MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 912 Big Mac League

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Jiangcheng, Pangu Technology Headquarters, there was no absence.

Coming here today are Xia's most burly shipbuilding companies, two of which are the South and the North.

To count the achievements of these groups, it is basically the voyage history of Xia Guo, from the Antarctic icebreaker to Xia Guo's marine warships.

Pangu Technology is very appealing this time, an invitation letter, the chief executives of these shipbuilding companies have arrived.

At times that are relevant to one's fate, no one dares to neglect.

Zhang Yongxing was sitting in the front row, he had some expectations and some anxiety.

Because he is very clear that this meeting will definitely change the history of Xia Guo shipbuilding companies and the fate of major groups.

Whether it is swept into the dust of history or rebirth, it depends on today!

But they hurried over thousands of miles without regret, because they never thought that it was Xiao Ming who attended the meeting today! Xiao Ming attended the meeting in person!

When Xiao Ming appeared, the boss and the core technical staff of the group stood up and gave Xiao Ming the warmest applause.

Hatred and jealousy are long gone, and Xiao Ming's appearance has formed a strong cohesive force at the scene.

The applause stopped halfway.

Xiao Ming greeted everyone with a smile, "Hello everyone."

Everyone laughed in kind.

Xiao Ming walked in the middle of the podium and said, "It's really embarrassing to have you all move teachers here, but in order to open a new page for the Xia Guo shipping industry, everyone should also come here."

Xiao Ming went straight to the topic without saying nonsense, saying, "I know that you have had a hard time in recent times. Many companies are facing the problem of reduced orders or even cancelled orders. The orders for large freight ships in your hands are all big orders. It can be as much as tens of millions and as many as hundreds of millions. Cancelling an order may affect everyone's revenue for a year. "

Xiao Ming has already figured out the status quo of all the large steamship manufacturing industry in Xia Guo. Of course, everyone knows what day he is now.

Xiao Ming said, "I apologize to everyone for this. The advent of the freight ark has made everyone's lives difficult, sorry."

After saying this, the following bosses did not agree, and said quickly: "Where does Mr. Xiao need to apologize! This is the historical development, we are willing to gamble to lose!"

"Yeah yeah! This is a problem of technological progress, an inevitable trend in history, we are about to be eliminated, and we can't blame others!"

Xiao Ming said, "I invite everyone to come this time, I hope everyone can help Pangu Technology."

On the big screen, Xiao Ming showed photos of the construction of a freight ark somewhere in Pangu Technology. Machinery and equipment were busy manufacturing and installing every component. The freight ark was assembled and built in this environment.

"Most of our planet is the ocean. Because of the ocean and all of you here, Xia Guo has become the world's largest cargo terminal and departure station. In the past, compared to aircraft, our cargo ships have many advantages- It has a large load, low cost, etc. Because of this, many ports in Xia Kingdom have become the world's busiest ports, and the Malacca Strait leading to Xia Kingdom has become the world's busiest strait. "

Xiao Ming mentioned: "Xia Guo's success is inseparable from marine transportation, and of course, it is inseparable from everyone. Similarly, the development of Pangu technology is also inseparable from everyone."

Xiao Ming began to praise, he said: "A large amount of raw materials required by Pangu Technology were transported from Africa or Lamy. In the past, the cargo ships carrying our cargo were produced and manufactured by Northern Shipbuilding Group. "Nuclear batteries, Qinghe equipment, chips and other products are now being transported by sea to various countries around the world, using Southern Shipbuilding Group cargo ships."

"These cargo ships haven't had an accident so far, and all of them have successfully transported freight to their destination, so I would like to thank everyone on behalf of Pangu Technology. Without you, there would be no Pangu Technology today!"

Xiao Ming bowed slightly.

"However, ocean freight is not the best way after all." Xiao Ming said: "Because of ocean freight, the time it takes to transport our goods has been greatly extended, and the cost of time cannot be measured in money. Because of ocean freight, Xia Guo ’s Throat was tightly controlled by Rice and his allies. "

Xiao Ming jokingly said: "Some men's paragraphs, our eggs are firmly in the hands of the Mi people, when the other party is unhappy, you can pinch at any time. This is our weakness, it hurts, but there is no way to resist except to call . "

With that said, everyone was laughing.

Everyone knows that this description is very appropriate! Isn't that true?

Xiao Ming said, "Why did I just say I apologize to everyone, because Pangu Technology ’s anti-gravity freight ark was originally planned to be released with full communication and cooperation with everyone, but because the Mi people have blocked the passage of Pangu Technology ’s raw materials, So the press conference is ahead of time. "

"Everyone should see that the oil extracted from West Asia has entered the destination of Xia Kingdom in a straight line through the freight ark, and the raw materials purchased by Pangu Technology in Africa have also reached the city in a straight line through the freight ark. Compared to traditional ocean freight ships, freight The ark's advantages have been highlighted. "

"It's also because of the advent of the freight ark, we got rid of the obstacles set by the Mi people, and got what we want with the lowest transportation cost and time. This is the best and only way for Xia Guo to have a sense of security. "

Xiao Ming said here, everyone nodded.

Although everyone is in the shipbuilding industry ~ ~, everyone knows things about the marine transportation industry.

Xia Guoshi was a maritime power, but it must not be a maritime power.

Xia Guo's cargo ships are often detained and fined in other countries. Some materials related to Xia Guo's security are detained by some unfriendly countries or organizations for a year and a half due to sea transportation. Things abound.

Xiao Ming finally gave the purpose of the meeting. He said, "Our world has a wide ocean, but the sky is wider. The purpose of the freight ark is to replace all large and medium-sized cargo ships. In order to achieve this goal, we must leave Without everyone's efforts. We need to build more freight arks ... "

Xiao Ming said sincerely: "I hope that everyone can participate in the construction of the freight ark. Everyone has experience in shipbuilding and will be able to do this job."

Xiao Ming threw out a plan: "I intend to establish the Xia Guo Cargo Ark Manufacturing Alliance, Pangu Technology will only provide power and anti-gravity systems, and the construction will be left to you! We will all be the creators of Xia Guo's future!"

List of chapters in the era of black technology with high-speed text