MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 271 Nan Jun's life experience

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"Someone is trying to kill you!"

Qiao Yun hugged Nan Jun's arm nervously, if so, he couldn't let Nan Jun go back.

"Don't worry, they probably don't know I'm alive."

Nan Jun probably also guessed the reason in his heart. Since she is a prostitute, she wants to inherit the position of the head of the family. She must have given birth to a daughter in the concubine, and she killed other people's children for her own. It hasn't changed so far.

"But what if they know? What if they want to hurt you?"

Qiao Yun's eyes were red with anxiety. He only guessed that Nan Jun had a good background, but he never thought that the child picked up by his mother was framed by someone.

"No, so many years have passed, if they wanted to find me, they should have found me long ago."

There is no record of "Nan Jun"'s life experience in the book, so Nan Jun is not sure whether the concubine who once killed her has given up chasing and killing her. As long as they don't come to the door, she, Nan Jun, will not go back to trouble them , it is best for everyone to live in peace.

Qiao Yun thought about it carefully, and then nodded.

"It's true, I haven't found you for so many years, I should have given up!"

"I just want to be with you well, and I don't care about others. Yun'er, let's pretend that we have never seen this thing before!"

Qiao Yun packed the thing and locked it back into the box again. Although Nan Jun didn't mention the matter of going home, he always felt that this thing should be kept. In case something happened in the future, this would be to correct that person. Evidence of the murderer.

Qiao Yun, who was sitting next to Nan Jun again, his dark eyes flickered, and he wanted to open his mouth several times, before finally getting up and going out the door.

Before Nan Jun went out to look for him, he brought a book from Westinghouse.

"what is this?"

Nan Jun looked at Qiao Yun puzzled, not understanding why he braved the heavy snow to get such a book.

Qiao Yun put the book in front of Nan Ye's eyes, pointed to the words on it and said, "The Nan family of the General Protector's Mansion is the only family with the Nan surname in Beijing, but the Great General Nan died nine years ago because of Zheng Jun's death. Ignored the government."

Although Qiao Yun didn't read many books since he was a child, he understood all these trivial matters.

The man's family has no way to take the scientific examination, so they can only read some interesting stories to pass the time.

"Whoever is is good, it has nothing to do with us."

Nan Jun looked at the folded corner of the page, thinking that it was specially left by Qiao Xiucai when she was still alive. If Qiao Yun could see it one day, then he would know her life experience.

The daughter of the General Protector's Mansion?

What a joke!

A majestic general who protects the country can't even protect his own lord and daughter, and let a concubine become the Taoist priest. If you think about it, this general is just a reckless woman with no appearance!

After closing the book again, Nan Jun looked at Qiao Yun and said seriously: "Yun'er, don't mention this matter in the future, it's enough for us to be together like this."

Qiao Yun looked at the book that was thrown on the kang, and nodded slightly with the corners of his mouth raised.

It would be great if she could think so.

"Look at this posture, this year must be a cold winter!"

Qiao Yun looked out the window and sighed for no reason.

"That's not scary, our firewood and food are enough for half a year."

Nan Jun took Qiao Yun's hand to let him sit beside him, covered his lap with the blanket on his body, and rubbed his cold fingers again.

"Fortunately, you have repaired the inside and outside of the house before, and now we have nothing to worry about."

Qiao Yun leaned his head lightly on Nan Jun's shoulder, thinking about the poor people who froze to death in the cold winters that his mother had mentioned, he didn't know what it was like.

"When we get married, we'll repaint the house, and then tear down the west house to build a new house. When our child is born, we'll rebuild the main house and fence the backyard."

Nan Jun talked about his plan in detail, thinking about their future in his heart.

"The backyard is just a place to play, there is no need to fence it up."

Qiao Yun counted the silver taels in his small box, but he felt that it was not enough. If the backyard was also enclosed, it would cost a lot of silver.

Nan Jun tapped Qiao Yun's forehead with a smile, and said softly, "You little money addict, you just don't want to spend money."

"The money is all earned by you. Although you have saved a lot, it is not easy to waste it. It is not easy for you to go out early and return late every day."

"Don't worry about it for me. The money I earn will be spent for you. If you only save it, then it will lose the function of the money."

No matter in which life, Nan Jun has never been poor, so he can't understand the poverty and embarrassment of the poor.

But Qiao Yun was different, he took Nan Jun through a lot of hardships, knowing that every grain of rice was hard-earned, so of course he had to count on his life.

"It's good to spend it in a useful place. If you want to build a house, then I won't be reluctant, but if it's a backyard, it's really too extravagant."

Qiao Yun still felt that the land in the backyard was not worthy of the fence, because there was nothing in it, and there was nothing to fence about.

"I plan to move the main room to the back, so that our yard can be larger, and then leave a door in the main room to go directly to the back yard, build a stable in the back yard, buy a horse, and then I will raise a cow for you. The vegetable field in the front yard can also be enlarged, and there are more dishes you like to eat, and more chickens, ducks and geese can be raised..."

Nan Jun counted these trivial things in detail, and Qiao Yun couldn't help but feel excited.


Qiao Yun raised his brows and eyes, as if he was already looking forward to the arrival of this day.

"Yun'er, I've made up my mind. I won't go hunting after the next year. I've read almost all the books left by my mother. I saw that there are many rare medicinal materials on the back mountain, so I decided to collect them." , and exchange for more taels of silver.”

"Then I'll go with you, and I can do things like collecting herbs."

"It's too hard. You just cook at home and wait for me. Don't I have to rely on you to wash the clothes I change every day?"

"It's not hard, when I'm with you, how can I feel hard?"

The two of them talked back and forth about going up the mountain, and there was a sudden noise outside the courtyard.

"It seems that someone is shouting..."

Qiao Yun blinked her **** eyes and looked at Nan Jun, and listened carefully with her ears pricked up, but she couldn't hear what was shouting outside.

"You sit on the kang, I'll go out and have a look."

As Nan Jun spoke, he pulled off the padded jacket on the side and put it on, opened the door and went out.

Qiao Yun was also a little worried, but she didn't dare to go out because of the heavy snow outside, so she could only wait anxiously.

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