MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 12 Stop balding

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"Xiao Ming, how did your grade improve so fast?" Chen Lin is still in a state of shock. He has contributed a lot of surprises.

I have been: "Surprising value from Chen Lin: +10 ... + 10 ... + 10 ..."

Xiao Xiaoming was wondering if he had so many surprises, would Chen Lin be weak.

However, since Chen Lin is so fierce, Xiao Ming doesn't mind giving another one.

"You want to know?" Xiao Ming smiled mysteriously.

"This is of course!" Chen Lin chick nodded like a pecking rice.

Wu Wantao turned his head around like a good baby, ready to listen to Xiao Ming's instructions.

Xiao Ming cleared his throat and said, "In fact, I didn't work hard in the whole high school. Every test is also a random selection and random answer. But now that I'm a senior, it's time to show my true strength."

"Bottom! Really fake!" Wan Tao was incredible.

Chen Lin said unbelievably: "You mean, you have been installing B for the entire three years of high school?"

"Huh." Xiao Ming spread his hands, and did not make a positive or negative answer.

In their eyes, this expression is a positive answer.

Chen Lin slaps his chest with a violent force, almost spit out "I Cao! Absolutely impossible! It is unreasonable! I have been at the same table with you for three years! Every time I read a book you are reading a novel, and I am sleeping in class. I I haven't seen you study. You actually said that your strength is like this. The whole high school is pretending to be B! "

"Surprising value from Chen Lin: +15 ... + 15 ..."

Xiao Xiaoming was in a good position, and Chen Lin could not be bald. Among so many students in the class, Chen Lin contributed the highest surprise value!

"Just a joke." Xiao Ming said, "Actually, learning is about methods. Do you want to learn?"

Just now Chen Lin kept generating surprise values ​​and Xiao Ming temporarily had a bold idea. He planned to train several people to contribute surprise values ​​to himself for a long time. The best way was to let a few poor students focus on their studies, give them questions, and let them in In the process of harvesting new knowledge, a continuous stream of surprise values ​​are generated.

想 "Think! Of course!"

He Wantao had money in his family, and he said to Xiao Ming that he was very wealthy: "As long as you can let me take a special examination, I will cover your living expenses and pocket money in the future!"

Chen Lin also said, "I can help you go to the cafeteria to cook and wrap you for a massage. My requirements are not high, just a specialist!"

Xiao Ming said: "Okay, I think about it again, I have to have a detailed plan."

The results were announced to the end, and there was another ranking that surprised the classmates.

Zheng Xuanyu, Zheng Xuanyu's total score came to 589 points, from the first in the class to the third in the class, the first place was Zhu Haolun with 596 points.

Zheng Xuanyu turned pale and got back to her seat. She lay on the table and covered her belly with her hands.

Xiao Xiaoming noticed Zheng Xuanyu's condition. Was she uncomfortable?

Teacher Liao Liao said, "This time the results came out and everyone saw it. First of all, we congratulate Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming has made great progress in the examination and is worthy of our study."

Students applaud.

Teacher Liao also said, "Student Xiao Ming is an example. Do n’t be in a hurry in the past. As long as everyone follows the teacher ’s steps, you will definitely be able to make progress. In the last period of time, I hope that my students will adjust their mentality and break the boat. As long as learning is not dead, Just learn from the dead. "

"That, after the late self-study, Xiao Ming stayed, Zheng Xuanyu stayed."

After self-study the following evening, the empty teacher was under Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu.

Xiao Xiaoming then carefully observed Zheng Xuanyu, and saw that the goddess' face was waxed and her eyes were dull, and the whole person was a little embarrassed.

"Are you sick?" Xiao Ming asked softly as he walked over.

Zheng Xuanyu lay on the table and shook her head without talking.

Xiao Xiaoming is not good at taking initiative with people, especially with people who are not very familiar with it.

虽然 Although he and Zheng Xuanyu are classmates in high school for three years, the dialogue between the two will not exceed twenty sentences. After all, one is the top student that the teacher admires his classmates, and the other is the negligible poor student. The gap between the two is like a slum in the palace and the village in the city.

Zheng Xuanyu didn't speak, and Xiao Ming stopped asking.

Teacher Liao, the teacher in charge of the class, came in, "You two come here."

The two walked to the podium.

Teacher Liao Liao first said to Zheng Xuanyu: "Zheng Xuanyu, many class teachers are saying that you have some problems with your recent review status, are you unwell?"

Zheng Xuanyu shook her head, "Mr. Liao ... I don't."

Teacher Liao nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if you take a test. Adjusting the state. Leak detection and filling the gap in the third year of high school is one aspect. The most important thing is the mentality. I know that you are under a lot of pressure. You must adjust your mentality. Yanjing University, Yanjing University ’s shift line in Jiangcheng in recent years is between 620 and 630, and you have to cheer. "

Zheng Xuanyu buried her head and began to sob, tears dripping on the ground.

Teacher Liao Liao has stopped talking so much.

"Principal Zheng is waiting for you at the school gate. Come on."

Zheng Xuanyu couldn't hold it anymore, crying while packing.

Pear pears are raining, and they look painful.

After Zheng Xuanyu left, Teacher Liao talked to Xiao Ming.

“Xiao Ming.” Teacher Liao said, “It ’s not that the teacher does n’t believe in your grades ~ ~ It ’s just that your progress has been too great. You got 301 points in the last monthly exam and 560 in this time , You have made a full progress of 259 points. Also your math exam is 140, the science comprehensive exam is 270. These science courses can definitely not be improved in a short time. Let's say, what is going on. "

Teacher Liao Liao looked at Xiao Ming's eyes and expressed 10,000 disbelief.

How should Xiao Ming explain, saying that suddenly everything will happen after his sudden death and resurrection, and tell Teacher Liao that he will not believe it. He said that he has worked very hard these days, and his reading performance has improved every day. Teacher Liao will not believe it.

Suddenly, my score improved by more than two hundred points, and no one would believe it.

Teacher Liao Liao is not as good as Chen Lin and Wan Tao, he wrote three words on his face-distrust!

Xiao Xiaoming said: "A coincidence."

"A coincidence?" Teacher Liao frowned. "What a coincidence?"

Xiao Xiaoming said indifferently: "I happened to encounter similar questions during my review, so I got the answer right."

这样 "This way? Such a coincidence?" Teacher Liao was quite puzzled, but it seemed reasonable to think about what Xiao Ming said. This time, Xiao Ming did a good job in science, and he improved in Chinese and English but still failed.

There are so many different types of questions in science. If Xiao Ming has done similar questions several times, maybe he can still pass the test.

Mr. Liao obviously believes this coincident answer more than Xiao Ming said that I have worked hard to improve.

"Mr. Liao, I'll go back first if nothing happens." Xiao Ming packed his schoolbag.

"Ah!" Teacher Liao came back and said, "That's OK! Xiao Ming, you must still make progress, but there may not be such a coincidence in the next exam. You need to work hard to get a better exam. College. "

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