MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 94

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Fang Ziyang and others don't know what happened in the area of ​​the base.

Tang Xun and Rick lived a two-person world next door.

Fang Ziyang and Xie Zheng are chatting and eating snacks with Jinyu, who is wronged.

Jin Yu gritted her teeth and chewed the dessert in her hand, and looked at Xie Zheng with a sad and complicated expression, still unable to believe the reality she just heard.

"Mr. Xie, you really like Fang Ziyang? Did you like it a long time ago?"

Fang Ziyang, this bastard, is not just a little better-looking, a little more capable, what's so amazing, Xie Zheng actually liked Fang Ziyang a long time ago, it's really scary Reality!

Xie Zheng is not the main person who likes to chat with outsiders, but the content of this chat is not limited to him showing affection.

For his emotional experience, he is very willing to share with others. At present, just posting on Moments and Weibo can no longer satisfy him. Now he is very willing to answer Jinyu's curiosity.

"Well, I actually liked Ziyang before, but he just broke up with Xie Wenxu at the time. I was worried that he could no longer accept the Xie family, so I never said it..."

This is not a nonsense.

Before he didn't quite understand his own mind, but now he's enlightened, and thinking back, when he found out that Ziyang was different from what he imagined, he was afraid that his heart began to be moved.

He never thought that he would like a boy as arrogant as Shang Ziyang. Ziyang's personality and his preferences are clearly parallel lines, but he is tempted.

Xie Zheng's stern face was a rare smile on weekdays.

Jinyu has been following Xie Zheng for many years and knows how unsmiling person Xie Zheng is.

Don't say that I have never seen Xie Zheng's smiling face on the news, and Xie Zheng rarely smiles at private gatherings. It is very polite to describe the other party as a high-cold flower. It is an iceberg at all.

But who made Xie Zheng look handsome! Not only handsome, but also powerful!

There are only a handful of Xie Zheng in the circle who have achieved each other's achievements at this age. Even if it is an iceberg, it can't stop the secret admiration of countless girls and boys. Okay.

Jinyu has some beauty.

She likes Xie Zheng, yes, but most of the liking is because Xie Zheng is handsome and capable.

So although she is sad and regretful at this moment, it is not serious.

Especially seeing Xie Zheng's expression, even if she has a low EQ, it can be seen that Xie Zheng is afraid that Fang Ziyang's love is deeply rooted, and she really has no drama at all.


Jinyu still couldn't figure it out, and was indignant,

"Mr. Xie, what do you like about Fang Ziyang? He's a bastard, you don't know, he quarrels and bullies me at the base every day!"

Xie Zheng:…

However, Fang Ziyang was very proud, "Brother Xie, of course, likes me to be good-looking and powerful, obviously you don't believe me."

Jinyu is unbelievable!

She looked at Xie Zheng with anticipation: Mr. Xie is not such a superficial person, Fang Ziyang must be talking nonsense again.

However, her expectant eyes didn't work for Xie Zheng.

And Xie Zheng felt that he really liked his daughter-in-law because he had a face. His daughter-in-law was really cute and powerful, and he liked it very much.

"Ziyang is a little naughty, but he's actually very nice, he just likes to make noise with people, he definitely doesn't mean to bully you..."

Xie Zheng smiled apologetically, but resolutely stood by his daughter-in-law, and did not feel humble in front of the guests.

And he is especially good at making things up, "This is a way for him to make friends, don't compare with him, Ziyang's life in Fang's house was not very good, Fang Qianhao often Bullying him, he will develop this hedgehog temper in order to protect himself, in fact, he wants to be your friend."

Fang Ziyang nodded with a proud expression, "And I was mentioning you, if it weren't for me, you would definitely be isolated by everyone now."

Jinyu: She doesn't want this way of making friends, thank you!


Jin Yu was not convinced, "What do you mean by everyone isolating me? I'm the eldest Miss of the Jin family. It's too late for everyone to flatter me. Who would dare to isolate me?"

"Because you are arrogant and domineering, and your brain is not good."

Fang Ziyang told the truth mercilessly.

Jinyu was angry again, "Fang Ziyang, if you are not angry with me for a day, you will not be reconciled! I am a little arrogant and domineering, but why is my brain not good! I am obviously very smart! Even if I can't compare to you, my ability ranks fourth in the team's individual strength, and you actually say that I have a bad brain!"

