MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 306 It's good to be happy

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"But have you ever thought about Han'er's feelings? If he doesn't like me, will he be happy if you force him to me? The pain of not being able to be with the one you love, there should be no one in this world who is more painful than you Are you clear?"

Nan Jun dared to be so sure because he got along with Xue Han'er during the day, that child was afraid of loneliness and liked people who were willing to talk with him.

And Nan Jun didn't like to talk too much, nor did he show any affection for him. That child is so smart, he must be able to feel it.

"But only by letting him marry you can I rest assured that the people behind the scenes dare not offend the royal family..."

Since ancient times, political affairs have not been discussed in the rivers and lakes, and people in the rivers and lakes will not easily touch people in the royal family. Everyone knows this rule.

"If you just want to protect him, then I have a better way."

"tell me the story."

"You came back with me to cure the sickness of the imperial concubine this time. I asked the empress to make Han'er the county secretary. I think it will be easy to accomplish this matter thanks to your contribution to curing His Royal Highness the empress dowager."

The imperial city is full of wealthy families, so it is indeed easier to defend than this small courtyard.

Coupled with the guards in Beijing patrolling day and night, even those assassins knew that Xue Han'er was in the capital, and they would definitely not dare to act rashly.

A flash of struggle flashed in Xue Shengbai's eyes. She was used to being idle all her life, and she never thought that she would use her medical skills to cling to imperial power and wealth at such an age.

"You don't need to worry too much. Sister Huang's illness was brought in the womb. Even if you are helpless, you can't cure her. I will protect Han'er for you, but... I can't marry him."

There are many ways to protect Xue Han'er, but the only way is not to make him his own king, because that position is reserved for Qiao Yun.

Hearing what Nan Jun said, Xue Shengbai was also surprised.

It is true that she left Nanjun today for another purpose. Not only did His Highness the Ninth Prince not blame her for planning on her, but he also promised her to protect Han'er, which made Xue Shengbai have to treat Nanjun differently.

"I, Xue Shengbai, have been indifferent all my life. When I was young, my only wish was to marry him. Later, I wanted to protect Han'er for him. As long as Han'er is fine, I can do anything."

Xue Shengbai gave a wry smile, his eyes under the moonlight were clearly overflowing with crystals, but when Nan Jun looked over, the moistness had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Emotional matters require mutual gratification. You and the deceased 'he' are like this, and so are I and Han'er. To tell you the truth, I have already lived in a person in my heart, and I can't tolerate others anymore."

"How can a royal woman be a couple for the rest of her life?"

Xue Shengbai scolded lightly with disdain, but she knew about the matter of the Royal Sangong and Sixth Courtyard.

"As long as you like it, why not?"

Xue Shengbai saw the seriousness on Nan Jun's face, and his heart was shocked.

" you really want to cure her illness?"

Xue Shengbai knew that she shouldn't ask this question too much, otherwise she would lose her life, but she still opened her mouth.

"It's absolutely true, I'm the same as you, I'd rather be a wild crane in the clouds than a phoenix in a cage."

Nan Jun's expression was still normal, she could understand Xue Shengbai's suspicion, if no one believed that she would be willing to cure the princess' illness!

After all, if the Empress Dowager really recovered, she, the Ninth Emperor's Daughter, who was the only one favored by the Holy Grail, would never have the chance to sit in that position again.

"For the person in your heart?"

Xue Shengbai murmured, his lips trembling slightly, looking forward to Nan Jun's answer, but also afraid of her answer.

"Yes, for him, but also for myself."

Nan Jun nodded without hesitation, what is there to be nostalgic about this glory and wealth, all she wants is Qiao Yun.

"If I had your decisiveness back then, I wouldn't have lost him..."

Xue Shengbai murmured in a voice that only he could hear, but Nan Jun's ears moved, but he didn't know if he could hear clearly.

The two sat on the roof like this, blowing the night breeze, without speaking for a long time.

Nan Jun never asked about Xue Shengbai and Xue Han'er's past, it must be a secret that people don't want to tell.

It's just that Nan Jun's words still moved Xue Shengbai's heart after all. She is too old to protect Xue Han'er for the rest of her life.

If those people still refused to let the child go, how would she protect him?

Nan Jun has extraordinary abilities, superb martial arts, and a person who values ​​love and righteousness. It would be best if Xue Han'er was handed over to her.

It's just a pity that the man made it clear that he would not marry Xue Han'er.

Xue Shengbai knew that if he threatened Nan Jun to marry Xue Han'er on the condition that he cured the princess, she might agree, but the ending might not be as good as he imagined.

Xue Han'er was too pure and kind, and she really wasn't suitable for that deep palace backyard.

Nan Jun checked the situation of the victims, and looked through Su Mingqiu's information on flood control, and added a few suggestions on the original basis, so he didn't stay in the south of the Yangtze River for long.

On the way back, Nan Jun's expression was in a hurry, he was anxious to ask Xue Shengbai to treat the empress, but he was also thinking about the man he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Han'er, have some snacks."

Du Shuqi took out an oiled paper bag from his pocket, stuffed it into the carriage, and whispered to the people inside.

Xue Han'er held the dim sum in both hands, her big eyes narrowed happily.

"Thank you, Sister Du."

Xue Han'er liked Du Shuqi very much, and Du Shuqi took care of him all the way.

Although Xue Shengbai felt sorry for Xue Han'er, but because he had never been married, he didn't understand many things, so he just cared about whether Xue Han'er was hungry or cold.

Du Shuqi is different, a child who grew up in Beijing, even if he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run!

With Du Shuqi's eloquence and hospitality, Xue Han'er talked about this sister Du all day long.

Xue Shengbai looked at Xue Han'er worriedly, she was really worried that this kid would like Du Shuqi.

Different from Nanjun, the princess always runs the mansion outside when she becomes an adult, and the lord who married the past is in charge of the mansion.

But although the Du family is powerful, the family is not simple, three generations live together, and there are rules everywhere.

With Xue Han'er's temperament, if she married into such a family, it would definitely not be easy.

Seeing Xue Shengbai frowning all the way, Nan Jun seemed to have guessed a thing or two.

"Cousin, although she looks at Ai and laughs a little, she is different from those ladies from the aristocratic families in Beijing. There are no side husbands and servants in her house, and there is no righteous monarch. She is a rare person who is clean and self-loving, and treats men even more. Keep the etiquette and measure, and you will definitely not tarnish Han'er's reputation."

Nan Jun laughed lightly, saying these words that are not proud of among the women of the aristocratic family, but Xue Shengbai seemed to like listening to them very much.

Du Shuqi has been familiar with poetry and books since she was a child. She is unparalleled in intelligence and she is a very transparent woman.

Nan Jun knew that she was approaching Xue Han'er to please Xue Han'er for her own sake, but she didn't want to make Xue Shengbai care too much, after all, Xue Han'er was everything she depended on.

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