MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 280 : Resist 1fan Technology

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The advertising broadcast platform has been set. In the vernacular province TV, the period after the evening news, 15 seconds of advertising every day, broadcast for two consecutive months; the contract was signed, and the prepaid amount was also given to the TV station;

At this point, two days before the official launch of the TV commercial, Zhang Yifan started his preparations step by step. As far as it was issued by the Yifan Technology's tremolo, it was not even warm-up. Is just a matter of doing it;

Therefore, receiving semi-finished products, recruiting employees, arranging production lines, and then slowly producing, the product from the beginning of trial production to running out of production capacity, there must be a climbing process, also just run out of this buffer period before Valentine's Day .. ...

Anyway, the ads haven't started broadcasting yet ...

In the village of Na Li in winter, there is a different kind of excitement. There is no need to work on the ground. Everyone is at home, entering the New Year mode, preparing New Year's things, preparing various foods, and then the women play cards. Man drinking drinking ...

People who have gone out to work have begun to return to their hometowns. Some of them have completed the construction site, some of them have resigned from the factory, and even have left their jobs.

The purpose is different, some want to spend a few more days with their family, some want to change the working environment after the year, and some want to go on a blind date, if it is appropriate, they will no longer go out to work, husband at home Godson

There were more people, and then the village began to be lively. There were rehearsals of strong dramas in the evening. Actually, those scripts were back and forth, but the boys and girls who went back were still willing to participate. Of course, in just ten days Rehearsal will not show any good results;

During the day, young people still have nothing to do, otherwise they would not choose this time to go home and help with some housework should be, but otherwise, there is really nothing to do;

Visiting friends and relatives is something that is only done after the first day of school. At this time a year ago, it was eating, drinking, and drinking. Of course, the best time to eat and drink is to kill the pigs.

Therefore, for those returning home for migrant workers, this is a vacation. Basically, there is no need to do anything. When it is time for spring sowing, rush out to work and get some money to send home to stop you. Why not do it?

However, the people who returned home early in Nali Village were clearly out of control this year.

Most of the parents of the family ran to Zhang Yifan's house, saying that they worked part-time, so the household chores could only fall on them;

Except for some people who do not have the concept of financial management outside, basically, people who return to the Chinese New Year can give their parents or family a sum of money, more or less. This money may be the income of the family at home for a year. Coupled with the elders' affection, they all have a more nourishing life during the New Year;

This year is different. As soon as I go home, my parents and family have no burden to go out. I have to do all the housework myself. I feel a little grieved, but I ca n’t stop my parents and my family from going out to make money .... .

To blame, you can only blame the things that Zhang Yifan's family made, but at the same time, I have to admit that with the Zhang Yifan's casual workers, their lives have been a lot better, so they do n’t have to rely on themselves to earn money outside. Money

Some people add refrigerators to their homes, some have floor tiles in several rooms at home, and some parents used to call for money every month. Now they do n’t need it anymore. This is change;

In the end, you should blame Zhang Yifan's family, or you should thank them. In fact, most people have a number in their hearts, so there are not many complaints. After all, like a factory, you ca n’t come without love, and you do n’t lack your family. Two people;

Zhang Yifan is still very clear about the customs of Nali Village. After the twelfth lunar month, basically everyone will not work at all;

Twenty-three years later, it ’s time to kill the New Year ’s Pig. You ’ll need a few meals to eat and drink. After all, in the southern weather, many things are impossible. Then, with the refrigerator, the time to eat and drink can be extended. , Life is a little better, then kill some chickens and ducks;

And then, it's Chinese New Year ...

For the Chinese New Year, I have to toss about it for several days, including palm seeds, rice flour, and fried hemp balls:

The day before New Year's Eve, the village's young man carried the copper drums and beat them around the village, and then sent them to the temple. Someone beat the leather drums and copper drums day and night. The drummers can be the village's young people. You can knock, you can knock later ...

