zheng is nicknamed the Devil Shark in the industry.

In fact, even the second room of the Xie family didn't believe that Xie Zheng would leave so easily.


The second day of the press conference on the separation of the Xie family and the severing of relations, the Xie Group received the news that half of the employees resigned collectively.

This unexpected event is expected and unexpected.

They knew that with Xie Zheng's ability and charisma, it was not surprising that someone in the group would follow each other, but they didn't expect there would be so many!

And the most irritating thing is that these people have huge problems in signing contracts. If they want to leave, the group has no way to restrain them with contracts, because the contracts of these resigned employees are due The time is exactly this month.

What does this mean?

Representing where Xie Zheng was forced away by them, this is exactly what Xie Zheng wanted to leave!

"Dong Huang, the contracts of these resigned employees are all wrong, how can there be such a coincidence, and our group's contracts are signed every ten years, and these people's contracts are only five years, Mr. Xie was afraid that he had planned to leave the group for a long time..."

Several group shareholders suddenly panicked.

If Xie Zheng planned to leave the Xie family five years ago, then the other party must have more than just taking away some employees.

"What's the panic, these people just leave. It just happened that we saved the cleaning time and directly arranged for someone to take the position."

Ms. Zhou is mentally prepared, and it is not particularly difficult to accept this situation.

The many victories against Xie Zheng over the years also made her confidence burst. At first she was able to force Xie Zheng to adopt Xie Wenxu, but now Xie Zheng has been kicked out of the Xie family, and can What kind of huge waves are turning up?

Xie Zheng would definitely take away a group of people from the group, and she was not unprepared.

"First arrange people to work to stabilize the company, and then immediately check the group's accounts and business information. If Xie Zheng wants to do anything else, he will definitely start in these places..."

"Okay. Everyone hurry up."

Several group shareholders have no choice but to do so.

It is possible to supplement the posts in time, but it will not cause Xie's to fall into turmoil.

But soon, they realized how wrong they were.

In rushing to work for a few days without sleep, they checked the group's accounts and business information. No matter whether the contract is suitable for the actual operation, there is no problem, and it is impossible to reveal any construction period business. black stuff.

Unfortunately, they ended up finding a huge amount of common ground on a large number of foreign contracts.

That is, the contract liquidated damages for these foreign orders are all terribly low!

In other words, this means that once these contract objects default, their group will face a very terrible loss.

"These foreign orders and contracts are all signed by Xie Zheng, he, he must have done it on purpose..."

A minority shareholder shivered with a pale face.

All of them were trapped by Xie Zheng.

As soon as Xie Zheng joined the group, he used thunder to shock them, so that they did not dare to provoke them easily. Not long afterward, he showed his amazing management and operation ability, and signed several foreign orders with huge profit margins.

In the next few years, many foreign contracts were also negotiated by Xie Zheng.

Because every order is profitable, and except for a few more eye-catching large orders, the rest are inconspicuous small orders, everyone doesn't care much, and waits with peace of mind Dividends.

But now...

The door of the conference room was hurriedly pushed open, and a secretary shouted in panic,

"Huang Dong, Xu Dong, Zou Dong, it's not good, the international order department just called, and several foreign companies want to temporarily terminate the contract, involving more than 100 orders!"


The pen in Ms. Zhou's hand was broken.

"And, and..."

"What else?"

"And our group's land, which has just been excavated and dug up the text, cultural relics..."

The reporting secretary shivered.

The most fearful thing in real estate is to dig up some cultural relics or ancient tombs. Once such a thing happens, it not only means that the construction period has to be postponed without bottom line, but it may even be directly auctioned. The land is paid out.

Small companies that are a little bit cash-strapped will definitely be dragged to death, and large groups will inevitably drop a piece of meat.

The next few group shareholders finally couldn't sit still, Qi Qi stood up suddenly, and asked in horror,

"Which piece of land?"

Real estate is one of Xie's main businesses, and every time the land developed is not a small plan.

The secretary trembled and was about to cry, "No, it's not one piece, it's several pieces. It's the villa and business district plan in F city proposed by President Xie last year, and the Bishui Villa plan in Y city... All three pieces of land have been dug up with ancient cultural relics.”


When several shareholders of the group heard the words, their eyes darkened and they almost fainted.

F city villa and business district plan, and Y city Bishui Villa plan. These three pieces of land are the big investment of the real estate department in the next five years!

Ms. Zhou's face changed suddenly when she heard the words, and she was so shocked that she said to the secretary,

"You said it was the land in City F and City Y? Where is the exact location? Show me the contract, hurry up!"

The secretary was startled by her screaming voice, but she ran out quickly and returned with a few documents.

Ms. Zhou immediately flipped through the document when she got it.

Then his face turned blue.

Seeing this, several shareholders of the group asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem with the location of these pieces of land?"

"Yes, there is a big problem!"

Ms. Zhou looked at several shareholders of the group and said, "You guys are in the group every day, don't you have any involvement in three such large projects? These three pieces of land are all It's from the Xie family!"

In other words, any land development plan is just an excuse for Xie Zheng to find out the group funds.

She originally thought that even if Xie Zheng made some preparations and wanted to give them a major blow back after leaving, it would certainly not be too serious.

After all, if there is any black material or engineering problem in the company, and they can't be found at that time, Xie Zheng should be responsible, because those are all problems that occurred during Xie Zheng's tenure, Xie Zheng Wouldn't be so stupid to fool myself.

So all Xie Zheng can do is to take away a group of backbones of the group, as well as some business cooperation and contacts.

But now...

Ms. Zhou realized that she was very wrong.

Xie Zheng is really ruthless, I am afraid that the other party has never planned to undertake Xie's! When they were forced to make concessions, everything was fake! All are fake!

Xie Zheng has indeed worked diligently over the years, but the content of this work is to diligently evacuate Xie's funds!

"You idiots, Xie Zheng did so many things under your eyes, but you didn't notice it at all? Do you visit the garden every day when you come to the group?"

Ms. Zhou looked frighteningly dark as she looked at several group shareholders.

"Then, didn't you Erfang people also set up so many people in the group and didn't find it? And the land, the land of your Xie family was put up for auction, and you didn't even know it!"

Several shareholders of the group were dying. They didn't even know that the infighting of the Xie family was so serious that Xie Zheng abandoned the Xie family and the Xie Group directly.

It's not that they can't clean up these messes, but the losses they clean up are absolutely huge!

That's it.

The reporting secretary trembled again and made a sound, handed over the mobile phone in his hand,

"Huang, Huang Dong, Xu Dong. You, you guys, watch the news, thank you, Mr. Xie and Tang Xun's Weibo... interacted..."

Ms. Zhou and several shareholders changed their faces again.

grabbed the phone and stretched out his head to look at the screen of the phone, all of a sudden he didn't catch his breath.

On Weibo.

New World Technology Tang Xun V: Boss, welcome your resignation home~ [clapping] [smile] Xie Zheng.

New World Technology Official Weibo V: All staff, hello boss! [solemn] ​​[excited] Xie Zheng.

Xie ZhengV of New World Technology: Well, comrades have worked hard.

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