MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 261 : Pig Farm, Pig Farm

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"What's the matter? Stare at me one by one?" Hou Gang was a little dazed,

"Her boyfriend's name is Zhang Yifan, and the company's name is Yifan Technology, what do you say?" Gao Yong said with a smile.

Hou Gang is really serious now. I thought I had encountered a small employee, but I did n’t expect to meet the Great God ...

If you think about it again, how can you make Gao Yong and Wang Beibei accompany each other so much?

"Miss Li, how about your family member Zhang, why didn't you come together? I especially admire him for such a young and promising young man, have the opportunity to meet for a meal and drink tea?" a bit.

"Xiao Fan is still busy in the Quancheng branch. You haven't watched the TV just now. I expect to be back in a few days." In this case, Wang Beibei answered it directly.

"This way, Xiaobei, you are not an outsider. When President Zhang comes back, you will let me know. I will visit the door, and by the way, say my early years," Hou Gang said earnestly.

"Hang brother, you can just say it directly. Li Bing and I just turned back and told Xiao Fan. It's too rare to see anything," Wang Beibei said.

Hou Gang looks like this, how could he not see that he wanted Zhang Yifan?

It's just that his pattern is no longer the time to follow Zhang Yifan to get a four-legged robot to ask for money;

At least the structure is much larger. If it is only a small matter, you can help yourself, and there is no need to embarrass others;

In front of others, Hou Gang naturally would not say, but in front of Yifan Technology, he has nothing to hide;

So, he said very easily: "It's the organic fertilizer of your company. I want to talk about cooperation, get an agent or offer a preferential supply ..."

Wang Beibei shook his head directly and smiled: "I can't help you with this, it's all Xiaofan and Li Bing who are doing it."

"Miss Li, can you please contact me?" Hou Gang asked quickly.

Li Bing hurriedly answered: "I will talk to him when Xiaofan is back. I am only responsible for the raw materials."

Originally she wanted to say that the pig dung was transported, but everyone was eating, and it was a bit indecent to say so on this occasion;

And a girl herself, who said she transported pig dung, was really a little uncomfortable in her face.

However, this remark is completely different in Hou Gang's ears. The purchase of raw materials is a fat and poor place, and it is recognized as a position with abundant gray income ....

Such a position naturally needs to be done by one's own. One is to be assured, and the other is to be a little fat and not to flow outsiders' fields;

As a result, Hou Gang continued toasting again, his posture was low enough, and a variety of polite words emerged endlessly.

Li Bing, who has not experienced any social occasions, can't stand it anymore, so he promised to help Hou Gang to convey his willingness to cooperate;

Later, during the chat, Hou Gang learned that Wang Beibei and Gao Yong were in Yun Province to participate in the company's annual tourism meeting, and their colleagues from the Quancheng and Zhushi branches participated;

All of a sudden, Hou Gang re-examined his perception of the company.

There are two branches in the south and north,

To be in CCTV news,

I have the strength to take the company's employees to travel for several days, because I have to organize an annual meeting, and even put up millions of employees for the lottery ...

Even the company's products have been banned from exporting;

What kind of company is this?

If they can cooperate with them on organic fertilizer, as long as they can get a regional agent, it will be difficult to get rich.

Chain restaurants are all secondary. Selling organic vegetables allows you to build a brand and even establish your own vegetable kingdom.

After Gao Yong left, Hou Gang was still caught in his beautiful longing .....


Li Bing is a sincere person. After returning to the hotel, she called Zhang Yifan and reported it was safe.

Then, she told Zhang Yifan about everything that happened at night and asked him to make a decision;

Zhang Yifan said that he would consider carefully, and after a few chats, the two hung up the phone;

Zhang Yifan was a little bit embarrassed. No one would suspect that he was making a lot of money. It is naturally a good thing for a large customer to come to your door.

However, to increase the production of organic fertilizers, the raw materials are definitely not enough;

Although Li Bing has expanded the manure collection business to the next village, this is not enough;

Because the folks in Gui province have always had the tradition of killing the pigs, and the pigs raised by the farmers' homes basically do not pass the Spring Festival.

In other words, before the Chinese New Year, apart from the sows and boars to be used for farrowing, pigs raised in each household will be killed;

Within two months after the New Year, each household will also buy pigs to raise them, waiting for them to be sold in autumn and winter or to kill the New Year;

However, the amount of manure produced by piglets and adult pigs is completely different. When everyone raises piglets, it means that there is not enough pig manure supply for organic fertilizer production;

Not to mention expanding sales, even the level of shipments last year could not be achieved at all.

But Zhang Yifan didn't want to miss such a good business, so what should he do?

Either buy pig dung from a large pig farm in the field ~ ~ or build a large pig farm yourself;

As for outsourcing, Zhang Yifan didn't want to think about it. The biggest secret of producing organic fertilizer is the special biogas digester and manure cake machine;

These things are given to other people for OEM, and others can leave them alone at any time, and there is no way to take them by themselves, at most, they will get compensation for some equipment;

Because of the shutdown of the pig farm, the idle dad has set up a pipeline more than one kilometer long to introduce biogas to the home;

Organic fertilizer has been produced, and the biogas digester has been feeding, so the biogas produced is almost endless. It is very convenient to cook at home. It does not even need to chop firewood. Go to the neighbor's house.

Is it necessary to build another pig farm?

This was a difficult choice for Zhang Yifan, because after the pig farm was shut down, Dad was sad for a long time;

However, if you build another pig farm yourself,

Use organic fertilizer to grow vegetables, feed vegetables to pigs, and use pig manure to make organic fertilizer ..... It seems that this is a perfect link;

As long as pigs can live in peace until they are about to end their lives, then pork is earned and organic fertilizer is earned;

The place with the most expenditure is nothing more than manpower. Then, let ’s take a look at the automated pig raising. Zhang Yifan did it half a year ago ...

The most important thing was that the investment was careful at the time, but now, this investment is no longer a problem for Zhang Yifan's assets.

However, Zhang Yifan felt that if Hou Gang wanted to gain something, he had to make some contributions, such as obtaining a license and environmental guarantee.

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