MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1429 The way to announce is simpler

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In this quota cycle, it is very surprising that there can be value-for-money consumption. It is actually a four-star value-for-money consumption, and Shi Lei is simply incredible.

It's been four years since he got the black card. Shi Lei asked himself that the definition of consumption was very clear. Under what circumstances can he produce value-added consumption, he is also clear.

But now, the scepter actually told him that there was a four-star value-for-money consumption, and Shi Lei was completely unaware of it.

If there is any value-for-money consumption, it is not impossible for Shi Lei to miss it. After all, there are times when you spend money, there will always be a little value for money, one star and two stars can understand, these four stars ...

"I actually have a four-star premium?" Shi Lei asked.

The scepter said calmly: "The amount of this purchase is 50 million soft sister coins ..."

Shi Lei understood for a while, and immediately understood that the 50 million yuan amount could only be stocks given to the government officials of Tajikistan.

Is it because those stocks have appreciated?

However, if it is the excessive consumption caused by the appreciation of stocks, it should be judged as an investment. This is a strictly prohibited consumption method.

To be honest, when Shi Lei bought the batch of stocks and gave it to the government of Tayastan, although he had made enough preparations in the early stage to make it as much as possible in line with the rules of gift giving, he also always had Reserved.

Fortunately, it is only 50 million. Even if it is not counted as consumption, Shi Lei has enough independent funds to fill it. So, the first time he checked the quota, he also focused on this.

Fortunately, the results given by the scepter were pretty good. This consumption was counted as consumption. Although this behavior was investment-oriented, Shi Lei bought these stocks not for his own investment but as a gift. As a gift attribute, this consumption was judged to be true.

But in any case, this consumption has nothing to do with value consumption?

"When did you get so good that you actually counted this kind of step-by-line consumption as a value-for-money consumption? To be honest, I was even ready to use my own funds to fill the pit. However, this consumption Even if the stock value increases, even if it turns ten or eight times, it will be difficult to reach the level of four-star consumption? "

The scepter smiled coldly and said, "If it is stock appreciation, you should be used to the opportunity to avoid punishment."

Shi Lei frowned, and said, "What the **** is going on?"

The scepter said positively: "The consumption costed 50 million yuan, but it leveraged at least 20 billion US dollars of funds in the free fund. The first one, it has already reached 2 billion US dollars. But Considering that after these funds have been withdrawn, they cannot be used by level 5 presidents for their own consumption and investment, but can only be used as part of a trust fund. Therefore, the consumption is judged as a four-star consumption. "

Shi Lei really felt a little inexplicable, but this is actually good news.

With four-star consumption, there will be additional ratings. He was still thinking about earning ratings from the beginning of the next quota cycle.

Just putting out the money in the free fund can actually become a value-for-money consumption, which really surprised Shi Lei.

Anyway, and listen to the scepter to explain the reward of this four-star consumption.

"What rewards can this purchase bring?"

"The rewards wait until the settlement day."

Shi Lei patted his forehead, yes, this is just the second quota inquiry, not the settlement day yet.

"The rating can always be talked about, how much can this value-added consumption increase?"

"This purchase will get a very good additional score."

I go! Very high?

However, taking into account that the scepter said that this consumption has mobilized 20 billion US dollars, and Shi Lei's quota is only one billion soft sister coins, being rated four-star consumption itself is already very few, and it is normal to have a slightly higher score.

According to this calculation, the basic score can get sixteen points this month, even if there is any deduction, only the additional score is deducted. Adding Shi Lei's original three-point base score, that's 19 points. For the four quota cycles, Shi Lei's basic score should have been 24 points. In other words, Shi Lei had only five points to catch up with the progress.

After ending the second quota inquiry of this quota cycle, Shi Lei rested at home for another two days and soon entered the settlement day.

After summoning the scepter, Shi Lei directly stated that the issue of consumption itself was simply skipped, and directly entered a series of problems caused by ordinary investment.

The scepter is not arrogant, anyway, at the time of the two quota inquiries, the issue of consumption was already very clear.

Therefore, it said: "Since the five-level president requested that it should be as simple as possible, I will not repeat the dignity of the issue of line consumption. In short, in this quota cycle, the five-level president's line consumption has completed all conditions. Will incur any punishment. "

Shi Lei nodded and said, "Say ordinary consumption."

"In this credit cycle, the fifth-level president has a common investment totaling 50 million yuan. At the time of the fifth-level president's investment, the company was valued at $ 170 million, and At present, the company's valuation has reached $ 3 billion. With the investment of the fifth-level president, it will also rise by 17.65 times, for a total of 882 million yuan. "

Shi Lei nodded. This was already calculated by him. The scepter was just repeating the result of his calculation.

"Deducting the principal and the basic profit point of 5 million yuan, the fifth-level president's actual profit on this investment is 827 million yuan, which is included in the profit pool. Congratulations, the fifth-level president, your The profit pool has now reached 1.37 billion soft sister coins. "

Shi Lei nodded again and said, "Talk about the deferral effect of ordinary investment in the previous quota cycle."

"In the previous quota cycle ~ ~ The fifth-level president invested 48 million yuan in soft sister coins. At that time, the company was valued at $ 130 million, and now the company is valued at Three billion US dollars, a twenty-threefold increase in value. That is to say, the five-level president has made a total profit of 1.114 billion yuan in this investment. After deducting the principal, there are still 1.56 billion yuan. Profit. At the last settlement date, the investment has made a profit of 20 million yuan. The delay effect of this investment in this quota cycle will obtain a profit of 1.036 billion for the fifth-level president. The basic profit point of the deferral effect of this investment is 50 million yuan. After deduction, the profit pool of the fifth-level president will increase the profit by 986 million yuan. At this point, the total profit pool of the fifth-level president will reach a total of 23.35 billion. "

This is slightly different from the data calculated by Shi Lei at first, probably a little over 100 million, but the data obtained by Shi Lei is calculated according to the exchange rate at the time, which obviously will cause deviations in itself, so it is not a problem. .

"If I didn't make a calculation mistake, in the last credit cycle, the profit of my two investments has already exceeded the basic profit point."

The scepter snorted and said, "In the last credit cycle, the five-level president had two investments ..."

Shi Lei hurriedly waved his hands and sang directly: "Simply, the way of announcement is simpler ... You can directly talk about the result, don't say it in detail. Otherwise, the reader should say that I have counted the words ..."

The scepter was also unpretentious, and said directly: "The two investments have continued to the present, and the profit growth in this quota cycle has reached 1.1 billion soft sister coins, deducting the 500 million yuan basis for the second period of extension effects of ordinary consumption. Profit point, this consumption will add 600 million yuan to the profit pool of the five-tier president. "

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