MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1378 Meet old republican

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() Continuous refresh, but the page is always in a state of disconnection, not to mention the transfer of assets, not even a glance at the information of those accounts.

The ferryman stood up, he picked up his cell phone and made a few calls.

The operator who answered the call was the operator who helped him complete this transfer of funds.

Everyone who answered the phone said that they could no longer connect to the host located at the Russian Central Bank.

"There is no problem with us, nor is there any problem with satellites. It is a problem with Russia. The hosts have all shut down the network."

"Cut off the network? You can't do this little thing? You haven't guaranteed it. Even if the other party cuts off the network, can you find a way to accomplish all this through other networks?"

The ferryman was snarling, he yelled frantically at the phone, his face was already distorted, and his original handsome face was now full of despair.

"If only the network was cut off, we still have a solution. However, I tried it just now, no, the other party cut off all external contacts on a physical level."

"Physical level? You mean the host of the other party is destroyed?"

"It is certainly impossible to be destroyed, there are too many important data there. The only possibility is that they cut off the power and shut down!"

"Shut down? Are they crazy? This is the host of the Central Bank of Russia. Shut down. Should Russia's finances come to a standstill?"

"They have spare hosts."

"Then break into the backup host and transfer all my money to me!"

The other side was silent for a while and said, "I'm afraid that's impossible. Not to mention that the other side is obviously prepared now, even if we successfully break into the standby host, it's useless."

The ferryman jumped anxiously, he exclaimed, "Why ?! Why not!"

"On the standby host, only the backups of the Russian era, or even only the backups of recent years. Only those shut down hosts have the original account information stored. And our actions must be completed through those accounts. Now , That money has been trapped in the host that has been cut off the power. Without the original account address, we can do nothing ... "

"You promised me! You promise that nothing will go wrong!" The ferryman shouted hysterically, like a madman.

The other side said helplessly: "It seems that the other party has already guessed our remittance account before joining hands with Russia to shut down those hosts. I'm sorry, I'm afraid there is really no way around this time."

The ferryman yelled, and he was completely disoriented.

The person who answered the phone, the scolded dog's **** head, opened his mouth, and the final choice was to hang up the phone and shut down the phone.

Hearing the hang-up sound from the phone, the ferryman was even more furious. He called again, but heard that the other party had turned off.

The ferry hit the phone directly to the laptop in front of it, a heavy satellite phone directly smashed the computer screen, the computer screen went black, making noisy electric sounds, and soon two non-dazzling arcs appeared. .

However, the computer has also been completely damaged.

"Women Nima! Shi Lei, how did you know my plan ?! How do you know ..."

The ferryman was discouraged and suddenly stopped his turbulence, because he also knew that no matter how violent it was, it would not help.

Sitting in a chair like a funeral test, just now, he felt very upset and felt that he would soon get a ferryman with assets of at least 100 billion US dollars, and bowed his head completely.

In Tayastan, Shi Lei's face showed a victorious smile.

He received a call from Wei Bodhi, who told him that when the ferrymen tried to transfer the money out of the dusty accounts of the former Soviet Union, they had cut off the power to those hosts through Russian members.

Now, those more than 100 billion US dollars are all quietly lying in the hard disks of those mainframes.

The ferryman had time to remit less than 100 million yuan.

And this billion yuan is estimated to be not enough for him to pay those traders who helped him operate this currency exchange campaign.

"Notify the two consortia in Europe and the United States so that they can quickly take over the companies in Tayastan. Perhaps by selling those companies, they can also recover a small amount of loss for them."

This is the last sentence Shi Lei said to Wei Bodhi. He knows that the ferryman is actually hitting the time difference. The people in those two consortiums have completely departed from their relationship with the ferryman. They only give the ferryman time to transfer the funds if they have no time to control the companies.

And once they make a force, the ferryman is now almost a bare commander, and he can no longer compete with those in the two consortia, and those companies will soon be taken over by the two consortia.

And even if the people in those two consortiums took over these companies in Tayastan, even if they knew that these companies would re-create benefits in the future, Shi Lei believes that those people are now owed a debt, these money, It cannot be just their own property, which must involve a wide range.

If they don't rush to pay off their debts, they will also die.

Therefore, they will necessarily sell these companies.

But the acquisition of the company was all left to the law firm and the people of the free fund.

Shi Lei stood up, walked to the window, and smiled and watched the bleak view of the city of Tayastan. He knew that these run-down scenes would soon be restored by the new government of Tayastan, and those After being acquired by a free fund, the company will inevitably run quickly.

Everything seems to be booming.

Shi Lei left the office, headed for the airport, and then flew to the Russian capital, Moscow.

Without a stop, he made a direct connection at Moscow's airport, flew to San Francisco, and headed to Atherton, San Francisco Bay.

It's time to meet the old Republican.

Along the way, Shi Lei was also thinking. Since the old Republican is an old-fashioned guy, why would he also sell his home on the sales network?

If the new house he built was because his daughter refused to live in the Atherton area, and it was normal to sell it in Miami, after all, it would be useless to keep such a mansion.

However, after discovering that the person who intends to buy a luxury home has no interest in a new house worth more than 20 million, but wants to buy a house with a larger area and a higher price, he is willing to sell his old house. This is a bit It's fascinating.

From the perspective of being able to build a new house worth more than 20 million ~ ~ This old Republican Party should not be short of money. If this old-fashioned guy is not short of money, how could he live more than himself What about a fifteen-year home?

Is it because you lost money recently? However, even if the stock price is madly leaking, it should not be so high as to need to sell real estate.

Unless he owes a lot of debt.

Shi Lei couldn't help but think of the ferryman and his consortium in the United States.

Therefore, on the plane, Shi Lei sent Weiboti a WeChat-Russian Airlines can use ifi, which is simply too wonderful.

Shi Lei asked Wei Bodhi to look up the details of the old Republican Party named Jackman Fries.

After Wei Boti deducted the cost of Shi Lei's one million soft sister coins, he quickly sent the old Republican information to Shi Lei's mobile phone.

Also attached is a WeChat: This old Republican Party turned out to be one of the leaders of the American consortium.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction