MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 299 uninvited guest

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Without the usual white clothes, Nan Jun, who was dressed in court clothes, had just stepped into the gate when Qiao Yun saw her.

I saw that woman was tall and tall, her waist bound by the girdle seemed to be tightly grasped, and she walked in facing the light, like an exiled fairy in a dream.

Qiao Yun just looked at the figure that was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help being stunned.

The box in his hand slid down slowly, and was caught by Nan Jun before it hit the ground.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, is it possible that His Royal Highness doesn't know you?"

There was a bit of joke in Nan Jun's voice, which made Qiao Yun's little face blush.

Handed him the box, but Qiao Yun didn't reach out to take it.

"This is a gift from me, do you like it?"

If he said it was the dowry his mother gave him, I don't know if she would accept it.

Nan Jun never shied away, no matter what Qiao Yun gave her, she would never refuse, after all, even his people would be hers in the future, so what are these extraneous things?

"It is rumored that Chengying is a delicate and elegant sword. In black and white communication, only the hilt is missing the body of the sword, but the sword shadow is always following. Just one stroke can cut through a thousand-year-old tree. One of the ten famous swords."

Gently opening the box, Nan Jun was also taken aback.

She never expected that the child would give her such a valuable gift as a thank you gift, which made her a little ashamed.

"His Royal Highness, this gift is too precious..."

"I knew you would know this sword. A sword is worthy of a gentleman. You are highly skilled in martial arts. Only in your hands will this sword not be humiliated. Others use it like an ordinary thing."

"Since that's the case, I will accept it. Thank you His Royal Highness for the sword."

Seeing that Nan Jun liked it very much, Qiao Yun was also very happy, but when he heard her call him His Royal Highness over and over again, his face showed a bit of displeasure.

"You... Didn't you call me Yun'er before? I don't like you calling me Your Highness the Prince."

The little man pursed his lips and muttered, he didn't even call her Nine Emperors, but she still regarded him as an outsider.

"If Your Highness doesn't mind, I am willing to call you Yun'er."

Nan Jun laughed lightly, looked at Qiao Yun and said.

"Of course I don't mind."

Qiao Yun waved his hands again and again, and when his eyes met the narrowness in Nan Jun's eyes, he couldn't help but lower his head, his ears blushing.

I don't know if women in the southern country don't like his straightforward temperament. I heard that the young masters in the southern country are all reserved and docile, just like that Lin Yuer, who keeps everything in his heart and refuses to say it.

Thinking in this way, those white hands went to hold the teacup in front of him, trying to cover his "Meng Lang" while drinking water.

"Drink less tea, I ordered the dining room to cook the dishes you like, so that you won't be unable to eat them later."


Qiao Yun gently put down the teacup, bit her lower lip and responded.

I was very happy because of Nan Jun's food, but I ignored how she knew his taste.

"Master, Mr. Lin is here."

The butler hurried in and whispered in Nan Jun's ear.

I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, but two guests came to the usually quiet Nine Princes Mansion, and the housekeeper was so busy that he felt dizzy.

Nan Jun frowned and looked at the housekeeper, and asked in a low voice, "What is he here for?"

The butler secretly glanced at Qiao Yun, then bowed and said, "Same as the little prince..."

Qiao Yun looked at Nan Jun for no reason, she was obviously very happy just now, why did her face turn dark all of a sudden?

"Forget it, let him in!"

Considering how much the emperor attaches importance to Grand Master Lin, and she is planning to match Lin Yu'er and Nan Luo, she simply cannot turn people away.


The butler was about to go out when Nan Jun called him back.

"Go to Seventh Prince's Mansion and find His Royal Highness Seventh, and tell her that the hall invites her to drink, and don't forget to tell her that Mr. Lin is also there."

The corners of Nan Jun's mouth curled up, and when he mentioned Lin Yu'er, his eyes and brows were full of joy.

The joy in Qiao Yun's eyes gradually disappeared, she pursed her lips and looked at Nan Jun's expression, and she didn't know where to put her helpless hands.

It turned out that he didn't just invite him to dinner alone.

It turned out that Mr. Lin was also there.

Just as he was thinking, a white shadow flashed in from outside the door.

Obviously, Lin Yu'er didn't expect Qiao Yun to be here, and after being startled for a while, she generously bowed to the two of them.

"But it's just a matter of raising your hand, Mr. Lin doesn't need to make a special trip."

Nan Jun ordered his servants to show Lin Yuer tea, and the waiter behind Lin Yuer immediately placed the food box in his hand on the table beside Nan Jun.

"His Highness saved Yu'er's life, how could Yu'er not come? It's just that Yu'er knew that His Highness didn't like luxury, so he made some snacks with his own hands, and hoped that His Highness would not dislike him."

Lin Yu'er pursed her lips and said softly, the smile on that flowery face made people feel like spring breeze.

Plates of exquisite snacks were placed on the table, causing Qiao Yun to sneak a few glances.

Looking at his hands that could do nothing but wave the whip, Qiao Yun was extremely ashamed.

Doesn't Nan Jun like the man who goes from the living room to the kitchen like that?

Nan Jun has never liked sweets, and he seldom touches dim sum. Seeing that Qiao Yun's gaze was always on the dim sum, Nan Jun pushed a few small plates in front of Qiao Yun.

"Mr. Lin's craftsmanship is amazing, Yun'er wants to try it?"

Qiao Yun bit her lip and glanced at Lin Yu'er, then at the fragrant snack in front of her, then reached out and picked up a piece, and put it in her mouth.

"Well...Mr. Lin is really amazing, this dessert is sweet but not greasy, it's delicious!"

As soon as he met eating, Qiao Yun couldn't take much care of it. The sadness he felt just now because of Lin Yu'er's arrival had already flown beyond the sky.

"Even if you like it more, you should eat less, and you will have dinner later."

Nan Jun smiled dotingly, his eyes never left Qiao Yun.

"Then can I have another piece?"

Qiao Yun stretched out his fingers and looked at Nan Jun pitifully, eyes full of longing.

"If you like it, you can take all of these back later, but you are not allowed to eat them now."

Nan Jun resolutely shook his head, it's not always suitable to eat too much of this sweet and greasy food before meals.

The smile on Lin Yu'er's face couldn't hold back anymore, she didn't eat any of the snacks he made so hard, and even gave them to other men, how could Lin Yuer laugh?

"Your Highness, don't you want to try a piece?"

Lin Yu'er couldn't help but asked aloud, he made it for her, she should have a bite of it!

"This hall doesn't like sweets."

Nan Jun's face was indifferent, and Lin Yu'er's heart fell to the bottom with a casual sentence.

She didn't like the snacks he worked so hard to make.

Maybe he gave her some snacks before, and she said it was delicious, so why would she say that she didn't like it in front of the little prince of Lingguo?

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