MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1353 Enlightenment

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() After sending off all the guests, Shi Lei and Zidane sat down in the renovated old castle living room.

Looking at the castle that was completely different from a month and a half ago, Zidane smiled and said, "Mr. Shi really used his heart. This castle is now full of vitality. It ’s different if someone lives there. "

Shi Lei poured a glass of wine for Zidane and said, "Things have begun in Tayastan?"

Zidane took a sip of wine and said, "The government has already begun to work on it. The investigation of these companies will begin within two days. At that time, someone will contact the consortium. The accounts of five million people can't help but be indifferent. "

Shi Lei nodded, and his body felt a bit tired. He leaned heavily on the sofa, and said with a smile, "This pit was dug enough. They only need to step in, and it will be gone. Mr. Zidane, I am here The incident was invisible, but you, I think you probably need to make some preparations. After all, after those people have suffered such a huge loss, it is difficult not to retaliate against you personally. "

Zidane smiled slightly and said, "Although the French police are not very powerful, they can still send some elites when they have a task. Moreover, my old bones, to be honest, I am not sorry, I only hope Mr. Shi I can fulfill your promise and I will be dealing with my granddaughter in the future. "

"I've been busy with this old castle during this time. I haven't asked much about the company's affairs, but I haven't been able to deal with your side. The next step is the affairs of Tayastan, which cannot be tolerated. Miss, or wait until this matter is over, and the two of us will cooperate again. At that time, the market in Paris will need your granddaughter's assistance. "

Because there was an appointment with Zidane, Shi Lei also let Qixuan Britain temporarily stop the opening of the Paris market, focusing on the German market, and the remaining funds were turned to Italy.

Today, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Hamburg in Germany all have Kai Xuan bicycles and are very popular. In the German market alone, Qixuan has gained more than one million active users, as many as eight million registered users, and APP downloads have already exceeded ten million.

This data may seem small, but after all, Germany is only a country with a population of 80 million, and the market has only opened four cities, and it can have the number of users today, which is already a rocket-like speed.

The market development in Italy is a bit late, but it has also been fully opened in Rome and Milan, two of the most important cities in Italy, with more than 500,000 active users, more than 3 million registered users, and more than 500 app downloads. Million.

To be honest, if there is no appointment with Zidane, he really does not need to cooperate with Zidane in the French market. Countries are easier to turn on.

However, money can't be earned, and there are local veteran wealthy wealthy families to help. This affects not only one market in France, but also the entire EU member states.

Shi Lei believes that as long as the cooperation with the Zidane family is announced, and even the French market is completely handed over to the Zidane family, the markets in these three countries, Yingde, Yi, and Yi, will usher in a blowout.

Now, Qixuan UK is continuously increasing the production of Qixuan bicycles to fill up the inventory. Only shortly after the Zidane family announced its investment in Qixuan UK and dominated the French market.

Li Qian and Wu You both complained to Shi Lei that the company has almost no cash. The production of those bicycles has repeatedly delayed the payment of the production side. The deposited funds on the account have been almost consumed. The current operation is completely complete. It is maintained by increasing funds from new users.

On the party just now, Shi Lei also talked to Wu You about the matter. Shi Lei said that it would take at most a week to ten days to let Wu You support it again.

Of course, it goes without saying that Wu You and Li Qian both understand what the Zidane family means.

Especially when the party was over, Zidane's appearance gave Wu You a reassurance. She even decided that if the company's funds were really insufficient, she would let this old face out and ask Crawford to help her get a loan from the bank. The amount did not need to be too large, and 10 million euros was enough. As soon as the Zidane family invests, everything will be solved.

What's more, Wu You has already planned to raise two rounds within half a month. She believes that the investment of the Zidane family is enough to double Qixun UK's valuation within a week.

The only thing she didn't understand was that since she had already had an appointment with the Zidane family, Qixuan's current British valuation is only over two billion euros, and the 200 million euro investment is not called at all for the Dane family. Why did you have to delay so far.

Shi Lei could not explain, and could not explain, and pushed everything to Zidane.

After talking to Zidane in the middle of the night, Shi Lei personally sent him back. When he saw Zidane's granddaughter at the door, he stood down and talked to her again.

When I returned to the castle, it was already close to two in the morning.

At this time, Huaxia was already nine in the morning.

As soon as he lay down, Shi Lei heard the phone ring.

Take it from the bedside table. Wei Xingyue called it. Shi Lei scratched his head. There was some accident. Wei Xingyue should know that he is in London now, and naturally knows what time is London now.

Shi Lei answered the phone.


Wei Xingyue's voice was very soft, saying: "Woke you up?"

"Just after I was busy, I just lay down. This phone doesn't look like your style."

"I didn't bother you until I knew you were busy. However, I must tell you today."

Shi Lei's heart moved and he was busy: "Is the bell ringing?"

Wei Xingyue smiled and said, "Finally you remember our small business."

"It's not small. The market valuation has already exceeded 10 billion yuan. After the bell is over, even a few daily limit will be pulled, at least 15 billion yuan."

"Where is the daily limit for the Hong Kong stock market? I am now at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and I will ring the bell immediately."

"Well, it's hard for you, and it will be easy soon. If privatization is short of money, tell me ~ ~ I now have a huge amount of cash on hand ..."

After thinking about it, Shi Lei added: "It should be said that there will be a lot of cash soon. I personally pay for the entire flash memory directly."

Hearing this, Wei Xingyue was also stunned, and said, "Why do you have so much money?"

"Investing a bit in Europe and making political money, I have time to tell you in detail, I have heard someone urge you there."

Wei Xingyue nodded and said, "Okay. When the listing is complete, I'll go to the UK to find you, and I should take a few days off."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei couldn't sleep anymore. He put his hands behind his head and began to sort out what happened during this time.

Until the sky was light, Shi Lei finally fell asleep.

It was already afternoon in the wake of the accident. He turned on the computer, checked the market of Hong Kong stocks, and entered the flash code. He found that the flash has increased by more than 80% today.


Read The Duke's Passion