Fang Ziyang was unmoved, showing a contemptuous expression,

"I said you're stupid, but you still don't admit it. You have no problem with technology, but you should really test your emotional intelligence. What do you mean when I say this? Have you thought about it? Isolation, you can go to the top to apply for surveillance and see if you don’t know, you move your grandfather out, and the above should give it a look…”

"I heard people talking about you in the classroom and in the lounge several times while you were away. Of course, I'm a very smart person with eyes, so I don't really believe what's behind the scenes."

"What are they talking about behind my back?"

This time Jinyu finally changed her face, she knew that Fang Ziyang would not tell such an easy lie.

Is it true that everyone is talking badly about her behind her back? She is indeed a little arrogant, but it won't make everyone so annoying to the point that they want to be isolated! Eldest Miss is not the only one who has a temper.

"You won't know if you watch the surveillance. Anyway, if I hadn't staged a primary school chicken with you every day, now people don't just think you are naive and have low emotional intelligence."

"Anyway, you are also the eldest lady of the Jin family, you have learned the means of communication, right? I really don't understand how you make yourself like this, that is, I have a good heart, so I pull you One, you still don't appreciate it, you have been unable to react..."

Fang Ziyang shrugged, too arrogant.

Jin Yu was so angry that he was arrogant and beaten, but she is not in the mood to quarrel with Fang Ziyang anymore.

"I don't believe it, I'll immediately apply for monitoring!"

Jinyu refused to accept the reality, left a sentence and ran away.

She really can't believe what Fang Ziyang said, how could she be hated by everyone so much, she is going to be isolated! how can that be!

How long has she been at the base? Except for some friction and quarrel with Fang Ziyang, she has never done anything to others? And she was so mad that she told a few of them that they would go to her grandfather's R&D team to help when the game was over.

Seeing Jin Yu leave with a bad face, Fang Ziyang shook his head and looked at Xie Zheng, helpless, "If I didn't know that the Jin family really loves this little granddaughter, I can't help but think darkly. Jinyu is just like me..."

The Jin family is really capable of developing such a silly character in their granddaughter. Jinyu's talent in research is so high, and his ability to deal with people is so poor, he is really well protected by his family.

Xie Zheng rubbed his lover's hair, "Ziyang can do the same now."

All the simplicity and happiness are due to the care of someone in front of the wind and rain to grow up happily. If possible, he also hopes that his lover can be so silly and sweet.

"Okay, I will often act like a spoiled brat with you in the future!"

Fang Ziyang smiled and reached out to hug Xie Zheng, very happy.

Xie Zheng also stretched out his arms around his little lover, rubbed his chin against the top of the soft hair, and greedily enjoyed the closeness of his lover.

The other end.

Jin Yu found the person in charge of the base with the grievance of not accepting the reality, and applied to view the daily surveillance video.

This is not allowed originally, but daily monitoring is not a particularly secret thing. Before granddaughter came to the base, Grandpa Jin came over to negotiate with the professor and the person in charge in the base, and asked Yu The professor and other friends help to educate the increasingly arrogant granddaughter.

So Jinyu didn't suffer too many difficulties, and the person in charge agreed with her application after consulting with Professor Yu.

And this look.

Jinyu was beaten by the society again.

Fang Ziyang is not wrong at all, everyone does often talk about her in the classroom and lounge when she is away, and the things discussed are far worse than what Fang Ziyang said.

"Damn, did you hear it clearly, Jinyu actually has a crush on Xie Zheng? Forget about it, she still threatens Fang Ziyang with the same thoughts. It's unreasonable to this extent. She's definitely the most domineering person I've ever met!"

"I heard that Jinyu is very arrogant and unruly. The reality is more powerful than the rumors."

"What's this, you didn't see that the people in group A were all obedient to her, and all the things she did wrong were Yang Qilong to come forward and apologize for her. People in group A now regret it all I've been in a group with Jinyu, and I heard that they were afraid that what Jinyu would do would hurt everyone."

"No way, Jin Yu is arrogant and arrogant, so you can't tell the big event at the venue?"

"Why is it impossible? An eldest lady like her has a temper, her mind is hot, and she can't do anything? And she and Fang Ziyang are now fighting for men, Fang Ziyang is not a vegetarian, Jinyu Every time we quarrel, we lose the wind. Who knows what will happen when we are stimulated... Anyway, let's keep our distance and watch the show, so as not to be implicated. "

"Yes, this time Jinyu was knocked down the stairs by Fang Ziyang and hurt her hand. Although it seems to be fine on the surface, who knows what she is thinking, I don't believe Jinyu will not suspect that Fang Ziyang pushed her on purpose..."

"Jinyu is not a good-tempered person, look at it, Fang Ziyang's life will not be easy, there will definitely be a good show."


