MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1363 Close copy city

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() "Five-level president, the amount of consumption required for each credit cycle is one billion yuan, and the credit cycle is six months."

The words of the scepter were basically expected by Shi Lei.

The quota really increased tenfold. The increase in the length of time slightly surprised Shi Lei, but in general it was not a big surprise.

After all, if it is still three months, it would be a little difficult to spend one billion yuan.

According to Shi Lei's original idea, novice trial period, each quota cycle is a week, a level is also a week.

At the second and third levels, it was one month, and the fourth level became three months.

From the perspective of inertial thinking, Shi Lei thinks that the length of the quota cycle may increase once in two levels, so he was originally ready to accept the promotion to the fifth level, but it is still a three-month cycle.

Considering that of this one billion yuan, 30% of the city's copy consumption, and 30% of non-income investment consumption, plus 10% of collection consumption, in fact, only 300 million yuan is left.

City copy consumption and non-return investment consumption are not difficult, and the collection consumption is also good. Shi Lei now has a lot of collections, and it is logical to open a private museum. Each consumption cycle is 100 million yuan. Spending it out is not particularly difficult.

Moreover, Shi Lei suspected that the collection consumption does not necessarily have to be the collection itself.

Is there always a place for the collection? If there are too many collections, it will involve security issues, right? These may also be counted as collectors' consumption. After all, these are the necessary consumptions for collecting.

Of course, these have yet to be confirmed.

I haven't tried this out before. As a result, Shi Lei's independent funds are not much. In addition to the quota, his expenses are actually a bit tight. The second is a 10 million collectible consumption quota, which is not enough for him to consider the collection of auxiliary consumption.

But now it ’s different. There is a 100 million collection spending limit per quota cycle. Shi Lei himself no longer needs to worry about self-funding. Even if the consumption related to collection cannot be counted in this part, he can use his Replenishment.

City copy consumption is even better said.

When he opened the city copy, Shi Lei asked about this. The scepter also revealed that after he was promoted to the fifth level, he would open two more cities as city copies.

Consumption of 300 million yuan per quota cycle in the two cities should not be particularly difficult. Even cities that have already opened a copy of the city, such as the Imperial Capital, can still do upgrade consumption.

The non-profit investment part is better. Shi Lei now has the power to turn the knowledge learned from the prestige system into a project. He only needs to find the appropriate scientific research staff to use this part of the quota for research. The investment. Not only did you spend the amount of non-returnable investment, but you also ensured that your own share in the initial period of the institute was 100%.

Nothing is easier than this part of consumption.

For the rest, Shi Lei is ready to buy yachts and private jets and other things in this quota cycle. Even for three months, the difficulty will not be particularly difficult.

Private jets may be inconvenient to buy too much, but a private business jet can cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. Under the policy of choosing only the most expensive but not the most suitable, Shi Leiman can easily use two or three credit cycles, and only buy a private jet.

Yachts are even better said. The four replica cities, plus Wu Lei ’s original settlement city, Wu Dong, are just like cars. Every city can have them.

Moreover, you ca n’t ask for a city where you live and buy it. Wu Dong ’s can be put in the magic city. The imperial capital itself can also be regarded as relying on the sea, or it should not be a problem to put it in Jinmen.

London is even better. It is barely a city by the sea. Although the city center is still a long way from the sea, London has always been known as the UK's largest port. Big question.

Therefore, Shi Lei also thought about it. For the two newly opened cities, he would choose the coastal cities with the highest land prices and prices. If nothing else, it would be for consumption.

The five yachts, each one over 100 million, are just like playing, and they can completely delay the cycle of two to three quotas.

In this way, Shi Lei is in the fifth level, and then cooperates with some normal consumption, as well as looking for the pupils of the night at three to five hours. Within five cycles, he can be restless.

Don't worry too much for three months. If you extend it to half a year, it can't be easier.

In this way, in the next two and a half years, Shi Lei basically does not need to worry too much about consumption.

It feels great.

"Is there any change in my various consumption ratios?"

Shi Lei asked with a smile.

The scepter replied: "At the fifth level, you will continue to have 10% of the collection spending limit and 30% of the non-return investment limit ..."

Shi Lei nodded with satisfaction, just as his heart did not change.

"In addition, the fifth-level president, after you advance to the fifth level, you will once again get two cities that can be used as city copies for consumption. In these two cities, you will get the right to repeat consumption.

This hasn't changed, and the scepter hasn't broken its promise. Indeed, it has opened two more copy cities.

"These two copy cities will open 30% of the city copy consumption quota for the fifth-level president. In addition to the 10% city copy consumption quota obtained by the fifth-level president, you will receive a total of 4% Ten city copy consumption quota. "

Hearing this, Shi Lei felt a bit wrong.

Thirty percent? Is n’t my previous copy of the city already 30% already? That would add up, wouldn't it be 60 percent?

"No, I already have 30% of the city copy consumption quota."

The scepter's voice was very cold. It said, "That's the fourth-level city copy. After you finish the fourth-level experience, you will be shut down after you enter the fifth level."

Uh ... no way to upgrade consumption?

"And what about closing the copy city?" Shi Lei felt a bit of anger again.

The scepter's voice remained calm, saying, "Every level of the replica city is only valid for that level. Is this noble like I didn't tell you?"

"When did you tell me?" Shi Lei almost jumped.

"Oh, I did n’t tell, I did n’t tell, it was n’t honorable. If I had to inform you, you did n’t ask yourself. Fortunately, it ’s not too late.”

Facing the scepter in a fully formulated way ~ ~ Shi Lei is also a helpless man.

"That is to say, the two duplicate cities opened at the fifth level will also be closed when I reach the sixth level?"

"Smart!" The scepter's voice became frivolous, but it was clear that this was not a compliment to Shi Lei, but a puppet of red fruit.

"Hemp eggs, it seems that it is really necessary to get a copy of the city first, don't get to the end, buddies did not make good use of this, after upgrading, there is no way to continue spending in these cities. However, London cannot be shut down Right? That's the copy city I'm fighting for. "

Shi Lei suddenly thought that just now the scepter said that this time, two of the duplicate cities had 30% of the city copy consumption, and another 10% of the city copy consumption quota obtained on their own, which meant that it seemed that London would not be closed. of.


Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief. At least, London could still continue to consume the copies of the city, the yacht continued, and Shi Lei lost only an imperial capital.

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