MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1435 Dear Level 6 Boss

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This research institute, the original acquisition of the money, is the non-return-type investment used, and Shi Lei made a lot of loans to complete.

The subsequent investment in research and development funds are all non-profit-making investments, which will always cause Shi Lei to score certain points.

But when the research institute announced the establishment of a new company and the valuation went directly to 13 billion yuan, all of Shi Lei's investment was equivalent to getting the best return.

In total, Shi Lei's total investment is less than 5 billion, but he has been valued at 13 billion.

Everyone understands that with the products being put on the market, with the expansion of the production scale, and with the reasonable ratio of the company's personnel structure, it is only a matter of minutes for this company's valuation to exceed 30 billion.

People who were not optimistic about this project now start to congratulate Shi Lei again, and Shi Lei is busy appeasing those excited scientists, because those scientists insist on including Shi Lei's name in the list of R & D personnel, and I want to name this patent after Shi Lei.

Of course this is not possible. Shi Lei must not agree. He must let these scientists give up this dangerous idea. Shi Lei does not want the outside world to know the technological breakthrough of this project and has nothing to do with himself.

The settlement day is coming soon. At the same time that the non-profit investment of the research institute has finally achieved a major breakthrough, it has also brought a five plus star consumption to Shi Lei.

The additional score directly obtained the capped score. Prior to this, Shi Lei's basic score had also reached forty-two points. Originally, this quota period would also reach forty-eight points, but due to a capped additional score, the basic score There will also be a corresponding increase, so Shi Lei has successfully completed everything at level 5 and advanced to level 6.

"Congratulations, dear Boss VI ..."

As soon as the wand opened, Shi Lei was startled.

It turns out that Level 6 is really the boss? Isn't Boss the English boss?

Moreover, you become you, with the prefix "respectful" in front.

The scepter would still talk to people in such a polite tone, which is how Shi Lei couldn't think of.

"Haha, scepter, today ... uh ... the weather is good."

"It's raining outside, and I must remind the respectable Sixth Boss."

Shi Lei became more and more surprised and felt more and more fun. It seems that the scepter no longer has the prefix of "honorable as".

"Why didn't Heika appear in person to say hello to my Sixth-Class Boss?"

"The supreme black card originally did not need to communicate directly with the six-level Boss. The previous communication was only based on the supreme black card's own will, so whether it appears does not hinder everything in progress.

The original supreme black card has not changed, it still has a prefix.

Shi Lei did n’t really want to communicate with the black card. He just wanted to see that after he was promoted to the sixth level, the scepter ’s name changed to himself and his own name also changed. The title has also changed.

However, what surprised Shi Lei even more was that after the scepter had finished speaking, the black card actually appeared.

Oh, just the sound of a black card appeared.

Heika said: "Dear Sixth Boss, if you just want to determine whether my prefix will disappear, then congratulations, you guessed it. In my exchange with the scepter and Sixth Boss , The prefix will not be added by yourself. "

Shi Lei was immediately happy, he laughed, "Having used to being noble like me and supreme me, now I can't hear these two words suddenly, it's really a bit uncomfortable."

"Congratulations, respectable Boss VI." Heika said mechanically, paused, and said again: "I didn't expect such a day when I met you from the beginning, but waited until When you reached the fourth level, I knew sooner or later that day ... "

"So, at that time, you chose the right time to communicate with me? Because you understand that it is unstoppable for me to reach the sixth level."

The black card was a little silent, and the dripping water replied, "I never said that level six is ​​full."

Shi Lei laughed and said, "I know you won't admit that, in terms of computing power, you are really much stronger than a scepter. Of course, these are not important. Black card, I think, the settlement day Can you just let us communicate directly, all questions will be answered by you, how? "

Heika didn't seem to experience much hesitation, and said, "If you wish, this time I will answer all the questions of the sixth-level Boss."

"Then go according to the process. Black card, since I have upgraded, the quota has been completed very well, is it okay?"

Heika's voice said: "Of course, the final credit cycle of the sixth level of Boss was completed very beautifully. You used a five plus star to complete all the ratings required for the fifth level. About me I wo n’t go into details, anyway, this is what you expected. Let ’s talk about the scoring first, okay? ”

"No problem ~ ~ Shi Lei's mood is almost happy now.

"On the last settlement day, the base score of Tier 6 Boss was 42 points, and in this credit cycle, Tier 6 Boss completed a five plus star consumption and received a cap of 30 points. At the same time , Your basic score will also get as much as thirty. This has exceeded your basic score limit, so you have completed everything at level 5 and advanced to level 6. At the same time, your additional score is in this quota There are no points deducted for the cycle, totaling thirty points. But before that, your additional score was only nine points. Therefore, you did not get a full point promotion again, but only got ninety-nine points. "

Shi Lei smiled slightly and said, "When will the ninety-nine points be said to have only been obtained? Do you think that it is normal for me to get a perfect score?"

"At least, in the past two upgrades, the sixth-level Boss has been promoted with a perfect score. This time, it is only a little worse. If you can plan earlier, you may be able to upgrade again. "

Shi Lei nodded and said, "Actually, I just think that it is no longer important for me to qualify for full promotion."

"Anyway, Level 6 Boss is good enough. Do you have any questions about scoring?"

Shi Lei nodded and said, "I have a question, but it's not about scoring, but about the profit pool. Black card, you don't have to hurry to introduce me. How much accumulation in my profit pool now, you only need Just answer my question first. "

"Dear Sixth Boss wants to know the ultimate goal of the profit pool?"

Shi Lei nodded, of course Heika knew what Shi Lei wanted to ask, which is also what he told Shi Lei at the beginning, all of which would be revealed at level 6.

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