I stayed in my own home on the first day. For the good sign, the man went to pick the spring water in the morning (some people are lazy and pick the tap water, including the author himself), the woman, went to the mountain to worship the temple. This temple is not a Buddhist temple. In other words, worshipped around the temple of General Cen;

On the second day, this is called the “Back to Mother ’s Day”. The son-in-law had to bring his wife and children back to his mother ’s house and prepare gifts. In fact, it ’s nothing. It ’s New Year ’s cakes. For children of relatives, just a little red envelope, if the relationship is good, and the conditions are convenient, they will stay for a day or two, and return on the same day (the characteristics of Guizhou Province, there are few gifts and dowry);

From the third grade to the first few days, it is the time to walk with relatives and imitation friends. Relatives with good relationships come to the door and drink, brag, guess the code. These times, everyone, especially young people, eat, drink, and drink. Do n’t worry about anything but dishes

Then I almost ate and drank, and people slowly returned to work one by one. Then it is time to go out to work .... Almost such a process;

This is why Zhang Yifan insisted on strengthening production years ago, because these people did not work during the New Year;

Although I don't know how much the Harmony Pants can be sold, the raw materials and semi-finished products ordered must always be made into finished products.

It's a big deal when it gets up and sells slowly. You can't stage out of stock on Valentine's Day, right?

This is pretty good. After all, I still have a hole card for myself. When tens of thousands of trousers are delivered, the package will make people dumbfounded, Zhang Yifan thinks cheerfully.

However, after receiving a call from Wang Beibei, Zhang Yifan was dumbfounded.

Overnight, this harmonious pant suddenly took out tens of thousands of online orders ...

Online ordering is not like transactions between some merchants. Maybe a promise is that the production and delivery will be completed. This is all through the platform, which means that you must pay for the order.

In other words, the advertisement for this thing has been so popular before it is published ...

Knowing this, what other star are you looking for? What TV commercials?

And now, Zhang Yifan hasn't even had time to investigate the root cause. The items sold on this platform have delivery time restrictions;

During the delivery process, Zhang Yifan was not very worried. When selling Gua Shun, Wang Beibei had sent the goods for so long. You should know how to do it.

But on the production side, the production capacity cannot be raised, which is really annoying. The money is in front of me, and then I ca n’t make it. No one will be reconciled if I change it;

How to do? At present, only another production line can be opened;

There are so many people in Nali Village. The people who can pull in are basically over, and the goal naturally comes to those who return to work outside;

Zhang Yifan also learned a lot in management, so he feels that he can no longer control these young people in the old way.

The timing work is not appropriate. They would have paid a lot of time outside. When they return to the New Year, they also return with a state of enjoyment. If the price is lower than the outside price, or the same, they would rather not do it.

The methods that can be used are only piece counts, and not limited to these returnees. Even the oldest aunt who worked in the village can use this method to calculate remuneration;

"Second brother, Xiaofan's family recruits workers, saying that they work as piece-counts and only wear clothes. They can make a lot of money a day. Anyway, we are idle at home, so why not try it tomorrow?"

"My sister, I was just wanting to tell you, I thought I would try it for a few days first, it would be cost-effective, but it would not be cost-effective, anyway, I was working in the village, and those uncles said They can clean up the money, don't delay a penny, it doesn't matter if they make more money, and they don't delay our New Year anyway ... "

"That's OK, let's go tomorrow, but our whole family has gone. Who feeds the pigs in that family?"

"I get up early and go out for a meal. Just let mom come back for lunch at noon. Anyway, I will kill it in a few days. What are you afraid of?"

Naturally, there will not be only such a family in the village having such a conversation. After the news of recruitment in Zhang Yifan's home, many people are eager to try;

Who wants to leave home?

Who would like to have winter in their hometown and no spring, summer, and autumn?

If you can find a bowl of rice to eat at your doorstep, who wants to run so far, eat unfamiliar meals, and do the same thing. In the end, you can only go home once a year ...