In the surveillance video, some people with gossip and gossip gathered together to talk, and Jinyu's face was pale.

It's not that she doesn't know that she has an unpleasant personality, but she never thought that her image in the eyes of everyone was like this.

Jinyu is not so foolish as to be hopeless.

She knows very well what consequences such an image will bring to her, it is not only to make people dislike her, but to have such an image, once something bad happens in the team, she will Definitely the first person to be suspected of taking the blame.

But Jinyu couldn't figure out why it became like this.

She really didn't do anything. She was actually very restrained when she got along with everyone on weekdays. Only when she met Fang Ziyang, she couldn't help arguing a few words. Isn't this a very normal thing? Why is she about to become a vicious female supporting person in everyone's eyes!

Golden jade is not very strong against strikes.

After watching the monitoring, I couldn't help crying on the spot, looked at Professor Yu,

"Uuuu, Grandpa Yu, why do they hate me so much, I obviously didn't do anything, I usually treat them very well, I also promised them to introduce them to my grandpa's research team in the future, Why do they think I'm very vicious, woohoo, it's too much, a group of people with different appearances, even talking ill of me behind my back..."

If Fang Ziyang said this, she wouldn't be so sad, after all, she and Fang Ziyang quarrel every day, but it's really too much for others to say that.

She has never been angry with others, so how could she be like this.

Professor Yu has long been aware of the situation in the team.

But he didn't come forward to stop him. Jinyu was spoiled by the family.

Professor Yu kindly poured her a glass of water, and said,

"If you really want to know, then go back and think carefully. What others tell you will never be more profound than your own thinking. If you can let go of your prejudices, you can take a good look at how Fang Ziyang does it. "

"Look carefully, why Fang Ziyang is also arrogant and domineering, but everyone has better senses of him than you? Every result has a corresponding reason. When you blame others, think carefully Your own behavior, blindly thinks that you don't care about it, you are the one who suffers in the end, your grandfather and parents can't protect you in everything..."

"Open your eyes carefully to the people around you. As long as you pay attention, you will be able to find out which people around you can truly relate to and who are the ones who make use of wine and meat."

"I know, I will think about it, thank you Grandpa Yu."

Jinyu didn't fully understand, but wrote it down.

Visit time ends soon.

When Fang Ziyang went back, it was obvious that Jinyu's face was very bad, and his eyes were red as if he had cried.

Needless to say, the chick must have been hit by the discussion behind everyone's back. Jin Yu is a few years older than him, but her ability to bear is really poor, and she is a little young in her heart. It is difficult to accept a blow of this magnitude, and it breaks her perception of the beauty of the world.

But a heavier blow is yet to come, this is just a trifle.

After these days of observation, he has guessed what Yang Qilong wants to do.

Jin Yu is afraid that something will happen to her.

Now let Jinyu exercise and exercise tolerance, so as not to be more unable to accept the reality of being calculated.

After the family visit, Fang Ziyang continued to devote himself to the material study with everyone, waiting for Yang Qilong to jump out again.

From that day on, Jinyu has undergone tremendous changes, and the whole person has been silent a lot.

When she rests every day, Jinyu no longer jokes and laughs with everyone like before, and listens to the praise and compliments of the people around her. Now when I have a rest, I often sit in the corner by myself, either in a daze or looking at the materials and studying.

Talk to her, and she doesn't have the eloquent enthusiasm she used to have.

I stopped arguing with Fang Ziyang. After changing the previous confrontation, I could not only pull down my face and run over to ask Fang Ziyang some questions, but I could also keep up with me every day when I went to the cafeteria to eat.

From time to time, Fang Ziyang was dragged to the corner alone to whisper.

Everyone was surprised.

But Jinyu didn't intend to explain, and Fang Ziyang didn't explain it to everyone. The two were mysterious, and it seemed that their relationship had been pulled in overnight.

This makes some people who want to see them quarrel a little disappointed. Jinyu and Fang Ziyang don't quarrel without a lot of fun.

Yang Qilong was anxious.

He clearly wanted the two to become enemies and face off against each other, but not only did they not become enemies, but their relationship suddenly became better. Didn't the two quarrel a lot before!

If Jinyu and Fang Ziyang didn't quarrel, how could he kick Jinyu out of the base?

Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang can't be moved, but he can compete with the rest of Group B.

I originally thought that Jinyu, this stupid woman, would be easy to solve, but who would have known it would be so difficult to follow his script at all.

The relationship between Jinyu and Fang Ziyang is getting better and better every day, if things go on like this, things will definitely fail.

Yang Qilong was anxious, gritted his teeth, and finally couldn't wait any longer.

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