MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 281 go away or die

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"Wife master..."

Mrs. Zhang looked at Nan'an with red eyes, with a pitiful expression on her face.

In the end, thinking about the relationship between husband and wife for many years, Nan An couldn't bear to continue to reprimand him.

"Forget it, forget it, I can't blame you for this matter, it's all Nan Yi's fault!"

Nan An said viciously, he respected her as the eldest sister, but she treated their family like this.

"We have worked hard and complained all these years, but in the end, we have all made wedding dresses for others. Your power of housekeeping is still not important. I am worried that the next step is for their mother and daughter to touch Qing'er's things."

Nan'an still doesn't take the matter of the inner government seriously, she is even more worried that Nanjun's return will take away her daughter's affairs, and that will cut off the way out for their three families!

"My wife, what should I do?"

Mrs. Zhang is also in a hurry, his daughter is his life, if his daughter's power is also deprived by Nan Yi, how will their family live?

"Since she, Nan Yi, is the first to be unkind, then don't blame me for being unkind."

Nan'an's hands on the low table were slowly clasped together, a look of sternness flashed in his eyes.

Before Nan Jun returned to the mansion, everyone thought that Nan Qing would be adopted as the main house and take over the Nan family.

Don't think that Nan Jun didn't die, isn't this just a joy for others?

So, how could Nan'an give up!

"Wife master..."

There was a trace of anxiety in Zhang's eyes, but thinking of his embarrassment when he was confiscated the key in public today, that anxiety also turned into hatred.

That Nanjun was just relying on his status as a descendant, a village girl who grew up in the mountains and a wild boy who had never seen anything in the world wanted to act recklessly in the General Protector's mansion, it was just a dream.

"I heard that Nanjun is going to marry the child she brought back as Zhengjun?"

Nan'an looked at Mrs. Zhang and asked.

"Yes, in front of everyone today, the eldest sister said it herself."

Mrs. Zhang still remembered what Nan Jun said, this little man seemed to be very fond of Nan Jun.

It's just that she has a foxy face, how can she be so attractive?

"Hehe... Okay! Nanyi, she probably forgot that there is still this marriage of the Yang family?"

Nan'an has always remembered that the second son of Yang Guogong's family had already engaged in marriage with Nan's family.

Mrs. Zhang shook her head in disapproval and said: "No, then Mr. Yang and Qing'er are in love with each other, we can't make a fuss about it."

Because Nanjun's life and death were uncertain, the Yang family thought that the marriage was broken just like that. They didn't want Nanqing to take the initiative to approach the Second Young Master Yang, and won the favor of the Second Young Master Yang. The two had been exchanging letters all the time. Mrs. Zhang knew it.

"Confused!" Nan'an scolded lightly, then lowered his voice and explained, "Then what kind of status is the Yang family, and how can they let their own son marry a concubine's daughter? If our Qing'er can't take over the Nan family, Just don't even think about this marriage."

"But... if Qing'er knew that we were making a fuss about Mr. Yang, she would definitely not agree."

The Zhang family still puts his daughter first. He knew that his daughter approached Second Young Master Yang at first for the sake of being the young master of the Nan family, but now, she really fell in love with that child.

"This matter cannot be left to the love of her children. If Nan Jun stays smoothly, not to mention marrying the Yang family in the future, it will be difficult for us to stay in this mansion."

Nan An was most worried about the fact that she joined forces with the Han family to kill Du Ruo. She was really not sure whether Nan Jun knew about it or not.

But no matter what, she couldn't allow Nan Jun to live in Nanfu.

Either leave or die.

It depends on how she chooses Nan Jun.

Mrs. Zhang looked at Nan'an in embarrassment, and didn't dare to say anything more.

The news of Miss Di's return to the capital of the General Protector's Mansion has already been widely spread, and even the people who eat tofu nao at the street stalls know about it, how could the Yang family not know about it?

Yang Liu was sitting at the table with red eyes, listening to his father talking about his marriage with the woman he had never met.

"Liu'er, at the beginning your mother turned a blind eye to the relationship between you and the concubine of the Nan family. It was because the concubine disappeared, and she thought that General Nan intended to adopt the concubine as a future official. Patriarch, now that the concubine's daughter is back, you don't want to see that concubine again."

"Are you really so powerful? Nanqing has a name, she is not called a concubine!"

Yang Liu couldn't stand his father calling his sweetheart one after another. They were the ones who agreed to him dating Nan Qing at the beginning, but now they are the ones who don't allow him to associate with Nan Qing. They really think they are heartless ?

"Liu'er, you are still young, and you don't know the hardships of being a concubine lord. Your elder brother is a servant in the palace, and he is someone close to the emperor. How could you be allowed to marry a concubine as a husband?"

What is the identity of the Yang family?

How could the son of the Yang family be willing to degrade to such an extent?

"Brother, brother, you only have brother in your heart. When did you think about it for me? I have never even seen that Nan Jun's face. I heard that she is a barbaric village woman. You are really willing to let Liu Er marry such a rude woman." A woman?"

Yang Liu felt more and more wronged, his sister was the pillar of the family, so he could not compare with her.

But my brother is a man just like him, so why does everyone think about his brother's identity in everything, but no one thinks about himself?

It's just that Yang Liu doesn't know how his elder brother lives like walking on thin ice in the palace.

Most men in this world have the same misery, and no one can live happily ever after.

"But she is the first daughter of the Nan family after all, and she will inherit the position of head of the family in the future. Those habits and rules can be learned and changed."

No matter how much the family persuaded, Yang Liu refused to agree to this marriage with Nan Jun.

The main reason is that Nanqing had come to look for Yangliu before, and he had spoken unbearably about Nanjun in front of him.

That's why Yangliu disliked Nanjun so much and only wanted to marry Nanqing.

"I disagree."

If Yang Liu bites to death and refuses to marry Nan Jun, everyone in the Yang family has nothing to do with him.

"Whether you agree or disagree, we will talk about it after you meet."

Looking at the back of his father leaving, Yang Liu burst into tears again.

Why did they insist on him marrying Nan Jun?

Isn't Nan Qing also the Nan family?

Although Nanqing said that she came from Sanfang, she was highly valued by General Nan. She herself was capable, and she managed the Nan family in an orderly manner.

Is identity really that important?

Besides, Yang Liu also heard that Nan Jun brought back a fiancé from the countryside, and he didn't intend to marry him!

Could it be that he wants the dignified son of Duke Yang's mansion to sit on an equal footing with that country boy and marry Nanjun together?

Read The Mage of Eternity