MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 887 ? Ready for wallet

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On the big screen, a picture of the future of the city appears.

Skyscrapers are moving orderly over the city.

In the space outside the city building, a lot of sky cars are suspended in the air.

Since then, the congestion of urban ground traffic has been greatly alleviated. On the ground, there are hardly any cars, people who walk on foot or people who ride bicycles.

There are also many places that were originally parking spaces and wide roads turned into green and wetlands. Parents and children play on the green land, and one or two puppies happily cross the dangerous road in the past.

If you only look at the ground, this is a very harmonious scene of human urban society, naturally integrated into the life of the city, and children and old people no longer have to worry about traffic safety.

Seeing such a picture, the entire audience stood up and applauded spontaneously.

If Jiangcheng in the future is like this, it would be much better.

It took a long time for everyone to sit down, and Gao Derui said: "Our planning of urban air traffic also includes parking spaces in the sky. The height of the skyroof will avoid the crops attached to the ground in the city, and it will also have an active avoidance function. We will avoid other aerial vehicles that suddenly appear, and we will not be able to approach the building. The purpose of this setting is to prevent criminals from using the aerial vehicles to steal in high-rise buildings. "

Gao Derui pointed to the high-rise windows with anti-theft devices on the big screen and said, "Skydrift is not a crime tool."

There is also a simulated animation playing on the video. A thief rides an aerial vehicle to steal high-rise residents without security windows. As a result, the aerial vehicle resolutely stopped moving five meters away from the building.

The thief almost fell off the car in the end, his actions were very funny.

In the hilarious sound of the audience, Gao Derui said: "Aerospace vehicles have the function of identifying criminal acts, and passengers will never be allowed to do things that violate the law. If there are, and the aerial vehicle cannot stop them, then the aerial vehicle will directly Send the passenger to the police station and report relevant criminal evidence. So, if you have other ideas, an aerial vehicle is not your best choice. "

Everyone applauded.

Gao Derui, who was a bit nervous at the opening, also relaxed at this time, and he liked the atmosphere very much.

Gao Derui pressed his hands to calm everyone down, and he asked a question to the audience.

"How long do you think this lifestyle on the big screen will be realized?"

"Ten years!"

"No more fifteen years!"

Audiences are predicting when sky-roofs will become popular.

Gao Derui raised a second question: "Everyone should know how long it took for our micronuclear energy vehicle to go from release to popularity."

"Five years!"

"Five years!"

This is a very accurate number, which is enough to illustrate the popularity of Panguke products.

Gao Derui also gave Pangu Technology's estimated answer: "Five years! Up to five years, our ideal urban transportation can be achieved. In the future, on weekends, families can take the skycar to beautiful places to go on vacation."

"Like this ..."

On the big screen are several groups of photos. These are photos of Xiao Ming, Gao Derui and others on vacation.

Some people take a sky-roof ride to fish over the sea, some take a sky-roof ride in the fresh air and play mahjong above the forest, and some people watch the Milky Way in the secluded suburbs at night.

Such a group of fantastic photos exclaimed the audience with exclamation and praise.

Who doesn't want such a fairy-like life.

"In the future, if I have a skylight, I will take my beloved to the scenery every weekend!"

"No traffic jams, no need to endure the dirty air of the city, the roads are full of scenery, and life like this in the future will definitely be beautiful."

"Living for this life, this is life not survival."

Cars have been popular in Xia Kingdom for thirty or forty years, and people have long since become simple means of transportation.

The sky crane is not the same. This is the way of life, the perfect way of life.

"I know what everyone is most concerned about, the price of the skyroof." Gao Derui said here and glanced at the scene.

Sure enough, they are all curious and eager eyes.

Gao Derui asked Skyro to leave, saying, "A few years ago, the first product launch of Pangu Technology, we said that the main purpose of the technology products we launched was to change everyone's lifestyle and change the current living environment. Pangu All the products launched by technology are designed to make it easier and more comfortable for everyone to live in this world, rather than the high price that many people can't afford. "

The price of Skyroof appeared on the big screen, which is different from the previous products. There is only one model of Skyroof and the price is only one-1.19 million soft sister coins!

The price was unexpected!

Because everyone will definitely be more expensive! According to the performance of aerospace vehicles, private helicopters have far surpassed even private jets. Helicopters and private jets sell for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

This price is too low!

"The price is too low. This price is almost the same as the price of the past Lei Qing and Tiger Leap! It is lower than the price of traditional fuel luxury cars in the past. How else do you live?"

"Now anyone knows that there is a private helicopter at home, it's really a bit sloppy." Netizens commented while watching the live broadcast: "I hope the price will be lower a few years later, so that every family can buy it!"

Just after this remark, Gao Derui announced the future mass production and price reduction plan.

"Because of cost and output, we have set the current price. But today I can explain to you that Pangu Technology will regulate the production capacity in the future so that everyone can accept the price. The skyrocket will certainly not be rich and The wealthy are exclusive, but products that can be consumed by the general public. "

Gao Derui reassured everyone.

Rich people don't care if the price will be reduced in the future ~ ~ you should buy it, buy it early and enjoy it early.

The middle class is also looking forward to it. They can now buy on loan, or wait for a few years to reduce their prices. Families with a fair income also have micronuclear new energy vehicles to choose from.

And according to the current situation, the price of micro-nuclear new energy vehicles will be further reduced.

In this way, Xia Guoren's travel methods will have a radical change.

Gao Derui said finally: "Due to the production and the layout of the transportation track wires, the sky and sky cars are currently only sold in Jiangcheng, and we strive to sell them in the country in the next month. In addition, regarding the battery replacement issues that everyone cares about, Pangu Technology will When the sales channel of the sky crane is rolled out, the replacement of superstring batteries is also rolled out. In the future, there will be purchase and replacement points for superstring batteries in major cities around the world to facilitate everyone's travel. "

At this time, the agents of the Rockefeller family left the conference site, and many countries in the country and its consortium will face a huge crisis.


List of chapters in the era of black technology with high-speed text