MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1375 The temptation to ferry people

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() Everyone nodded. Indeed, the situation in Tayastan is now stable, and the implementation of the new and old currency exchange system is particularly smooth. With the support of Britain, France and the European Union, the next step is that the new government must vigorously develop the domestic economy. First of all, let the people get rid of poverty and move towards food and clothing.

However, someone still shook out his hand and seemed to have something to say.

Shi Lei glanced at him. He remembered that this man was called Chekov, and said, "Mr. Chekov, do you have something to say?"

Chekov nodded and said, "I have a small idea ..."

Shi Lei nodded: "If you have something to say, we are not subordinates. You are all well-known figures in the charity field. I came here to learn from everyone."

Chekov considered it a bit and said, "Since Mr. Shi has also said that our fund is a charitable fund, and it is purely charitable. To be honest, the reason why we people are willing to take charge of these matters in the free fund is not We want to earn high salaries here. Most of us here are people from all walks of life with a good heart. In addition to the fund business, we also have our own work. "

Shi Lei nodded and smiled: "Mr. Chekov is worried that if I do this, the fund will be put upside down?"

Chekov waved his hand and said: "I dare not say it is so serious, but the prospect Mr. Shi just described is certainly exciting. However, this is indeed contrary to our original intention. After all, we are not a for-profit Organization, we are doing charity ... "

"Because of charity, you have to have money yourself. Before, it was always my ex, and everyone took out money from a private pocket to maintain the development of the fund. In recent years, your capital injection has become less and less. Of course I am not questioning your good intentions, including myself, and to be honest, it is not always possible to pay this out of pocket. Now, the fund has a good foundation, more than 10 billion US dollars, looks like a lot, but really if In the face of more than 90% of the citizens of Tayastan who are still below the poverty line, there are actually not many. To make an inappropriate analogy, we send all the funds of the fund now, in fact, it can be divided into less than six per capita. Hundred dollars. At the current price of Taystan, I can barely eat for a year. But one year later? Of course, no charity can send money like this, but if there is no account, even a huge sum of more than 10 billion US dollars , There will always be a day of exhaustion. "

"Mr. Shi, we all understand that charity must be open source and thrifty, but your behavior, IMHO, this is already intended to be Tiastan's chaebol. And to be honest, most of us are not people in the business field, this Responsibility, I'm afraid we ... "

Shi Lei waved his hands and said, "I'm not asking you to change your business. In fact, in addition to your current work, when those companies were acquired and the group company was established, what were you responsible for before and what will you be responsible for in the future. Group I will select talents from these dozens of companies to take charge of the affairs. Even the entire acquisition process will be handed over to a law firm and a consulting company to be joined. The main responsibility of you is to Help me check it out and figure out the movement of every fund in the fund. "

After a pause, Shi Lei looked around.

"To be honest, I can only trust you here, because you are all good-hearted people, and only you will be responsible for the funds of the fund. In the future, the group company will be responsible for open source, and you will be responsible for throttling and charity. In fact, What I said just now is just the less than half a month's work. After completing all the things I just said, our fund is still a purely charitable organization. The enterprise acquired with the funds of the fund will be profitable. , I will not withdraw, but will remain in the fund for a wider range of charity. Not only Tayastan, but also many people in the surrounding areas still trapped in chaos and war. Even our The scope is in the future. As the company grows and the profit sector develops, it will not be satisfied with East Asia and will move to more regions. "

After a while, everyone fell silent, but soon Mr. Chekov applauded first.

"Thank you Mr. Shi, you are right, I am narrow-minded."

Shi Lei nodded with a smile and lowered his head. He checked the list of the fund's principals. This Chekov's chief job was a doctor.

On the third day of their arrival in Tayastan, the new government thawed the businesses in the name of the ferry.

Shi Lei knew that at this time, the ferrymen must start frantically pooling the funds in the name of these enterprises in preparation for transfer.

He also had several discussions with Wei Boti early and arranged the corresponding steps.

In any case, we must find a way to intercept the funds of the ferryman, not to steal at least 100 billion of his funds, but to temporarily trap them.

As long as these funds are not quickly taken away by the ferryman, those who have suffered huge losses before will flock to them. At that time, it is unlikely that the ferryman will be a full enemy of them. This money will not be retained by the ferryman.

If it is said that the ferryman may still leave a part of the funds in the end, I am afraid that it is the funds obtained by selling these enterprises.

After telling Wei Bodhi's situation about Tayastan, Wei Bodhi mobilized the power of the night pupil, mobilized all their high-level members in Europe, and set about preparing to cut off every cash flow line that the ferryman might arrange.

Shi Lei does not know if the ferry person knows that the entire financial channel in Tayastan is already under the supervision of Weiboti, which is the pupil of the night. As long as there is any abnormal flow of funds, it will cause its account to be banked. Stop.

Once the pupils of the night had launched their members' power, it was almost impossible for water to splash into ordinary airtightness.

Shi Lei was sitting in the penthouse suite of the only five-star hotel in Tayastan, waiting patiently for a reply from Bodhi.

According to Wei Bodhi's information, Shi Lei learned that in the past twelve hours, there have been five capital flows of more than one million US dollars.

After their monitoring, four of them were abnormal. The bank has already suspended the transaction, trapped the funds in the bank's secure account, and they cannot control the remittance account, but the remittance account has been suspended.

This should be the temptation of the ferryman. He used four different channels to try to transfer some cash, and wanted to see how the pupils of the night would react.

In the next four hours, nothing happened.

Of course, it is impossible for the ferryman to stop there ~ ~ Shi Lei could not think of any other way for the ferryman.

Shi Lei called Wei Bodhi and asked, "Not moving yet?"

Wei Boti was also very worried, she said: "No, there are only four 1 million US dollars transactions. Now there are not many exchange transactions in Tayastan and it is easy to monitor."

"Did he not withdraw cash?"

Wei Bodi sighed: "In the past twenty-four hours, the withdrawals in Tayastan have totaled more than 10,000. The highest one was less than one thousand dollars, and most of them were tens of dollars.

Shi Lei knows that this is obviously not a ferry person in action, how much money it is.

But the ferryman will never give up. How on earth is he going to get the money?

Shi Lei couldn't help but worry, he asked again, "The ferryman knows your operating mechanism very well, and you must know the interception route you can think of. But why did he make those four million capital flows each? Isn't this obviously sending money? "

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