MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 936 ? Hot

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"Look at this side of the floating house No. 1, please line up in order, No. 3 ..."

Dozens of aerial vehicles are waiting outside the sales department, and the sales consultant will take the customer to visit the house.

The sales of water-drop suspended houses are divided into online sales and physical sales.

Virtual sales are based on Qinghe equipment. Waterdrop company builds a complete model of a water droplet suspension community in a virtual city. Everyone can view the house in the virtual device. At the same time, you can submit personal information in the virtual world for Waterdrop company to check the eligibility for a house. Eligible people can pay to buy a house directly in the virtual world.

Most of the people in Jiangcheng choose to visit the scene.

A few days ago, they paid close attention to the launch conference of Water Drop Company, and prepared the materials needed for house purchase as quickly as possible after the conference.

Many of these people are young talents who have achieved success in Jiangcheng. They may not have much money. If they buy real estate developed by Hengda and other real estate development, they will definitely not be enough. The water droplet space gives them a chance to have a house.

In fact, the time for the company to launch a floating house in this period is just right, because the people who really need housing just happen to have no house and are eligible to buy a floating house.

Those who are planning to buy real estate or invest, obviously already have one or more houses. At this time, they must have no chance to sell the ground-floor houses to buy floating houses.

Opportunities are left to those who really need housing.

Just three years after graduating, Zhang Yiyang, who works in Jiangcheng, and his girlfriend Mu Yuting also visited the house on site.

If it was the house price near the Pangu Science and Technology Park in the past, the two would definitely not be able to afford it, but the house price is just right now.

If all goes well, Zhang Yiyang will be able to have a wedding with his girlfriend after buying the floating house.

As for the sky and sky cars, this is also a luxury for Zhang Yiyang, but the current supporting facilities of the suspended community are very complete. There are sky and sky service cars for entering the housing area, and air and sky buses that open to the city. Life is enough.

The relationship between the two was very good, and all their savings were stored in Zhang Yiyang's Pangu bank account for a total of 800,000. If they were lucky, they could buy a not too large apartment type and soon be able to get married.

很多 There are many people viewing the house, but the management service of the water drop company is very good. The two did not wait long before they took the sky car to bring the No. 7 water drop suspension building inside the suspension area.

Because of vision and light, the surrounding water-drop suspension buildings can only see a little outline, so the vision of each building is very wide.

Zhang Yiyang's fancy is a 70-square-meter house on the fourth floor. Although the room is a set of two, this wide visual effect is almost the same as living in the large flat floor, and whether it is in the living room or the bedroom, it is full under the window. It is scenery of wetland park.

怎么 How can a house like this not be moved?

Hardly considered, the two paid an initial payment of 800,000, and the rest of the day they will work together to repay the loan.

As the new middle class in the city, Zhang Yiyang and Mu Yuting have pursued the best house within their ability.

Jiangcheng, not everyone's income is as high as Zhang Yiyang. After the sale of floating houses, Jiangcheng's house prices have also dropped to a considerable level. At this time, real estate companies and investors are anxious to sell out hand-sold commodity houses. They can also buy their favorite home at an acceptable price.

虽然 Although they did not have enough money to live in a floating house, the impact of the floating house on the real estate market gave them the ability to own a home on the ground.

成功 The successful purchase of this group of people has greatly slowed down the demand for low-rent housing and affordable housing. The quality of the community is worse, but affordable housing with the same good residential function will really solve the housing problem of low-income groups.

Qijiang City is a science and technology city. It has long been freed from its dependence on the real estate industry. The city's managers have also completely solved the housing problem of Jiangcheng citizens by virtue of this shareholder style.

On the front page headline of "Jiangcheng Daily", Jiangcheng published a commentator article that Jiangcheng will combine the water drop company's suspended residential project to strive to become the first city in the next five years to have a home with a registered urban population.

所谓 The so-called housing here includes welfare housing and commercial housing, and Rangran also includes floating houses.

This report by Qijiang City caused a great uproar throughout the country, and only a technological city like Jiangcheng can solve the housing problem on such a large scale.

The first-tier developed cities in Xia Kingdom, including Yanjing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, are also struggling to get rid of their dependence on the real estate economy. After seeing the headlines in the "Jiangcheng Daily", the city's managers also actively found the water drop company. It is hoped that Water Drop Company can improve the living environment of the city in the same way.

Regarding the real estate issue, the city's managers have already had a hard time and formulated many policies. They have hoped to change them in many ways, but human intervention will never catch up with the market.

刚刚 You have just restricted your purchase here, and the price has risen by 30% in the name of purchase restriction. Since the intervention was not effective, they simply released the restriction on purchases to join competitors, and handed the market over to the water drop company.

Laoshen City is the first city in China except Jiangcheng to open to purchase restrictions. It is clear that everyone in the country can buy a house in Shenzhen, but there is no limit to the number of units.

Don't be too happy ~ ~ There is a premise when doing this.

Laoshen City provided the water drop company free of the space above the city's commercial district. Anyway, there is no comprehensive use of space that does not block the light and does not affect the beauty of the city.

Why it ’s free, because the land has already been sold, and the space belongs to the city manager. The city manager uses it as much as he wants. Legally, the use of space by city managers does not cause any damage to the buildings on the ground. The influence, how to use, is a matter for city managers.

Laoshen City just hopes that the Water Drop Company will be able to set a reasonable price for the floating house according to the market and cost.

The main contradiction of housing in Shenshen City is actually not the contradiction between investment and demand, but the contradiction between land.

There is not much land that can be effectively used in small cities. All available land is used, and now there is only room for development!

"Xia Guo big cities comprehensively promote suspended housing to solve the problem of living in big cities."

"Thirty years of real estate in Xiaguo City has cooled down, and space suspension buildings have become the new favorite of people."

The news of the Suspension House became the hottest news in the East for a while.

As the most densely populated country, many large cities in East China urgently need buildings similar to floating houses to ease the city's class contradictions.

If the floating house appears above the east longitude and solves the housing problem of the east longitude population, will the economy of the east be a further step?

As the largest real estate company in Tokai, Mitsui Fudosan immediately dispatched high-level staff to Jiangcheng.