Even if this job is only temporary, everyone is still willing to do it. Where is the part-time job, and when I come home to work, can't I be inferior to others?

Five insurances and one gold, to put it plainly, in fact, many people don't care. If they can, they are more willing to take out the money, even if they only take the part they paid. Many people ca n’t understand this, but they understand it very much. It is clear that many of them cannot work for fifteen years.

As a result, the second production line of Zhang Yifan's family opened smoothly. There was a little twist in the middle, but it was all a small matter. It was nothing more than small problems such as job allocation and equipment location.

Then, the first batch of goods was finally delivered normally. As for how the express delivery by Wang Beibei was done, Zhang Yifan didn't care about it. He could handle it without hesitating.

However, the next day, there were still so many orders, and the TV commercial did not go live, Zhang Yifan started to panic ....

I have made so many products myself, why haven't I seen such a scene, but how can so many people buy such a pair of underwear?

A little puzzled, but this is not important. The important thing is that the follow-up TV commercials are online. If the sales volume increases, what should you do?

The final assembly is a trivial matter. It will cost a little more to attract the migrant workers from neighboring villages. It will not be a big deal. The process at the end is purely manual assembly. I really do n’t worry about it.

However, the biggest question is whether there are so many materials on the supplier's side, can they be produced during the Chinese New Year ...

Originally I just wanted to get something out. Who knew it would be a hit?

Can't you buy some water snakes? Going to buy a smoking cessation helmet? Go buy something you can use? Really not. Buy melon tester, buy organic fertilizer head office?

Why did you have to put on these underpants?

Is it now that the whole country is afraid of Mr. Pan, or is he afraid of Wang next door?

Therefore, Zhang Yifan was a bit anxious and hurriedly added orders to suppliers, and the market estimates here did not know what to estimate,

I talked to Wang Beibei and Lei Zhi in private, that is, I feel that this product can sell a million units.

And this number is calculated under the consideration of washing and changing, which is a bit conservative, but also justified;

Many families have old and young people living together. These worries are completely unnecessary, and some think they have a good relationship and cannot lose trust because of these things;

Like Lexus, he felt that his wife would never ask himself to wear such a thing, and he felt completely redundant.


"I call on everyone to boycott Yifan Technology Co., Ltd., the products they produce are completely devastating, destroying humanity, and monitoring personal freedom ..."

A post started posting on popular forums,

That is to say that Yifan Branch has set up this inhuman company. The products designed are all aimed at men's ~ ~ and in a very unfriendly way;

For example, a smoking cessation helmet, as long as you wear this thing, you don't want to smoke, it is difficult to light a fire, and a direct stream of water will kill your fire;

Another example is the smoking cessation helmet. Even if you do not drink alcohol, and someone is drinking next to it, as long as the alcohol content reaches a certain level, your brain must be knocked, and the complainant is useless;

And now, it ’s even more violent. They invented a pair of underpants, and they even had to ask for a toilet to get the consent of his wife. Otherwise, they can only unlock it in an emergency, and they will record immediately to make you feel better All the voices that have been leaked are recorded ...

This design is so unfriendly to anyone, there is no freedom and no privacy at all;

Such unscrupulous products must be resisted!

What if I use it, what if I have a diarrhea? Let your wife listen?

Even if it ’s not diarrhea, do you want personal privacy?

Unacceptable, impossible!

This kind of statement is really a hundred ying. Almost everyone who sees this news agrees with this point. Everyone is a man. They all understand that even if they really do not want to do something bad, they feel stared. Really upset.

Therefore, everyone is shouting in the group, resist Yifan Technology and resist monitoring life;

Then, when several machoists sent a circle of friends under this name, there were very few responders ..... Is it bad to live, brothers?

Of course, there are still a lot of young people who stood up and challenged this situation:

"Yifan Technology Resisting Against Humanity ..."

I don't know if this is a crisis, but for Yifan Technology, this is a bad thing and also a good thing .....